g ? yj LOCAL DOfa ^ A floe roii, weighing 9 pounds arrived at the home of Mr. an< ? ? U" ' < " nil Bethlehem section, April 3rd ft itw. * A stranger suspected of beinj a yeggraan w?s arree'ed at Ar meoia, Chester county, Thurs day by sheriff Oolvin und lodged ia jail at Chester. Messrs. Herman, King, ai,< Danlap will operate a specie Main from Lancaster to Che*te and return Tuesday evening fo _ who benefit of chose who mil} \ wish to see Buster Brown hsie ^-Chester Reporter. Mr. W. F. Collins, "a wel known citixon of Chester couu ly, died Wednesday night u his home in Richfc.org, o| rheu matiem He leaves a w>dov and several children. Mr. W. C. Thomson, a busines man of Lancaster, S. C , will speal at the Baptist church next San d*J morning at 11 o'clock. Th pwblic is cordially invited to hea hiaa?Winnsboro News and Her aid. r Mr. William Hayes, one of th< aost progressive farmers of th Babernaclo section, sold the rem Mint of his last year's cottoi dap?about 16 bales?in Monro* one day thiB week. He got 9' e?nts per poand. Lancastrians will be please; \ to know that the town is soon t< ? ?!.. . i. 1 - L I m-tsmv v a lu^uiar aurui opuuivicr 43*uncii ordered one this wee I wd just as soon as it comes th< present plan of watering th streets from hydrants will b discontinued . The Southern Power Company v ait reached Monroe with thi * line of towers tor their wire" The line runs through the land Mr. J. D. Fu ch and Mr. W V. Mor^au, just west of town and to a point near the Icemor lee Mil!.?Mo Droe Journal. Mr. Geo. W. Jones, one of th eatractors who has been doiui gdod work on the county roadf has sold his outfit, machinery etc., to the coanty, which will b ?ed in road work in the Taxa **w section. A pair of mule bas also been purchased for th JMrp08?. Mrs. Martha M. Montgomery wife of Mr. 1>. C. Montgomery o Baford township, died Thursda; move to Rick Hill within a few days. where he has rented a store room to engage iu business. He ? now selling off his stock here in anticipation of the removal. Lancaster will part with Mr. Daghir with sincere regret. lie make* a model citizen, ih extremely courteous and obliging and has made many friends in this community by his gentle manly deportment and engaging manners. iVo t'reachinil at Saitoh Tomorrow. Kev. R. L Robinson left yes terday morning for Winnsboro, 3. (J., to conduct a three days: meeting for Rev.Oliver Johnson, 1J. L>. He requests us to announce that owing to hi6 absence there will be no preaching at Shiloh to morrow. He will however hold services there on the third Sabbath. Itusincss Man Itctnovcs front tiocU Hill to Lancaster. Mr. W. J. P. Weeks, proprie, tor of the Weeks' Grocery in Reck Hill, has decided . C., announcing confirmation of his reappointment. Mr. Hun ter expresses himself as feeling very grateful and proud of the strong endorsement by his many friends and pairons of the office; and with the experience he hug had hopes to make even a better postmaster than eyer. The Rlae.ktnon-Creiqhton Mar, riage. i As published i:i the las' issue 1 ?>l The New-*, Mr Thomas Mack moa. ot the Kich Li ill sec'iou, went to Hock Uill Monday to be 1 ? married to a young lady ot that city, Miss Maggie Oreigluon. > The Rock Hill Herald of Wednesday gives the lolloping ac, count of the nuptials : Mies Maggie Ceigh'on, of this city, and Mr. T. M. Blackmon, ot Rich Hill, Lancaster cjun'y, ' were quietly married at the bride's home early Tuesday morning, Rev. U. R. Mills per, forming ttie ceremony. The marriace was quite ? surprise to many in the city, for only a few knew of it beforehand. Mr. 1 and Mrs. Blackmon left a few minutes after the cerfmony for 1 their tuture home at Rich Hill, I driving through the country. Mis Blackmon, as Miss ('reighlon, has always been very popular among her friends and Mr. Blackmon has chosen well ' tor a life partner. The groom 1 is the son of Mr. .1. A. I*. Black mon, an t is one of Lancaster . county's progressive young tar, mer. . Store llobbnl of Small Sum of Motley?How It Wn? Ifone. s When the store of the Kunderburk Company wan opened Thurs* day morning the discovery was 1 made that the rear door was al. * ready open. An investigation f showed that the till had been 3 broken open, and an old pursr & containing $1 57, the only money * left in the till the night before, B was missing. Suspicion pointed s to a small negro boy, Joe Bridges, son of Bill Bridges, who liven near town. When charged with the crime, however, the boy r- stoutly denied having any knowl. ? edge of the affair. Mr. S. Daghir, the handsome and clever young ' i TMF I.ANOASTFP ?>> rinn ujerCUHUt, wnose store ih I next door to that of the Funder-j b?uk company, proceeded to d( '' sumo shrewd detective work, which resulted in the boy's mak- ir.? h complete confession. Amo*'g other things, Mr Daghir promised , to pive turn some tickets to the | show here next week if he would tell all he knew about the matter. W.nercupon, the boy not only ac'cnow'edge 1 being the guilty party, but. took Mr. iJaghir 1 abour a mile out-side of town and showed him where he had hidden | fho nit ran m.'hinh w a a ronit to relatives in Chester j and Fairfield counties. i I Mr*. W. H. Stewart is ?risitin^' relatives in Van Wyck. ? Rock Hill Herald. Miss Olarsbel Croxton, who has been spending a few weeks with relatives in Charlotte ai d Kock Hill, returned home tui9 week. Mr. S. K. Bailee, The News' excellent Pleasant Valley correspondent, spent yesterday in Lancaster. We are indebted to him for a pleasant call while here. i VFWS, APRIL IP. I9Q9 ' Mr. II W PiyK-r.ol Li?ue? ter, 7?-warnia*X??a S I'., spent yfeOnJay at the rtfl o? ewall.?Chariot'e Ob-^rver, JL JUtuX \/ ^ 3 It in-t. Judge Osborne, a leading aU A iorney of Charlotte, was in t?>* n this week. (J Mr. John E. Porter, of Dixie, went to Sumter Thursday, to W?TjT ooK after hia saw mill interes's ? ?> 'U thai c^uu'y. w v y^ ^ ^ SliM Ida Kiddle, of Dixie. let! \f\t xilCll- \A/^I 1nc 1C? Mr J. D. Hinson, left Thursday 5ISSS5T*s"" Stockholm Mrs. Julia Porter went to Pine- 1^1^ Hi 11 I ville, N. C , Thursday to visit her brother, Mr. Ben Warwick, and I Add them?th family, who are sick with measles -v^_ _ j *nd pneumonia. * OF DepOSlt Miss Lucy Everall, of the B Remember ' 0 Sion community, is visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. ?ud Mrs. C. L. Bailey, of near ? ? ? ,his place, the latter beine very Cm I KELLOG S Toasted Miss Corrinne Jones, student 9 RUUUvU U >f the Mel hod,st College in CORN FLAKES Jolumbia, accompluied by three * AJaaJULJJU if her classra ites, Misses Dukes, Wins its favor through its Rich burg aud McMichael, came flavor. Got a trial package, iiome this week to spend Easter ??????_ Mips Jones gave a delizhtful reception last eveningcompliruen- Ho, Boys! 5c. iar\ to her guests. vj _ I gets a CHIJMS. prize pack"' I age of Pop Corn?a delicious T" ?' T' v er has bought I confection. Try one. he Plyler*Perry h use and lo' I just south ? f the L 0. turn Coffee table. in the grain ; also have il The County Farmers' Union ground and in cans, at pri< ,nei here > e.terday in ,he c< ur, ccs that se? a)s0 hnu^. bW'nlie-.dnn, Harm,. the flavor. We also have ir Prof, wilhsms, ol the national , . ? , , , lam, demonstration ?o,k. a..., stockGranulated . . . . Editor Parrott, ot the Farmers' Silicyar Union Sun, were present and I ? made highly enter aimng and RICE-Whole grain, at th< in8truc'ive addresses right price re tat A.m ~ HOMINY?Medium ground Business Notices gives satisfaction. A11 Notions inserted uniiei this head at the rate of ONK CENT A WOKf) for each insertion. No A \IT /11 notioe to be counted less than :1C /\. TV \ IlclIlC'v words At the Same Old Stam LKf EVERYBODY?Plant tomatoes. On August 1st 1 will open my canning actory with a capacity of one hundred bu heis daily wantt d. The best selected tomato seeds put up in hulk, quality and qoanity at F K. A I | Mdssey'a store. ch*s I*. Hudson H W A NTKD?Every body to plant lo- | | T. I el ! mnioes tor canning her AX MM UAMXJL up k>uik H vl^P vBwH 19 at F. R Masaey's store, Cha* 1*. H udsoit. fiSi'id "MANA(iKK:?Wo want a good man I \\" I I 1 who has 91000.00 or more to invest " ?? 1.11 llllv. I I to manage a branch office for us in the* Loan. Ileal Kstate and Investment Bus- ii investigate xi * 1 x |i I " 111 nil this proposition. National Loan an xoimnge one i invni Iwti* %%'if St for t w o. Oliver < Blacknion, I.an- 1 1 * ^ * I 111 ' I \> I I I I c ater, S. c. NAl.KSMAN:?We want a good sales- jtho Davits cor man cither on salary or commission at onoe. Can oiTer the right man a good vvln/iA lit t lw? contract. Address I'. Box 197-Tlf, I'lill 1 III 1 Illv S l?' ton, tia. 52-66 1 IF YOl.' or aii v of your nobs or ihuiohterri i; I |?| * I I 111 Q f ill! I wont to hike a ImvincHs coaw, i? \on \jl I I lilllOlllIH will Apply at tills otliee wo i?n s. ll yon it II* I I ;i -cliolnr*l.ip to rilli r ot t wo wshooln. 4? ?tf { ? | | | | | < y | |)|S Mil FltKK TKKATMKNT for sutter- ^ inic women Nond fbia ad. to me and L. w| .. l< (I ment of * Home Remedy which will * absolutely cure a 11 female complaints. #k Im i n Address with stamp. Ml* M A. <1 Ucll^ctlll III 11 < Hilton, Kershaw, h. t). 30-66-a 8ALKSMAN:?We want a good shIiw man cither on aalary or commiaaion A A at once. Can offer the right man a good / % ZJm contract. Addreas P. O. Rox 74,1 Val- I % # I m. doata, Oa. 58-56 1 ire 3 INGrS nen added toike a Bank's Lve Fund MT?T V . U1JJJJ A Surplus and ir's Liability. Reliable's 5o,ooo.oo. 80,000.00. sr's 5o,000.00. iere is 180,000.00 ;or's Protection. >ur Mutual Policy" " I We Sell GROCERIES t and represent the best laun dry in the two Carolinas? The Charlotte Steam Laundry \ Leave your laundry at our store or let us call for it. : I KING BROS. * ?? I DR. J E WELSH DENTIST in Emmons Building op? | p-'-ite First National Bank. n.o?.e No. 8. LANCAHTKK, 8. C. DR. DOUGLAS McINTYRE A m U VTU/l Ji'l'Jil * /k 1J OVUUElUXI I OfMce over Heat ti-Jones Co.'s Stow. Phone 119 LANCASTER. H. C. Fort l.a