The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, December 23, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Home Simple Remedies tor Oi dlnary Colds I shall not suggest, in this at tide, any remedies for serhu lung or catarrhal affectioub. merely wish to make a lew ^u{ gesiions for the cure ot Ihos colds which are Iroublesonu but not sufficiently serious to r< quire tho services of a physiciai The remedies which 1 suigni huve been tried by me m 6cven cases with immediate and ur varying success. There are three remedies whic I have found will stop a cold i the head, within a few hour* First, there is quinine taken i small doses every four houi throughout the day aud uight This is always best wheu ther t is a little fever with the cold To be effective the treatmen must be kept up persistently, s that the effect ot the quinine i felt for sometime after the col seems to be cured. Where ther is constipation a simple purga tive, such aa Oascara Sagrada o castor oil, should be administered Do not give calomel, unless th doctor orders it, as it has a ten dency to deplete the system am lower the vitality. As most cold result from low vitality it i evident medicines should b given which increase the strengtl rather than those that detrac lrom it. A diet of eggs, mill and meat is also an advantag in contending with colds; am also exercise in the open air. A remedy which is eftectiv but has its drawbacks is sulphu fumes. Place some dull coals fron the fire on a shovel, sprinkl sulphur over the coals, manug ing so that the sulphur smoke and burns with a blue flame bu does not burn brightly. As tlx fumes rise from it .hold the shovel under the nose, that the iurne! pass into the nose. Draw up th? breath so that the fumes pene trate well iuto the nose am throat. Repeat this treat men about four times during the firs day of the cold, and in the even ing, or within four treatments it they have been taken right the nose will be clear and th cold stopped. The objectibn t< the method is that it is rathe drastic, aud it is said the repeat ed use ot the 9ulpliur in thi way will destroy the sense o smell. I have not found this t be the case, but have not use the remedy in more than fou cases. To my third remedy I hav never heard any objection raised and as it is so cheap and so easib applied there is no one but raai use it. It is this: Every twi or three hours saturate a suia! lawn cloth with kerosene oil t| A- !i ?- ? il iiiruHl it an inr 11110 me a possible, and draw up the breath so that the odor penetrates tlx nasal passages. This will sto] the cold in the head and 9neez ing within the day. It there i a cough, and the air is infectet with cold germs saturate wooler cloths with the kerosene an< put them about the rooms, aix under the nose at night. Tlx odor of kerosene is not ven pleasant, but it is pleasantei than a cold, and not so disagree able to other people as the dangei ^ of catching the cold. I imagine spirits of turpentine, appliec and used in the same heroi; manner would have as good elfeet, but I have never given it s lair trial, as it is more expensive than the kerosene. Any of these things will bf ineffective if not used as directed Kerosene applied the nose one time will do very little good ; and one cloth wet in kerosene, and placed in the room will not do much good. To do anv good - a tl^.air must be full of the odor ITHE L ?r?. - -----p. of the kerosenes and it must be Rock Hi applied to (hemise several times on a dripping cloth.?The Southern Cultivator. R?>ck I lh J. Cherr 1 "" ? Heath from Nnako Bite. wluJnm" ,e Gainesville, Fia., Dee. 20? ?f E?,9 ,f While hu"ti??s 20 mil-8 down ??de c'ott 3. the Kissiraee river yesterday tif- Y'18 ,e^.U it n v \ dav an(1 , teriioon tl. G, r <>untain, a prom' . ? . , lliis was inent contractor, whose home is : , , . . , iu the 8ui tj here, roused a big rattlesnake , , . ? , , , . . have beer i. and in a fight killed the reptile only a ter it had sunk its iangH 11 ^ y' h into Ins Hash. With his hunt- t(? .aV<L ..... . plaintiff, n nig kmte he cut away the pois- ^ ^ , oned flesh, digging out the wound , ^ j . u t A u .i duct of th n a?d when he was found by the . in nrr^sti a two men who were hunting with , . ?i . * ... residence m him was able to hobble with ^ e their aid He reached this place ^ this morning, but died despite , , r defendant ,? all efforts to save him. ^ assisted 11 Graham Duly Executed. Cherry represent! d Concord, N. C , special in Sat- of o0|um| ? urday's Observer: Will Graham, g pjar( 8 i- a negro who committed criminal tjle j )Caj r assault on Miss Pearl Tucaer in I. the edge of this city on the 13th e day of October, paid the penalty KT_?.; i* for his crime here today on the A,,i*uulIC d gallows Miss Tucker, he 16- Memph s year-old victim, is pretty and a stateme s of respectable family and strong tional Gii 0 in character She is the daugh- mates the h ter ot Daniel E. and Mrs. Emma ed to Dec* t Webb Tucker. bales. k The horror of the deed is fresh Theesti e in the minds of all North Caro- Alabama 1 lina. for it will be recalled that 843,000; the negro had to be kept in the gia 1,847, 0 State penitentiary to escape the Mississipp vengeance ot an outraged peo 000* N pie. * ' . ? . Oklahoma 6 The old fashioned way ot dosing a weak lina 1,13C stomach, or stimulating the Heart or Kid-j nnn. Tp.. D6VH is all wioug. Dr. Shoop first pointed I ' g out this error This ia why his prescrip- aud K.en tion?Dr. Hhoop'a Restorative?is directed ' 070 nni t entirely to the cnnse.of these ailments?the 11 ,872,001 weak inside or controlling nerves. It isnt 0 so difficult, says Dr. Nhoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, if one /\ paj goes at it correctly. Each inside organ 9 has its controlling or inside nerve When is the teniovi these nerves fail, then thosA organs must geon. No 01 0 surely falter. I hese vital truths are lead- Life Pills is 1 ing druggists ev?r> where to dispense and tnl oadeal. recommend Dr. ."hoop's Restorative Test don't feel th 1 it a few days, and seo! Improvement will headache, bi promptly and surely follow. Sold by at J. T. Mac t Funderbnrk Pharmacy. w Rharniaey. Iffn much for any 8 or how worthy the matci 1 \i\WB when he tackles a pair o \\\\^V does in disposing of any < mm That means that Harry s |H shape better than any othe * They are full of Style, as v \Ye rcc()nin^end thyni ntror r<DJ IJI I |U Wp%^Yow?z/r^ \SSsp?jv ; WWl SP?/VD FOP s/fi ANCASTER NEWS, PECEM1 ll Mill Wins Out in Damage Suit. H 19 ans Jill Herald; Mr. W. M I y wo i 1< r "he A'c d- JH lis in this ci y in the case |N| , Nicholson et al vs Ar H ICO/j on Mills et al which UCAwJ u in Yorkville on M <11- H which give finished on Tuesday. Jj suffering. c\ an action for d mages H a8 >ou ,v"t n ol $20,000 al|eged tc H of Itself, "l ?sustained bv the plain- H the cause, asonof injuries alleged H pains, and ... If you will >een inflicted upon the rcmcdy |h> Eflie Nicholson, by the H womanly 01 illful and reckless cone agents of defendants WINE P i ng one Starnes at the I J of the plaintiffs in Fort . Ul ^11 February, 1907. The] f the jury was tor the ViOW s. Mr. J.S. Brice was ?C?rdui , 1 the trial by Mr. W. H writes Mrt^ , aud the plaintiffs were H y*'trs. I* hi ,d by Mr. A. M. Deal, J-j-J * ria, and Messrs. G. W. H No*, 1 im i ind W M. Dunlap of ^ bar. At A ? ? ? I WRITE F M stating ur?* , ?. ,i-? . tom?, to /.< il Gmnerrs Report. t?>o chum Chattanoog is, Tenn., Dec. 18.?In fHHHRSS nt issued today the Na ? ? mere' association esti- ^ol amount ot cotton ginn- New Yorl smber 13 at 11,872,(100 York city is severe storm mate by States follows: p0rtation liu< 1,270,000; Arkansas i8 tied up, rai Florida 64,000 ; Geor- witb 8now an 000; Louisiana436,000; running witl ?i 1,446,000; Missouri boats and al orth Carolina 624,000; Up, Thesuh i 504,000; South Caro- because of co ),000; Tennessee 300,- bordering or s 3,347,000; Virginia among the p< tucky 11,000. Total Qn the cars. X Every case of bn igerous Operation. inflammation oaDgerons if u?g il of the appendix by a sur- are nearly alwayi re who taken Dr. King's New Take DeWitt's K ever subjected to tliis fright- They are antis They work so quietly you quickly. Insist oui. They cure constipation uud bladder l'dls iiiousness and malaria. *2oc in (lain seat ion of key a Co. and Fuuderburk equaled, Keguli w J F. Mac Key t 'o. irse, Father Time is a little bi shoe, no matter how well it is *ials may be, but he has a hard >{ Harry Shoes, I nion Made, )ther shoe we know of. Shoes will wear longer and 1 r shoe you ever wore. /ell handsome, snappy, up-to-c lgly to the "men who care to dres> yle, and who want the best shoes t! , hy you personally should wear Ki >es, and some of these reasons will 11 and you will never wear any otl 3ROOM CO. LSTER, S. C l ^MSfiLY ^ ! ' I \ \ I 3ER 23 I9Q8 hese IS *w? v |b * I Pains I! J ?jl | cry month, arc caused, Rfl I ^ >w, by female trouble. ?2 C Idom or never comes SB ^ M Hj HER BR H fil t is necessary to cure Ei ti B jT% Tf T ? in order to stop the Eft g I | || | LJ I II this can only be done Ej R I I I I I I | I II take a specific, female H| I X XX X X it acts directly on the X RB HsH RB RR H H knniiill ftllUUI I ^ IN'S RELIEF I v lid wonders for me," I H. C. Larson, of Olda, B ykXcJ^ff^K,. female trouble for S pf7~ \///i ^ I \ id displacement, which I -Jw ly suffering, the doc* t* ^ I s N ily relieve me at timca. |H u. 1 J*AgJ / j) o much better, I hardly ^ A (jf _ / my time begins or B \k iff "h v ? a||V? 11 Druggists | \W Isl-jPv^ OK FREE ADVICE, I liif^'r ^1 and dPHcriblnjr symp- 5 idiea Advisory I)rpt., \ afllI'/l i i MUulwli innottn Medicine Co., \Y1b^HI jj| I' ill in New York. YC* l lJlllM J 1 Dec. 19?New ?|iB| in the grasp ol a WBIWHMI / Itl V |V\ llfly todav. Every trans- Ifnf! wHrMjJ'W'^^^0 ? in ihe greater city / ' lroads are encrust >d d sleet and cars are tfB' "*** i difficulty. Ferry 1 river traffic tied way is also crippled I ngestion and scenes I , riot took pi act- I We hav0 simply , eople trying to get 9 xr out our entire li; ickache. weak back, blad- I and in order to c i and rheumatic pains is ;lected, for such troubles j j s due to weak kidneys CLP.C6&PFICGS Oil idney and Bladder Pills * eptic and soothe pain upon D?Witt's Kidnev M 1 M ^ Foi weak kidneys and w J ^ J the bladder they are unar size 5Uc. Sold here by WAS . ^ Clothes -- I that will make "* I ^em // I 8 If you really |flj fLfJIF, I I want to econo- I )MI Ih * I mizfitlfiwist.ko * Itime t0 I M I "Get Busy | We have no t tooVK'l shoddy goods ii\.ide^? j to offer you. than he^W a Prices guarW anteed lower ioid their than the lowlate shoes.! eSt OI" y?Ur . ueii. and fig money refundu ir money flag 1 ed. III! 111 - . . . 7 DAYS [MiU "Fine ^ 1 K Words f Butter no r Parsnips" iecidedfto'close ae of clothing, lo so, have re , ?h S \f thi Muom^ir rcRTKcnoir ruly, HUGHES CO.