I?' ?> 6 y ! " I fhe Telephone Girl. j one class of workers is more entitled 'o the kiud thoughts and wishes of "peace ou earth aod go. d will" which comes at Christmas time it is the girl who 8i*8 dav atter dav for i i . .> i?jm? mouth at uie allien board? the telephoue girl. The difficulties ?he has to con. tend with.Jtlie nervous strain put upon her, the trial her patience is continually undergoing, no one can realize. If the public whom she serves realized half they would giye her more consideration than they are now inclined to do. When, many times, she is try ing her best to give what is asked for rnilinlllinta ara lliaaa.l at ??- ? ifl v ?-A OOVU ? I UC1 over the wire, abuses and displeasures heaped upon lier innocent head by the customer she is doing her best to serve, because ''Central" is the only one cou uected with the exchange that we know, we visit our displeasure upou the girl who is only doing her little part the best she can. Under the most favorable conditions it must sometimes be almost unbearable. Of course there are occasions when the subscriber feels justified in being wrathv, but thiuk ing of it calmly, what good will it do to yell at ''Central?" If you have any complaint to make you can at least make it in a quiet way. And probably if everyone tried in these little ways to lighten the telephone girl's heavy burden there would be less cause for complaint ot any kind. Simple kindness i" surely not much to give. And now that the Christmas time is comiiu? lof ?? ?rici. her happiness and in the coming year let or all try to do what we can to make her work easier for her?the telephone girl!?Anderson Mail. v JRail Reluncd in Famous Jones Case. Columbia State. The supreme court yesterday refused bail in the ease of W. T. Jouee, the Union man under arrest on the charge of having poisoned his wife The order refusing the bail was signed by Justices Gary and Jones. Chief Justice Cope stating that he could not concur and Justice Pope stating that he could not concur and Justice Woods being absent. The decision of the court means that Jones will he placed in the Union jail to await trial at the next terra of criminal court. Jonea is me of the wealthiest farmers of Union county. It is said that he had always been cruel to his wite and the manner of her death is alleged to have been horrible. Boy Stealing Bide Loses Leg. Fayetteville, N. O., special in The Observer: Roy Oliver, the little son of Section Master Oliver, of the Atlantic Coast Line at Parkton, was run over by a freight train this morning while stealing a ride on the cars, with other school children, and was severely but not fatally injured. He waB brought here on the Bennettnville train at 11 o'clock and taken to the Hitchsmith Hospital, where his right leg was amputated below the knee. It is thought he will soon recover. Marked for Death. "Three years ago I was marked for death. A grave-yard rough was tearing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hoye had lied, when my hush.tnd got Dr. King's New Discovery," saya Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Dae, Ky. "The first dose helped me and improvement kept on nntil I had gained Ch pounds in weight and my health was fully restored. ' Thin medicine holda the world's henhng record for oongha and colds and lung and throat diseases. It prevents pneumonia Sold under guarantee at J. T, Mackey a Co and Funderburk Pharmacy. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. w j ; , j_=L imhrf IllUllk FOR T ] There's no use to sit at home r, buy for Christmas presents. Woi there is not much time left now, c and let us show you how you can goods at special prices for the hoi in wearing apparel, housekeeping ger, do it now. Make your mind Pretty Christmas belts. New and exceedingly pretty are the be ered in a great variety of styles and patt( fc! npw Pprainn flip nnnnlnr Fllnatir thp Silk I Kid and Leather, etc, set off by handsome Christmas gifts that will gratify all ladiei The prices, as you will see, are most rease Persian Belts, the newest in the belt line worn with any costume, in all color tions Coat Suit Belts that fit snugly and give tailored effect; half kid and half elastic ed in front with nobby buttons, in Blac Brown and Green Elastic Belts in plain colors with pretty splendid values Elastic Belts of Black Silk with dull buct able for morning wear 21 I Belting in all the new shades and des yard ... . Don't Forget the Christmas F chiefs! Looks as though a veritable snow-storn kerchiefs had struck our store. Come a selections before it melts away as it is boi because of the unusually attractive patt low prices. Every style for Men, Woi Children, from a plain hemstitched han nt tn )1IP mfict OIOVA. ../-..I V V VV vv VI1V WAVOV VIULTVIUC^IJ CIIIUII/IUCICU Ladies' Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs, speci Ladies' Fine Linen Handkerchiefs; ha! dozen in fancy boxes 50c to 3 Ladies' Plaid Swiss Handkerchiefs, da sheer and tastefully embroidered .... Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, excellent qu 10, II Large Colored Handkerchiefs in floral pa fancy work ?for making kimonos, catcl pillows, work-bags, etc I Give a Pair of Bed-Room Slippers. They w ill make a most acceptable gift for ladies of all ages. Snug, warm slippers of carpet; crochet slippers in all the pretty shades, made with thick inner soles of wool? Carpet Slippers 25c. Crochet Slippers, all colors 50c. Make Sofa Pillows for Presents. The cost is trifling and there is plenty ? time to make them. We have a large variety of artistic pillow tops with hacks and cords to match, priced at 25 and 50c. Remember tha Kve. and that ev | at the Gold Prize THE HE^ ^ T" i ll ii iM ANCASTEff NEWS. DECEMBER % XMA5 KHHHHBnBVnBi HE PUS ucking your brain, screwing your f rrying doesn't help the situation 01 :hristnias is nearly here; so get bus spend it most advantageously. \ iday trade that we are anxious for goods, etc., that will make admir; easy and get your heart in tune fo How About a Stylish H; Its, Offer. l>ook or Pur: 5rns. The An ideal presen. from the fe :, novelty one that will live a long life of ; buckles, the giver's thought/ulness alwE s of taste. And we have a sp.endid assoi >nable. of pretty leathers and the silv can be some very extraordinary values combina- show you, for Ladies, Misses ar mi \t ni . i t> / ? ovjv. ine iNew sneatn tsag or real al the neat finished and attractively line fasten- for Christmas at :k, Navy, Ladies' Leather Handbags in 50c gray in the newest shapes; v< buckles; I usually good values at. .. 1.0C 50c. Ladies' Silver Chain Purses ir des, suit- boxes 3 and 50c.! Ladies' Purse and Cardcase C igns; the reaj leather with strap on bat carry; priced at landker- Ladies' Handbags in black and priced at.. . Children's Purses many pretty i of hand- priced at nd make . und to do Winsome Christmas ems and exceptionally worthy line men and neckwear, and what member of dkerchief interested in neckwear in its m I ones. I_lve forrns? Some of the lace < alat..8c. an(i filmy fixings are simply If to one are |iere jn a ^reat variety, as v .00 a box. ij^ embroidered collars, dainty linty and rUches, etc., at the most reason; .20 to 25c \yhite Embroidered Linen Coll lalities at Striped Linen Collars 3 and 25c. Fancy Stocks in white and delii tterns for| in neck halls, sofa Fancy Stocks in many good pat 5c. New Ruching in white, cream Christmas St< Stockings belong to Christmas as much her when you used to hang yours higl anticipation that in the morning it wo things? The stockings we sell are n strong yarns, good fast dyes and they are splendid Christmas gifts for thos< things. Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Lined Stockings, Ladies' Extra Heavy Fleeced Stockings ; Ladies' Heavy Gray Hose Ladies' very fine Cashmere Ho^e Indies' fine Gauze Ribbed Stockings, ah Ladies' Heavy Weight Hose with white Mirses' and Boys' Humpty Dumpty Stoi Misses' and Boys' Ribbed Stockings, ful Infants' all wool Hose Infants' fine Cashmere Hose Infants' fine Cotton Hose "Last Forevei The guaranteed hosierv for Ladies'. Mi* teed against holes for three months ; of three months from the date of pur pair absolutely free. All sizes at ... Lt we will give av ery $3.00 cash pui 2kQ / o* KTH - JC "LANCASTER'S ii i w1 JLn. 23, ?9Q8 SZLED "orehead into unsightly wrin le little bit, moreover, it coi ;y with your pencil, figure 01 Ve have just received a gre you to see, as well as a gres able, practical gifts. Don't ] 'i a. guuu uia merry cnrisimi indbag, Pocket- also black, i se? Boxed Ruchir iminine standpoint, pUt Up in fi usefulness and keep tys in mind. Attra rtment in all kinds The kind th er mesh variety? will prove exc ; we are anxious to These little di id Children. into places, ligator; handsomely Belt Pins and d, specially priced some "set wi 3.25 ens with be; black, brown and Veil and Bow ery stylish and un- several attr >, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00 Cuff Pin Sets i pretty Christmas catch; sold < 2.25 and 2.50 for the holii "ombined, made of Beauty Pins v ck; easy and safe to Mourning Pin 75c to 1.25 Pretty Bead C all colors, specially arK* kmgths 25c PU1 shapes and styles, We have ye preciate the g Neckwear. gives gloves? will make selc of fresh and dainty piete assortiru ' the fair sex is not each pair is st any new and attrac- faction, collars, fluffy ruffs Ladies' Suede captivating. They veil as stiff and sty- La^outenu little bows, jabots, Ladies' Suede able prices. skins ars.. . . 12c and 15c. Lanies' Extra 10c and 12c to f?ive the i cate shades; ruche T rf^u,n(Tl0(^ T ' 4)r Ladies Best I ~oC kid, every p terns.... 10 and 15c Children's anc and light shades, colors jckings. 1! as Christmas trees. Rememh on the mantel shelf in the ^ iuld be filled with many good iade of good things?good, ' wear'long and well?they i who like to give practical , fast black 10c. , garter tops 15c. 25c. 25c. vays please 25c. si feet 15c. hlrinnra Irtnrr rlni?oKla 1^/> ^ ?w V4UI UUIV^ . . . 1UV. 1 size, strong, black .... 10c. 10c. 10c and 15c. 10c and 15c. r Hose" sses and Boys. It is guaranif it breaks before the end chase we give you a new 25c the pair. /ay $137.50 in ( rchase entitles )NES O r VE STORE." 0 Mi B - ' iSTIONS ONES kles trying to think what to isumes precious time. And, nt how much you can spend lat big shipment of novelty it collection of splendid values put off the gift-buying any lonis. . n the wide and narrow; a length 5. 10 and 15c ig?6 lengths, all attractive patterns' tncy boxes for Christmas.. 25 and 50c ctive Christmas Jewelry. at's useful as well as ornamental and :eptionally welcome Christmas gifts, -ess accessories are sure to fit right Buckles in many charming styles, th imitation of precious stones, othmtiful cameos and priced at 25 & 50c Pins of gold plate, Roman finish; in active styles 25c. j (2 in a set) solid gold top with patent everywhere at 39c the set; special lay trade 25c rith Roman gold finish; 2 in set. .10c s, neat and strong 10 and 25c. Chains, black and all colors; all sizes 5, 10 and 25c t Gloves on Your List. \ t to see the person who failed to apift of a pair of gloves. So, why not | Our enormous stock of fine gloves f ictions easy. Every shade and a com- Jj of siy.ps in pupVi mAronimw ylish and will give unlimited satis- -v Gloves, 8 button length, very sty- ? 1.75 and 2.00 Shopping Gloves in many shades; ;al for service; all sizes 1.25 ? Gloves made of the finest selected 1.25 and 1.50 Fine Gloves, very thin; guaranteed greatest satisfaction or your money I 1.25 \ mported Kid Gloves, made of whole >air guaranteed 1.00 1 Infants' Mittens in dark and light ^ 10, 15 and 25c t ATTENBERG SCARFS AND CENTERPIECES. [ightv pretty ones, all hand made of the best quality linen. Quite a variety of styles and patterns in various sizes. Prices are very reasonable. Don't fail to give them a little of your time. Hemstitched Line ? Bureau and Washstand Scarfs, orna- ?jl mented with hand drawn work, ex- ^ cedent values at 50 and 75c. J PECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED To the exceptional values in Cloth- j ing for Men, Youths and Boys for giit-giving or their individual needs. Nobby Suits and Overcoats, Fancy Vests, House Coats, Stylish Shirts, ? Natty Ties, Fancy Hosiery, Suspenders, Collars, Cuffs, Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons, Tie Clasps, Gloves, Umbrellas, Canes?all things of special interest to men offered at very special nriops I ? jold on Xmas you to a chance * DMPANY iL 1- rii.? . '? ?i