The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, December 23, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Pleasant Valley Letter -Com* Fatht ^ ment on Bucket Shops and the Price of Col Cotton. Mayjk I - / It is said that death and taxes ser are the two most certain thiols in the world. I thiuk that the l)urni next most certain thing is that ^or in the course of human even's *ias ^ oil fiAiiflinrrt f irmnro of rlivrnam ftUtJ t OlA MVUVUVi u &ni lUOlO * V Ui T U* O times and places theorize on and **cu8s" and discuss the price of w?r^ cotton. On seeing quite a num- lvnow ber of bales of the fleecy staple n Pro< being hauled to town a few days l)0r,e ago, your correspondent fell a Ca into a contemplative mood and PaR8e began to soliloquize somewhat 8rouc as follows : Did not ' he South- w^'1 ern States make a mistake when ^' they passed laws destroying the ^ew bucket shops? The Southern ^le ai people are all bulls aud the 18 ***' members ot the New York cotton ^und exchange who are financially begat able to do auything are nearly ai'^ all bearB, and it seems that the ^rouj South in pursuing a suicidal po- ra!,r^ licy when she takes away from ,,f>' her owu people the privilege of rendering aggressive bull sup Hn<^ * port to the cotton market. Daniel * v a'" J. Sully, the erstwhile cotton '*le ( king, who raised the price of cot- ^ ton a lew years ago to 17 ceuls, ,nau> did so with the solid support of the Southern speculators, and ,0 did it in spite oi the combined r,!iKe opposition of therestof the New H0,s c York Cotton Exchange Since re8,|l' the abolition of the bucket shops ' *ie . in the South the price of cotton ''le 1 has gradually gone down, and ln^ 11 who is thereto help bring it bark Th to a good price since the South- 11 ern speculators have been depriv- norm ed of their only medium of a ^ "boosting" the market? The a bucket shops doubtless had their ot',or bad features, but it seems some- wont what absurd to kill the Southern ren" bulls on account of a so-called moral issue and then let the ln& 11 New York bears llourisli like the nec,i green bay tree. Before destroying her bucket shops the South *iai* shou'd have restricted and re PaPe gulated them and then proceeded ve^' ' to rout the gambling element of wom; the New York cotton exchange. manJ This laet we must yet do if we Prcm would insure a better price lor Inagl cotton; and if the South will utler make as great an effort to do HU,C" . . ...... .. with ini8 as sue uia 10 destroy me ? bucket shops, we may yet have 41 peace within our borders and prosperity within our palaces". V1?'8 S. K. B Jaws, ill ail Cashier ot Defunct Bank in You ?i oough North Carolina Indicted Yet tiv } on Ian Charlotte Observer : Mr. Lee do thh II. Battle, cashier of the defunct City National Bank of Greens- oold fr boro, was indicted in the Federal nearly Court here yesterday, the hill of J' *' 1 indictment embracing 40 counts Mavo ?nd charging various illegal practices. Mr. Battle for years has been one of Greensboro's Go most, prominent citizens, highly ObBe regarded and holding various news offices of trust in the city and night alike conepicious in church as Dudl well as in business and financial by M circles. Hence the interest youn which is attached to his indict- of Mi ment. of E The bill charged three specific from forms of malpractice in the ad- ately ministration of the bank ? affairs hand by Mr. Battle, the overdrawing The < of large sums on his own account, Mr. . . a the privilege extended the Po- Supe mona Cotton Manufacturing Co., who of which ho was president, of the s overdrawing its accounts some- also times as much as $18,000, and and i the false returns made to the tion i Comptroller of Currency. Fr m , m a respc Nearly everybody known DeWitt's Little Early Kisern are the beet pills made. Thev yaria are small, pleasant, snre Little Liver pills. 8old by J. F. Mackey Co. was ' morr it THE LA1MQAST1 >r of 41 .Children in Peni- a |, I fk H I (VQri lut'ibia Record: Elmer |||R|IUV|J^ r, of Newberry county, who ad ving a sentence in the pen etomachtronbie u bata trm r ?rvi . i lr? Itaelf a true disease. We thi ary lor complicity 111 the Hoartbum. and Indigestion m thiy are symptoms oolr of i nt? of U barn, Id the lather Nerve sicknesi?tiothliur else. " ' It was this tact that first oorre ty one children. The man radically lived in obBcurily, a^^rTCDrU8^p^hu] , _ ? , e \ . out that original and highly i he wonderfu. Story cailie to ?uch lasting accomplishments wi ... . , Kor stomach distress. bloatlnj Olllv by chance, and the breath and sallow oomDlexion Roetormtf ve?Tablet* or LlquldI might never have had the "n)|ad wiu do~ w ledge of the unusual case of ligious family had not a re- Dr. SHc r learned of the facta through sual conversation as he jPt d through the capitol ? ids where Mayer is working FUNDERBURK PH oth^r fellcw convicts. , . , x .. house and shot his >en Mayer began to a Qn Uatch an(1 h? , acts about his lite and made , . i ? . guns and weut out to Btouuding statement that he ... . Some distance dowi e father of nearly half a ? , , 7 they met Bowden, v red children, the reporter der u>|ch imme(liat i to sit up and take notice . . . . . , r of shooting his dog. a few words of inquiry , . D , 1 ensued and Bowuon ;ht for'h the following re- . . , , through the heart w able factt: . , . , , , , from which death an Mayer, the hero of the . 4l rni stantly. thereupon , is forty-one years of age, ,, , , , . T? j ' , Match shot Bowdei las lived in Newberry coun- , , . . . . , . , . loads of Ins shotgun i his life. His home is in . , . ing only liesh wo jountry, No. 7 township. ,. , .> , ' which Bowden is coi as taken unto himself as , bed. ' as three wives, which also , , ' Bowden gives as hi another interesting feature . . .. . . ? ? beiug on the streets ; 5 life, h rom the first mar- , . , , ,, , unusual hour, resul 20 childreii were born, ten , . , ,, , , ? , , , death of Hatch, tha if twius. Eighteen children 4l , negro in the lockup a ted from the second union, f . , , of thv town had numoer also being twins. I - . ,? I after his prisoner s lnrd wife, whole now liv-1, . j u XT (having turned cold 1 Newberry county, is the . . , . . , J ' night, and that he or of three children. , , errand when encoun e children at birth were all ?jatciieH al iu size and the youngest, _ , weighed 188 pounds at Coughs that are tight, or d ge of 11 years, which is an- inu coughs, get quick an Irom Dr. Shoop's Cough remarkable feature ol this this account druggist* lertull, lar*e family of child u,.iT3 roforui, or any other *t The tender leave* of a tyer thought there was Iioth- hearing mountainous shri ,, . ,. . hhoop'a Cough Remedy iu nusually interesting in con- ertieiJ Tho? lenvMJ ftavt on with his life, so he never tlie i??Kt di*ire*sinj soothe, and heal the uinst the president about it, or chiul membrane. Mothei . . . , . . , *afety's *ake alone, alwa Ins picture printed in the shoop-s it can wiih pel rs at the time when Iioose- Klveu to even the youngoat once yourself, and *ee! S i noted remarks before the burk Pharmacy. no's cougress brought forth " m "" ' stories of large families to Subscribe for Ihe La ) that the nation's chief strata was in error when lie CLERK'S S; ed his warning against race le. He toils day by dny STATE OK tSOtl I H the guard's gun always in County of Lam , the garb of a lalon about .. In_Co,,rt uf rom . . , , . ma A. Nisbet, Loma rt constant reminder Of his Emma Lee Nisbet, K tion against his country's ^eti Louise Niabi / P. Nisbet, Orman A. , and bearing his distinction ton A.Nisbet, by tl ad litem, E. M Croxl euce. versus a m J.Edwin Nisbet indivi Administrator of ihe louid always remember that most win VV. Nisbet Deceits and cold cures are constipating. d most important thing to do when Ry virtue of an order ive a cold is to move the bowels, jn the above stated ca inuot promptly cure a co'd until you p. K. Hydiick, bearing i. Kennedy's Laxative Oongh Syrup Oer 1st, lhOS, the unders he cough by allayiug lnttammation at public auction, at tht throat and langs, and it drives the ateps. to t he highest bid orn the system by gently moving v?.v,..v ,v wels. Children like it for it tastes rlRsl MO.NDAi IN as good as maple sugar. Sold by jyj9( a|| that piece, ttari klackey Co. was |an(jt situate, lying and -- i .1 dian Land Township, (.' . caster and State of So T of North ( arolina I own about two miles north i Kills *?? About ? Dog. , road, leading from Six ldsboro special in Charlotte and containing One ,ver: Burl, -his moroiog reached here that in the the North by lands of .. , n . , .. . . bet and estate lands of , Mr. Ira Hatch, living at deceased; South by 1 ev, had been shot and killed 11 an* I)r, " and Twelve Mile creek [r Hadger J RnwHsn. ? i? * ?' > * man of that" place',The^on r. W. B. Bowdeu and mayor 'J. All that piece, p ,, ?-? % , , of land situate in the udley. Bowoen is in bed Htate aforesaid, lying wound? received immedi- wat*r9 of Waxhaw and creeks, containing Two after from ashotgun in tho fifty (*250) acres, m..reor . ,u? a j _ ?, _ on the north by lands i s of the dead mans son. (ey aud A. Obenoskey; lead man was a brother of t?y lands of Dr. .f l>. ] _ 8011th by lands of I>r. J. XV. Hatch) clerk of the and Mrs. Haliie Htewar irior (yfiiirt of this coiinfv West by estate lands of irior ^otiri 01 tins county, deceased, and R. H Mas went early this morning to 3. Also all that pit . , j. . tract of land situate ii cene ol the tragedy, as did and Htate aforesaid the coroner and the sheriff, Eleven and one-half 1, or less, bounded on the it this writing an investiga- tate lands of Mrs. hula is hoiiip hold leased; on the Ka*t ky I Demg n a. I). Nisbet; 011 the sout oni what The Obt-erver cor- nr. J. D. Nisbel;andoi , u , . lands of Mrs. Sallie Stev indent could gather it, seems Terms of sale, cash; Bowden and Hatch were at V" * ' to v*vAf nee, and about 1 o'clock this ClUrk c , lT . , , Chas. I). Jones, maim ling some one passed Hatch's Lancaster 8. < |>e?) ifc 1 \ ER NEWS. DECEMBER 23, 1901 :tlon|?ft, Bom of. and no! I M H H S jfll H k of Dy?iK>i>?ia. I H Bfe N real dlaeaeo*. ret | M ^^r9 9 H B 3 JW Hi i oertnln (pacific H M 9 9 Ujg H sIII \M LI U to. Qolng dlr->c4 H V BHi IB >ught thai tuty.v-.oi ten to rati ? Withrital principle, no 5 re by or to be hadr. bUloumesi. bod . try Dr. Phoop't -and Me for your ' Mil and cheer | I (Op's .. Articles in our Not ktive IARMACY. dog, whareion got their reeonnoiter. i in*' mieci, | rhom the elely accused Hot words Fancy Belts, shot Hatch Pretty Belt Buckles itb a pistol, /-- c**i t~> ... German Silver Pur resulted inthe younger Hand Bags. 1 With both Sofa Pillows, but inflict- Back Combs, and. from gead and Velvet Tj Silk Handkerchiefs is reason for Linen embroidery *1 the above chiefs, ting in the g,ue Moon perfum it he had a A .. , Tt . , Amethyst Hat I ins incl as mayor J >ne to look Gold Top Beauty P comrort, it Brooches, during the Childrens' Leggins. was on this tt n r> tered by the Holly RoX PaPer" | 1 ray Cloths. Center Pieces. istressing tickle F inrv Collars d certain help 1 ?*ncy V.Olldrb. I Keiuedy. On TvVrlrtiVc everywhere nr- iiki.Miv.3. u,lopinm!IcidS: Cuff Buttons. hiiruileHK long. S Barrettcs, Etc. Etc. lb give to Dr. - , e ^ n i curative prop> the power to j Cough, and to Pill P0oks sensitive bron- 0111 nuUK:)' rs should, for Qoot-f Pine ys demand Dr OCari I ins. Fancy Stationary. u.. r..-. J VIIU UJ J IiuuriW Doaster New*. ILE. ===== CAROLINA, r TJTL?. Don,t Forget T ! velyn R. Nis%S&S2Z Now in \ tieir guardian } ;oi, Plaintiffs, 3j dually and as estate of Kd- v . ed.Defendant. M g \ H E ^ of court made m. Jk J - B M use by Juoge date Decernigned will sell \ Court House der. on the ^ JANUARY, j Jel or traot of I being in In- ?j ouuty of Lanuth Carolina, of Van Wyck, f Twelve Mile side of River 111 LANCAST amis of Mra. J. I). Nishet B ;; Kast by ea- K atb, deceased, And nn fhu D. Niabet _______________?_________ arcel or tract i County and 8T ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA between the County of Lancaster Twelve Mile Hundred and leas, bounded By J. E. Stewinan, Esquire, of R. II. Ma*- l'robate Judge I on the East Viabet; on the J. D. Niabet Whereas, Ada Hinson made an t; and on the to me, to grant her Letters of Ac A. W. Heath, ministration of the Katate of an a<?y etrecta of I. B. Hinaon. ice, parcel or These Are Therefore to cite an i the County admonish all and singular the kir. containing dred and creditors of the aaid 1 I! %) acres, more H inaon, deceased, t hat they beandaj North by es- pear before me in the Court of Prnbat L. to he held at Lancaster C. H. o anda of l)r. J December 22 next after publicatlo h by lands of thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenooi n the Weat by to allow cause, if any they have, wh yart. the said Administration should in purchaser or be granted, ipera. Given under my hand, this 9t KKGOKY, day of December Anno Domini 190 !. C. P. L. C. J. E. STFAVMAN, Jiffs' Atty. Judge of Probate. I), 1908. December 9th, 19"8. 20-23 1 W< 3 lAK GO ion department suitable for < at 25 cents. Suspenders in Far Mexican Drawn V ses. Silk Handkerchiel Neckties. Combs in Match 5 brooches, and still ies. other things a prices. Handker- At One ] We can show you e- useful articles oresents. Amo *ns- Nice Silk Muffle Gold brooches, I Perfumes, Parasol Slippers, Kid Glo> shes, I dozen Dc nice Towels, i b< Comfort, Slumber ears. For the next tv will offer the foil 3nts. at a liberal reducti Mens' and boys ? coat Suits, Tadies childrens' coats. hat You Only Have a Vhich to get a Chance ? PRI7F r?i ER MERCANT j ^ras Sclrrtioy; of candy in ttenorally trj intr on the buyer >, reputationaof thedifT<'ront brands, thraiiperiorrep y leaves no room for doubt, or rvrn for limitation. 1 . pure, andthc care Riven each individual piece In mni ? in a canny as attractive as it is whole ome. Soldb; 3 Manufactured by UTTLEFIELD & STEl li Kxclusive Agenciei w I , I tfl ft O i UUd Christmas gifts ! icy boxes. vork. r? 3. 5ets. a good many t the above Dollar numbers of suitable for ng them are: rs, Hat Pins, Vuto Scarfs, 5 is, bed room fes, Hair brushes, 1 pair ed Spread, 1 Robes, Sweatro weeks we owing goods on: iuits, Ladies' T coats, / Short Time it our FFER ILE CO. # but " yon know the aevoral utat ion and quality of fitrrrr'a. 'he ingredient* are absolutely lufarture and handling result* fltj / all Druggists and Confectioner*.