t . # tel Agricultural ^ Departi Raise Your Own M< Prof. Massey in Progressive Years ago I wrote of a man's iarm, where all was in cotton right up bouse s'auding unpaint bare field. A hopeless woman was trying some bacon for the dinner, w man toiled in the cottoi I got to thinking over i ter. There was no stoc place but the mules that the cotton. And as 1 i bacon, I thought that s< iner out West raised th aud probably made so] out ot it. Some railroad it to Chicago, and certain money. Some packer aud cured the meat, and be a millionaire. Anoth road brought it South ai dividends by doing it. merchant bought it, an to that man out there in ton field at a big profitworks all summer iu th making all these people ] ous out of his one crop. ^ the end of the year he is as ever, and his land gr and less productive, v might have made all th fits himself in raising th at home. The Western tarmei corn tthe railroads haul merchant buys it and si the man who could ra corn at more prefit t Western farmer it he it his land. Yet, he goes o old hopeless way imatiin cotton is the only thin money out of, and that, coi and wheat are only "9u and the Western farmer ? supplying him. When will the cotton get out of this slavery t body else? Not, till he farming just as the North Western farmers do. Id crop that is far superi money crop to any the and a crop that fits intc proving rotation of crops well as any they have I West, and while they uei sending him "supplies" poor furnishing the cr maintains the trade bah t.ween this country and and eelling the cottous?i fatten the cattle that m meat he buys in various t Now, then, i3 the tin solve to change all this, rotation for your tarm ai to it, grow plenty of fori make manure, and wh once have manure enc cover a corn-field, vou wi the road out of this f 1 a the North and We9t. Nine-lenths of the lefcte from farmers ask what f I shall use for this, thai other crop, when the ms farms right will need little, and that only of the forms of acid phospha potash, or but one of the haps. 1 have been hammerin at this for many years, a how lew have taken the id I do hear now and then tr mere who have broker from the oid ruts, and ceeding. Would to Go could get all of them to < Medicine That Is Medlt "I have Buffered a good deal laria and atomacb complaint**, I now found a remedy thAt keep** and that remedy i? Electric medicine that is medicine for nto liver troubles, and for run dow tiona,'* haj a W. O. Kieetler, of Ark. Electric Hitters pnrify ai the blood, tone np the nerve**, an vigor and energy to the weak. Y ?f will bo refnndod if it fails ?0 A Cheap Corn Croi TU? I) 1 _ J. 1 lugroBBive rar C U take great pleasure in the corn articles in the J ?at. sive Farmer and the re? i Farmer, the big yields per acre, vie-iting sider corn the most irt the land croP raised in this <. to the Plenty of corn means p ed in a let>d, good stock, plenty looking au(1 prosperity for the Western P'g yields per acre are bile the ,a,k and write about, but a. And think they always mean the mat- oorn since if often takes k on the P0r cent ot 'lie coin to | worked tfl? ex,ra manure and f< jaw that to Pr?l,u ce such yields. )me far- aver?ge farmer is nne at hog, e9'ed in is how to make mething corn. carried * ^ve the old tobac< ly made our ^and is light, sandy s< bought yel,ow clay subsoil. It grew to an unusual thing for er rail- in this section to be corn * ? o ?/l 1 n f a n i\ a lwtvT n ?-* . 3d paid ?"u ,uws lees 8eoded to crimson clovei rhile he rate ?' pounds per aci ose pro- out an>' manure or fe le bacon spring, about Ma harvested a tine crop of makes bay on if that paid gooc I it, the on fcbe cost of seed and alls it to 8?on as the clover c< ise the cured and removed fr ban the land 1 began to prepare nproved corn by breaking with or n in the L)ixie plow. As soon ingthat breaking was done it w ig to get r<>wed with two-horse Aci rn, oats, row. lit about one we pplies," borrowed again; was ther lets rich *or t'10 seed. About June 1st, corn < farmer | low variety was plantec r\ atrnM?T 9 HQ 1*1 l t? rAtVQ A 'not rrr i.ln U U ? J" I v " " " I TY i^lv; i goe9 to j was planted with planter, ern and corn was about hand hi le has a | the grass began to sh( tor as a j middle was wrapped up i y have, a Dixie plow twice in ) an im-'the bare side to the coi tully as then a three-tooth Iron A ^orth or row was run around th t rich in That left it all clean will he gels bed ot loose dirt in the op that to bo worked back to tl ince be- as it is needed. Belori Europe, plowing corn was thinnec ed that stalk in hill. The next i ake the tiou was with a Climaj orms. with small fixtures, one ie to re- around t lie corn. Abo Elan a week alter that two very ad stick furrows were run in the age and with a Dixie plow. By tl en you die ol July the cultivate iugh to all done and the corn wa II Kn on i hv hv rnnninii- I lirn.k tun ?? uu ?? i r-- i i in ivory to rov with a Climax plow u iiicn s veeps on rs I oret 6 COST OF FI'l/riVATlo eriilizer t or I he !' ;'nyr , .1. I days harrowing f_\ >u per da III who 2 days' thinning, 7"? cents per <1 to buy s?Cng fodder mineral nll,oriII>I ftl"' ?d?'>?king torn ite and Total cost ise, per- ? <>hn mahkon six afi 4."> barrels at fl.'iO per barrel lor away pounds fodder at pci , . hundred nd yet wl . , , , Shucks on 4.) barrels com at 2;>< ea. Hut per barrel om farTotal \ aluo lor i> acres i loose i ou will see front the are sue- 4 ... d that I fl^rtter,lont thai 1 have no lo so! yield per acre, but as the and shucks lack only $5.1 ;ine ing lor the whole cost, I h i with ma- barrels of very cheap cori "me web? wi'hout manure or ler Hitters: a and on land that has b macli and n condi- cultivation lor more tha rui^cnricb ' cars. It is coming lo be a d impart aJ Haying in this section, our moo- ? help yon. very true one, that cor >aVhUCJ{ Ci.... i a A : / / THE LANCASTER NEWS, >. of our farmers are beginning to l)fl mer: I U8e clover to make coru and mobt always get a good croD. I " * p?OVV Progres- believe a good crop ot clover on Wvtl >orts of w'l' leave lbe land in (jjlje I c'bo clover crop fhaf pre qj , I don't ceded it. If any of your readers narr i cheap can 8b?w *5 barrels of corn that tlle . a large c,,st them less than $5 25 I shall ;s \ pay for be glad to hear iron them ou, ^ irtiIizer ^ A1 leu. chari What Granville, (Jo., N. C Whe it inter * ? gars cheap s,'in'ae> nothing harsh or sickening. Healtl Second?They give almost instant relief. Conpr om the Third ? pleasant to the taste, like candy. Coffee Fourth A large box is Preventics at Coupe i it for 2a cents. Also tine lor feverish children factioi IP-horse by Fnnderburk Pharmacy. w l?enn< a*' the as harWe Feei i ready Peop 1 3 fcpl We are in the market when it come Com ear of very fine TKNNKNSKK IK MIS to When mas. One hundred Tl'HKKYS t<> dispc oil and Twenty-live head of STALh-FMH CAT'l of eost. We sell the celebrated Chase Bn i vx/ f ho ! to ploase yon in both size ntxl flavor. running " You Hat Meat Veil to St' e corn. Il a big 'or w tint yon want for your Christmas dii middle business and can sell you at a price that ie corn ours. Wo will sell you a Turkey dressed 'I'lxtne us for what you want and wt he pleased. F.very ttrdcr will have our \ 1 tO One Yours loser' cultivaPlyler Bi ui one shallow ea m a I i' ll 18 II I j N* i >ou wan ly r-'i.sw ) ClT s"" When you wan v .<><> 111 IJ^nTyry:?rrrTToK) !Mo smoke?no ? lay ..AO [((UA^"<>;c>;c>C< *'Vc???jL HI. in.(Hi \yJT^ Utten you v\a lo.Oo 'n somc room ii _ Cm j C nace Hoes not rt {i:s. w LJ pick up and cai ::: | perfection ( ^ I (Equipped with Smoke lu to the room you want to heal?suit ' 0O \l^ house'. It has a real smokeless devii Tk smoke or smell?turn the wick a ///fn^ as low as you like?brass loot I . I) lift V \\ re*tfr' It give* a brilliant, ateady light || that makesntudy a pleasure. Made ol brans, nickel plated , gorier- II with the latent improved central dralf burner. Every lam II II you cannot obtain the Perfection Oil Heater or Ray< i OltC ft m yOUf Jfl|er wriie |0 0lir nrareat .iqrnry lor denenptive cat 11 .Will 111 HTASUAKll Oil. COVPAN1 1 VV tl?wrHniM) i nA ...,r vitvu^ujtittvtvniiiiiiiiAuu'inmnmvi'^^i DECEM8ER 23. I9Q8 table Tragedy in Virginia. >anoke, Va , Dec. 19.?In a I duel ou the main street of liey.lle, Va., this evening f ol Police Walter McClinand E. A. Greggar were ki'l McOiiniock shot Crejrgar ath after lie himself had mortally wounded, and the Y< L> -cl 1 efell near each other good 0 thoroughfare. thift El lief McClintook and Deputy can y While had a warrant tor it is it test of E. A. (Jregsrar and , man rother Dave Greggar, sworn y( >y a briber of the chief body tting them with robber*.; *ent n therllicers met. the Oreg? j Bu in Ironl or he court house; aniL W ; told them they hid a war you for their arrest, E. A. Dreg j help Irew his revolver and began ! ; ou McClinlock. The of- gest returned the tire and as the tiug became general it was essed by large numbers of u' and women on the side- and q. warn Columbia Doctor Dead. ilumbia, Deb. 19. ? Dr. .John Burkhalter died yesterday -y noon at his residence in this M atter a long illness with j M ht'sdisease. Dr. Burkhalter ps a wife, who was Miss mm den of Marlboro, and two 1 re n. mi jay more?when you can get. not ^ it) tine large cups of Ilr. Shoop'a x v ofl'ee from a 25c. package?but a ? in on a 25c. silvered "No-Drip" W Strainer besides? Look for the u -I put them in now The satis- *. , i? is, besides most perfect Sold by -A.I itt Grocery Co w I I The r| le 111 s t<> eating good things ! A I _____ sell between now and Christ- I ise of before De<*etnbor '25th I f IlUlf 'UK that will go regardless jj ind oyster that is guaranteed ? I i Man} , it will Pay >o IT? I Suve'1 U I ORI) HC I this wei ... .. . , soon tin finer. W e are in the rshingle ed Busi will make you a customer of I The $ , or a t'hieken dressed. I,,! 'nt:'6 even if will guarantee thai you will futuro t ery best attention. Any tw< se? for t k'?' Souther Let's A ^ cost onl rotners ^ year. ????????i ______? Vou c iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiirz-iiiiiii ~ M4I&1. ,?**"* ''11 lllll A|?|?1 i ' : \ it , ill III)) ' ,l>r?n?lb,?'alVo I ll 'I' I 1'renidei >mell no (rouble. III III int heat in a hurry ^tiUu 1 the house the lur- ^k\\\ j X$ 'ach. Its so easy to Mil j Ml Heater | less Device) I a hie lor any room in the M cr absolutely preventing My WC s high as you can or MM holds \ quarts ol oil JTI 1 ?r 9 hours. Fin- [ """MmlIII , ?an ornamen^ .J v\WW\ ' r warranted^ ~^>J))j : i ...... \, ?- ? - ? - Eat What ou want of the food ^ Kodol will digest 3u need a sufficient amount of C* I wholesome food and more than V/lll V3 you need to fully digest It. Go to your di se you can't gain strength, nor purchase a dolla you strengthen your stomach if can honestly say weak. receive any ben ju must eat in order to live and using the entir itain strength. gist will refund >u must not diet, because the without questio requires t hat you eat a sufflc- "We will pay th? amount of food regularly. of the bottle pu it this food must l>e digested, ?^cr .. . . ,. . , bottle only and it must be digested thoroughly. f .. hen the stomach can't do It, a,n *' _ must take something that will i the stomach. c?hld not s ie proi?er way to do is to eat an unless \ t you want, and let Kodol di- what Kodol will *?i """I'1 ?' vnc JUV/V?. "V.U1U uoiin The dollar bott )thing else can do this. When *** much ^ t,ie 1 stomach is weak it needs help; ? must help it by giving it rest, Kodol is made Kodol will do that. of E. C. DeWitt Sold by J. F. MACKEY & C The Home of [ood Clothes St Great B Unexcelled goods at low panic prices, g December, to the purchasing public, ou llothing and Pants at Ac1 e have a nice and nobby line in both Clotl id you will be surprised at the prices we ll other goods, consisting of what is usua >-to-date mercantile house, at correspondii So Come. Look ai Be Convinced. fc(?ar50 bookkeeping or Shorthand course is only $P ! Very ased to $55. Therefore, you will snve $15 by purehai you can not enter until January or later; the Hcho!arslii| inie. The $5o Telegraphy course is only $55 to those se< 1 $50 courses tor $70; in a short time the price will lie $91 (iHO. Think of it! but there's no time to loose; go aront n 7'ODAY and arrange for a scholarship- if not today, a* figure it this way: Some may not hava the ready cash; 1 y $5.6 ( for a \ear; deducting this from the $20 saved on m will still lie $14.40 ahead, if yon should borrow the 111 ly a $40 scholarship, $12.80 would lie saved after deduct The Way to Get This Barga: an not afford to miss this opportunity: so if you haveu't 1 thing in the worl I to do is to borrow it The rush is o the announcement by the Southern that it would soon 11 nest and best adapted business college quarters in the rv hat new home-going, would, for a limited time, offer ext Ask Atlanta's Business Men cations for these special scholarships are being made in | the mails, business education is THE NF/3KSSITY of per? Are you a stenographer? Oan you receive telegra; tncea for promotion are poor; in fact, it is the most 1 get a start in the commercial world without this bnsinei llass College. Ask Atlanta's representative business 1 e .Southern and you will not postpone this matter any It r write at once for special rates A. Iliiseoe. Preside! it, Atlanta, Ga. For the present on Whitehall viaduct. ESIDES HEAVY AND GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. direct your attention to our Jack Coffee, i 1-2 lb cans for 25c, and a vey's leading brands of Tobacc ural Leaf, Rich and Ripe, Coon and Ripe Peaches. Lot of fine home made Molassess anc Coods of ail kinds. Also country groi Yours to serve, . W. Sullivan <8 % ? 9 m rou need it. ruarantee ruggist today, and r bottle, and if you \ that you did not eflts from it, after e bottle, the drugyour money to you n or delay. , a druggist the price rchaaed by you. plies to the large to but one in a ifford to mikfl ve positively knew ^ do for you. r"C rupt us. le contains 254 times ifty cent bottle. at the laboratories . & Co., Chicago. o. "gains We offer, dur- t r entire line of :ual Cost. ling and Pants will quote you. lly kept in an lgly low prices. uaVA 1 lli'O.4. i I SHIPS AT ONCE mely low rates and Business ia the special LOW-PHI. varsity in Atlanta, ?a. iflly passing and very pa at this old-esinhlittiH.am the $50 rate will sing Scholarship now, p can he used at any jnring scholarship how. [). All three $50 conrid to the offioe of the > Monday. it N per cent $70 wiH i the combined scholaroney, or, shonld yon ing the interest for a in the uiouey, the most n; it began immediatelove into the largest, >uth, and in celebraraordinarily low rates. persou, by phone and tlio day! Are you a ph messages? If not, difficult thing in the is training secured at i ??? |y?v/?vn-?iUUIll 111*11 >n^er. it; Ij. W. Arnold, Vic?FANCY | A con ^riiiorp V /' J H H I V/ I J1 of Haro, NatKed < i i Canned ind meal. b Co. JS