Aiken Farmer Kills His C ored Tenant. Aiken special in the Colu bia State : Will Neal, a neg died last night from a wound dieted by Mr. John M. Wrig a whitp ir?!?n i L I r > > I > V* > * i 0 i ' _ iU j^otoiuajr UlO ing on Wright's place, ah eight miles from the city. Wri| came to the city and is now the custody of the sheriff, h ing surrendered. It appears from what can learned that Neal, who is a cr per on Wright's place, failed gather some open cotton, a that Wright employed hands e had the cotton picked him?< This enraged the negro. Yest day Wright went to the fi where the cotton had been pi ed, and with a force of hai began to sow oats on the 1 ai The negro had followed him the field, with his brother, a Neal told Wright that if he < Vv?ot get out of "his field" would kill him, and then reach in his liip pocket as if to ge weapon, wheieupon Wright hI at him four times with a revolv i wo of the bullets took effect. Neal had a bad reputation. Inventor of Shirtwaist. (From The Cleveland Leadei Josefa Oaborn is dead, a if the women of the natic of the world for the maM of that, only knew their unpa able indebtedness to her tfi would wear mourning bands their arms tor 30 days and | extra allowances from their hi bands and fathers and brothe to raise a glorious monurae over her bones. All the wome clubs, too, from Zanesvillo Zanzibar would drape their ha and put suitable resolutions their great loss on their minut Mrs. Oaboru invented tho fei inine shirtwaist. According to the consensus feminine opinion no single arti< of feminine decoration has e\ equaled the shirtwaist, it is once the most comfortable, t most becoming and the m< adaptable article in my lad; wardrobe. It is capable of 1 ing drawn out to any exte like an accordion. It is torm and it's informal, and eyei thing that lies between. It suitable tor anything Irom seance with the cooking sto to a reception at the Gotroc with a footman at the front do* Its genesis was simple. M Osborn saw her husband's si shirts and enved them. Frc that, as one who has a surfa knowledge ol the sex will testil it was but a step to annexatio Mas. Osborn went to the m who supplied her husbtnd ai told him that she wished a hi dozen shirts built on the reg lation masculine working pla save slight divergencies here ai there and with a decided curta ment in their length. He < murred; she insisted, and s won. She wore them herself; s gave them to her patrons, 1 she was the most famous drei maker in New York, and fro them sprung the millions of sh waists thfrt have covered a made attractive the women the world. Mrs. Oshorn was a wonder! woman in many wavs. Willi experience and only the nece.W for action to inspire her, she It the ranks of New York's Fc Hundred and with only $3,5 to start with, built up a busine that took an entire building, e ployed 350 persons, and enabl her to leave an estate ot fu half a million. This was her material rew ai but. the shirtwaist, to shift from its proper place for a mc ument, was her crown of gloi Nearly everybody known DeWitt's Li Early Risers are the beet pills mado T1 are aoittll. pleasant. aura Little Liver pi Hold by J. F. Ma?kay ' J THE LANCASTER NEWS. DE * Scott's I FOR s Emulsion I ? rn" of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- y 1 [)llt ?1 Lit-- * - -- imuspnues snouia always be SflHHR ^j11 kept in the house for the ? in following reasons: I \ir rr ? - r? . d u S We are otterir First?Because, if any member , y . of the family has a hard cold, Up? it will cure it. I to Second? Because, if the chil- tf v: md dren are delicate and sickly, it j?\ i.\ ind will make them strong and well. jF^Jk ^ ?/J alf. Third? Because, if the father ier* or mother is losing flesh and '% eld becoming thin and emaciated, J? \J 'fjL cl<- it will build them up and give f~-J m / 'f ads them flesh and strength. 1 v ^ ad Fourth?3ecause it is the i ~V P to standard remedy in all throat ? ft - ? >nc* and lvmg affections. k ^ I'o |?ouseiiold should be witht ft i i^is advertisement, together with name \ IT t l,ni of... r-' in which it appears. your address and VtoW fSTS?.!!? Jit# u . *it i ICN1011 BftO four cents to cover postage, and we will send ri?. cmsm i Of. yo a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World." ?? f <"-OTT & BOWNE. 409 I'carl St.. New York I them at will m Agreement Between United ~ States and Japan. For any thing r. ^ VVftshiufttnn. Nov 9.R _ rioc Q(j pite official reticence, informa- US. ,n tion from reliable sources has er been obtained of an agreement s^\r ky. of tar-reaching importance be v-/I COUFSe y< ,ey tweeu the United States and . . on Japan, covering the policy of tOflianS, the 1 ^et the two countries in the Pacific orwu/Vi^re "Pi The agreement is based upon dny Wllcre. XZ* ,r8 the ioea of encouraging and de- nhonLtplv ,TMq ut fending and peaceful com- dUbOlcl ^iy j^Ud u>8 mercial developments in the t to Pacific. It contains not a mu- WHO die dlKl I lis *u?l guarantee to respect each A nictm of others territorial possessions ^ t-usioi e8. there, but defines the attitude of TL UfUp the two countries towards China, Alley iidve mc binding each to defend by every of peaceful means Chinese inde3je pendence and integrity, and to rer give equal commercial opportunity in the Chinese empire to he a11 nations. But, more irapor- almost known, 38t tant still, the agreement, in ti e i i y,'8 event of complications threaten- UUtS tO tflC 1 )e" I?8-. ?L"!atUB ?U.?' bind9 lhe hrnnH anH ,1^1 i/111 m* i otaies aaa japan to con- ~ " " ? iaj suit each other with a view of BeSUre to See < v. acting together. r j8 ? _ can sure nx yc Why pay more?when you can get. not 1 1 1*1 only 90 tine targe cups of Dr. Slioop's yOU lOOK llKC cl V0 Health I offee from a 25c. package?but a t Coupon on a 2Gc. silvered "No-Drip" ? Coflee Strainer besides? Look for the jr. Conpou -I put them in now. The satis- I Don't fortret as v rH faction is. besides most perfect 8old by . i ' Dennett Grocery Co w II gains we are a?so ? LARS IN GOLI ce Another Hunting Tragedy see us> fQr any of fy, in North Carolina. i n* Henderson special in the Char- W nl lolte Observer : News was I * ' received from the country this JLtf1 1 1 morning that llillman, aged 18 -j u years, sun of Mr. Joshua Hames, Wc have "H died last night of gunshot wounds J received yesterday while hunt "* ing. He with his cousin, Aivin, 'e" son of Mr. A. T. Barnes, of this ?~ _ 'ie place, and a Mr. Shotwell, also T||f U 1# fljjtl of Henderson, after cnminor nut XXAwi Xwa Ala tlX*. 1 *ie or woods took seats on a log CPIFhlTIPIP HDTIP or While there it was proposed to OulCnilrlu Urllu throw shells into the air and lire Do yOUT OlaSSCS SU ?tltl,>8 : Aivi" prepared fire, Fitting and adjusti ,ri while his cousin threw the shells, . j n<* his foot, slipping, however, the gl^SSCS and specta ot contents ol the gun entered the specialty. t chest of Hillman, trom which he Located at preS no diThis i, the fourth death that home of Mr W. F. ( *y hug occurred in that neighbor- Lancaster, S. L. ^ hood from accidental shooting , ",r within the past four years. qr j WELI 00 ? ? DENTIST 188 The old fashioned way ol (losing a weak _, i? *i m- Htouiach, or ntimuhiting the Heart or Kid- UHlC? in KmmoilH Kuib ecJ dojh is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed pogite First National ,, oat thia error This ih why hia preacrip- p. a lly tion Dr. Hhoop'a Itestorative Is directed 1 "One no. o. entirety in uie cause oi mese ailments the fjANCAJSTKIt S. j weak inside or controlling nerves. it isn t ? so difficult, says Dr. .Vhoop, to strengthen ?????? it a weak Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, if one Mnrtmr 4/t I / 0*1 )Q goes at it oorrectly. Kach inside organ IflOIlLV 10 L<0uH haa its controlling or inside nerve When ry. these nerves fail, then those organs innat I now prej nred to negotu aurely falter, These vital trntha are lead- from i?.00 ami upwards on ing druggists everywhere to dispense and cotton farina, repayable in anni 1"? recommend Dr. > hoop's Kestorative Test ments, at 8 per cent inteiest. ',nT it s few daya, and nee! Improvement will missions charged ; only a reas< "8- promptly aud surely follow, Sold by for abstract of title. Funderbnrk Pharuiacv. w MM K B vvYLIB, Attorney CEMBER 2, 19Q8 THE CEI ig you the choicest 1 for a long _ astonish y< celebrated Kirshbaur cannot go I ai ^or ^ey h; cannot be |?|I Clothes. \w c'?^es \U ties, but h; ^ above linei N? T?r| ake you take notice to wear, dont fail have the right thin* ou know about thos ; SHOE ranteed. Ask the lave been wearing mer, always a cus : right shape and We have every style from the cheaprenowned HowJ no. B. Stetson. ' our hats for we * ?u up, and make 1 new man. t ou go along while you giving away absolutel 3. Some body will ge your wants. : : aster IV for sale several nice M iVIN jf BESIDE: IAN it you? ng eye.cles is ' c ;ent at larvin, we (iirect yot Coffee, i i vey's lei SH ural I .. C ling opI?ank Lot of fine t Goods of al c. I W ito loans at 0 v W 0 iOlJTOTM n?l iMHtallNo com- m >uahle ft*e imemmmm ll-Uv, 1 Whei jou w; 7^ MONTH OF VI BET line of clothing you have seer time, and at prices that wil juy consisting of the following makes: Schloss Bros. & Co. ns, and Kant-Be-Beat. You wrong in buying any of these, ave the style and snap that found except in Tailor made We also have a cheaner line 1 ~ that have the wearing qualiive not quite the style of the 5, that the prices we will offer Sf..1A moJI c, ^ L VIC, 1 flM CMkM ?*Uf| >* J li, VWI Winter Underwear We have all grades from the Dest knit underskirts at 50c. to :he the very much finer grades. For anv thing to wear we are * o he people. are buying some of the above bary free ONE HUNDRED DOLt it, and why not you. Come to # Iprr'flp P.o M w* w V* WV/i ilk Cows with young calvc. ??"W????????? ??? m S HEAVYAND FANCY GROCERIES >F ALL KINDS, ir attention to our Jackson Square 2 lb cans for 25c, and all of Hariding brands of Tobacco, Nat^eaf, Rich and Ripe, Red oon and Ripe Peaches. "tome made Molassess and Canned I kinds. Also country ground meal. Yours to serve, Sullivan Co. ant, "Want" it through The News.