The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, December 02, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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(^jjr" - ' -* Sf LOCAL DOTS J} Ml m e, The Dixie school opened Monday, \ ^ with Miss Bessie Ummond, of Lancas- s ter, as teacher. Mr. W. O. Hoid, a loading citizen of Rock Hill, died Monday. llo was J( about 67 years of age. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Hroadus At Mobley, of Kershaw, died Monday, ra aged about three weeks. Miss Cornolia Klliott has accepted a |>, position with Merchant Mackorell un- fu 11 * * '? * - iu nuur ino vnristmas holidays. Mr. W. Crossly Kobinson, who has r< been critically ill at a Charlotte hospital he for the past few days, was a littlo bet- 0\ ter yesterday. h? Mrs. Martha T. Mobloy, widow oftho nt late Col. Samuel W. Mobley, died at her in home in Chester Friday. She was in er her 87th year. la Mr. Mart Bowers, of the Heath Springs section, who had the misfortune bj to lose his dwelling by fire a few weoks w ago, has had a nice new residence built and will move into it this week. he The Farmers' Union warehouse was finished Saturday by the contractor,Mr. w W.S.Uangley. Already about 800 bales of of cotton have been stored in the build- th ing and the number is daily increasing, in Mr. Benjamin Bowers, son of Mr. J. " . A. Bowers, of the Primus section, and Miss Lorenna Small, daughter of Mr. M Ananias Small 1-- * mL f .. vy? V I K'U IrtM X II u rs day, by Notary Public B. F. Adams, de at his residence. hi The Bank of Lancaster, the First National Bank, Mr. B. C. Hough, vi the Williams-Hughes Co., the Moore ni Lumber A Mfg.Co.,and M r. W. Abraham, the hustling young Syrian, all have attractive ads. in today's News. Bead them. ^ Cards are out announcing the appreaching marriage of Mr. Raymond Helms to Miss Cora Helms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Helms, of Union ju county, N. C., on Dec. 16, 190H. They are botli well known ami have many u friends and admirers in this State. lit The State convention ot the Daughters of the Confederacy is being held in j^( Abbeville this week, convening yesterday. The dolegates from the Lancaster ^ Chapter have been assigned homes as follows: Mrs. M. J. Perry, with Miss Mary L. Robertson; Mrs. M. K.Cauthen, N 1 with Mrs. G. A. Noutrer; Miss Marie Craig, with Miss Mnwo ,a els As Mr. 1). P. Helms was com inn to j town one day last week ho found a pocket-book in the road neartJillsereek, containing $22 and some cents. It also " contained a paper bearing the name of !>t the owner, Mr. J. C.Nelson. Mr. Helms m sont the purse and contents that night to Mr. Nelson, who was greatly relieved in to recover his lost property. ur Invitations havo been issued an- | nouncing the approaching marriage of Miss Maude McKeown, daughter of Dr. C. B. McKeown, of Fort l.awn, to I)r. se M. J. MeFadden, of Kock Hill. The ceremony will bo performed in the M Port Lawn Baptist church on Dec. ltith, th at S o'clock in the afternoon. The prospective bride has many friends and ad- of mirers in Lancaster, where she has oc- te: casionally visited. . ? . I>1 Coming Meeting of 1st itiv. IV. 08 M. U. Morlah, Association . ? The Program. i j,i The quarterly meeting of 1st Division of the W. M. I'.of Moriah association, will be held in Pork Hill Baptist church ? Dec. 19th, instead of 2f>th. Societies of Iu the following churches will please send delegates: Plat Creek, Beaver ('reek, Taxahaw, Pleasant Plains, Flint ltidge, fh White Blutl', Heath Springs, Charles- >n boro, Kershaw, Rich Hill, Pork Hill. w' Visitors from Division 2 will bo lieartilyjwolcoined. cl PRotiRAM. NN| ed 10.30 Devotional, organisation. Wei- CI come?Mrs. Van Small. bj Response?Miss Bula Brasington. M Paper?And who is my neighbor? (Luke 10-20) Mrs H. K. Small. caper?>Yomnn k I'uty to Woman?| Mrs. David Fletcher. Wl Discussion?<>ur Pastors, (a) How 81 they can help the W. M. Societies. (It.) How the W. M. Societies can help them, ed By Miss Ada Clyburn. da Adjournment, I2.;t0. rP 2. p. m. Discussion?The necessity of "Sunbeam Bands" and "Younu Peoples" departments of our work?Miss Belle Stover. ,e Report of YV. M. I', in Charleston? ? Miss Lilly Mobley. The need of a special object for work ? in our societies?Miss Julia B. Tyler. These subjects, after bein^ introduced, will be open for general discussion. Let us have a full detection from each Ho- 77 ciety. Mrs. L. V. Bishop, Pres. Div. 1. SPEC I AIj SO T1CKS. The Lancaster Court House Farmers' "J I'nion will meet Thursday afternoon at , ? W vtwn. .J. I*. msuut. ^ Thanksgiving services will be held ^ by the Junior Order at the Second Baptist church next Sunday morning at 11 w o'clock. The public is cordially lnvlt- IT ed to attend. The members of the Junior Order are requested to meet at tho . hail at 9 o'olock. The Union Farmers Union will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 9th, at 2 p. m. I Every member is urged to be present. M. W. Johnson, Free. c' ? , U Mrs. Lizzie Mohley and Miss May L Crux ton of Heath Springs, spent Wednesday In Lancaster. N THE LANCASTER N ParoAtiol HORSES AN I crsonal. Hood retur Mrs. Ernest Moore is visiting her fath- */. in Columbia, Dr. W. T. Hall. the k.nd Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kaminerof (Jails- stock Co. in, the parents of Mrs. M. S. Wither- oon, have been spending a few days SP ?CIaL BA ire with Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoou. week and srr, Messrs J. H. Witherspoon, C. D. at and below < nes and W. T. Williams, as well as Mrs. Mary Bel >1. Springs, as noted in our last issue, poit RENT tended the international automobile Ka*t Knd i ees in Savannah on Thanksgiving day. j jately "* App Mr. (Willie ltoss Moore, student of ?vidson College, has been spending a NOTICE?My w days at his home here. is now upst Mrs. Kli/.a Roberta nit"'""'' r * " a,r>r" ' [>ck Hill Saturday, accompanied by B'gn at ?r son, Mr. Leo Roberts, who wont Lmuaay, Agt. rer after her the dav before. Sho ^jj^yED O is been under treatement at the Fen- ' r?-r Heath-.] dl hospital and her health is much ith whitc hi lPT?i*h "?r w0,,VMM nH MUUl lKOb"f ol(,< weight ab ts. took her to Koek Hill Monday of for'raation to ? Btweek* ter.SC. Ole Miss Ola l'lylerof Dixie, accompanied t Mr. Ben Fundorburk, ofTradosville, VVK WANT ho have been visiting Misses Lola and of Lancastei ula Witmore of Wingate, N. C., just received ive returned home. oriental goods Mr. W. J. Blakenoy, ot Flat Creek, S Daghir ,v tU as one of the pleasant callers at this T,,., . . bee last Saturday Mr. Blakenoy, by ' A ^acl e way, is one of The News best pay- d we g subscribers, his subscription now . , ting paid up to January 1910. days and b rid. Mr. J. A. Hyatt, of Van Wyck, spent FOR HALF?/ onday in town. for no fault. Hroadus Usher of Monroe spent Fri- man^Lanoasiei ly and Saturday in Lancaster with an Y of voi s aunt, Mrs. Emma Small. married, don Miss Susie Dunlap, of Rock Hill, is tjons printed a siting her cousin, Miss Irene Cun- ea8ter. ngham. ? - . ?Mr. W. J. Crenshaw, of Van Wyck, FINEST CELI ent Saturday in Lancaster. January 1st. Mr. A. C. Carnes returned Sunday R handson am a few days' visit to relatives in write eall or larlotte. ' Mrs. W. A. Shand, of Clinton, who ALL PARTI K is been spending two or three days Stewart aro li sre with her niece, Mrs. 1). Reece Wil- once, as we n ims, returned home Monday. She contemplating as accompanied by Mrs. Williams's ne8S, tie brother, Master Silas Bailey. . Mr. T. P. Caskey, of Jones Cross ^ads, spent Friday night with his son- I -law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. I Sistare, ol Riverside. I Mr. W. P. Roddey, of ttreat Falls, | I sited Lancaster this week. j Mr. S. J. Outen and family, of Page- .1 nd, s|ient from Saturday until yester- 11 iy inuniinK Here with the former's MmwUh other, Mr. J. N. Outen. Mr. J. M. Hood, of the Gregory- ,ivJjL1^R||HQ ood company, returned Monday from ropA J . Louis, where he purchased 100 ules and horses. IkJ"^VwSJ Mr. Claude N. Sapp, who is study- r? g law at the State University in Colnbia, spent Sunday with his parents, Cpf ] r. and Mrs. I>. P. Sapp, in the Taber- . jj ^ Mr. D. F. Sapp, of the Tabernacle ction, visited Kock Ilill this week. Mr. K. L. C. Belk and family, of Fort ill, are visiting relatives here and in e county. \_yJLIJI. Mr. Paul Harden, of Chester, agent /"11 the "Keo," spent Saturday in Lam-as- C yllf Mr. llogan Plyler, son of Mr. Joe yler, has gone to lirown county, Tex- means at , where he will in fliture reside. tViin?r<< Mrs. C. I*. Ca jr, who has been visit- , f* " /? g relatives at ttichburg during her StOCK OI lsband's absence at Conference, met ClaUS alw r. Carter here yesterday on his way choicest ? ick from Laurens, aecomi>anying him ^ their homo at Van Wyck in the alter- are all g0( on. sense of Mrs. M. K. Cauthon, Mrs. M.J. Perry have the id Miss Marie Craig are representing 00 vc 0 Lancaster Chapter at the State meet- Ties, db W g of the U. l>. C. in Abbeville this articles, ? l'ek- at lowest Misses Kflie and Virgie Wright, the tarming daughters of Mr. J. VV. right, have returned from an extend1 visit to friends and relatives in 1 tester. They were accompanied home r their grandmother, Mrs. M. K. Mcanus, of the Gills Creek section. . one hundred and ? 1 uro Hmothered to death by an explo- Jjf on in a Pennsylvania mine Saturday. Three thousand people were renderhouaoless al.Cuthrie, Oklahoma, Sun- M ty by the overflowing of < 'ot ton wood rer. When you want any printing dou^ Return Lnj tid it to The News. uay, I business Notices ^ j DK SAI.K?3 nice pigs. h. C. Lazenby. "t*T'j T P \ VH the ladles to look at our pretty things whether they want to ly or not. S. Daghir <% Co. ggW W 9 ritAYKI) OK t.TOl.KN?A chest- W /I nut sorrel mare colt,about 16 months it. Was with itn mother in back JWK t Saturday afternoon. Reward. " trvis Cunningham. 18 K WAIST all the ladies to watch our show windows for the next few A dramat eeKH. S. Daghir a Co. Clay's beau OR HALE?Two sets of mill rooks? Atonement, corn and wheat rocks?and fixtures, nyoduction. poly to Waterworks Commission. S , , anoa.ter, h. o. at Competent WANT to buy all cow hides, mink ^ then,' i hides and otter hides Higheat make-Up yo ish price paid Capers Cantbcn. cry. If yoi '_!!! spot this pli OsT?A small cloth back memo- Qpotu nn > random. Steward tor return to The U'? ewe ofltce. H. H. Htarne*. Glfy Store. i/ EWS, DECEMBER 2. I9Q8 D MULES?Our Mr. ned Monday from Ht. selected load of mules I all and see them. They I Gregory-Hood Live RGAINS?In I W A 13 ft iall lot of ladies' ooats I JEtcjL JL. JLl JL :ost for next ten days. I >1. 18-20 A six-room dwelling in I T T Possession giveu itume- I Li ly to L. P. Ulyburn. 18 Singer machine oftlce AE aire over Heatb-Jonea 'OOk for the "Singer" npTj a rp f iron stairway . A . B. J[ X R STOLEN?From lot tMMHi (ones Co., black mare mi feet, about 7 years out 1200 lbs. Ken-1 in- XJAT T>T'MVn Elliott's stables, Lancns- XAVAL-'i-'llNVJ ve Small. 18 ALL THE LADIES ?o know that we have an attractive line of ?r __ , suitable for hrlstmas. B It you are liol anc? of the season, the Vieln^ Tf koaon gins will run only ovy ek?Wednesdays, Thurs4ZS: 17-18 If vou are Sell in l tine All-round horso? Apply to John A. Stew- ,,, r. i7.i? your money wit] lr folks are going to get 't fail to get tho invitat the News offloe, ~Your money is ?RY from now on, un^il J J. H. Maekorell. 14-22 _. -p- . iMvii?uon8 Your Business E phone the News office. rONFl ;s indebted to Mct'Ain A lereby notified to pay at ecd the money and are a change in our busi== The Bank PC KeepYc f in Oi istmas 1 By Patronizing . kpr ^ ^ Don't forget that v i I dealers in all kinds of I l 1 fully furnish estimates groceries Santa 6 0ur shop is e<IuiPPed t0 -ays picks out his 2 and our mana^er 18 cotr< rifts, because they g xl things in every II == AS the word. We j daintiest of luxu- ? ell as solid staple Jw U M ill of the best and ^ Eifl aka I i ^ r , III IVIUUIc LUIII Bennett# i ?rp A I FROM $15 TO $20 SAVED THE SOUTH )USE Many are availing themseh now offered by the South ^agement, Wednes-j University of )ecember 2nd. I Mured #20! Are yon one of the nnnib* ^ - ('.ED scholarships of the Southern Short I ^ | 0|\j this week? It not, yon hn<l better net nl w noon the opportunity will linve been lost Presents Scboel are as follows* 7lie $50 bookkeeping or Mhorthund c< pp be increased to $55. Therefore, you wil v/" VJUI LIUII even if you can not enter until January jvt futuie time. The $50 Telegraphy couth Any two $50 courses for $70; in a short t _ ses for $80 Think of it! Hut there's m Southern 7\)D.W and arrange for a sell Let's figure it this way: Some may m cost only $5.60 for a year; deducting thi m a a ship, you will still be $14 4'> ahead, if y< . Ul want only a $10 scholarship, $12.80 won > Blame - . The Way to ;ization of Bertha M. You 'ftn BOt to miss this oppori tifnl aforv "A Rittoe flonw,b,e thing in the world to do is to b m a Dltier |y Kftor the announcement by the South A Complete stage handsomest and best adapted business c Special Scenery t'on new b?me-going, would, for Cast. Ask Atlanti q onir kiivy iv\ ir ah ApplicftiioDB for ihoso np6cii\I ho hoi art s any numor in your throtlKh th?, mailH. M?siness education U Will laugh till yOU bookkeeper? Are you a stenographer? IT heart has a tender y?or obances for promotion are poor; i i? , world to get a start in the eommorcial w ?y Will reacn it. * First-Class College Ask Atlanta's r? sale at Hough's jew- ,4b(oa1t1the '^'uh7n un Lyou will,u,,t p?< n or ro i nr- all or write at once for special rates, i ric?6 9U and 7o. 1'resideut, Atlaata, (Ja. For the presoa 5 1 E R SI j ow JOUT COTTON or SELLING? ding?do you need here's the place, .g?why not deposit ti "The Old Reliable" absolutely SAFE )ealings are Strictly DENTIAL at of Lancaster. >urMoney } jr City $ HOME Industries. J ye are manufacturers of and J milding material and cheer- ^ on any kind of construction. g do any kind of wood work, ^ ipetent and experienced. J K US = ^ iMlg.Co.J BY PURCHASING lERN'S SCHOLARSHIPS AT ONCE res of the extremely low rates lern Shorthand and Business Atlanta, Georgia ?r that purchased one of tho speciol LOW-L'KIbiiud and Business University in Atlanta, via. t once, for the time is swiftly passing and very Today the scholorships at this old-establish* mrse is only $10! Very soon the $50 rate will II save $15 by purchasinc Scholarship pp? . <* f " or Inter; the Scholarship can be used at any e in only $35 to those securing scholarship now. inie the price will ho $30. All three $50 eouro time to loose; go around to the othoe of the olarship- if not today, go Monday, ot hava the ready cash; at H per cent $70 will s fiom the $20 saved on the combined scholar>n should borrow the money; or, should >ou Id be saved after deducting the interest for a Get This Bargain tunity; so if yon haven't tho money, the most orrow it. The rush is on; it began immediateern that it would soon move into tho largest, solh-ge quarters in the Mouth, and in oelebra ? uuiueu urao, otter extraordinarily low rate*. i's Business Men ihips are being made in person, by phone and is THE NECESSITY of the (lay! Are yon a Can yon receive telegraph messages? If not, n fact, it is the most difficult thing in the orld withont this business training secured at ipresontative business and professional men stpoue this matter any longer. A. C. Briscoe President; L. VT. Arnold, Yieat on Whitehall viaduct.