4 ?he ||ai (SEM ncastee pews MrPL I-WEEKLY.) dt>t THE LANC wren Crenshaw Dead? j ised Away Suddenly Sun- I EASTER NEWS, DEC Christmas EMBER 2, I9Q8 I Report < J of the Condit: ===== k ion of Published We at Lancaster, S Publishing Com CHAS. T. CON A. J. CLARK. Hntered as sooo 1005, at the pos under Act of Cc irvnvvBn t tdnesdays and Saturdays r* . C., by The Lancaster known tpany. townsli NOKS Editor at'lernc Husiness Manager vv as foi nd class matter Oct. 7th, 7 o'clo tofflce at Lancaster,S.(\, laid do >ngrcss of March 3, 1879. ^ Dap k V A 1AAU over tl uuren urensnaw, a wen citizen of Pleasant Hill iip, died suddenly Sunday >on, of heart failure. He ltid dead in his bed ab>ut ck in the evening, having wn about 3 o'clock to take An inquest was held le body Sunday nicht by is ahead, but we are aheac Have you begun to thin! Christmas ? It is not too < l-_ TVf.. ~i- 1- * lof ===== 15 iirst : cof jar At Lancaster, in the State = THE = National of South Car- ! LI AH 11 3ank LTTIES. Some new pel us to ci space in tods Whether y yet or not, it r^Ainnr trnnr I ft. m ft B-i V/? Jm% ivvrv* Coront , . burial advertisements ini- Mouda irlail our editorial duc(i ly's paper. Mr late J rou have put 'em on about is time you were a wide Mi riof m o a ohnnninnr I .1 ?r J. M. Caskey and the was at Now Hope church ly, Key. T. A. Dabney con % (he funeral services. Crenshaw was a son of the ohu Crenshaw and was 58 years of age. He leaves ?w, daughter of the late n :i i .1 ly. my slock is very c< plete, and a good many the early buyers are gett through with the worry, order to induce you to j the wise crowd, I will g you H 0 per cent discount all Christmas goods and fact on anything you buy olina, at the closo of busiiu Of 27 tb, 1908. 1T}? RESOURCE In join Loans and Discounts .... rive Overdrafts, secured A* unse On U.S. Bonds to secure ciruuli in Premium on I'.S. Bonds., in Bonds. Securities, etc JSS November (.apltai stock paid Surplus fund g Undivided Profits, I ses and taxes p .. $111,880.03 ^ational Hank N c'd 1,015.31 standing a'!, 25,000.00 Individual Deposl to Check 5 500.00 i rpim0 Certificates. . 24.205.30 ! ofdenosil in $ 26,000.00 15,000.00 ess ox pen aid ... 3,636.46 fotos out 25,000.00 ts subject *121,983.74 18.880.81 uv/iu^ y wui ^ Some w?>m A widow has against a paj her husband pier home.? The judge ^Iltiotliioo Lftliuy ren, as en are awful touchy. Mre. brought an actinu place ; >er which said that Cedar had gone to a hap- Mrs. C Tennile Tribune John a Miss at the national can- a'8(> sl DHiiey, ana seven enuu- r follows: W. G. Bowers, of this Mrs. William Croxton, of Creek; Mrs. T. K. Bailey, harles Ferrell, and Messrs >nd Duffie Crenshaw and Docia Crenshaw. He is irvived by two brothers this store from Wednesd Dec. 2d to 12thlnclusr My goods are all marked the selling price and this fer is no hoax. D ^ 1 lay, Han ing House, Furnitun . __ Fixtures Duo from National Banks, 1 at Reserve Agents of- Due from Approved Reset Agents Cheeks and other Cash Ite Notes of other National Bai L ? , ^ Certified (Shocks . . .'1,000.00 Cashier's Cheeks u)t outstanding ... 22,357.10 ! ,r , . lotal rve 15,844.53 >stato of South Car* ! County of Ilina \ ter. }ss Cashier of the above solemnly swear that < * r*t its trim tii tha hnuf ital who has has a right band's pocke timid old bac whose spouse A Chicago have discov . i ... i . decided that a wife and a i to search her hus- Richar its must be either a becca j ihelor or a Benedict The wears the trousers, shaw i will be scientist claims to hear ol ered that metals ? jister, Me?9rs James and d Crenshaw and Mrs. Re \dams. many triends of Mr. Creu- ' throughout the County , pained and shocked to f his untimely end. D. v>. nougj Jeweler and Optician REO r i i flju r ? prntni I Nicklcs and Cents I Lawful Money Reserve I bank, viz: Specie $10,6.14 Legal-tender Notes 2,.">411 I Redemption fund with U. Treas (5% of circulation Total l\V, 27"$ 10 ol" my knowledge n K. M. C in Subscribed and ! this 1st dav of Dew .80 ! F 1.00 10,174.80; | Correct?Attest: l<"** i ( has. I). ) . . 1,250.00 Krne K. . . .$2.'i0,030.8(1 I ,nd belief. KOXTON, Cashier. sworn to before me jniber, li?08. R. PORTER, N. P. Jones, st Moore, E. Wylie, Directors. oiiow iaugue. Maybe so; lar isn't anyt as the man v all day befor on it. There i3 editor needs ?Augusta Lieraia. lYieetll but the silver dol- T-anoa hing like as tired Is herel) i . , . house c vho has to chase it o'clock i p he can lay hands please ? gates a oounty E. I). S one time when an ?"ake a , busineB a wiifi and that, is . ng 01 county union. ister County Farmers' Union y called to meet in the court >n Thursday, Deo. 10, at 10 a. ni. All local unions will ;et together and appoint delend every union man in the is urged to be present. Hon mith is expected that day to public address. The county s agents are to meet in Coluni Automobile "The Fin I st national Bank when he is the gowus w< ISummerville Wouldn't equally as w granted, of man in the either has a ? uin on i trying to describe port on )rn at a wedding.? ourmee News. his sweetheart do ell? We take it for Ac course, that every * 1 nt,e , J Juf Probate for Lancaster connill sell at public outcry at the idence of Irwin Sims, deceased, 2 Cyl. 22 II. ?. TourluK Cai l?nNNru|(er, M 1 OOO F. O. II. i lory. Top *50 film. 1 Cyl. KiiiimImmiI $.1041, F. 41 factory. Top H2H extra. ^ Lc r. 5fac I The hunti i t j. incaster, S. C. ng season is ope A S A _ I.J 1 :n now. I test to pun < own. What's g the mules, a Vaughn, of I ship, tells us place ate a i tViA Afhor rlo oil a wedding ol his propert to wit: ., one hog ot the matter with kitchen nyhow? Mr. John harness Pleasant Iiill town- ""P1*"1 that a mule on his Admin lalt dozen raw lerea *r kafnra flio or*imnl 1^-21 iuay, ueu. in, mus, wiinin me >urs of sale, all of the personal y belonging to said deceased. One mare, one cow and calf, one pig, lot household and furniture, 'one boggy and set i, lot corn and fodder, farming ents, &c. Terms of sale, caah. HENRIETTA SIMS, istratrix Estate of Irvin Sims, ped. \VonrfMl car* at panic pr "THE CAR FOR NOUTI1 CAROLINA ICO A ON It will pay you toinvestig; i,,? j usi wa = whi i Your ate. Our concern bou inea 10 lei you J ere you could gei Shells CI ght 25,000. Have the Sm inow t heap lokeless. too. could be dri of hia hen1 Newberry O eating oi a in in that c?u get to suckin ing new?paf something w j K/\J v/io IMO aiiitiini veu away from one s nests. And the NotlC* bserver reports the, I am 3wspaper by a mule K^car inty. When mules and unt g eggs and devour- the otlic ~ 11) 0 1*01 >ers there must be pvery y roug somewhere. having 2 by Supt. of Education now serving the unexpired f County Superintendent of ion W. M. Moore (resigned) il further notice I will keep ie open for the transaction of r Thanksgiving. We have i up-to-date line of Fancy G arket. Everything- truarai s. We have : the most roceries iteed. The autom right in tliei nah may a having claims a> the estate of Irvin Sims, df-er will present the same duly attesi the undersigned within the tinu scribed l>y law; and all persor *""* Try Pii -edi- Lobst ^aied' New croP NeW ( ted to good bi: p pre)h in leapple Cheese, Edam Che< ers, Shrimps, Crabs on Shel Drleans Molasses. When scuit buy your Flour from sse, I. \ you want a us. V Uli US! if \ n n According who nttende 'here isn't Savannah !o As publis i.HHue ot Tin w riH select fid Miuie to a Lancastrian , s?"d (1 the <_'real races L0^8 any prohibition in' manage. bed in Saturday's I 0 News, Abbeville | bv I lift \f ftf lirvliu I U your orHor* for .Jolt in. News?goc il woi iv . i. ''ii ucuifu i i# i 11r- pfiiu rn'mt* t\ ill | make payment to me at once. Henrietta Him Ariminint rail I lee. 2, 190S. 1 JUHHnH h, ?Fresh Fi pix. S-21 w W. L. sh Friday and Sat Croxton & : u relay? : Co. Annual Conf oi meeting in waa the onl t li? Laurens fhe News and iollowing oxj: Lancaser's pi esented: erencn as its place jxt>t-ar. Abbeville y nomination, and correspondent ot I Courier ^ivea the dan at ion as to why > invitation .vas not THIS S >PACE I I We are no In Our w quartered.. New Bu ildins bomewhat this morning was voted ur Conference o ville. It ha' Lancaster wo ference, but this morning early in Hie aes-ion, jj at 12 o'clock, it lanimoualy that the I J909 go to Abbe 1 been reported that ttl uld invite the Con- ^ a consultation early y resulted in the \ f I n ?\ /* n a ? A t? r\??r? KESERV [cCASDELL & ED FOB ALLISON BROS and arc prepared . | Buggies, to serve you in anythi = INCLUDING = Wagons, Hi ..and especially in ng in our line irness, W ItUVJl flVVrtl ' vided it fhou nation for th Cottc #iton on loci In Now York closed at 9.">f> co follows: Decern U>wh <1 (II Mfl II Uftll^ntJVDl , JJl IP Id be put in nomi- i e year following. fi >n Market. j i\ market, 9 cents. J yosterday spot cotton K nt and futures closed as E hor, 9.10, January, 9.01; fj urn. 9.0.t. IBM WATC )H IT I! ILOltS | ! having just received I ken. We will alway headquarters while i Greaoru-H ES AND Ml a fresh car-load of young s be glad to have you make n town. Call and see us. ood Lice Stoc FLES mares, well broi our stables your ik Co'nii MBHI W S ? rn*