The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, December 02, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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A LATEST HILL NEWS. American Textile Manufac turer. Louisville, Ky.?John Wi liams is understood to be pe: fecting plans for the organiz tion ol a company to build worsted yarn mill. Burlington, N. C.?The Belli yue Mills Company is installs a new Bet of 12 cards. It, is r< ported the company will doub its equipment ol 3120 ring epii dies and 146 narrow looms. Lowell, N. C?Lowell Mi No. 2 is now running full tim and expects to make a shipmei of goods this week. This mi makes fine yarns. All the mil here are now running full tim< the Peerless is running dav an night. ThomaBton, Ga.?Thomasto Cotton Mills will make an add 'f tion of about 8000 spindles. O. A. Robbins of Charlott has sold them Fales <k Jen! spinning and will do the engii e6ring. The card room equij monl lino f?1 MJWMV *uo ucou JJUI ^iirtnru 11 u I Saco-l'ettee Machine Shops. Columbus, Ga.?Announci ment was made that an additio would be built to the Tops Hosiery Mill at once, increasin the capacity of the plant on< third. The machinery lias al ready been ordered. The mi is now running day and nigf and did not stop a minute dui ing the panic. Sundays exeepi ed. It was built three years ag and its capacity has double since that time. Columbia, Ala.,?A. D. Wooc has completed arrangements t build his proposed cotton nn heretofore mentioned. lie li? decided to add another story t the structure. The plant wil probably have an equipment c 5,000 spindles for manufactui ing yarns. In connection wit this mill, Mr. Wood will build dam to develop 1,000 h. p. to driving the machinery of th plant. Mooresville, N. C.?No. Cotton Mill is now turning it machinery by electric motor The work of installing five motoi with a capacity of 310 horse pow er being completed this week Mr. E. E. Edminster put in th the motors and Mr. J. L. Donal( superintendent ot lights, put i *i.^. ?i i bac wiira tiuu uitiuc inw uuuiltu tion with the Southern Po^vc Company's transformer statioi This is the last cotton mill c tho town to put in electric pow er. The other three having in stalled power some time ago. Lexington, N. C. ? VVe are ir formed that C. A. Hunt, Jr will eapaitlize his new mill t $125,000. lie contemplates erecting building for 10,044 spindles an accompanying machinery, bu the first installation will be 820 spindles and 250 looms. 10le< tricity will be used for drivin ihe machinery if satisfsctor terms are quoted by the loci power company; if not, then stem power plant will be instal eu. Mr. II unt expeeta to contrac for the carding and apinnin machinery in the near future but will not begin couBtructin the mill building until no* spring. Chester Woman's Unwittinj Wit. Cheater Lantern: Some wc mon are as lunny as an I rial man. Yesterday evening one i Chester called up her husban at his office and told kim to sto at the bakery on his way horn and get some bread, lie ex pressed doubt about the bakery' being open. She answerer "Well, come by any way, and i it is open get three loaves tor te cents ; if not, get two." THE I To Escape Dog R Leaps into Automobi ualdwell, IN. J., Nov. 2? rabbit rode in an automobil I a dog pursuing it dropped i These strange incidents t r like a tale trom Muuicha 4" but they actually occurred a here. Chased bv a yelpiug h 3* the rabbit jumped on a wall and for a while ran pa with the automobile driv< Charles Crampey, a Newsr siness man. Suddenly the animal leaped from the wal II landed plump in the tonne ie the car. it The hound, not to be thus U wit ted, coutinued to pursu 'a automobile until it dropped v, either from exhau ition or d the effects of gasolu e fumes rabbit was captured and t n home by Carmpey fcr his i- dren. e Hitchcock First to La 18 Hot Springs, Va., Nov. ! I F. El. Hitchcock has been ol J and has accepted the positi II Post master General in the Cabinet that is to be. 3- The official announceme ? this conclusion reirardina y first Cabinet selection ot ] ? dent*eloct|Taft,'will doubtU's be made until Mr. Tafi has I- pleted his Cabinet, at which II it will be announced en blo< r- An Actress Suicides, ^ New York, Nov. 28.?Us j pillow to niullle the report revolver, Mrs. Eleanor Co a talented playwright and at flhot herself in the right te ? today in an apartment at ' St. Regis Hotel, and she is 18 lv dying. Before making ? attempt at self-destruction, C(?wper had written a nu of letters?one to her lawj take charge of her body, a the coroner, a third to an u 11 taker and a fourth to r Hood, a friend, apprising e of her intention to commi cide. g Preventics, tlie new Candy Cob T ablets, aie haid by druggists 10 ha' special specitic advantages over at 8 remedies for a cold. First They ? no Quinine, nothing harsh or sic! Second ?They give almost instant I. Third?pleasant to the taste, like 0 Fourth V large box <lS Prevent 2ft cents. Also tino for feverish eh Sold by Fnnderhnrk Pharmacy. > Fatal Wreck in Florii r Jacksonville. Fla., Nov As the result of a head-on sinn on the Seaboard Air railway, near Silver Spring 1 12:05 o'clock today, live were killed and two others! l" uaily injured. It Yon should always remember tha cough ami coM euros are cousti| Vet the most important thing to d< H you have a cold is to move the t i You cannot promptly cure a cold un do this Kennedy's Laxative Cough it stops the cough hy allaying in 11am y of the throat and lungs, and it dri cold from the system hy gently ij 2" the bowels. Children like it for i jr nearly as good as maple sugar. S y J. F. Mackey Co. il " ^ rt Kirby's Slayer Bailee 1- Spartanburg special in News and Courier: S. S 'J :t president of the Law and C g League at 1'acolel, wh<? sho i, killed E(1 Kirby at that g several days ago, was reh :t on bond by Judge Klugl morning in the sum ot C bail, V. M. Montgomery, ] ^ dent of the Pacolet Manufa ing Company, and J. B. 1 going on his bond. Kd h > attaeknd Tinor with r k >- when the Utter drew hia j n and shot him. p Every ea?e of backache, weak back, 0 dor inflammation and rheumatic p oangerons if neglected, for auch tr are nearly alwaya due to weak ki 'r Take DeWitt'a Kidney and Bladdei They are antiseptic and Hootbe ' quickly. In-ist Upon DeWitt a F if an-t Hladdor Pills For weak kidne ^ inflammation of the bladder they n equaled. Hcgular size &0c. Sold h J F Mackey t.'o. ANCASTER NEWS. DECEMBER 2. I9< *ebit amBBH S I Pressing 11 $ | Tn, I Down Pains | n near raj are a sign of serious female com- Hj ^ V Ij i|l plaint, that ahaald have Immediate K W. || OUnd, B "Mention. B If HtonH m " >?u i**1- ,n timc' y??c<" fl 5^ hi B generally treat yourself at home, B N, C irullel without the aee?l of consuitinc a I ' m 1 3n by H physician, hy the regular use ol H |1 . . H Cardui, the well-knowa remedy for J# i i wo?cn'* | ' y little Composed of purely vegetable H V I and H and perfectly harmless medicinal H [a mii of ingredients, bciag, besides, a gen- hi rjtl tie, non-intoxicatiag, strengthen- H ^ ItCARDUII ?" ? WOMAN'S RELIEF J v chil - B V Bfl rsBaves afl female complaints. Iw Lfi "My wife," writes John JL H 93 II gra| Rodgers, of Haaipdea Sidney, Ya^ H ? nd. "*o nothing but a walking shale- H \ U H fan, from female trouble. She H Wa 28.? suffered agonies with bearing- H ffl ^ ... , H down pains, backache and bead- H Lierea II ache. Doctors failed to reUevn II Jl? r~ ion ol her, so she taok Cardui, and la H V ^ I Tali. H 00w eotire|y cored." H hi f? At All Druggists I / Dl u?' I WRITB FOR FREB ADVICE, 5j 1 he stating ago and describing svm- VI i >___, ^B toms, to Ladies Advisory Dept., I res I- ^b0 Chattanooga Medicine Co.. ^B x J9 UOt W Chattapoofa. Tenn. time = fJ p. A Rhymed Wedding According to the Mexico [.edgor, John wa .Stobie, a Wollston magistrate, united a II negro couple with this ceremony: iug it Jim, will you tako Hot w v of a Without any regret ^ % JL To love and to cherish I fl m# mi Wper, Till one of you perish Stress And is laid under the sod, mple So help you God? g_ ., Jim having given the usual nflimalive answer, Judge Stobie turned to J# slow- Bet: r Bet, will you take Jim ' And cling to him, ____________ Mrs. Both out and in, inber Through thick and thin, ^VAll (**a ? . Holding him to your heart, 1 ULl or to TU1 deftth do y()U part? 11(1 tO modestly acquiesced, and the J n'ler- newly married couple were dismissed John t','s benediction: _ them Through life's altornativo joy and strife I _ . . I now pronounce you man and wife. I ^ / [t 811 i- <io up life's hill till you got to the "level JL A jr And salute your bride, you dusky devil! ? We have j Jefour -Five Perish in Burning keep ourselv loth*r House in Alabama that good dli contain rlOUse in AiaDama. have ono hui tcning. llarlsell Ala, c ovember 28.? of this count candy. The home of Tom Richardson, at the market t ics at Woodlmd Mills, seventeen n.iies von want th< 11,1 rt^. en*' o' heio, w is burned to the e w'" 8e ground last night, and Richard- { ^ d?v^^^ da. H,,n'8 wife' mo1ther /nd 'hr<;e andean plea t children were bur.jed to death. a|uj yaturda .77" The remains o! the children were to serve vou Cfl 1 I I. - round in tlie burned barn which trouble in ge 'im> adjoined the house. Several ders early so 's' a theories have been advanced, one All orders fo raon of which is robbery. Richardson very heartily 3er,() is missing, hut his body was not .vou that we iound in the ruins. ,,s H fr*a' ani us a chance i S Fast Color. ^ Over til yon Moliier (viciously scrubbing L/|l I Syrup her small hoy's tace with soaj) JL A. vt-s'the ant* water)?Johny, didn't I teU ** uoving you never to blacken your face ' ioi.uty with burnt cork again? Here flf was 1 have been scrubbing your lace half an hour and i' wo .'t come AjT) l I. ?ft- vliJ Boy (between jiulpsl?I? , ouch?ain't your little hoy?ouch (Up-st !i,l?r' I'se Mose, decolored lady's hoy. i ?Judge. I and place A eased Assassin Gets 15 Years. i this BarnesviUe, Ga., Nov. 28.? 3,000 Ben F. Purdue, who shot and N yresi- instantly killed irom ambush ictur Town Marshal Porch Jsix weeks Grby ago, was today .'ound guilty of Q Cirby voluntary manslaughter in Pike ! .nife, County Superior Oourt, and sen)igtol Ieneed hv IinlffA IE -t Raooron ? ^ ~ ?. - . ...... | JL to serve fifteen years in the ! State penitentiary. L_ oublea Th,s ,s Worth Heading. Wo ft dneys C?o F Zehnski, of IW Gibson .St , Buf- nice r l'ills. falo, N Y, says: "1 cared the most an- l ?rK? pain noying cold sore I ever had, with Buck- ,,s K< lidney Ion's Arnica >slve. [ applied this salve ^ >s and once a day for two days, when every trace "? ire an- the Hore w,k* none " Heals all sores. iere by . Bold under Knarantee at J T. Mackey * | i w as | Co. and Funderburk Pharmacy. 25c. w | 'M 38 '1CI1I 8 ECIAL PR I Per Cent tor ten days, beginning Frf< ember 4th, I will sell anyt ly stock at 25 per cent re lcluding Dry Goods, Men's toys' Caps, Notions, Gents I igs, Men's Hats and Clothi ies' Skirts, Ladies and Ch hoes : : tome and look before buyir you will buy here Next door to Cauthen's I ime: Sale begins next Come. Look. Buy. r. Abrat -19 n Get What You four Christmas Dine ler Brot list received a nice hunch of Tennei es in shape to give you a nice ham uner you are going to prepare for 1(1 red turkeys, just brought from th rv, and will be glad to have your 01 or a Thanksgiving Turkey. Can gi ? best oysters, try ours, the celebra them until the first of December lo irder with us. Have you bought an ill pay you to try it. We 1 aiulle all Be you with any cut. We handle F y. Try us for we have many vanet with the best that we can possibly I ttmg orders early. We kindly ask ? you will not be delayed in getting r breakfast tilled the evening befor ' for the nice patronage you have gi will do everything that we can to p 1 be convinced. We buy hides at t it your cattle, hogs, sheeps, poultry one million Shingles to sell at a ba ler Brot SCENT RESTAURS ;airs in Moore B'ld., Cor. Main an lrnish tho fish and you the appetite. Tho i appetite can't help bein^ ready for it. airy quarters with Heading Koom attach* ltvo you. VV. EIJJOTT, 1*1-0 8_ llll ICES 6 Off. H 1 day, De- y hing in ^ duction, wd Shoes, ^ nirnish- n ng. La- / lildren's jt ? ig then A 2 barber Shop. fk Friday. 8J iam | Want For ler At hers. *Bee Hogs and will or pork roast for your friends. We e best grain fields 'der if you are in ' ii * r-, yuu ELliy ?Ii6e. II ttd "Chase Brand." r 40 cents per qt. y of our Bure Leaf I kinds of go??d Beef resh Fish on Friday iea. Our motto is buy. We have some vou to place all ormeats in due time, e. We thank you ven us and assure lease you. So give he top price. Give , butter, eggs and rgain. hers. =?w lNT id Gay Sts.) fish will be so od. Come and prietor== jg