8 Methodist Minister Shot in Georgia Albany, Ga, November 25.? A dispatch from Newton, Baker County, states that information has just been received there from Milford, a town without railroad, telephone communication, of a sensational shooting afl'ray Sunday. The report says that the town was thrown into a condition almost approaching panic when, just as many citizens were returning to their homes from afternoon church services, E. E. Taylor fired a pistol five times at the Rev Mr. Morris, pastor of the Miltord Methodist Church. Only one shot took efl'ect, inflict iug a slight wound in the fleshy part of Morris's leu. According to information receive . at Newton, Morris boarded at the home of Taylor. Taylor moved into the country about a year .ago. Son Gets 15 Years for Killing His Father. Fayetteville, N. O., special in the Charlotte Observer : Thoni as Kiddle, the youth who shot and killed his lather, James Riddie, Sunday, August 2d, was today sentenced to 15 years in the penitentiary after submitting to a verdict of murder in the second degree. The immediate cause of the slaying was a quarrel between the father ami son over cigarette fmoking, though there seems to have been ill-feeling between them tor some time. Kev. J. T. Bendy, the former pastor of the Kershaw Presbyterian ehurch. will preach in that church next Sunday morning and night. He will also preach at lleaverCreek ehurch in the afternoon at .'t o'clock.?Kershaw Kra. Is your subscript ion to T paid up? Tf it is. this for the "other fellow." Supt. Bruce < raven, of the Hraded schools, went to Charlotte yesterday to spend a day or two. 'Was she to Blame?" will be one of the guaranteed attractions at the opera house Wednesday Dec. 2, and the manager is to be congratulated on engaging an attraction of this class. An exchange says. "Was she to Blame?" is the best company visiting this section this season. It is a dramatic treat to the masses, endorsed by tin* press, public and pulpit at large. Sain Jones said it is a I sermon thai should be heard by every man, woman and ehild in America. llev Abe Mulkey says it is one of those plays that make every one that sees it feel that they ought to live a better life. The comedy is pure and simple and plenty of it, all the way through the bill from the sublime to the ridiculous. A beautiful blending of pathos and comedy once seen never forgotten. Send vonr orders for dob Printing to The News?good work and low prices OPERA~ HOUSE Return Engagement, Wednes- t day, December 2nd. ' JED CARLTON Presents i Beatrice Gordon IN "Was She To Blame" A dramatization of Bertha M.!, Clay's beautiful story "A Bitter i Atonement." A complete stage j production. Special Scenery. , Competent Cast. If there is any humor in your 1 make-up you will laugh 'till you : cry. If your heart luisa tender ' spot this play will reach it. Seats on sale at Hough's jewelry store. Prices 25, 50 and 75. i THE LANC The old woman who lived The men who live during tl i .(V Mt\i BROUGHT TO LIGHT. Lancaster People Hccelvlnq the Full Bene/It. There have been many cases like the following in I.an aster. Kveryone relates tin* experience of people we know. These p'ain, straight for warn siaiemems will uo Milieu towonl relieving the suffering of thousands. Such testimony will be read with interest by many people. I). K. Fincher, living at 11'.) N. Wilson St., Kock Hill, H. say*: "For more than a year I suffered from severe pains in the small ot my baon and sides, and there was often a soreness through my kidney regions. When arising in Mi-* morning I would be so lame and sorethai I could hardly get around. I knew from these symptoms that my kidneys were affected, and procured Moan's Kidney Fills .Since I began using them I seldom feel any pain, ray kidneys give me no trouble and ! feel better in every way. I do not hesitate to recommend Doan's Kidney Fills to other sufferers " l'llice over Heath-Jones t'o.'s Store. LANt'ASTKR, S. ?" Frompt attention to business. J Notice ot Discharge. Notion is hereby given lhai on Nov. 301 h, IPOs, the undersigned will make her tinal return as admin ist rat ri\ ol'I ho ostato of John because tii -y 'present :i wide vnri j""' ety o!" he very la -t styles, made up I>Union labor ol M [,y y niatori il which are not ex- K Cc"0 lu^ii for \<>u, if you will .uive jjfe the shoes a chance. Ghe them a wcliance ri^ht now. A. J It ROOM CO I ? Lancaster, S. C. [*j | Notice of Application for Final Discharge. Notice is horobyKiven that the undersigned will, on ttie 15th of December, 190S, make his tinal settlement with tliu Jiultfe of I'robate of Lancaster County, at Ins otliee at the Court House,as guardian of Olen C. Kstridne, and apply to | said court for final discharge as said guardian. This November 14, 190H. VV. Marcus lOstridge, l.'i-l!ls <>iiardian ?it' I C \ l-'.st riili??>. Notice of Application for Discharge. Notice is hereby given Unit oil Itoccmbcr 28th, .908, tli<* undersigned will iiuiku bis liiuil return as administrator of the estate of James Adams, deceased, and will on that day apply to the probate court of Lancaster county for letters dismiasory. JOHN 1). ADAMS, l?>-25?w Administrator. Notice to Former Koad Overseers. All former road overseers of the public roads of Lancaster county having in their possession any road tools of any kind, such as picks, shovels, plows,drag scrapes or hoes will please deliver them all to me at my residence in Lancaster, s. i'.. as early as possible L. J. I'KUUV, 1(!-17 County Supervisor. CLERK'S SALE. ST A i E OF SOU I'll OAKOL1 N A. County of Lancaster. I n the Court of Common Fleas. British & American Mortgage Company. Limited, Plaintiff, against Alexander II. ( arter. IIo*th Mankind ?v Mercantile ( ompaiiy and The II eat I) - Jones Company, Defendants. By virtue of an order of Court made in the above stated cause by Judge Ocoige \V. Cage a: chambers, dated June IP, 19tM, the undersigned will sell at public auction, at the Court House steps, to the highest bidder, on the FIRST MONDAY IN DEC KM BK.R. 1908, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, in Cedar Cieek Town hip, County of Lancaster and State of South Carolina, containing Three Hundred and Thirty-one (831) acres, more or less, and bounded on the North by lands of T. M. Fitzpatriok and J II. Fitzpatriok and lands of T L. Sowell, formerly lands ofUcrge Bell and \V. H. Bell, and Thompson lands; on the Kast by the Thompson lands and lands of E. C. Allison, formerly the H. B Mussey lands; on the South by ( amp < leek and the estate lands of J. (i Howze, and on the West by lands of K K. Wylie, formerly the J B. Frwin land, and McMullen land, now owned by J. R. Bell and others; the same being the trad of land conveyed to Eliza J. Wylie by T. M. Fitspatrick ami J H. Fiizpatrlck by deed dated Oct 29th, 11HM?. and recorded in the office of Register of Mense Conveyance for Lancaster Conn y. South Carolina, in l>eed Itook "K", pat es 5*2, Ac Terms of sale, cash, purchaser or purchasers to pay fm papers .1 F. CKKtjIOKY, CI. rk . C. P. L. C. It. IC Wylie, 1'lai nt i tPs Atty < Iris It Jones, Itefendants' Atty Lancaster, H. C., Nov. 14, 190S. l.'t-s ER 28. I9Q8 Keep Tour Mom By Tradin Our stock is now complete prices on a basis with low pr We quote a few items to s 2000 yds 3-4 sheeting 1500 yds 6c plaids -I r\r\i\ 1 _ -1 o i iuuu yus iuc ouung 2000 yds 7 1-2 outing 2000 yds yard-wide sheeting 500 yds red wool flannel, a bargain We have some jobs in men's suits 24 men's $7.50 suits at 24 men's $10.00 suits at Nice line overcoats and rain coats i 50 prs 1-4 wool blankets, worth doi go at 25 doz 50c overalls, double-knee, al 100 doz men's 50c underwear, to re We are headquarters for shoes, wo Men's fine shoes from Don't fail to get a pair of our cui ery pair guaranteed. Our line of dress goods is compk the best. Come to see us and s Yours to ser Funderburk 1 You Can Get What Your Thanksgivin Plyler Br Wp havo iupt received a niep hunch ( keep ourselves in shape to give you a r that pond dinner you are going to pre] have one hundred turkeys, just brough of this country, and will he glad to hav tlie market for a Thanksgiving Turkey, you want the best oysters, try ours, th< We will sell them until the first of Dec 1'lace your order with us. Have you b Lard? It will pay you to try it. We I and can please you with any cut. Wo and Saturday. Try us for we have nnu to serve you with the best that we can trouble in getting orders early. We ai ders early so you will not be delayed ii All orders for breakfast filled the even very heartily for the nice patronage yo you that wo will do everything that we us a trial and be convinced. Wo buy 1 us a ehance at your cattle, hog."*, sheeps game. Over one million Shingles to se Plyler Br pd am tn dmn onrm nv nnr rnum u iu i)zw attVEiU di run THE SOUTHERN'S Many are availing themselves of t now offered by the Southern Shi University of Atlant Saved $20! Are yon one of the number that pur OKI) scholarships of tin- Southern Shorthand and this week? It not, you had better ant at one, tor Hoon the opportunity will have been lost Today t ed Business Kchoel are as follows: '/lie $50 Bookkeeping or Shorthand eonrse is on be increased to Sao. Therefore, you will save $li even if you can not enter until January or later; tl future time. The $f>0 Telegraphy course is only $ Any two $5t? oonrses for *70; in a short time the pr see for $sn t hink of it! But there's no time to h Southern TODAY and arrange for a scholarship* it Let's tig urn it this way: Some may not hava the cost only $5 fin for a year; deducting this from the ship, you w ill still be $11 In ahead, if you should 1 want only a $1'J scholarship, $12.Ml) would be Huvet yettr. The Way to Get Th You i Company I r JI You Want For g Dinner At others. r>f Tennessee Hogs and will nee ham or pork roast, for pare for your friends. We t from the best grain fields e your order if you are in Can give you any size. If 0 celebrated "Chase Brand.1' ember for 40 cents per qt. ought any of our I'ure Leaf tandle all kinds of good Beef handle Fresh Fish on Friday ny viirieneH. wur mono ia possibly buy. We have some ndly ask you to place all orI getting meats in due time, ing before. We thank you u have given us and assure can to please you. So give lidos at the top price. GiveK^' , poultry, butter, eggs and II at a bargain. others. [CHASING SCHOLARSHIPS AT ONCE he extremely low rates Drthand and Business a, Georgia chased one of the speciol LOW-PRIHiisiuess University id Atlanta, Ga. tin* time is swiftly passing and very ho scholorships at this ohl-establishly $l<>! Very soon the $.r?l) rate will ) by purchasing Scholarship now, le Scholarship can he nscri at any ;i& to those securing scholarship now. ico will be $'J0. All three $50 conr?ose; go around to the office of the ' not today, go Monday, ready cash; at 8 per cent $70 will i $20 saved on the combined scholar>orrow the money; or, should >o? 1 after deducting the interest for a lis Bargain f you haven't the money, the most The rush is on; it began immediatewould soon move into the largest, rtors in the South, and in ctlebralime, ofl'. r extraordinarily low rates. ness Men ling made in person, by phone and JCESSITY of the day! Are yon a jceive telegraph messages? If not, is the most difficult thing in the it this business training secured at re business and professional men matter any longer, scoe. President; L. W. Arnold, Viceli.il 1 viaduct.