TBE JPDBLIC ROADS. j Surveyor Secrest Makes More Suggestions as utc Highway Improvement? Now Working Road by His Place at His Own Expense. Editor Lancaster News : Permit me again to speak ot the bad roads in this county. Not Jannary aud February roads, but bad roads now. On my way tc Lancaster the other day I lound some places in the roads in des< perate shape, and I am told that this is the case nearly all over the county, aud 1 tear that if they are not patched up aud worked a little iu some way or other that there will bo more thau one mail route discontinued before next spring. I am hiring the roads by my place worked today and paying for it. I think since our county officials have stepped over the road law a little by purchasing high priced mules, road machines, etc, at the county's expense, that they might go ^ a little further and hire trood men in each neighborhood to patch up the roads before I he winter months set in, and pay these men for such road work. Since our road law is incomplete we will have to make the best of it wo can. Now I Ihink it quite imprudent at this season of the year to plow up and scrape dirt in the roads as h is been going on by our officials, from the fact that when the rains and freezes set in these roads will be almost impassable, and you will hear men say bad things about these roads, and worse things about the men who worked the roads and made the road laws. A Charlotte man said not loug ago, that he would not pull the lines trom under a horse's tail 12 months tor a thousand dollars. That same man undertook to go to Loncaster not long ago. When he struck Lancaster county roads he was found more than one time on this trip standing in the mud, shoe-mouth deep, lilting his automobile out of ditches in the middle ot the road. Guess he will not try another trip with auto soon. lie said he could make 35 miles oyer Mecklenburg county ropds and five miles an hour over Lancaster county roads ?quite a difference. Your correspondent traveled oyer a portion of Mecklenburg county roads last week ; they are delightful? no comparison between their roads and ours. , I predict that if our people could travel over Mecklenburg county roads awhile, that 90 per cent of them would be willing to vote for bonds to raise the money to build our roads. The road tax money that we are now paying under our present road law would pay interest on the bonds aud a part on the principal. Let us have the roads at once and under this plan let our children finish paying the debt. Let us as well as the children enjoy the good roads. Now 1 am in favor of county chain gangs and in doing away with these State penitentiary * a l..-:i ,l: 1- ?i'i. I 2VI (II n j itllll UlillUIIl^ lU'tUH Willi said convicts. Judge W. F. Eve, of Richmond connty, (Ja., who has had 30 years road building experience, says convict labor is the cheapest with which roads can be built and that such labor will not coat over 45 cents each per hand per day. There is a wonderful difference in road working and road building. We can patch roads with dirt, but nothing short of rock will stand the rainfall and traffic over our roads. All this surveying and mapping of these old roads is lost. But when we get a road law to build roads it will then be necessary to survey and map a d mactdsmize the roads. And when this has been done in 9 THE LANCi first class order, it will take but little repairs to keep them up. Let us every one get to work in ' earnest and build these kind of > roads. We noed them and can , not afford to do without them. , T. W. Secrest. The Christmas Entertainment Manager. "A particularly successful girl makes a specialty of arranging Christmas entertainments lor children and clears a nea> sum every year," writes Anna Steese lUobardson in Woman's Home Companion for December. "She insists upon a contract at a certain figure, and then relieves the hostess of every detail. She plans and executes decorations, attends to the refreshments and supplies all favors and entertainment She has an arrangement with jugulers, magicians and musicians, from whom she receives a commission for all engagements, and she is a splendid hand at decorating the table or arranging games. This year she is filling tarlatan stockings for one huge party tree, using homemade popcorn, candies, nuts and all sorts of small toys and novel tiei which she has picked up at wholesale." Winter blasts, causing pneumonia, pleurisy and consumption will soon bo here. Cure your cough now, and strengthen your lungs with Foley's Honey and Tar. I)o not risk starting the winter with weak lungs, when Foley's Honey aud Tar will euro tho most obstinate coughs and colds, ami prevent serioas results. The Fuuderburk Pharmacy, E. W. Hammond, Heath Springs. h Nut Chocolate Caramels. /*? .piui onocoiate Caramels are a rich, delicious confection, immensely popular," says Fannie Merrit Farmer in Woman's Home Companion tor December. "Put three and one half table spoonfuls ot butter in a sauce pan, and when melted, add two cupfuls ot molasses, one cupful of brown sugar, and one hall cuptul ot milk. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, bring to the boiling point, add lour and one half squares of unsweetened chocolate, and stir constantly until the chocolate is melted. Let boil, until, when tried in cold waser, a firm ball may be formed in the fingers. Remove from the ranee, add one and nha halt teaspoonfuls of vanilla and one half pouu 1 of almond*, blanched aud chopped. Turn into a buttered pan, cool, and cut in small squares." Big Orange Crop in Cuba. Washington, Nov. 26.? The orange crop of Cuba this year will be the largest in tho history of the island and will reach 500,000 boxes, according to a report made to the bureau of manufactures by Consul R. E. lloladav of Santiago de Cuba. The ' business of raising oranges in , tbe island, ho says, is almost entirely in the hands of Arneri- ' cane. Lancaster Lady Raising Oranges. Mr. Editor: Please allow me space in your paper to tell the ladies how I can raise orange;, i in town. My tree is in its second year. It has had as many as 35 on it at one time, and has 18 on it now, ranging from ripe ones down to blooms. The mianhiev. ou9 old goat stole 2 of my oranges the other night. I am Rending you one of my oranges for a witness. Respectfully, Mrs. W. B. Plyler. If you safer from eonstipation and liter troable Foley's Orino Laxative will cure you permanently by stimulating the digestive organs eo they will act naturally. Foley's Orino Laxative dees not gripe, ih pleasant to taka and yen do not have to I bike laxatives continually after taking 1 Orino Why continue to be the slave of pills and tablets. The Fanderbnrk Pharmacy, 14. W Haaaoud, Heath Springs, u 1STER NEWS. NOVEMBER 28. I9Q8 "JUST AS Is Seldom Good and We call your attention to a few speci; consider the best values of the kind to t New lot pretty small striped suiting i looks like wool. A bargain at the yd. ( At 25c the yd. we are offering the bes dress goods to be found. In all the be: 6 pieces novelty dress goods, full wid go at only 39c the yd. At 75c. and $1.00 the yd we can shov stylish and beautiful novelty dress got shades. Buttons and braides to match. 1 full piece new 36 inch black Taffetc at only 85c. the yard. 1?g COATS, CO For ladies, misses z 1 /( anC^ warm- Trul \/// / llfl have ever offered in tl llS'bri ill greatly appreciate an v/r f'f |\\ these rare bargains. I mwrnmimCOAT S that are attractive in every sense of the shade and price. And yet to make the we will offer for the next 10 days any si I of 10 per cent. Now's your time to bi ; that worry and trouble in selecting the j match and having it fitted. Our Suits Just received new shipment of Furs, and muffs. If you are contemplating a do best here, where selection is broades Don't lorget our gold prize offer. $i away. I Lancaster Merc nwaiBi mm 'i :: rrgy?i DR. R. R. GARVINl (fBESIDES H SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN mi Do your Glasses suit you? Ij Fitting and adjusting eyeglasses and spectacles is spcLidiiy. W f i Located at present at home of Mr. YV. ]<\ Garvin, we (lirctt your atl Lancaster, S. C. Coffee, i 12 lb vey's leadim DR. J E. WELSH uril i f DENTIST Ufal 'rCJ,' Office 111 Emmon* Building op- oon posite First National Bank. Lot 0f fjne home Phone No. 8. Goods of all k.n< LANCASTER, S. C. \ Money to Loan. ? o t ?m now pri'imrtvl to negotiate loans of 9 ww W J from $3CO.OO and upwards on improved cotton farina, repayable in annual install- ^ menta, at 8 per cent inteiest. No com- - """ missiona cnargod ; only a reasonable fee ??????????? for abstract of title. txru a. 90-60 It B. WTLIE, Attorney-at-Law. VV tlCn yOU Want, 7 GOOD" Never Just. als in dry goods, that we )e found anywhere. in the popular shades and >nly 15c. I ;t values in double width I st shades. 1th, regular price 50c. To / you the season's most ods. In all the leading 1 Silk to go while it lasts ATS, COATS. 1 ind children. Pretty, sty- | y the greatest values we | hese goods and we will | opportunity to show you ? U ITS word, style, fit, quality, | ;m still more attractive, g lit in stock at a reduction i Liy a suit, and save all | ^oods and trimmings to 1 Best styles in neck pieces | new fur piece you will ? t and prices are right. | 00.00 in gold to be given | anlile Co. =^=^======::==- =^V LAVYAND FANCY aQCERIES A.LL KINDS, tention to our Jackson Square cans for 25c, and all of Harl brands of Tobacco, NatRich and Ripe, Red and Rine !VarK "Want" it through The News.