I LOCAL DOTS ^ Sfc i5 M is. H. K. Allison, of Kast Knd, had' a valuablo row to diu Thursday night. Mrs. John llowie, of Croft, N. C., died at a Charlotto hospital Tuesday. The udell mills at Concord were sold at pub le auction Wednesday, bringing $175,644. Capt l'enny, tho L. . Roberts and Mrs. J. M. Hilton. Mrs. Roberts is the mother of Mrs. W. 1.. Rlaekmon at this place.?Kershaw lira. A diflleulty occurred at lilgin Thursday between Mr. Hall Duron and Abo Patterson, colored, in which the latter was protty badly beaten. It is said that Patterson was drinking and that he struck another party with his gun, which caused Mr. Duron to interfere. Mr. John T. Roddey bought a bale of cotton yesterday for 11 cents per pound. This was not long staple either, hut a bale of short staple, hut of the finest variety and prettiest sample ever shown here. The halo was raised by Mr. Plexieo, of Sharon, and has taken the , V..U luua. lYOl-rv 11 111 noi'uru. Mr. Kdgar Williams, son of Mr. II. P. Williams, of oast Monroe township, and Miss Julia Lindsay, daughter of Mr.S.L. Lindsay, were married yesterday morning at 8.JO o'clock at the homo of the bride's father, in Lilcsvillo. Rov.T.W. Chambliss, of Wadeshoro, performed the ceremony.?Monroe Knquiror. The cotton house at Mr. S. J. Helms fild home, near Wingate, was fired about 3 o'clock Sunday morning, but by hard work on the part of Julius Ledbotter, a eolorod man who lives on the farm, and his family the house and eight bales of cotton was saved, one bale of cotton was burned.?Monroe Kn<|iiirer. While here this week l'ostoftice Inspectors (Jrogory and Smith made a thorough examination oi Lancaster's postotllce.fmdingeveryt hing in excellent shape. The officers took occasion to compliment Postmaster Hunter and his assistants on the manner In which they are discharging their duties. Little Master Martin Phifer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John t'rawford, who has been in bad health for some time, was taken by his mother and grandfather, I>r. M. P. Crawford, to New York this week for treatment by an eminent specialist. A message received hero by the father stated that the child stood the trip nicely. Mr. firover W. Terry, son of Mr. J. K. Terry, of this place, was seriously injured Thursday at the Pine Creek cotton mills of Camden, being caught in the machinery. His head was badly bruised and cut, but it is not thought that the skull is fractured. The unfortunate young man's father went to Camden yesterday to see him. It will 1)0 recalled that \\ . T. Hayes, h former citizen of Vance township, was shot by his son two weeks ago in Charlotte. When llayes got out of the hospital last week, he went directly to the police station and signed a $'200 bond for the release of his son. lie had requested from the start that the boy should not be prosecuted. Mr. \V. II. Belk was the other signer of the bond. ?Monroe Journal. Mr. O. C. Croxton, of Kershaw, has accepted the position of bookkeeper for the People's Supply Company of Lancaster and will enter upon his duties the first of next January. He expects to move his family here next month. He has not yet secured a dwelling. A cordial wehomo awaits Mr. Croxton and family. Mr. Judson Craig, the present bookkeej>er lor the Sljpply ., expects to return to his farm next year ea account of hie health. THE LANC Mr. Ed. Wilson, who had been out of the State Hospital in Columbia for some time on probation, was returned to the institution yesterday, his condition having grown worse. Mr. Dan Kirklcy, a prominent citizen of Kershaw county, had a hearing here Tuesday evening bofore U. S. Commissioner Paul Moore on the charge ol'obstructing the mails, preferred by the carrier on Koute 4 of Kershaw. Mr.Marion P. Jones. The case was dismissed by the commissioner. The Methodist Annual Conference, us heretofore noted, is in session at I .aliens this week, Bishop Wilson presiding. Mr.W.P.Bennett, of Lancaster, is serving on the Temperance committee and Mr. J. M. Voder, of Van Wyek, on the committee on District Conference Journals. Abbeville has been selected as the place of meeting next year. Some idea of the magnitude of the operations or the I iMicastor cotton mills | may bo galherud from the faet that nad work been suspended on Thanksgiving day the operatives would havo lost about $800 and 40 bales loss ot cotton would have been consumed to say nothing of the loss to the company by reason of the closing down for one day. barring the difficulty between two negroes referred to 'elsewhere. Thanksgiving day was quietly observed in Lancaster. The congregations hold union services in the l'rosbyterian church, the pastor, the Rev. Chalmers Frascr, preaching a sermon highly appropriate to the occasion. The banks and stores wore closed during the day and the town had a decided Sunday-like appoaranco. Many citizens spent the day bird hunting. Mr. \V. Pressly Robinson, itho well known young attorney of Lancaster who has been in a Charlotte hospital for some days, as previously published, successfully underwent a serious surgical operation there Tuesday, lie was getting along as woll as could be expected when heard from a day or two ago. His brother, Mr. Arthur Robinson, and Mr. N. 11. Coursar, his brother- j in-law, wore with Mr. Robinson when j operated upon; both of whom have since returned home. Mr. N. P. Robson, the father, went to Charlotte last ! evening to seo his son. Parent?' Meeting. The parents' meeting at the grided school Tuesday afternoon was well attended and very much enjoyed. The visitors examined the various grade rooms and were a'l much pleased with the greal improvements that have been made in the appearance of the rooms. The talks by SupCraven, Mr. John T. Green, Mr. W. T. Gregory, Mr. W. C. Thomson and Dr. J. H. Boldridge were interesting and helpful, and it in evident that the movement for these gatherings has already done ranch good, as many of the parents are not only ; requiring harder work of their own children hut are showing an interest in the welfare of the whole school. AH the parents are especially requested hy the teachers to carefully examine the reports sent out next Monday, as it will be necessary at that time to reduce a number of the students to lower grades. Died at State, Hospital. Kershaw Era: Miss Julia Hilton, daughter ot tlie late Mr. ana ivirs. J. f. Milton, ot the White Bluff section, who was taken to the hospital for the in sane at Columbia about July 1st, died there last Friday and her remains were brought here Saturday and from here were taken to White Blull lor burial that afternoon. The Mineral services .\ere conducted by Rev. R. Thos Blackraon, pastor of White Bluff church. Miss Hilton was about 28 years ot age. Hintjnti in Ticket* on Stile. The coming of Ralph Bingham, Tuesday, December 8, is being looked torward to with much interest. Quite a number ot people in Lancaster have heard him, and theysll say that they are glad of the chance to hear him again. This is one of an excellent lycuem course arranged lor the benefit of the Graded school library, and a large attendance is expected. It will give two hours of the very best possible entertainment?fun, song and violin and piano music. The tickets will be put on sale next Monday by the school children, and a fifty cent ticket then is ! good lor a reaerved seat which | will coat venty-fira cent* later. ASTER NEWS. NOVSMBE Personal. Miss Kmma Loo Nisbet of Van Wyck spoilt Saturday and Sunday with triouds in town.?Monroe Journal. Miss Fannio Stover, of The News office, and Miss Lillian Stovor, who is teaching in this county, spent Thanks* i Klvlng in Rook lllll with their parents, , Mr. and Mrs. I). 11. Stover. Mrs. J. F. Hunter and Mrs. U. P. | Ilorton, of liRiieastor, spent last Friday in Kershaw at the home of Mr. W. W. Ilorton.? Kershaw Kra. Mrs. J. F. Gregory has gone to Atlanta to visit her daughters, Mrs. R. I,. Mason and Miss Annie Gregory. Mrs. Nannie Snipes, of the Wylie tnill, went to Lancaster yesterday on a visit to relatives.?Chester Lantern. i?r. auu mrs. ./. l?. I'atriOK, of Koek Hill, spent Thanksgiving hero with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clias. 'I'. Connors. Mrs. W.J.Cunningham and daughter, Miss Irene, spent Thanksgiving at Heath Springs Mr. James Witlierspoon, of ltock Hill, spent Thanksgiving in >jancaster. Miss Altha Fewoll, of Koek Ilill, is visiting Miss Nannie Crockett. Policeman J. Mike Sowell, of the cotton mills, made a trip to Camden Thursday. Mrs. A. Cauthen, of Heath Springs, is visiting her sister. Miss Minnie Stover, of Matthews, N. C., who has been sick for quite a while. Mr. and Mrs. H. v. H&thcock and children have gone to spend a few days in Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. John Croxton, ol Chester, are visiting the former's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. W. I? Croxton. Mr. fl alter the shooting, but lie w ;iS captured yes?nrd?y tnornini: about 2 o'clock in a hou.-e south ol town, by Policeman Pel I, who lodged h s prisoner in jail. Cotton Market. Ootton on local market. 9 cents. In New York yesterday spot cotton closed at cent and futures closed as follows: December, 9.10, January, 9.01; March, 9.91; May, 9.08. Business Notices jCVAII Notices inserted under tins head at the rate of ONE CENT A WORD for each insertion. No notice to be counted less than v?f> words. FOR THE baianoo of the season, tho West A lilackmon Kins will run only three days a week?Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 17-IK KINO'S MOVINO Picture Show will be in operation toniyht (Saturday) at tho opera House. FOR SALE?A fine all-round horse? for no fault. Apply to John A. Htawman, l.anoantwr. 17-lt R 28. I9Q8 Speaking of The Bank In addition to y being absolutely JX ? ? ucposueu in it make deposits i surance that yo will be held in dence. If you \ to know about you can tell tht dont want then rest assured th will be told by The-Old wmMummmmummamMBSMmumam F*THIS SPACE I< 1 ===== BY \ Moore Lum; | for the purpose J people THAT p and handle every p make a cottage c W us make estimat 5 Patronize home enter I Moore Lum For S The J. N. Estrid 230 acres lan< buildings, convenieni Price $4,000. Te balance in one, two T. 1 ON TIIK FIRST MONDAY in Decern. ber next I will otl'er for sale four hun drer a mansion. Let ^ es on your wants. i prises. i tor & Mfg. Co.J Sale ! ge Home Place d; good water, good t to school and church rms, one-fourth cash, and three years. Y. WILLIAMS IP ANY of your folks aro going to gat marriotl, don't fail to get the invita; tions printed at tho News office, Lan1 caster. tl PARTIES desiring to engage water are reqnested to make written indication now " to tho Water-Works Commission. Also, ' for Hale or rent part ot the WoIhIi place. ^ FINEST CELERY from now oil, unjil January 1st. J. H. Mackoroll. 14*^22 \ FOR handsome wedding invitations __ write, call or phono tho News office. ALL PARTIES indebted to McCain A Stewart are hereby notified to pay at I once, as we need tho money and are contemplating a ehauge in oar bustnans. 16-18.