The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, November 28, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Ibe peu'S 1 (SEMI-WEEKLY.) Publishod Wednesdays and Saturdays at Lam-aster, S. C., by The Lancaster Publishing Company. CllAS. T. CONNORS Editor A. J. CLARK business Manager Entered as second-class matter Oct. 7th, 1906, at the postoOice at Lancaster,S.C., under Act of Congress of March 3, i87i). HATVUDAV, NOV. 3H. lttON. L AN EDITOR "OWNS UP" The esteemed News ot Lancaster, still claiming that a Lancas tnan baby won the prize at the Clinton baby show, and noticing what The Gazette hah to say , on the subject, continues: "We heartly endorse, esteemed contemporary, all that you say about the charming mo4her, ana winie lime miss rranees is sweet enough lor all?both Laucaster and Clinton?ai Schley , sail of the glory ot America's victory over the Spanish tLet? still, in the interest, of unbiased liietorv, it must be recorded that the lovely child is the "living image'1 ol her fond fattier, who is himself a line Lancaster product, so to speak. Hut say, where did you get your bible? If it tells you thai Mr. Cain or mister anybody eLe ever saw any "homely daughters of Lancaster," our advice tc you is to lose no time in swapping it oil" to Col. Springs for his copy of "Three Weeks"?and then burn 'Three Weeks' ". Admitting that the Clinton- , Lancaster prize baby does really ''take alter" tier fond and loving papa, having located with him in Lancaster, and withdrawing the charge concerning the 'homeliness" of the "daughters of Lancaster," who are not at. all "homely'1, but as lair as the white rose itself, we shall most likely not swap with Col. Springs lior "burn three weeks" nor one week either, it we can help it.? The Cliuton (iazette. .Just as we expected, the chivalrous editor of The Gazette, who evidently has an eye lor the beautiful in femuun . ity, ''takes back1' his charge o! j "homeliness" against Lancas ter's daughters. That was the proper and manly thing to do. 1 Our contemporary also admits t that little Miss Frances Williams "takes alter'1 her father?another confession good lor Editor Dendy's soul. But he doesn't i think that he'll burn "Throe t Weeks1'. Of course not?until 1 a'ter he has read it. 1 < A HOCK HILL DREAM I A certain llocfc Hill citizen | came over to Lancaster recently, , got a good bath and a drink ol | pure water, and went to bed be- . tween clean sheets, and naturally , he had visions on account of 1 these unusual things. , lie dreamed that ho had crushed over tin? liver and knocked at i , the peariy gut<*s ol 1'aradise- ( Si. Peter asked who he was and , he told him 11is name and ad .Irn.u *. VVI .. .1 v ' . d. Illfrr- IK III) SUI'Il place," said Si. Peter. This caused a discusr-ion and finally a ( map of South Carolina was produced. and the little dot west o! Lancaster was located. "Well," , baid Si. Peier, 4'1 see you are right bui 1 never hear 1 of the place before. We have penty of Lancaster people here, hut we have no records of Kosk Hill people at all, and you will just have to go down to the other place." So the disappointed man went down and knocked at the hot gates of the lower reuioos, and told the gate keeper that he was from "Iiock Hill, near Lancaster, South Carolina " The keeper! said he had never heard of Lancaster but that lie would find plenty of his Rock Hill friends fhere if there was room lor him, but that he didn't want any more THE LANC such people because (hey were accustomed to doing without water and made it too hot tor him. This made the visitor uneasy and he begged for standiug room, but it was finally decided that he could not be taken in. "Well," he said, as he turned awav iu bitter disappointment, "it Heaven don't know me and hell won't have*me, 1 suppose 1 will have to go back to liock Ilill to live." Now that Thanksgiving is over, all aboard for Christmas ! An Atlanta minister named Motley has accepted a call to Salisbury, N. C. Of course he'll not have a mo 'ey congregation. Both Lancaster and Chester were too slow in arranging tor that general cleaning up which l'he Lancaster News so kindly >uggestea. Hie water supply in he city is sufficient for bathing purposes now and the two respective towns, we would sug ! iest, will do well and lots of ;ood il they will go to work on :he old "moss-backs" in said ' owns.?Rock Hill Herald. Rejoice lo learn that you folks lave gotten some water at last. iVe confidently expect to hear )f a radical improvement in Rock Hill's sanitary condition just as loon as you acquire I lie bathing labit. Don't know about Chester, but there are no "moss lacks" in Lancaster?3an't use em iu our business. 1'teasant Cant Party. M iss May me Jones's card par- | y Weduesday evening complimentary lo her charming visitors. Misses Minnie Wilson and Kathrine Stewart of Rock Hill, was me ol the most pleasurable so-j :ial functions of the season. In addition to the guests of honor I he following were present: Miss Cornelia Elliott, Miss Sheath, Miss Elizabeth Connors, Mrs. 0. D. Jones; Messrs Wayne Grreen, Paul It. Moore, Foster Moore,Steve Williams,Wm.Jones, V. E. Jordan, Mr. Requarth and Dr. Mclntyre. Delightful rereshments were served during ihe evening. TsancftHter's K.r.tension Northward? Many Unit (tiny Lots now on Market. In accordance with the an | louncement in The News some | weeks ago, Col. Leroy Springs ias had 100 acres ot his valuable iroperty north of the court house ill up into lots lor building j> 11 rpos, numerous streets being laid jut. There are altogether 201) ots. the avenge size being 9J) clfiO leet. The lot-* begin two jlock? north of the court house; mil about 40 ol them ar? located mi an i xt?Misioo oi Main street. Nearly half ?>i the property lieswit bin the corporate limits ol Laoca ter. Toe old street" ex leu led and the new ones laid r>ll make about 5 mile" ot tiew streets, nearly 2 mites thereit being within ill town limits. All the lots are desirable lor build | inir purpose?, many ol them, inlee 1, being ideal residential sites | The Mirvey was made by Surveyor T M. Belk, who has made a tine imp showing the result ot hi- work. (5ol. Springs rxpectsi i.. ^^ii 11.- i. .- - -? I Ill ncn till- II. 1,1 ell |?riVHIt? Silie diul is now engaged in putl itig , prices on them The property will b? placed on the market at once. Now watch Lancaster grow some more! SI'FA: I A /, SO TICKS. The ladies of Bethel Baptist church will have a hot supper at the residence of Mr. ( harlcs ('. Hunter, on Friday night, l?ec. 4th, for the benefit of the church. The public is cordially invited to attend. There will lie preaching at New Hope to-morrow. Sunday, morning at II a. m. bv the Key. 1*'.. (>. Thompson. iter. C. S. Young will preach in the A. It. I*. church here at II o'clock Nunday anorning, and at Hhiloh at 2..10 p.ia. /ASTER NEWS. NOVEM Christmas Jewelry Quality first then pricethat is the proper order of things in considering a pur chase of Jewelry or precious Stones. It is none too soon to buy Christmas Presents. We are selling a good many of the wise buyers already. My engra vmj; uiuck. is worKinj^overtime now on Christmas orders. Better be one of the wise. Come now and have the trouble over,while the stock is full and while we can give you the attention we like to give. Of course we haven't put on the "holiday appearance" yet; but the stock is all in and you can inspect whether you buy or not. B. C. Hough Jeweler and Optician wi ii i w.fci ! ? III ii imiimmmmkivmammmmxamm ii? For Your Thanksgiving Dinner. you will lind every essential food awaiting you at our store?all fresh and of high standard excellence, cut in price to the lowest figure. Those who have dealt with us before know how reliable our goods are; those who have not have a revelation of delight awaiting them. Get some of our new crop New Orleans and Georgia Cane Syrup, at HvmielCx I (il?^lTTT1'ir?M???? MANY BOOKS IN ONE \A/ rr t-? r- i- i- r* ' < ?? t- tj i c. rv w INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Do poo know th .t the INTERNATIONAL anawera With aulhontV ALL K1NDH nf ijuriUuni in TheTra??c?,A rt* land S? i?:.< ea.weography Language, Biography, Et t I . .11 of Contents a* follou a: Colon 1 PI ?Ui. Vl+t t, State 8eMa. EU . . ? Brief Hlatory of th ? English Languor * ? Ouldr to Pronurn 1 fit ion _ fi. bolnrly Vocabulary of English . Dictionary of Tit tion Gnaettear of the World _ Btogiaphli *1 Dictionary Scripture Proper h'aniei Greek and Latin " Engllab (JI.rut'an ~ Forel n Wor la "" ALL re\l?t.oL? T fel IlliK i ^ v'J*^ ^1?p.?? i "V^-?8,000 Illustrations. 1 28,000 Added Worda. ji Should You Not Own Such a book ? WEBSTER'S rol.lj r.IATE I>ICTIONARY, Llrgfit i f' r a? r1. U ' r Keg' .lar and 7hlo Paper 1 litiona. in' I ;e-? an 1 14 - 1 o%trat!oaa. Write for "Dictionary Wrinkles." and Spat lmen PagM Free M- rr ? l/'n /?/fr ml . fa elr6 uteful act of ( v V katalca 6. & C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Matt. II you are Over Fifty Head This Most people paat middle ago suffer froi kidnev and bladder disorders which I**.?1 ey'n Kidnev Ken-edy would cure. .S'to the drain on the vitality ami restore need ed strength and vig >r. t'oiumencc takin Foley's Kidney tiemedy today. The Fur derhnrk Pharmacy, E W. llnmmnml Haath .Springs. BER 28, I9Q8 SrEDUC We spend a an educatior kind of an ? secured in while makin of spending i saving has a rn character spend mone> to save. The to his inclin; freely, but resists temp money. A trains one ir business, er and econom; I sturdy chan allows 4 per accounts. 7 The First F J1^ LANCA rThe hunting se? i < 1 < just wan tea t where yc Your Sh j Our concern bought 25,00 Have C We are headquarters for Fruit Cakes for Thanks complete and up-to-dii on the market. E Try Pineapple C Lobsters, Shrir I New crop New Orleans I good biscuit buy ?Fresh Fish Fr j W. L.Cro We are now qi In Our N( and am nrni^a r^d f /"? c/-rw uii\* j/i j/<*i v>vi v*' ?r> i v INCI Buggies, Wa and es HORSES i " having just received a fresh c '* ken. We will always be glad i- headquarters while in town. Gregory-Hood ATION) lot of money for % t. But the best m ducation can be m financial affairs A g money, instead M ' it. Systematic f . beneficial reflex W It is easy to /; but it is hard t i weak man yields m itions and spends m the strong man M tations and saves savings account S 1 the methods of icourages thrift m y and builds upa ? icter. This bank v cent on savings M National Bank J STER, S. C. 1 ison is open now. o let you know | iu could get ells Cheap 0. Have the Smoakless, too. iuns cheap Nuts and Fruits. We have giving. We have the most ite line of Fancy Groceries ^ Iverything guaranteed, heese, Edam Cheese, nps, Crabs on Shell. Molasses. When you want a your Flour from us. id ay and Saturday? xton & Co. I tartered ;w Building e you in anything in our line .UDING lO'ikllW I I oi?iinoci i l ct 1 11 pecially in VNI) MULES :ar-load of young mares, well broto have you make our stables your Call and see us. Lice Stock Co'pij. ?