An Unanswerable Argument ?How Republican Success Affects You. The Columbia Stale recently republished the following from Orlando Reporter-Star, of Florida, which should be read and studied particularly by those Democrats who labor under the delusion that the Republican victory was the best thing for the country: It is well to take the result of the election philosophically and let the bitterness of the political campaign be a thing of the pant. But it is not wisdom or truth to say, as we have heard iroui several persons, that "as indivi. duals we won't know the difference," or that "business would have been shaken up if Bryan had been elected, but now prosperity will go right on without * interruption". A friend who is the proprietor of a Democratic paper said to us a day or two ago that he "was so indifferent about the result that he would vote tor the biggest Republican in the bunch it it were not for the nigger." We use his words and suppress his name because we simply want to use him and hi6 business as an illustration to show that men who profess to beDemo cratic and who talk like that are not well grounded in the principles we stand for as Democrats. It does make a difference to the individual who is elected, else what are we fussing about and why have opposing parties at all? Let us take this very printer's situation. Statistic say that living expenses have increased the past few years to the extent of 40 per cent. And this printer is paya higher rate tor everything he uses in his business thau he did 10 years ago, from ink to paper. In fact the paper trust has increased the price, encouraged by congress and Joo Cannon, until it costs almost as much as the subscription price that the printer asks for his publication. Now then, he pays more tor his raw material and he pays 40 per cent more for living, but he can charge no more for his newspaper nor his job work. The people will not pay more tor the paper and a Republican government is competing with him in furnishing and printing stamped envelopes. Is not a personal matter? Take the photographer, as another example. Every superior chemical and all the paper he uses is taritl burdened to excess. In addition, a great trust worth millions of dollars, buys up and controls everything of merit and then actually sends out porsonal letters threatening the trade that unless it uses every article of its manufacture it will not permit the trade to handle any ot its goods. To enforce this rule it puts traveling spies on the roads who report what they sea And yet, since photographs are a luxury, the photographer can not raise his price to the public and lie also must receive less and live notwithstanding a 40 per cent.increase in living expenses. We could go all through the list and prove up the same conditions. Now who gets this increase? Look at the alarming increase in government expenses. The taxpayer, out of this 40 per cent increase in life's necessaries pays the bill. Look at the gigantic fortunes ot the tariif baron and the trust magnates! There is where the other portion of this 40 per cent increase is going. It won't do to say, no matter how the election has gone it doesn't affect me. It does affect ^ you. It grinds you down. And now watch next year's government expenses and you will see that fomo'liing more than lOpei THE LANC cent, will be wrno'r out of you. But wouldn't ii hi n oleciiou have unsettled businoc^? Well,could it have been unsettled auy worse than it was a year ago under Uoo9evelt? Bosh! Suppose there had beeu a slight disturbance consequent upon a change in presidents, isn't congress and the senate still there to buck any extreme measure, it sucb were proposed? But th en. AOhlFrputl i? r?arm?tui- I ble tor this 40 fr increase. Yes; well now take the two men and compare them. Bryan anxious to correct the evils aud prevent congress in its excessive taritl and astounding expenses and Taft, pointing to the Republican record of the past as his platform, a genial passifier who can't find it in his good-natured heart to oppose the measures of his Republican cougress. Which man would have helped the people to reduce that 40 per cent, excess? RAW LUNGS. When the lungs are sore and inflamed, the germs of pneumonia and consumption And lodgement and multiply. Foley's Honey and Tar kills the cough germs, cures the most obstinate racking cough, heals the luugs, and prevents serious iesults. The genuine is in the yellow package. The Funderlmrk Pharmacy, E. W. Hammond, Heath Springs. s No Doubt About Cannon's Election as Speaker. Washington special in The State: it dues not become any one who has a reputation for understanding the nature of things to maintain or manifest too much excitement about what calamity might possibly befall the lion. Joseoh (i. Oannnn nn the day a speaker of the house of representatives in the Sixtyfirst congress is elected. Your ''Uncle Joe" is as certain to be speaker of that house as Mr. Tall is to be president. Some ol Mr. Taft's ineuds throughout the country, where it is believed such talk will do the presidentelect good, have been talking a mighty heap about presidential pressure being brought to bear against the reelection of Mr. Cannon, and some enthusiastic press agents down at Hot Springs have been sending out some glowing accounts of how the president-elect and his political lieutenant and postmaster general-to-be, Mr. Hitchcock, are preparing to do things to "Uncle Joe." Hut be not deceived. Every one about Washington whn If nnwu nnvf liiinr til all oKnuf -- ?' *.m" J ? h. U?' UI/V/UV t ue situation and about I he men concerned know full well that it la all in the cards tor Cannon to be speaker and to rule the house of representatives and the country with his little coterie of coconspirators just as he has been doing. Mr. Taft personally may not like it, but then Wall street, and that large contingency which has como to he known as the ' business element." does want it, and that contingent, which is responsible for the election ot the Republican ticket, Cannon along with it. is the power behind the throne. Charged with Murdering Husband. Rochester, N. V., Nov. 26.? Mrs. Oeogianna Sampson, widow of Senator Sampson of Palmyra, who died on November 1 as the result of a gunshot wound, was today formally accused of the murder of her husband by t he district attorney of Wayne coun ty, and placed under arrest. Sampson was a nephew of the late Admiral Sampson. HEX AMETHYLENETETU AMINE The above is the name ot a German chemical, which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Komedy. ' Ilexametbylenetetraiuine is recognized by i medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent an?l antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Itemedy as ' soon as y>n notice any irregularities, and I avoid a serious malady. The Funderbnrk , ^Pharmacy, E. W. Hammond, Heath iSpiings, iS G. s ASTER NEWS. NOVEMBl Rheumatism 1 have found a triad and totted core for Rhntv tnatisin I Not a remedy that will etralgt r ?n th? distorted Umhc of chroma cripples. nor turn bony rrowths ba?k to flesh again. That la Impossible. But 1 c*p now sorely kill tba pains and pangs of this deplorable disease. In Germany?with a Chain 1st fas the City o< Darmstadt?I found the last Ingredient with which Dr. Bhoop's Rheumatic Remedy was mads s perfected, dependable prescription. Without that last Ingredient, I successfully treated many, many cases of Rheumatism; but now, at last. It uni fonnly euros all curable eases of this heretofore much dreaded (Messes Those sand-like grsiinl&r wastes, found inRluiuznatlc Blood seem tod!? .olve and pass away undar the action of this remedy as freely as does sugar when added to pure water And the*, when dissolved, these poisonous wnstes freely pass from the system, and the cause of RhaiimitHofn la OAna ? ANTER, N-e. J. C. FOSTER Office over Crawford Hros. Drug Store. All calls promptly attended night and day. 102 Buying a Piano or an Op gan is not Hard. wlicn yon enmo or write to oh. Our pianos and Organs are guaranteed and up-to-date, and at it reasonable price lite rases are beautiful, the inside is made by the best and most experienced men in their line, so it is no wonder our pinnos and organs HOLDS their sweet tone a lifetime. Write us at once for cat| alognoand special price and terms, stating ' preference piano or orgon, Malone's Music House, ! l.OLU .ilKlA, S. C. J'iutioa and Organs ER 28, 19Q8 & = CRESCENT REST (Up-stairs in Moore B'ld., Co A Nice Meal is a Nice zp|| tusti. We furnish the fish and you the ap nice the appetite can't help being rta< Large airy quarters with Heading 1 let us serve you. -J. W. ELLIOTT Wi |"I Got It at i is an everyday exclamation yo Closing - ( Having decided to go line of business, I am offe of the following goods at Dry Goods, Notio Pants, Shirts, Overa Crockery, Glass anc A i * r . i ^-vna in iact anytmng Heavy and Fancy Grc advertising dodge, but ac and you can buy what goods at what they c This is your opportu begin Monday Morni: I have also decided to line of high-grade Buggi< Respect J. J. BL (Glowhi V,From Every Oi\JWhen the men Q ^ you just can'/ r2T pemi on jf^COjC?o?^1? (Equipped \ Jfc0'S>lOj * i, II, - a It s very light It?- ?art U \,t ^ danger- no I I lor and give cozy com lorl If Thc Rayd Lamp S ?read or sew by il?won I lire your ryes. L drait burner Made oi brass, nirkrl plated F ! II your dealer cannot supply the R.iyo 1. Healer, write our nearest agency lor a descriptive STANDARD OIL CO* ML (Incorpornted) 3 'ARRANT r. Main and Gay Sts.) petito. The fish will bo so iy for it. doom attached. Corao and 9 Proprietorrtr Blackiiion's" u hear since starting our )ut Sale ' entirely out of this :ring my entire stock actual cost: ns, Shoes, Hats, ills, Underwear, I rPiriTrroY?ft ?. JL. XXX W CXX c in my stock, except >ceries. This is no :tual closing-out sale, you need of these ost me nity. The sale will ng, November 2. > close out my entire ss and Wagons. fully, ACKMON gIf eat*} rnce ofFueLjL cury drops out of sight, and keep the house warm, you'll afl rlully convenient to use a , FECTION I Heater | villi Smokeless Device) carry it about?heat any cold H r tlie wick high or low?no smoke?no smell. Fasily cared s nine hours ol at one Idling ol I | Finished in Hood ol steady, ant light is ideal for NgS^jca/ long winter evenings g ~ \ at.-st unproved central V " 1" 11 ~J .very lamp warranted. amp or Perleclion Oil V7 circular.