The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, November 28, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Agricultural 1 ^ Department ] . - - ! Is Your Home Ready For Winter ? You Have Fixed up the Barns so the Stock Can be Comfortable, How About the Wife and Children? Progressive Farmer. With the coming ot winter there is a whole lot of "fixing up" that needs to be done on most (arms, not ouly about the barns and in the poultry yard and around the potato shed, but also, and more especially, iu and ~ I 1 l U ~ 1 ttUUUl 111U 11UUOO. is your winter stove wood ready? A whole lot of winter comfort depends upon the fuel supply. Most of our Southern farmers burn wood ; and everybody knows that dry wood burns belter than wet wood. The wood should have been cut long enough ago to be getting dried out by this time. If it was not it may a' least yet be put under a shed. To have to go out in the rain or sncw to get wood isn't a pleasant job ; aud when the wife has to go out in such weather tor stovewood, and then find none cut or else find it all wet and "sobby"?well, we can only say no farmer should allow such "carryin'-ons" at bis home. how about the water supply? A more serious problem is often the water supply. Too many farm houses depend upon a sprint; or well away from the house for their water; and the women and children have to no out after it in all sorts of weather. This is a tdjamelu' state of affairs. Many houses could have water pumped into them by a hydraulic ram or windmill without excessive outlay to begin with; with positive profit when two or three y< ars ot water c trrying or pumping are considered. The time will come when a supply of water in the house will he regarded as esseu ial to comlort in the country, just as it is now in the cdv. K ITCH EN CONVENIENCES W0KT1I CONSIDERING. Then it is worth while to think a little about the conveniences ot the Kitchen and the facilities the wile and daughters iuve there tor doing their work. No good farmer would expect to get along without the use of improved fools and machinery, or to keep lus stock in uncomfortable sheds or barns during the v\in?er. But mau\ men se 111 o thina that an old ramshackle stove, st ven * ]/, s smaller than ilietr appeii an old up-and-d wn dash r churn, j old a v . >g w if-hho ud.! are dl lie c ?nvei?ienee?! their I wive* ne< 1. She may fiave ir? j slay, too. in a : t !e. in uiliei ntly ; liiihtfctl and poor y v? ??! ? ?> ? ; kitchen, that jr daik on cloud\ , days, intoieiahly h<>! in -oiinmer.. 'i. 'Ci 11 i?* c vjili s>' place i.i ' f i f i muse in W'li'er. It may be away up oil' im r: unci with nc> undt-i ,.innin g >< nat wind Can blow under it an 1 i.i off the 'eet <>t the; uniu A\ ook without <n refltra nt. .No one would c xpe< t a cow or h -o ! c!(; we1! under such cnnditii n*; but women, you know, can si mdi a great deal. TilK NKCKSSAKV MINISTRY OK HK.U TT. Mere physical comfort is not ! nil, either. Thare are nia*y i houses that have a general as-; pect oi lorlorn dilapidation, an !; look like places in which misery , was .meant to dwell. A little, patching up, a littles paint, a tew shrubs or vinos or shade trce-> will often make a world of difference in the appearance of a place, and in the feeling of home THE LANC likeness that goes with it. t The inside of the home is too often equally neglected. The boys and girls on some farms are not so well cared lor as are the pigs aud calves. They may be fed well, just as the pigs and | calves are ; but children require something more. Can you call that place a home for the child which makes no provision for his meutal and spiritual development ? THE RIGHTS OK THE CHILD. Every child has certain individual rights which even his pa ?i ~ .? ? ... i,: ItJUie iiiftv 11UI VlV'ia?o?'*>1111:11 they, in faet, are under sacred obligation to secure to liira Among these is the right to share in the beauty and joy of life. The man who will uot make any effort to mane his home beautiful, who cares nothing tor grass and tlowers outside or for pictures within, who regards music as a waste of time and books as unnecessary luxuries, is wronging his children as surely as it he failed to teed or clothe them sufficiently. Make the home attractive. When you sell the crop do not regard it as extravagant to bright en up the old house a little, to get some new books tor Johnny or a piano tor Mary. Your lite and the lives ot all about you will be happier for the associa ion with the wit and wisdom of the best books, for the sweetness ?'f music in your home and for the beauty ol sward and shade and bloom about it. Easy to Run a Newspaper. People think it is easy to run a newspaper One weeP's ex perience would change the opinion of most people on this subject. Did you ever count the words in a column of ordinary newspaper print? Well, there is about a thousand words in a column. Suppose you sit down and write a thousand words upon some subject and then another thousand and another until you have written eight or ten thousand. Try it, and see it it is right easy. Keep that gait up for a moutn, a year and see if it is easy. Then chase a single local item all over town, and alter you have gotten the facts all light, condense them into a few lines, an hour's work that can be read in a tew seconds. Do this Ur a dozen items that seem insignificant alter thev are printed, but which yoa know are important: then have the items criticised and inaccuracies pointi d out to you when it is to > la'e to correct them. Oh, yes, it is easy to run a newspaper.?Orangeburg Times and Democrat. Foley's Honey ami Tar clear* the air passages, slops tlie irritation in the throat, soothes the iutlamed ineiubranr s, and the nkatlnota Mnnli . I i ,U?u 11 j i ?r? i at .itid intl.?ui( (1 lungs are healed and st i engthuUed, and the cold is expelled trom lie system. Kef use any but the geunine in the yc llow package. The Fiiuderhurk Pharmacy, E W. li.iiuiiiond. Heath filings. s 8ig Gift to University of Virginia Ch'rlottesviile, V;?., Nov. 25. ? An iincoii'iilionat gift oi $50, 000 to tlie endowment fund of 5::e I tiiV'Tsity of Virginia lias been made by Col. Oliver II. Payne of New York. Announcement of the donation was made s-: nigh" b.v President. Aldern. n to th" members of the facii I * v who were advised that Col. Payne whh an admirer of Thomas .Jefferson and of the University ot Virginia and had become impr s-ed with the greatness of the University's work. DoWitt's Kidney and bladder Pills are uneqaaled in cases of weak back, back ache, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatic pains and all urinary disorders Ihry aie antiseptic and act promptly, Every case of kidney or bladder trouble should be attended to at once, and the aches in the back, rheumatic pains, urinary disorders, etc . are warning signs. Don't delay, for delays ate dangerous Get DoWitt s Kidney and bladder Pills, Regular air.e 60c. iSold by ?f. F Mackey (?. nk? ASTER NEWS, NOVEM8 Another Tennessee Tragedy ?Three Negroes Lynched for Murdering Deputy Sher iff Union City, Tenn., 25.?The little town of Tiptonville, bordering on Reel Foot lake, which has been the scene of many stirring incidents the past month witnessed the lynching late this afternoon of three negroes who were arrested this morning for murdering Special Deputy Slier iff Richard Jurruss, and fatally wounding John Hall, a deputy sheriff. The negroes are: Marshall Stineback, Jim Stineback, Edward Stineback. These brothers created a disturbance at a religious meeting near Tiptonville Saturday night., and when the two oflicers at tempted to arrest them, a fight ensued, in which the negroes came out victorious and made their escape. It was barely daylight Sunday morning before a posse ot citizens from Tiptonville and surround ing country were in pursuit of the negroes, but they successfully eluded the men until 8 o'clock this morning, when they were surrounded and captured in a little swamp near the village of Ridgely. The vicinity is known as the old river bed canebrake and it is a difficult matter to trace man or beast through its tangles. Once captured, how ever, the negroes covered by a hundred guns, were quickly landed in jail at. Tiptonville. The negroes when arrested had two guns in their possession, but bad run out of ammunition. The news of their capture spread rapidly to the surrounding ler ritury and in addition the 6ev eral hundred members ot the posse began arriving by every road and soon the jail was sur rounded by a mob which had no hesitancy in threatening a lynch ing quickly and surely. In tact it was loared at noon that the best townspeople could not prevent the lynching from taking place in broad daylight. One of the first citizens to mount the steps ot the jail and make an appeal to the mob was J. T. Burnett, a well known lawyer. He recalled the recent night-rider outrages which had disgraced the vicinity. As a last resort, S. J. Caldwell, a townsman, and Sheriff iiaynes went before Justice Lee Davis and explained the situation, and (ellinu, of the menacing attitude of the crowd which thronged the streets leading to the jail. Justice Davis a' once asrreed to open his court and at 5 o'clock summoned a jury oi twelve men, and allowed the negroes after all evidence that could In* adduced was heard, to be sentenced 10 death. The sentence had been barely pa-?s? d on the negroes, when (tin-mob with whoop and ? yell I swarmed in'o the court room and seizing the negroes rushed them to a tariie tree near I ho edce of [town and hanged them, firing ! volley aLer volley into ttie air is bodies were drawn up ir'm trie earth. Terrible landing of a Father's Debauch \ i \m V111 k \uv '2 Fi 1 ; i r! Loo.-e shot his I <>-yeur old (];. i1 ter to < and mortally injure 1 hia son, h young minister, to lay. Loose liad planned to murder ins wile and two other children hut was disarmed beiore he could do so. The father had heen drinking, lie came in from an all night debauch while the family was at breakfast and bogan shooting. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup not only heals irritation and allays inflammation, thereby stopping the rough, but ii more the bowels gently and in that wtu drives the cold from the system. Contains ne op atea. It is ph-asant to take, and child rou esj ecially like the taste, ho nearly like maple sugar. Sold by J. F. Mackry Co, AHiat >. food you need digest it. Our Guarantee /!/. fn tr/Mi? ^viirvrrle^. t/vl.W %nd ER 28. I9Q8 Eat 1 You want of th' Kodol will You need a sufficient amount of food wholesome food and more than this you need to fully digest It. Else you can't gain strength, nor can you strengthen your stomach If It is weak. You must eat in order to live and maintain strength. You must not diet, because the body requires that you eat a sufficient amount of food regularly. But this food must be digested, and it must be digested thoroughly. When the stomach can't do it, you must take something that will help the stomach. The proper way to do is to eat what you want, and let Kodol digest the food. Nothing else can do this. When the stomach is weak it needs help; you must help it by giving it rest, and Kodol will do that. w. . -i. >?;?? .? > ?> . . ?' ;-4-r.u\i: i-dh ; j! YOU ARE ( INVITED OUR UP ST( :> i . ' 3 You can fi bargains ii Shoes, Hats Furnishing ever had. call your that we ! handsor Goods. Sil] going at ai : 41111 OUR MOl satisfied funded. I : - WILLIAMS-I ' Eundy is generally trying if tlicdifTt-reriC brands, thi m tor doubt, or tvrn fur t -arc (rivn each individui i attractive aa it is whole actured by L!t /LEFIE. cclusive Ag " i rii?KH(it, Mire. ?any, sale little liver Pill* tiro DfcWitt'h Little liiarly Itinera. They lire easy to take, ami not gently We sell and recou>uiend them J. P. id auk ey Co, uru iv jvui ui ugQ*vv purchase a dollar bottle, and if you can honestly say, that you did not receive any benefits from It, after using the entire bottle, the drug* gist will refund your money to you without question or delay. We will pay the druggist the price of the bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one In a family. We could not afTord to make suoh an offer, unless we positively knew what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottle contains 2K times as much as the fifty oent bottle. Kodol Is made at the laboratories of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. CORDIALLY l TO VISIT |Sj TO-DATE ?H )RE 9 >W nd the best a Clothing, |j sand Gents ;s we have h | We also attention have some n e Dress ks, Etc., left |J| d below iM i mm TO: If not money re- m Ss.'y ; - y . V' iUGHES CO. . .. ' j| on tho buyer, hut if yon know the several eaupcrior reputation nn<I quality of S/eerc'a ^HB i?ar>fuf lou. Tho intrredicntn arc almolutoly il piece in iriuaufact ur?- and handling result* tome. Sold try all Druceiatf and Confectloneil. tD A STEERE CO., Knoxville, Finn. ?il Send votir orders for .lob Piintiii^ to The News?good work ;m<l low prices.