The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, October 31, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Fish and Game Property of the State, Even on Land of Individuals * .Initios 11, Rice, Jr., in The State. humors some in now and then to the effect that certain parties claim the right to built and fiah on their own lauds, at any time and in any manner, whether for bidden by law or not This is vicious docuiuo and proceeds from ignorauee of law and the usage of civilized countries, especially ot the usage of ibe Stales throughout ihe Uniou. In the first place, as to birds, the act of 1905 states in the preamble: "That all wild birds, whether resident or migratory in Inis ahiii 5 ? ?wu?4i woj amj tiro hereby declared to be, the property of the State." That settles the bird question. No man owus them; no mau may Rill them except at such times aud in such manner as the laws prescribe. The same principle applies to to fish and game. It was probably true that at first the takiug of fish aud game was a natural right, wholly unrestrained by law, as set torth in a learned opinion on the subject by the supreme court of the United States. As the population of the earth increased it became neces sary to restrain this natural right by law, in order to insure the perpetuity of these things for the use of fnfiir? Dona??t;?-? - - e>vuvio\iUU?, | In America the court declared that fish and game belong to t lie State, not as a proprietor, but in its capacity as the representative of all the people,following this up by declaring that fish and game are incapable of absolute ownership, except in so far as the State shall elect to make it so; that fish in private pouds and game in preserves are etili the property of the State; that game aftei it is killed is subject to legislative control. There is a line of decisions on this point, each one bringing out some phase of the subject, but all adhering to the origiual principle, namely, that fish and game are still the property of the State. Reflection will show auy one that, if this were not the case, it would be impossible to protect either fish or game, siuce the land ot a Sute all belongs to indi vid 11 ala? mt. lonae in Snnil? ' olina it does. The exercise of this power by the State is a well established rule of law and there is uo possible chance to upset it. The exercise of the right by States is all for the purpose of conserving the fish and game as valuable food supplies for the people. In some States ponds aie not permitted to be drained off for the purpose of killing or catching fish. There is no such law i.n South Carolina, but if there were the cit'zenfl would have to obey it. Tomorrow All-hallow Hallowe'en will come to us on Saturday. In some sections the night is made hideous by bad boys. Hallowe'en is the eve of All Saints' day. It takes its origin from the tact that it is the anniversary ot the last day on which the Roman gods were allowed by law to be worshipped in Rome. The day also marks the beginning of the Christian religion as the Slate religion of Rome In Scotland, England and some parts of America it is regarded a? the lime when super I natural influences prevail and as the departed walk the earth. I KOOK II III lii-corcl Kodol irt a combination of tbe natural dijeative jncita and it digeata all classes of food and overy kind of food, ho yon Hen it will do the work that the stomach itself doea Tho only difference bntwenn it and the atomach is the Htomach can gat ont of order and Kodol cannot, but Kodol can 6ul the Htomach into good order. Bay ^odol today. It ia guaranteed. Sold y J F. Mackey too. w a THE LAN Big Lot Booze Held Up? Was it for Rock Hill? MoorotviUe, N. C , special in Char one Obcerver: Depute Sheriff J. M. Deuton is holding bore tonight two wagons containing ahoui 300 <*r 400 gallon o* whiskey. Part ot the whiskey is marked G A. Thoinps n, Uoc Hill, S. C., aud part ot it is wi'h out marks The drivers, one white man aud one negro, the white man giving his uame a 0 R. Young, elann thai ttiey are ru their way to Rock Llil 1. Mr Deaton ",:,L iU~ U.....vuvtu WllU lilt) authorities at llock Hill this afternoon over the long distance telephone and they advise thai no such parties are known there. Lie endeavored to get the deputy collector at Statesville but was unab'e to get him at a late hour to-night. The drivers say that they were told to come to Mooresville and turn towards the wes' and cross the Catawba river, which would have pu them in Catawba and Lincoln counties, and the geuetal opinion is that they are Lot on their way to South Carolina. Mad Dog Bites Boy Kingston, Ga., special in Atlanta Journal: Frank Harper, the ten year-old son of W. H. Harper, was bitten by a dog supposed to be mad. The child was standiug on his father's front porch as the dog passed and seeing the dog male a noise to scare him, thinking the dot; would run. Instead of doing so the dog ran up to him and bit him before he could escape in the house. His father followed the dog and killed him. He took the dog's head and (fie child to the Fastuer institute, Atlanta, inuvto/liAirtl" fx-v? ? ? mr uiamuiauou, Confession of One of the Tennessee Night Riders. Tiptonville, Tenn , Oct. 28.? uTed" Burtou. the self-confessed night rider, told a remarkable story today of night depredations near Reelfoot lake, confessing to the part he played in the outrages which reached a culmination in putting to death of Capt. Quentin Rankin, an attorney of Trenton, Tenn., on the bank* of Reelfoot lake a week ago and implicating men promineut in this part of the State. Of the persons who he declares had a part in the killing of Cap). Rankin more than half are now in custody at Camp Nemo, the military base near Samburg. In his confession Burton gave the names of no fewer than 4 ? alleged members of the nigh' liders. Woman Interrupts Political Speaker A well dressed woman interrupted a political speaker recently by continually coughing. If she had taken Foley's Honey and Tar it would have cured her cough quickly and expelled the cold from her system. The genuine Foley's Hcney and Tar contains no opiates and is in a yellow package. Kefuso substitutes. s Homicide in Camden. Camden special in Wednesday's Slate: Itobeit White, ihe colored lender of the Camden ' Countr.\ club ^olf links, was shot and instantly killed yesterday alter noon al 6:30 o'clock bv Jim Kelley, a colored btiek mason. Earlier in the day tlie t^o men hadjbeen gambling and fom? dispu'e arose which resulted in Kelley's going fo his homs and i securing his shotgun and later, coming en White tun wares. u>rd it with fatal effect The 6layer immediaielv mado his escape and has not .vet been apprehended. ' Are You Only Half Alive? People with kidney trouble are so woak and exhausted that they are only half alive. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys, restores lost vitality, and weak, delicate people are restored to health. Refuse any but Foley's, a CASTER NEWS, OCTOBER 31, tQC f$E I Four Lines of SHC 1 STYLE, COMFORI Bostonian for MEN, in Patenl Russet Calf, at . . . Imperial S ior WOMEN, einbn ular leathers for this Hoge Mont Shoes for women and anteed to be of solid Itiary made, and, then to sell them at the sa goods. For women at 85 cents, $1.00 ar Meades So: Shoes for the baby, 1 isfactory baby shoe r ton patent leather, c with tan top, all at 5 Special* for this to (>o at Oil I Good 7 cents quality Outing. Good 6 II | liaiii'iiftiri li FOR SALE /7 I will soil at public sale, for cash, at T) L' C2 T my promises on Flat creek, on NOV KM- 1 BKR 18th, the following porsonal property: Lot of com, fodder, cotton seed, 2 mules, 2 horses, 2 two horse I wagons and 1 one-horse wagon, a mower and a lot of other plantation tools, including blacksmith tools. 4-13. J. A. BIRD. Road Contracts to Let. Itids will be received at the ofllce of | the County Board of Commissioners rlirr?r j until Oct. 31st at 3 o'clock p. m. for the WC (11 TCI working and maintenance of sections 1 f to 7 inclusive, on the Coyle road, com- v-OlIC( moncing at forks of road near "Jacob's \re>\ hollow" ami extending to the Warren- VLy J ton place. I'lans and specifications fl ?..v. vimr in me < ouiliy Supervisor. I'sual rights reserved. I.. .1. Perry, supervisor. Lot Oi Bridges to Let. Good The county supervisors of t'hesterfleld and Lancaster counties will award contracts to build the Cook bridge on _ _ Lynches river on Tuesday, Nov. 10th W at II o'clock, a. m., ami the So well W bridge on Lynches river on the same ~ day at 4 p. in. I will also let contract < to build the Itird bridge on l'lat Creek, the next day Nov. 11tli at It) o'clock, a. ??????? m. I'sual rights reserved. tin l. j. pkkry. 8-ii vv hen yt 58 7 IIIA I V mA KW )ES that arc Noted for ? AND DURABILITY. Shoes t Leather, Vici Kid, Gun Metal and . $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and #5.00 ihoes icing all the newest shapes and pop- | season, at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. i ;gomery I children, every pair positively guar- 1 leather. These shoes are peniten- ? efore, at a great saving, enabling us | me price you pay for inferior, cheap 1 at $1.50 and $2.00. For children 1 id $1.25. I ft Sole I ong since known to be the most sat- | nade. In moccasins, lace and but- 1 hocolate, ecru and patent leather | o cents pair. | Week in Dry Goods y 4 Cents Yard j Good 6 1-2 cts. quality Ginghams. I cents Plaids. \ m ImaiiHIc Co. ?= ft DES HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, :t your attention to our Jackson Square i 1-2 lb cans for 25c, and all of Mar's leading brands of Tobacco, Natiral Leaf, Rich and Ripe, Red Coon and Ripe Peaches. Ffme homp made Molassess and Canned s of all kinds. Also counlry ground meal. Yours to serve, V. Sullivan Co. 3U want, ''Want" it through The News.