The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, October 31, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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6 THE HKMBXilHHBDBMHHHHBBBBBSMnBnKn -4 - vyi. * . % . Ilf not for Mr. Bryan, at least you can vote for the Best Store, one that when elected will serve t You know our standing, you the letter or promises that we were to give you the very best values ai with the many convincing reasons Handsome Dress \%T y Goods What kind of material ue you going t to buy for your new fall dte*s? Haven't ; decided if Then we shall help you out -ol the difficulty. Satin finished Broadcloths, Herring hone, Chwrun and Diagonal -tripes are ,,r d tin leading inat? rials n d are here in all *' t ii th- pretty new shad- I'hen there are f , , *V Vj Serges, Novcltv Suitings, <'heviota, L'ana ties# ?> % man, c., that are v rv stylish and per- nowhere I a vicei bl? .?nd will makeup beautifully. * You arc sure to bo pleased with what jji ovi r you select troni our large and ' fi worth, assortments. Now for the. prices. 9 Herringb.?na <Sr Chevron Stripes, all shades, ... ... 50c, 75 t, $1.0, $125 ; ';-S Serges & Novelty Suitings 05c to $1 50 stitched, 5 broadcloth, 54 inches wide, worth $100 ing and 1 for __ 75e G ij Chiffni Broa Icloth, all colors worth |: 3 $125 f. r ___ $100 I (>> p : Taffeta Petticoats. m"'w with sat A new petticoat to wear with your a new dress?one of our beautiful new 9 models. l a Here in ail the pretty new shades of ;B the best wearing sills, in tlie close fitting Marl 8 styles for the new tight fitting dresses ; pointed 3 all piz *8. Exceptional values for $3.98 buttons, jj to $G 00 of e'egai Lace Curtains. i vh Large and complete assortments in a great jl variety of beautiful patti rns and a wile range ig of pric? 8. I S Nott ngbam I.ace Curtains, good patterns 48c < 9 Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long and | very wide 75c 9 Nott1 ngbam Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 yards long, 9 extra wide ..#1 & $1 25 < I Swiss Curtains with lawn raffles __48c ' 9 Doited Swiss Curtains witti muslin sullies. $1 15 A beautiful line of Notfit gham. Net, Irish Point and Cluny Curtains in beautiful new de | "t signs $2 to $5 Handsome Portieres. Many new and attractive styles, rich designs and color combinations. We can not only give I ITVl* von the exact style portiere you want but we can save you considerable on the price gnopml viiiiiou ?i t 43 44 r,0 4?? it- 4f? I Stylish Clothii Come and examine the nobb the men by the splendid values ofl A strong line of Shoes, Hat< t'y&ter THE HEAT] "LANCA iM LANCASTER NEWS. OCTOBER 31. hi til : on a question of importance in 1 And the best store, like the b he people best. kn ow that we have never made i unable to fulfil, that always in id the very best service possible, i set forth below that makes us s omen's& Miss* Stylish Suits line of ladies and misses "ints presents many con >n~ wh\ if is best to buy your winter suit from us. ?r hive we shown a better Sine where style, qualit i tailoring have so successfully been combined , we feel sa*> in saying, will >o'i find such an ei [>t styles and such moderate prices as prevail here, e the following values: $12 50 Suits. suits at this price are excellent garments, n , trimmed with buttons and lined with Ratin ? we stylish. $15 00 Suits broadcloth, English suiting. Chevron Stripes e etry styles. They are splendidly tailored and trii in bands, self bands and buttons. 7 50, $20.00 & 25.00 Suits le of beautiful quality cloth. Models with the coats and many gored Rkirts, trimmed with satin t braid and ornaments. These suits possess that d nee only attained by the most expert tailors. Tapestry Table Covers In many pretty designs and attractive col >rs ; all sizes from the smallest stand cover to lh" largest size table cover. 25c, 50c, $1 and $2. Scarfs and. Centerpieces. The little linen pieces that help to make liome "homey." A great variety at most at tractive prices. Drawnwork Linen Table Covers and Scarfs to match at 25c, 50c <fc 75c. Hemstitched Centerpiece* with beautiful hanowork on each, 25c. no for Men. Yout "51 w w""7 y Suits and Overcoats. We ; fered. 5, Neckwear and Furnishings. HHHMHMBMEUnMNHHHMM H - JONES STER'S LIVE 5 MWt - > *' %?&%. <? "t ? ' ? ?i 'dfr 1908 ft' ; f! ' } IplM ;he government of your home? yjP >est presidential candidate, is the |.|| IS? statements that were not true to Jjfe i the past we have done our best P J ind it is our past record coupled | >ure we will win your patronage. | 1 ' Nobby Dress Skirts. / . It' you are thinking about making one, 'J see our line first. and you will change your mind in a hurry. We are Hhowing ^ a large assortment of nobby dress and walking skirts that are really exceptional values. ; Panama Skirts in black, blue and brown, 11|'}, I ivinc- trimmed with taffeta bands; all sizes M - , for $4.08 f y and Noveity Stripe Skirts trimmed with satin ? . and and buttons, very stylish and serviceartless able.. $000 to $300 ? Voile Skirts prettily tr.mmed with silk p ^ and bands, etc., all good styles $7.50 If'; ' b Ladies, Misses. Child- | rens' Stylish Cloaks. I eatly Look all around town, then come 11 fitt- hoi e and you will say our line of cloaks f; is the largest, prettiest and most moder ately priced line to be seen. Made of splendid, well wearing I'* cloths in many good styles, black and f s did colors as well as novelty goods. i, to. in Money spent for one ol those excellent . aimed cloaks will be money well invested. A wide range of prices that are very I moderate in each instance. I 3 Satine and Heatheri0?;. bloom Petticoats. >ands. Nicely made, trimmed with flounces J legree and rnfll s of Heatherbloom, Mercerized W&; ? Satteen and Rosaline, 50c to $2. fejj Fretty Warm Comforts. I'll - Large sze and carefully made of excellent quality silkalecn, they are light, warm and pretty. Here in two colors, light blue and pink, v, worth $1 25, a bargain for 75c. II Snowy Bed Quilts. Note these attractive values. Very heavy white quiltP 75c Extra size heavy white quilts 98c White Quilts, beautiful patterns. . $1.19 1 Marseilles Quilts in pretty new designs, extra size and very heavy 1.75 Marseilles Quilts in satin effects, verv hand some, full 12 4. ...2 50 to 3 50 ' Fringed Quilts without corner 1 25 to 1.75 *t'H' hs and Boys. are sure of winning the votes of ?1 ml ISSf I C^A COMPANY, STORE." ft '44