- * 8 | Why these grapes ? ] i Healthful grape come client of Royal Bakin Grape Cream of Tai t* 1 Alum-phosphate powders are u rr .it be avoided. News in Brief. tr? Two negroes were legally ^ hanged in this State last Friday, 8^( Laurence Hampton at Green Br wood, for killing U*>bt. White, wi colored, and Kllio't Green, alias Bob Green, at Barnwell, tor ha killing Oliver Smalls, also col- of ored .Just before his execution a<>( Hampton said that two otter negroes now serving lite terms tor complicity in hi- crime were as innocent.... Gov. Haskell, of of Oklahoma, lias bued Hearst, H'I, , the millionaire editor ot New York, tor $600,000 damages lor blander and lib 1. The papers were served on Hearst on a train at Omaha, tiie ollicer bie.Uinopen the New York editor's state ^ room door lor the purpose. Mrs. ,, Hearst was disrobing at the lime ') >M1 a*id ran out <>f tho ro not in the room... .George Minis, a me ehanic, was killed by falling from i tree in 11 ?rkeley county a Saturday. He was at a bap iz- j''* inn. nii? 1 had chmbe 1 the tr?e to >OI g?.t .-nine berries for the children .. . . l>r. S U. Todd, missionary to China, d;e i Fuday night in on Laureuft, where he w.i-, on ,i visit el1' to lii;' mother. . . . Fred Knbie, a ~~ youiit' Englishman, member ot the Jones carnival company, was 1 shot and kilied in Greenville by Je se Harrison, a motorman .*'>leship H e' arrive 1 ho! at Yokohama Sun lay, being ? > f K 4 l^l t - ' - 1 Ileal i (UKiiiia V>ll/V, III, IJV ,| IC>\ Gilbert, a naval stores operator .... Charlie Michel 1, a nogr >, while resisting arr<^t, shot an i killed two white men, 1. E Peek and C, K. Argo, >?t Lithonia, (J a , Sunday. . . .Ten thaneand delega'esare expected to at tend the convention eal od bv ilaivie Jordan to be he'd at ^ Memphis Nov. 11-12 lor tho purpose of helping the price ,f cot- p* ton....Z I'. Wright, a B? n-j nettsville merchant, has teen I , ? THE LANCASTER " v o n r u] r ln^r- e \- to tllH cie" s SH slutely | t;'?r; Y'3 5Jv tp tt'" 5:!' want lo m m ruivE^ Bi: of tho ,iJe ^ to thp Cio ] AoIH, l&F0WMlt -M g ! 3. Acts Because from the li R?ra?*?? i i r- B Apnppa. rs the chiet ingre- El aentialiy s ,g Powder, Royal II -tar. I ? Difference 9gt slight diff la Kfildv fit tl ^ pare one evening a< ssssa^sii^3j ci.mch tend these <*d, 'onvic'ed and sentenced |J|M' niucli 10 years in the penitentiary them. burning his store.... In a >ir. Watts aeoh in Chicago Mondav night daughter of yan charged I lie Republican* married last di planning to elect Taif by ' ( aski> } purchase oi votes. . . .Tall n.?' ','t 8,1 s been obliged to canc-l many and iV*" de* his engagements to speak 011 thing just us JOUtlt ol throat trouble. juhe. rheumi tlin b'a dder, < disorder. A rns, bruises uni| scratches, big and vim Sold b; i' outs or in t'aot anything r< quiring live, are last and qnickest snothod and "a**"**** .I'd try Do Witt's Carboliznd Witch HaSalvo Tim host salvo f<>r riles. Jle 1^-=^= 0 you got DoWitt's. Sold by ! F. iff I p,J ukoy A ?Y>. W-s Snowstorm in Colorado. [a Wv Denver, Col., <> t. 19.?8x jgfc IP ndent't deaths ate raoenbe ?F /y i snowstorm that prevailed in f 'orado St'urday night nd nday. H ! h, fev<'n "rs ns 1 r . dned serious injuries >n r.iii1 1 colIs'our and in comv g in "tact vt i h live woes. U1a?? 1/1 %A Art r% % tt r% I It n Ci r m On iv/uivi mui i y u u v nic i u i in. i t.iriii<-r oil ! ur.il ftoute 'J. 1*J.in|>ir?, T? , \V. A. H >\?! I?v name, -s.t>. "Uncle- l. s \rnie? Salve cured the two worst bs I evei saw: nie oi. 111 \ lieu I uikI one the it y li-o. I' is worth more than its i^bi in i^ohl. I woul I not be without eTcltlOn I I ha I to inorts-M-V tie* farm to ??-t it " cunnlioi ly 25e at .1. 1' Mucky \ Co ami I'uml- aU|J|JllC. urk Fharniaey w highest TTi Z is our Koad Contracts to Let. fresh e til'?r I cotton farms s Southern It round trip i 112 II t/'arolina to i lot on beet m rates, achfi special train KK.HKD AND UNLOADKD !IV.P>!h Jliri li S 'fl V .'lit ne> oai ly urmuud ,^|iw duration of iIk* rpo-tle flj \A U tiles. The theme ioi S ft av evening, will be tin gM*J A I A on ot 8 ml o1 Tarsus." | t Al I A ties <1 snip ore vvhici. ? ^ ^ and which may well I Jj n j ? , i >y those who really E 9 ACdU DC IUW 1 ake a thorough study gfl an(j (]S J of this {.Teat preacher g Q ____ nt'les are mb follows; i! $ aversion see: J ASt rect 9:1-31. This w?s i ^ panama si ir general readers in gj.j also one ir ooiirpo ol snosb lic MiW . e ? waisis in i , chapter 22. This was F A ially prett Bettor r^ad Acts | * In OUT ( 22:1-30. This was a t ^ shades an 1 o! himself before the E A , . vs ai Jerusalem. gW complete , chapter 20. For | | Value I .OC it was spoken ?tore \ j2 special pr The material is es- gg We ha^ he same m each case, . 1 on each occasion so Si nail 1111X1 iap'ed to the hearers y y Somcting of oct asion gave a | jj amas in ;; erciue <>f selling A 2 5 See our re rePe passages will pro- * K rare bargain lor the next iMimlay | J 1000 yds *rvi?- s at ill" Bap isi * ^ Regular 10c All are invited !o at t A pee yard. I sermoi s v\itii (he liure F 3 onri? OC5 tu0. ! & i i y uo i/iiv Kood m -y he done by JTT3 pJete Hne S3 all wash-stu and MiaT'susio Carter, I | OUr Store wi Mr. Taylor t'arter, wore ? ? COITIG 111 3 Sunday by Magistrate \V. 8 . W Wg haVG an I,, , f I 9 men's and b jdiii- tell yon that something I j days, We wil * good hk DeWitt's Kidney ? A ("Vim** unrl 1 ills because there isn't any* f? ^ good for weak back, back- ?j u elsewhere, vtic pains, inflammation of k a _?_ ?r anv Kidney and Bladder I 3 week's trial will coini ice ft ] B y -I. F. Mae key .v Co. w-h ft I 3j I IpSsk NEW EXH1BI1 alitv Above |!J I '!*' ' T. N ? I I < i'i', ? , 1 * '"il-IIIMHI l'.\| III .vervthine" >. ? " t ll ill! ' I . I 'I >1 ' ! I all important con- ;' in ordering food 7;y 'V^VU-V.Z , 3, and with us the . Kor just'l.^k attainable quality ' ?? u ' ?' 1 * i n iu: aim. Therefore . It 111 ihis !' p:u oods are always to - .. ...vm.i i .. ?. d upon at our store. | . 14 i i' fat mor ise who are particu- t < . o what they eat our | ,.V, groceries will be j ; eminently satisfac- i hether you require 1 " ' 1,1 J 1 I I I I.I .1 >1*4 | 4 l II Uicicn (M IclUlC 1UA- v 1 t I > it > 'ins tin n > '; n< < t _^ _ I 11 ! .i n.! K w il Kennel r* I , : !! I I? I? IIMIH ? IB I Il (Mtcil t" - in th?' f;i!r. I lit- i" It' ' in he ii hi anil siif i )ney to Losn. * partmont. rh? lnnnaj ari'il to in KOtiato loans of j.i.- will in tin lain> and upward* on improved . vor In Id h<-n- Inioin , repayable in annual install- prizes w ill i? In i-rfu per osot int?Iext. No c m- j Prexldi nt John 11 Mob irirod ; only a reasonable fee A- ^ Cov i ' 'unl >f title ?? YLII , Attorm-v-at-Law. r> r*? Buying a Piano Itan-s rln Nniiiln-rn It) * . iontb Carolina Slate Fair (In- i gan is not 11 II V> u > 1111 li < 11 i I' ? rt > I r v l?'W ? rates from nil points in South w".f'n -von (0,"w or Columbia, .S ( . tickets t?. he <>ur Or^aii 21th to 20th inclusive, aid an,f[np-to-date, and at a cbed tiled t<> arrive Columbia I ho onsen are benutif October 30th. I9> 8. limited made by the Lest and : ml November 2nd. 19 H. For ra.tn 1,1 lhe!r h"p- M? \\ hilcs and information about f>mnoB1?n'.1 orKana HO s to Columbia on special dates ^ne a lifetime. \\ rite i inthern Railway agents or ad- RD<' ?peo?l price i leek. A (i. I'. A , Atlanta, (ia b'eference pin. o ^r or?o [>. i' a . < harbston s c. Malone 8 MtU i.oLUviniA, s. c. i ' ^os 1WTPTrob Ian and Btircjnon ATTOHNKY Crawford Bros. Drugstore. Jffloe over Heath-Jo ?lls promptly attended I.ANt'ASTK night and day. 102 Prompt attention to I lisNii|>|il; E^DQUARTERS FOR YOUR ND WINTER j lYbat We Have to Say and >how You Our Goods Befori dved one lot of new v< drts at astonishingly lo^ lot ladies embriodert ivool. Something new a y, at very low prices. Iress goods department d prices to suit everybo line of broadcloths, reg > and 1.25. Wewillclo ice of 98c per yd. /e an up-to-date line of v ures in plain and fancy new, also complete lin .11 colors and trimming t mnants in silks and dress go is there. fancy dress ginghams just quality to go at the special f in need of anything in this y won't last long at these pri white goods, percales, flann fTs at specially low prices. 11 convince you. ind inspect our clothing d up-to-date line in all colors oy's clothing, on which for t II make specially low prices, look through our store befc iles Supply rS at Tax , TP FAIR Tint tax books i i Hj ? /iil*' Treasurer's offlce taxes from Oetol 1?Prize# for M 'h J 1' };mfwithout penalty ti irmcri. December 3ist, I . , , month of January ! Ill (lot s ;it t lit .11. ! u ,9 |, 1 percent will bi unit \ion?iuy, paid taxes, during 0 Kiitiat (ii tti- tional 1 percent w 1 l ' "1 l ? . t unpaid taxes, ant re will prove of 15th, an additions rl ; ' " ' charged on all uii| Direct The tax levy for ! ti ho i* mills, for ordinary i .,i , , , . i- mills, for special 'up, i ii r mills, for road at tii mills, and schot v making a total le\ vV,,| 11 taxable property < worth the trip ls a"P?olai leyy road ltond ptirpt a ,| i i r i. ; < iills t'reck and ships. In Schoo h;tv< .i hie '\ (I,. (1. s.) there is " hot h ;I no | mills for School n ' '' I poses, in School 1 1 I " | ! ' \\ ' |.\ i ,,i . I mere is a levy 11. i., i j,. i and School llond ' i"i ill) -# n< District No. ,'18 tlx hstw tli. >. ft mills for Solioo *' ' Districts Nos. 2 ai " ""u ;{ mills for School a |.i.ui i. .-. |>i?tricts Nos. ft, ;t \ inji intii- I* Ie\y of.' mills for 1!I i . Tl ?" School I 'istricti i|s ; ?n : |i .'ill ami !!! a spec! * iiii\?- a 11 I. School purposes. There is also a I ' ' "' ' purposes, on each ,, j , 1 ,M' aire of 21, aixl 1117 tn i n'ti those who arc <1 j exempted hy law evcry male citi/.ei hvi*ar 1 ) t 21, and years, ' ' v > purposes. it'1'and. v;? A" iniormftii?" nation t,. ih. promptly jfivcn u lly supplied hy D" sending for < y. Si i-retary stale with whom ,u* " nary last, and if ___________ rrive hotI). and In ship and No., of ,s or an Ur= the taxpayer Mm m ado. Hard. write to us. s no ipiaranteed wt .. i reasonable price INOtlC ul, the inside is a n .? ~ moH. . i, ?n, need , A" -?>?rra s no wonder our ' . rtl ' s' ' FJ>S their sweet on mat once for eat- 'h" fallowing ind terms stating w constitute tii ? Kleven head lio iin ttonao milch cowh, alx h IXot>, Iidkk, threo gins, iar.oH and Organs mill, cotton prei ' mower, corn, ft; IN SON IT LAW general. ^ uca Co's .Store Mh R, H . < \ s )usincHH. 4-8-w 1 Si' I r co.1* # lOODSj Then Come p'g 8 You Buy. |J )ile and $ j| iV prices, | 8 ;d shirt md spec- ?BJi m. we have 3fl ^ ular val- SBB seat the vool mo- mIS e of pano match. oJs. Some |$kj ; receiyed. price of 5c pitta 5 line, come ces. Com- a IS elettes and g IL A visit to [?j epartment. N and shades he next 30 g{3 )re buying bS| Co. 1 mmbJB Mni I f(\ nun ww. B will bo open at the *2 for the collection of V >er loth, 1!?08, until I Taxes can bo paid || rom October loth, to I 510H, and during the g , lhOO, a penalty of 9 3 charged on all un- g j February an nddi- 3 ill be ? hargcd on all . I 1 from March 1st to | d 5 per cent will be g inld taxes. 3 State purposes if 5 1-2 a ,r county purposes S county pttrposes 1 ^ 1 ul bridge purposes 4 S >1 purposes 3 mills, ? y of 17'... mills on all s ?f the county. There IS of 2/u mills for Hail* f* a >s?;s, in Cane <'reek, 5 Pleasant Hill Town- * 1 District No. 1, or ji a special levy of 5'^ I mil School llond pur- 8 lisliict No. 40 (K. U. ?l of 7 mills for School ? purposes, in School ! re is a special levy of 8 I purposes, in School II ul 24 a special levy of 1 purposes, in School I 0, 32, and !?!. a special j School purposes, and 1 * Nos. 12, 17, 23, 27. ! in I levy of 4 mills for f ax of 91.00, for School malt) citi/.en between Ml, years old, excopt sabled , on i between the at?es of for Komi and bridge as t?> taxes will be |?on application, a statement of taxes, Lax payer lived in Janknown by two names, sure to wive towntebool I list., in which si when return w hk \V. II. Millen. County Treasurer. e of Sale. 1 property of the late ast-d, will he sold at Nov. 4th, 1 !t()H. described property o sale: rses and mules, four cad cattle, twelve head h h. p. engine, corn ?s, saw mill, reaper, tdflftr ami fmwl &.* ??! nts Hiid supplies in J. Htiilcs, try Blocker Bailee, , K. Bailee, *Executors. V