Certain Varieties ot Cotton ^ Seed Wanted for Export. s Columbia State: Through Prof Hurper, director ot the State ex E periment station, Commissioner b Watson has received from a large h exporter in New OrleaiiB a re- tj quest tor the names and address- e< es ot growers who can turuish b certain varieties of cotton seed w commonly grown in this Stale, al for exportation purposes, in carload lots. The letter lrom the j exporter is as follows : 4,1 beer to advine wo ftu HCIU' die cotton seed f?r piloting purposes iu large quantities for ex- \ port and are now in (he market 1 for some of the Peterkiu, Texas Oak aud King varieties iu car- S load shipments of 20 to tons ^ each, and we will be very much tt obliged to you if you will kiudly v' send us I lie names and addresses A such growers and dealers as you b know of in your Stale handling theseseeds in llie quantities de ai sired" t? Commissioner Watsou requcs a s that any growers of cotton who sl ^ desire to avail them elves of this c opportunity will write to him ? directly, whereupon he will turn ^ ish them with the address of the ti ftYnnrlo- mil"--- ' " v-i/utvui uiuaiii^ 1110 inquiry. In transmitting the matter to el commissioner Watson, Prof. Har- j1 per writes of the new variety of cotton that the Slate stitiou d has succeeded in establishing x and points out the essential fact that there is an excellent opportunity lor growers in this State to give attention to the production of cotton seed for market |'| purpose? I?t Stomach troubles would more quickly j] disappear it the idea of treating tbe cause, e| rather than the effect, would come into t| practice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, H| says Dr. &hoop, governs and gives strength ftl to the stomach. A branch also goes to tbe ( ] Heart, and one to the Kidneys. When ft| "these inside nerves'* fail, then the organs must falter. l)r. .S'hoop's Restorative is c] directed spocitically to these tailing nerves. I s Within 18 hours nfter starting the llestor- a) ativo treatment patients say they realize a '(j Hold by Funderburk Pharmacy, w I S( fc The Recent Meeting of the Graded School's Literary u Society. 'JJ (Crowded, out of last issue of The News.) I c< The Hampton Literary Society hold I ai its second regular meeting Friday, Oct. I S 9th. The meeting was t ailed to order ,i( promptly at 12o'dock, by the president, jt Mr. Eugene Elliott. The secretary then tl called the roll and read the minutes of ^ last meeting. The members responded ^ to the roll with quotations from Cow- p per. The following program was then ti rendered: j X Music?Miss Ruby Elliott. ^ Declamation?Miss Ruth Riddle. Reading?Miss Mario ltoddey. lc Declamation? ?ii iivauiiie?.Mr. Iteaty Thompson. lissfty?Miss /.elma Johnson. II! ICssay?A. 11. Fergurson. f, The Hoportor, Miss Jeanotto Poag, then presented her paper, which was I ?. " 1 very line. q Debate?"Kesolved that Congress n< Should Make and Knlbrco a I .aw for 111 the Protection of iittr Forests." Tho debate was decided in favor of the negative, by the (judges. Mr. Frank e? ( reen, Misses Altha Gregory and Moil- P nie ltathcock. w Music?Miss Jessie I,ee lllackmon. c' The censor then made his report. The society then adjourned to meet at 12 oelock, Friday, Oct. 23, lt?OK. The program and deportment show- ' ed a decided Improvement over the last meeting. The public is cordially in- 1 vited to attend these meetings. J. Held Itoldridge, K* t'or. Secretary. ?l The wholesome harmless green leaves and 111 tender stems of a lung healing in on a tain- 111 oua shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Fougli ol ltemedy its enrotive properties Tickling d' or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely 1* yield to this highly effective Cough modi- 1* cine. Dr. ?Shoop assures mothers that ?l they can with safety give it to eveu very young bahfH. No opium, no chloroform ?i absolutely nothing harsh or harmful. It calms the distressing cough, and heals the M sensitive membranes Accej t no other, to Demand Dr Shoop's. Hold by Pander- >n k?.L r?i vuik x iiurwncy. w WEDDING INVITATIONS?The News office has a lot of beautiful Wedding ' Invitations on hand, and can print them in any quantity you may wish and upon V short notice, with strictest pr* onth Carolina, Is e submitted to the qualified electors of I le State at the next general election tor K* Representatives, and if a majority of the H lectors qualified to vote for members of n le General Assembly voting thereon, 11 hall vote in favor ot said amendment, j I ud a majority of each branch of the Gen- L< ral Assembly shall after such election. I K cd before another, ratify the same amend- I I tent by yeas and nays. Section I of Arti- 1 le XIII ot the Conuiiniiw.,. ?? ?->* * ui iue oiaio OI |< outh Carolina, relating to "Militia,'' be I mended by striking out in the first line le words "and Inspector"; so that the Kg lid Section, as amended, shall read as k >I1OWK: g There shall be an Ajntant General elect- P I by the i|nalitied electors of the State at te same time, and in the same manner, i other State officers, who shall rank as | rigadier Geueral. and whose duties and ' impensatiou shall be prescribed by law. ! Sec 2. That question of adopting the luendment proposed in the foregoing i ection shall be submitted to the electors s follows: Those in favor of the amendlenfshall deposit a ballot with the fol>wing words plainly printed or written loreon: "''onstitutional Amendment to J ection 1 of Article XIII, Yes''; and those * pposed to said amendment shall cast a allot with the following words plainly i noted or written thereon: "Constituonal Amendment to Section I of Article Ill, No." Approved the 2Gth day of Februrary A. i 1908. There shall be seperate and distinct balds and ooxes at this electien for the fol- 5 wing officers, to wit: (1) Governor and ' ieatenant Governor; (2) Other State Offi- K irs (11) State Senator; (4) Members of L louse of Hepresentatives; (5) Couuty fficors. On which shall 1?< the name or H nmes of the person or persons voted tor ' I < suoh officers, respectively, and the office 11: ir which tlioy nre voted Before the lfbur lived for opening the Is oils Managers and Clerks must take and I t ibscribe the ConstiQitional oath. The D hairman of the boaru of Managers can P {minister the oath to the other members I ad to the Clerk: a Notary Public must lminister the oath to the Chairman. The lanagers eloct their Chairman and Clerk ' Polls at each voting place must be open- , 1 at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at I o'clock r' nr., except in the ( ity of Charleston, 'l'?> lure they shall be open, d at 7 a. ra aud Mang osed at G p. m. We The Mauugt i s have the p ?wer to till a ( E icancy, and if none of the Managers at ml, the citizens can appoint from among . ie qualified voters, the Managers, who, ter being sworn, can conduct the elee- Hal on. M obi At the close of the election, the Muua>rs and Clerk must proceed publicly to ,in8d jen the ballot boxes and count the ballots "en icrein, and continue without adjourn- '' ' T ent until the same is completed, and ''rl' ake a statement of the result for each j Marsl bee and sign the same. Within threol Klg rys thereafter, the Chairman of the ^ . D. oard, or Home one designated by the Anl oard, must deliver lo the Commissioners W. M ' Election the poll list, the boxes con- C?r ining the ballots aud written statements ( nut! ' the results of the election Moi Managers of Election The following (host anugeri of Election have been appointed Dot hold the election at the various precincts W. E said Co in In . ?. ? ??j Col Pleasant Valley?J J. Bailee, Juo. .Meha f. Patterson, J. M. Harris. The Belair?8.J. Patter sou, R. P. Wolfe, Caskt . J. Perry. Lin Van Wyck?T. W. Hecrest, (i. L. than . aughn, J. A. Hyatt. Lan .lacksonham?r. M. 8 eele, Abel Cousi elson, W. H. P. McMurray. Tin New Cut ?A. H. Belk, L. N. Mont- namei jinery. W Q. Caskey one ol Tradesville?Jno. T. Rowell, L.J. oaatei underburk, L. A. Courtney. seourt \ STER NEWS, OCTQS ff NEV NE I r ^ 1 v^uue tne latest s DRY i and it will afford any other goods 1 New line Blacl Poplins and Pana goods and others ed folds. ! 6.C New lot Rub and Stripes. Sp ts.l New shipment feta Petticoats. < New line Belts with Colonial but 4 4 Good assortme Auto Scarfs in pi 9 Bargains offered t in the week. Lancas is iirht? II. Steele. \V. I*. Tayiliuore Stogner .aliaw ? B. K. Jenkins, K .1 ;um, VV P. McManus Ishs?B. 1>. Hilton, B.C. llarrif Eitridge, t Creek?A. G. Caatnn, M. C. oer, Ji. F. Kaile Je Mine?Bill N. Clybnrn. 1?\ M, ey, P. M. Gardner, pahaw?J. B. MagiII. A. B. RolJ. L Bell. it>i Springs? Beiry Mobley, K enshaw, J. A. Btidges mus?B F. Brasington, J. T. R, lall, R. F. Sims in?W. R. Poiter, I), L. Bailey, Fleinraing. tiocb -J. A. West, O W. Baker, . Stogner. mel- - A W. Hicklin, J. A. ieu, G. W . ('authen. atgomery ?W. T. Hiliiard, B. T on, VV. .1. Williams. iglas?J. K. Stogner, O. II. Bell, Benne t. ton Mill--R l?. F. Barton, J. VV tt'ey, ,las S. Hogan. irnwell?R. S. Mathis, J. P. C. y, Henry Stogner. dsay?W. H. DratHn, J. F BaJ. H. MoClintock. loaater?B. C. l'ayseur, Bart ir, J. Wylie Porter. ! Managers at each precinct d above are requested to delegate f tbeir number to come to Lan on Saturday, Oct. 31, 1908, to s the ballot boxes, ballots. Re 3ER ,21, I9Q8 V iWER FEWEST , i ' ' ityies out in the toilowing na are being shown in our GOODS DEPART! us special pleasure to show yoi throughout our store you may ' < Skirts, in fine weave, medii mas. Some have plain folds c are trimmed with buttons and )0, 7.50, 8.50. erized Silk Rain Coats in Bla lendid values at 0, 7.50, 8.00. of those splendid extra heavy Can't be beat if equaled for on 4.98. > in the latest styles, of Silk a :kles at 25 and 50c. nt of fiigured Silk and Crepe etty soft shades, at 8c and 1.48. hroughout the store in every depart ter Mercantil ority of our Chocolates t Wreputation of this firm, and it' *injf of that superiority of quality tl w firm the leader of all the world today M , superior C hocolates. s*>iu i>u nil Drugoift a Manufactured by Little field & Steere Co., I l Exclusive Agencies ( il . - r - . - ^ ^ Kiotration books, blanks, (fee. A. J. CLARK. J. F. WILLI A ML, R. I. USHER, I will sell C mmisaioners of STATE AND l mv promise! COUNTY ELE? TIONS for l an- BKR 18th, caster County, S. C. property : 1 October 15 190S. seed, 2 mul WAgons and la your subscription to The NY\\> er and a lot I paid upf If ii is. llii- is i?> ? : .1 I including bl I for the "other l'ellow." 4-13. 7 med goods NT " I x these and I wish to see. I lm weight, | )f the same I satin pip- || I cks, Blues J! | T3i~~u [ II I xvia^iv x ally nd Hlastic | de Chine ment, 6 days e Co. i Y AND DELICIOUS | s final, crucial test nfectioner's standfid in the quality of colates. remember that it flavor and superihat first made the was the maintainhat has made this in the matter of a and Confectioner*. , Knoxvllle, Tenn. Granted ?? For Sale. at public sale, for cash, at > on Flat creek, on NOVKMthe following personal Lot of corn, fodder, cotton es, 2 horses, 2 two-horse 1 one-horse wa^on, amowof other plantation tools, acksmith tools. I. A. BIRD.