ar ? ~?ntE * C LOCAL DOTS 3 fa m < Cotton receipts Lave boen heavy on this market lor the past few days, the ' prevailing price being i? cents. Jim iieatherington, an old colored ' citizen of Chester county, committed' suicide Sunday by cutting his throat \ with a razor. Contractor W. S. I.augley has com- ; pletcd the brink work on the waterworks pump station and is now giving the finishing touches to the wood portion. Tho friends of I)r. W. <1. Stevens, which includes every one who knows him, were sorry to learn that ho is confined to his room by sickness.?Hock llill Herald. Tho lie v. T. A. Dabnoy preached at Pleasant Plains church last Sunday to a good congregation. A collection for State missions was taken up amountin g to $25.22. Mayor Hughes, chairman of tne committee appointed by State Chairman Jones to solicit subscriptions to the Bryan fund, has been canvassing the town for tho past day or two. i The Rev. Chalmers Eraser, pastor of the Presbyterian church, lias presented the Presbyterian Collego at Clinton with Schurer's History of tho Jewish People in tho time ofUhrist, in five volumes. A new local has been organized in m Lancaster County, Cliarlesboro Local Union, No .>29. l'resldeut, C. 11. Mungo, Taxahaw, S. C. Route 1; Secretary, W. N. Faulkenberry, Taxahaw, S. C., Route 1.?Farmers' Union Sun. Mr. Joe Yaudle, who died in Chester j thic W*?oLr n" ....Ltt^V * .,???, an imuiisiieu eisewnere in today's paper, was well known here and in the county, where he resided years ago. l?y was at one time eonstable for former Magistrate T. W. Secrest. Mr. Robert Horton, Lancaster's faithful and elllcient jailer, carried to Camden Saturday the prisoners convicted and sentenced to terms of service on public works at the court here last week, the county authorities having leased thorn to Kershaw county. The rate from Lancaster to Columbia and return on account of the State fair is $3.15, which includes one admission to the fair grounds. Tickets will bo on sale Oct. 24th to 29th inclusive, good to return until Nov. 2. The fair opens next Monday, 26th. Contractor IV. S. Langley will finish in about two weeks the erection of the Farmers' 1'nion warehouse being built here, provided he is not delayed by lack of material. As previously published, the building is .100 x 60 feet and has the standard tire walls. Mr. ltalph Foster, of Lancaster, student of the Medical College in Charleston, has been elected president of the senior class of the institution. Mr. Foster is also conch of the Citadel's football team, which he has splendidly trained. Dr. I). L. DeSaussure, for many years ono of Camden's leading physicians, died suddenly at It is home in that city about midnight Thursday night, lie ??, I.!.. * ...... ... ...n /?ir. nr. i?orsaussurc had many friends in Lancaster who will be pained to hoar ol Ins passing away. Messrs. Jas. A. Woaner and J. K. Harris, both of the lleath Springs section, were the first citizens to pay their taxes on the opening of the tax books last Thursday by Troasuror Milieu, Mr. Harris getting his receipt first, having previously left the money in tho treasurer's hand for the purpose. Mr. Weaner, however, was at the tax office by 7 o'clock Thursday morning. f" Death of Mrs Connor, Wife of Air. J. Q. Connor. Mrs. Heltie Connor, wife of Mr J. Q. Connor, died Sunday evening a! their home in the cotton mill* community. She had been in bad health for a year and was at the I'ryor hosplal in Chester for six weeks. She was tt most estimable lady, was a devout member ol the Metho dist church and leaves a large circ'e of relatives and friends to lament her untimely death. Mrs. Connor was a daughter of the late Joaenh Roll #nH - - -r~ 41 years of age. Besides her husband she leaves the following childreii: Clyde Connor, Misses Minnie and Nannie Connor,Eddie Nevara, Joe and Brice Connor. She is also survived hy her raofher, Mrs. Rebecca Bell, and four brothers. Messrs. T. S., II F., H W. and E. M. Bell. The remains were buried Monday at Lower Camp Creek church, the ltey. Mr Hodges, pastor of the Second Methodist church, eon** > ducting the funeral services, as* siated by the Rey. T. A. Dabney, pastor of the Second Baptist church. A Healthy Family. *Onr whole family haa enjoyed pood health since we began naing Dr King's New Lite Pille, three years ago, sAys L. A. Itartlet, of ltnral Ronte 1, Gnilford, Maine. '1 hey cleanse and tone the system in a gentle way that doee you good. 25o at J. T. Maekey a Co. and Funds rburk Pharmacy. . . w > THE LANOAi Personal. ^ Mr. Ilonry Massey, of Koek Hill, whs w m town Monday. Mr. J. M. Knight spent Sunday with his family at Stoneboro. VI Mr. Averal, a Southern Kail road of- til llcial, is in town this week. w iMr. J. K. Jones, of Chester, was in town yesterday, on business. ^ Miss Pae Cook spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at liaile Mine. Miss Helen Perry, of Kershaw, is visiting Miss Annie llello Clierry. Miss N'anuio Johnson is visiting her sister in Charlotte, Mrs. Frank /.einp. Miss Pearl Miller is visiting her sis- * ter in Charlotte, Mrs. J' P. Ilackney. ol Mrs. Iii/./.ie Duncan, of Atlanta is vis- pi iting her mother here, Mrs. S. K. Crensliaw. Mrs. Klmina <'artlodge, of Kichburg, is visiting at the home of Col. J. N. tt Crockett. w Miss Lillian Stover is visiting her friend, Mrs. Carrie Nisbet, in the Jacksonham section. 16 Miss Dora Jones, of Kershaw, has been spending a lew days with Mrs. ^ Hertha Hillings. Mrs. Laura Crockett, of Richburg, is ' visiting at Mr. T. W. MeMurray's in b the Jacksonham section. Miss Ola Gregory has gone to Fort v Lawn to spend awhile with her uncle, r .Mr. M. F.. Jordan. Mrs. James F. Hunter has returned from a two wee! s' visit to relatives in [' North Carolina. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Croxton and children, of Chester, are visiting at the P home of Mr. W. L. Croxton. Rev. Chalmers Fraser and Capt. J. C. y Foster left yes'erday for Sumter to at- , tend the meeting of Synod. Miss Lona Nisbet, of Van Wyek, Hl who lias boon visiting Mrs. John Crawford, returned home yesterday. ., Hon. M. J. llough, of Landsford, spent Monday hero iwith his son and jH daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. llough. , Mr. R. 11. Massey, of Van Wyek, th spent yesterday in Lancaster, paying ja this oliloo a pleasant call while here. n* Mr. S. W. IIrntli, president of tho a Southern <;rani to company, nt Stone- j, boro, is spending a day or two in I,an- j caster. Mrs. J. t'. Williams and sister, Mrs. . It. Stover. Miss Itessie Jordan has returned to s( her position in Heath-Jones Co's millinery department, after an absence ~ of some weeks with her sick mother. ^ Mr. E. I?. lilakeney, of Kershaw; Mr E. M. Thompson, of Columbia; Mr. W. M. Dunlap, of Hock Hid; and Mr. S. E. McFadden, of Chester, are among tho ^ visiting attorneys attending Court hero ^ this week. ? Mr. W. C. l)ces left vnKlnnlav -I Monroe to attend the marriage of his brother, Mr. J. E. Dees, to Miss Mar- jt garet I'arkor of that place, which takes t< place this evening in the Episcopal " church. Miss Clnra Barrett Strait, of Wash- ^ ington, 1?. who is a visitor in the s city, will be tbe guest this week of Mrs. E. E. ('loud. Miss Strait is a i daughter of whom South Carolina may well be proud.?ltock Hill Record. h Miss Eli'/.abeth Clark, of Heath s< Springs, who as recently published in C The News, has been awarded by Gov. ~ Ansel a scholarship in the Confederate 1 Homo College, leaves tor Charleston this week to enter the institution. Miss Clark is a daughter of Mr. J. A. Clark, and has been teaching at Crocketvillo. p Methodist Annual Conference to a] be Invited to Lancaster, A At a conference held Sunday ? the Methodist congregation of ^ Lancaster decided to inwito tho -- s( South Carolina Annual Confer- ai ence to in e |here next year. (The 11 invitation wili be ex'ended at s( thf mealing of the Conference in P Laurens next month. This action on the part of the Met ho- n (lists gives home idea ot Lancas (1( ter's growth in the past few vj years. Ten years ago, say, this cx communi'y couldn't have entertained to large a body as the Methodist Conference, which is composed of several hundred ]?! clerical and lay delegates ; but ^ now it. can easilv do so. It is i,< to be hoped that Lancaster's in <* vitation will be accepted. The ?'( town wants just such an oppor- pi tunity to show to the State at P' large the bouudlessneaa of its T \ > A* . 1 >TER NEWS, OCTOBER >spitality. It the {Conference all decide to come here, it I ill find all our citizen!1, irre- I lective of denominational linen, I eing with one another in I leir efforts to extend a royal I elcorae to every member. 9 if/ Potato Crops in the Tuber- I nacle Section. 9 They are certainly raising po | toes some in the Tabernacle I c'io? this >ear. Mr. G. W. I lyler has gathered 70 bushels I 1 an eighth of an acre. Four R statues dug out of one hill I eighed II pounds, which Mr. I lyler presented to his par-tor, I is li' V. Mr. McK'Ssick, who I as present and witnessed the I etgliing. One rov 40 steps in ngth yielded 4 bushels. I Mr. Plyler's patch yielded at I ie rate ol 560 bushel; to the I jre, which at only 60 cents a I ushel mentis $336 How mail) I cres of cotton wou'd it take to I ie!d that much money? Figure I out tor yourself. fi Mr. Wilson o! Mr. lyler's neighbors, bus gathered R 30 bu-hels of potatoes from a I atch of about 2 acres. Mr. E .owell's potatoes are of a new n ariety and he is getting a dol- R ir a bushel for them in Monroe R ud Waxhaw. H t any time when your stomach is not in E lod condition, you Bhould take Kodol, B ^-aiiso Kodol digests all the food you eat, B ul it supplies health and strcngth tor | o Kiuuiiiou in mar way. You take Kodol E st for a little while when you have alight I tacks of indigestion, and you take it just lu little longer in ord?-r to get relief from E vero attacKs of Indigestion or Nervous I yspepsin. Try Kodol today. Sold by p F. Mac key a Co. w l Cotton Market. Cotton on local market, 9 cents. In Now York yesterday spot cotton osed at 0.25 cent and futures closed as llows: October, 9.02; December, H.7!?, I muary, H.71; March, 8.01; May. Business Notices. I All Notices inserted under lis head at the rate of ONE CENT WORD for each insertion. Ni I otice to be counted less than I ords EX AS BOWDEN llig Bowl Cotton I Seed, i have a limited supply of 1 ieso seed for sale. (1. L. MeNeely, rim us No. 1. til" WIl.I. FIND?I's in our new building. When in town come and ?e us. pounds, uick work, conscientious weights, mrteous attention given you. (live ? a trial. Lancaster t'otton oil t'o., is. I.. Hunter, Mgr. ALKN A(? KNTS W A NT KI)?$.(.">,00 per week or 400% profit. All sarnies, stationary, and art catalogue free. re want one permanent agent in this cality for the largest picture and frame nuso in America. Kxperience unnec- J issary. We instruct you how to sell k ir goods and furnish the capital. If ^ nu want a permanent, honorable and rod table position, write us today for irticulars, catalogue and samples. / rank W. Williams Company, 1214 W. 1 aylor St., Chicago, 111. | . % * ?hj. ,-*il . / I J 21, 1908 A Home Bank; a substa Big Bank The Bank of Where do YOU Borrow "The Old Re cordially invites you t it. Always liberal. Aiwa The-Half-Million-I WE HAVE JUST INSTALLED Une oi S. t. Bowser & Company's GASOLENE PLANTS and can furnish you at anytime with good clean GASOLENE W. L. Croxti ^Ve are now quart n Our New nd are prepared to serve you INCLUDI Buggies, Wagoi and especial HORSES AN] aving just received a fresh car-loa< en. We will always be glad to 1 a\ eadquarters while in town. Call a jregory-Hood Lio< f . -j 5_ V t intial Bank and a is Lancaster Where do YOU Deposit > liable" o do both with ? ys conservative. | )ollar-Baok. I HELLO! Yes, we have Seeded Raisins, Currents and Citron for Fruit Cakes, English Walnuts Brazill Nuts, I Pecans and 1 Almonds, | Strawberrys, ? Blackberrys and | Cherrys. Will you have some?Honey? jn & Co. ered.... Building in anything in our line NG is, Harness, Uy in [) MULES i of young mares, well brore you make our stables your nd see us. 0 Stock Copy. i * I -I. - ?,