4 ipmnisttt pws : (SEMI-WEEKLY.) 1 WEDXESDAl, OCT. 31, l?ON. ( AN EDITOR S COURAGEOUS FIGHT ' TO SAVE HIS TOWN. The vigorous tight being made ' by thi Record ol Rock liill lor u sewerage system tor that city, i nereto:ore reterreii to in these ' columns, is becoming more vigorous and virile, the editor not mincing words in his description of alleged conditions and in char acterization ol those opposing J the movement. Hear him : Shame ou you, gentlemen? j Do you want Rock Hill to stand still? Do you want to keep people , from coming here to live and , drive away a good many who ? are here now? Is it your intention to make j the lack of sewerage a Chiuese wall around your city? , Shame on vou, men ot Rock Hill ! Do you think more of your J dirty dollars than you do of your j beloved wife or your dear child- 1 ren, or even your out of-dale be ( hind the times sell ? I Don't you ever want to take a ] bath? j Are you satisfied to live for- j ever with a dirty, filthy, privy , right under your noses? { Do lOU want neonle from I1ip> outside to come here even for a day, and meet that beautilul i "sewerage system on wheels" i which lias for so long disgraced i the streets of Rock Llill? < 111 the vernacular ot the street, ' that's hot stuff, isn't u? Go it! : Brother Schwarer; we glory in ' your "spunk". Keep up the ! figh> and maybe alter a while ' you'll make tho>e Rock 11:11 ' people tret busy h iving a r gular, old-fashioned cleanin" up and wasliin'. ' Don't you ever >vani to take a bath?"?that's good. "Shaimon you, men ol Rock Iliii!" When was the last time you took a bath, anyhow' just to see how it feel* and for the novelty ol tin.- thing, wouldn't you lir.e to try a little water on your anatomies? Ii you are at raid of 1 the shock, you might at least 1 take dew baths, like Mrs. Shaw, that wealthy woman in Lowell. 1 Mas-'. If you don't hurry up ' and break the ice, that L to say, ; it you don't soon permit wa'er to come in contact with you somehow or other, when Lan- ] caster's water-works system is ' completed your council or board 1 of health will have to haul you ' over here, in carload lots and ( let us turn the hose on the last < one of you. ' We again quote from our es- 1 teemed contemporary : ' Rock Hill today is a hundred ; years behind the age of progress. 1 The men who really ought to 1 be pushing Rock llill a i rn ? i sheath gown whether your town * is a hundred or a thousand yea<> i "behind the ago of pro^re-s." c Hut rather than see the Koch t Hill undertakers suddenly en- f riehed, Lancaster will airreo to 1 furnish the water, provided i Chester '11 set up the soap, for a t wholesale scrubbm' perlormance 1 to be pulled off in the "Hub ol I'iedmont", before the advent of I THE LA winter's chilling blasts. Prize will be awarded those who mak [he cleanest records. All roads will lead to Lancai ter tomorrow, the day of tti ?how. ' Miss Fannie Shorter &p?r last night in Macon," says tl: Macon Newp. Well, she couldn liave made her stay any shorte could she? An Atlanta concern is adve li&ing "Wuuder-liose" for sab 'guaranteed not to need mendii or darning in the heel,toe or sole, There are some people wli ought to lose no time in 1 ayin in a udpIv. And then another advautag about the sheath gown is that i tikes less cloth to make out riie more you look at it, the moi 50od points does it reveal.?Ai zusta Herald. No doubt,when a good lookin woman is inside of it President Barrett, of th STalionai Farmers' Union, hi ssued a call tor a meeting ot th aoard of directors, State pres lents and local union delegation o be held in New Orleans on tli 11th of next mouth. All wh ire interested in ''putting up th jriee of cotton" are invited t neet with the Union the nex lay. It is stated that a man wa obbed while fit church in Bosto Sunday. And it was only a fe weeks ago that a young lad svhs stabbed to death in churct But the individual who jumj o tho conclusion from these is< lated and rare cases that it isn j .fe to go to church will most lik< ly find hini-elt in the goaf clas it the final line-up. ' will he giv en against you t- l>ateil Sepl _'f>, A I) UK W . I' < 'askey, 0-ltiw Nil Magistrate's Sumrr 5 Debt. 5 The Stale of Souili Caroliut Count v of Lancaster, By W. I' Caskey. Ktq., 1 0 to Foster * Manstield. g Comp aint having been ^ ine by rl. K McManm th H indebted to him in the sui K and one-half ($80.60) doll g count for money advanced , Tins is, therefore, to ieq ' appear before me, in mj ; Lancaster on the 62nd da tm date of this t^mmons, ei the day of date, at 10 a. in ' to the said complaint, or will be given ag.inst you Dated Kept. 20th, A. D HI W. I*. Caskey, r,-i?w Mi 1 According t<> the Columbi State, the oirectorie gown, whic appears to be ihe sheath gow ill disguise, will be much in ey dence at the State ball clurin lair week. Coming nearer an nearer, and we shall not be su priced to see the thing break ?>t in Lancaster at any time. I lnc!, n is currently reported ih sevral ol the slit-down-the-sid concerns are now lied out in tl woods near town, the owi:e awaiting the arrival r>t the ps^ d ologieal moment to rush thei across the corporate limits. Senator Tillman, who is sti in Kurope, has contributed $20 to the national Democratic can paign fund. The Hon I) i Kinley, congressman Irom til listrict, ha9 also made a liben contribution, that ol $100. Bt die largest South Carolina coi .ribntor, we believe, is the Ci lumbia State, which has give 1500. That popular newspape s certainly doing prodigiou work lor t he cause of Democracy >Jot only itself n gonerous cot tributor, it has by its uniirin ?fTorts raised from various torn es considerably over six thousau lobars for the Bryan fund. Ihe Crosby terian Synod < Son'lr Carolina is holding it mnual session in Sumter thi veeic, having convened lasl nigh kite introductory sermon ws reached by t lie moderator, th ii v B. C Ueid. The Sync s composed ol six Crcsbyterie? iml diaa 132 mioist rs, 27 jhurche-", 06.r> elder" and 00 leacons The number of corn nunicants represented b " t' ody is 23,b33 The varim. 'ontribution f >r the year by i ii jhurch as reported last sprin ,o the General Assembly are > 'ollows ; F ?re;gn missions, $2v iu;? ; Home mission*, $12,720 ministerial relief, $2 772 ; e'luc* iion, 27,770; colored evanpc ization, $1,050; publication $1 178; Bible course, $1,092; I'ret oyterial expenses, $1,869; pat ^ v^ara 01 J. na We hereby express our i of tin* kindness and helpfi 1* shown us by our friends an J of the Antioch section durin of our little daughter Wilie 1 Wo liope that tlie blessini il will be bestowed as a rieh r jI every one, for we feel unabl pay such thoughtful help a: ' ered us during the hours >_ distress. Mr. and Mrs. \V, n _______________________ >r Magistrate's Sumn 18 Debt. ' The Stale of South Carol!ni \. County of Lancaster. By W P. Caskey, Keq., ? to Fostar A- Mansfield, Complaint having been (J me by J. L. Heed that you a to tiiin in the sum of twi dollars on contract for ren This is, therefore, to reqi apj ear b fore me, in in; '* Lancaster on the tiild daj s da'e of t!ii? Hummous, e jp the day of date at in a. in to the said complaint, or 'I atteml. C'ontc and bring ! and buckets. II. I B* There will be a basket suj J' school house at Stonehoro F 2.1 rd, itist., the proceeds to to church purposes. Public participate. Committee: I ft Bcattie, Fanny 11 am mm }l Blackmon. " Interesting Furl All 1- Week. it The people of South Can i treatod Fait Week t<> at which will prove instructii i- interesting. President .loli lias arranged to have the 0c at '6 a Co and Funderbnrk I'liarmi ? SPKCIAI, NOTICES. 10 The /.ion Farmers' I'nioi O next Friday night at 7.80 o'i ; 1 attendance desired, as busi portaace is to be transacted. % OCTOBER 21. I9Q8 jongrega llaneouB, according l C^l l ] ias taken with the C!^ w? d fe.iow i oTHni D. Leu)- W VW*.* *1 he parl.v's evidential ! fy l "r1" H O Lclii I on use ih c ; 3 and lie anion of lu-tnpt ng . c i-e u- that , . tvcry cent of mom itir party. nid around the house a on ueir eral circulation?a dr ceitainly business l)ody an Lem"? nd" jvst l'lat much? of thc Mud io ai cinity. ihuaiastic Open a checking a< a Br an suplus money stay in in the upbuilding of < increased value for al s' y h any part or all of you ist ft foot nt wich nco if ft tw#14 V V/ 1 Vi od K'ectric ^ n re timn five Our havings Depai spent much _ i 0 of stomach your money may be J 'irSeUment will ,??* Compou dock. Full if twstI ?per at llurdav night, purpose of L A NC A 1 rch. The i to bring ft j s invited to | till pockets J Ply ler Bros riday night, I i>e devoted VVe wish to say to the fre invited p. you at the opening of what Misses Kiln iJ 0 1 i .. nd. Mauuie! season of our age, better ec date basis than ever before. Falp Market on Main Street and on Midway where you will s dina win he | the most courteous manner, ' rrr1 our surrounding country cai < as well as _ ? , ** e n ?. Mobie.v ers of nrstclass Sausage and eat Stroehel We linnHle tlif lmi.t rrvorl ;!; oaiVday'. j Shores of Virginia. Anythin .n.> tor u.iv be unnecessary, for every o; I t.o worth ! with their delicious flavor. Ilut" this !s i South always fresh and larg ov??d fttirac- [ vinced. We are in the mar on hoKh. shceJ>. poultry eg, xhittits evor for what you have to sell, i?^er you at the very lowe _!_ If nice fresh bread y< You have to depend c ippreciation * 1 .. 1 .1 t II attention And to have things n <1 neighbors Depend on Plyler for cryor!Un s* Some people will tell laced in safe keeping and at ning you an income. CPER ENT.-4 Per Cent. . nded Quarterly. ir^i^Vnr r w ^ ttHOIt BANK . STER, S. C. ! . Meat Market sh meat eaters that we come before promises to be the greatest meat juipped to serve you on an up-toVVe are now operating a first-class also doing business at our old stand dways find us ready to serve you in with the best cattle and hogs that n put on the market. We are makl can please the most fastidious taste, e of Oysters from the celebrated g we would say in their favor would yster eater is thoroughly acquainted At this season we get fish from the e bunches. Try them and be conket for anything in the line of cat$s and hides, paying the top price We have any amount of shingles to . st price. See us before you buy. >u want to eat, >n golden wheat; ice and always neat, 'w all your meat, you another way, ne, and see what we say; st that monev can hnv J J I it us you try. e that meats can make, with the best of steak; id then some stew, :>e happy and nice to you. ut delay, will always say, know its late; row, if I don't forget" de, e; eats and make a close price, h you all; vay give us a call, ; our meat have good things to eat. ER BROTHERS. SHELS pier Oats for Sale proof oat that grows. >er bushel T. Y. WILLIAMS - i . \ , *f v V