The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, October 21, 1908, Image 1

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" THF JL JL JL JU^fl VOL. 4. NO. 6. SEMI-WEEKLY Comments on Judge Hy-!Sad < drick's Charge to the Lancaster Grand J ury. Par: Yorkville Enquirer: That is w^erj an interesting charge that Judge bro he Hydrick delivered to the Lancas- 'er ter grand jury the other day and ,nakin it contains a good deal of food Ambai tor thought. The purpose of the Amerii judge seems to be to impress the ^ paramount necessity of uphold- 18 ing the majesty of the law, and luoiu?( his remarks are eminently sound. *',e The thing that brings the law in- ^1:<8 ?( to t hp irrH?l^ot ilioponnto (/Oiionl w _ .M-> 0A VMI VOV V4 IQI V U UXJ 10 mil ure ol enforcement, and when ou *or Judge Hydrick says that the re Moore, sponsibilily for this failure, H 8Urg( 4p or alleged failure, tests upon nftvy, the people, he tells nothing but *nH the blunt truth. Of course there bied b] are those who blame the judges Habcot and lawyers, and in placing Insane the blame here they are sincere; all but mistaken. However it mav Moore be in theory, in practice the law- a yer is merely the repiesentative 8a'e of his client. Generally speak. A f ing he considers it his business News ? to pull his client through, and ^r- * often, it will have to be admitted, 1|1 he does not much care how. A" to whether his client is guilty eH' son makes no odds to him, as a rule. Moore, That is a fact that must be est ah- Bens ol lished by the other side, and he wa8 a ^ will not give any more assistance than he can help. It is up to the jury to represent the people in in the matter and if the jury Twi does not represeut the people, (Jhes the people are not likely to be p yan represnted. It a lawyer 911c- at* jjj8 | ceeds in getting the best of a tj,jg ra( jury, then the lawyer is that 8evera| much ahead and that'is about a'l service there is to it. We do nr.t thin! this aft that in absolving the lawyers rpv j) from respoi sibility for alleged m?inH miscariiages of justice, Juigo loraorr, Hydrick desires to create the im 'pjle jn pression that they are altogether tj)e (jjr( without guile. He merely seeks 43 to emphasize the tact that 110 neing a matter how shrewd the lawyer ^n e8C( may be, it is up to the jury not y7to allow it eel f to be outwitted. Yjr* ya l)..i * 11 out wmi It an, Hnci wilh I lie win a|8 shortcomings wherever they mav Mr ^ be, there must be absolutely no |jH wa( detraction from iho majesty o! pHrt Qf llie law, and I he people must (j ,no undeistand that whatever goes wrong with the adminstra'ion to Qt,ef of justice, ihey and they alone, are ue ieiii responsible And while, as Judge ^rees* Hydrick points out, the people \j.. have it in their power to do wha' ^ ,ut 1 they will, they should not fall in- jr ahinji to the mistake of thinking that Wedne they can do injustice without buried paying the penally. Whether |Qwiug the direct injustice, through tins neing < of either commission or omission vVilaou be properly chargeable to judge, Bjw?ers, jury or lawyer, there is no es- \|r9 \ cape from t he consequences and i)e those consequences generally fall membe on the whole people. brother ? ?? ison, t Two Battleships Complete Voyage of 35,000 Miles. r Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. TO.? Second The U. S. battleship Maine, after The making a circuit of the globe, e ton's \ arrived here today. As the bat was <iei tleship was warped into the dock tenlay 'lie "jackies" on b ;ard and those wagom stationed in the yard gave vent implere to prolonged cheers. about The battleship Maine, on swim: went ing to anchor at the Portsraou"- origin navy yard today, ended, togeth r Mr J. wiih the battleship Alabama,' iye on which arrived ?t New York lo day, the mosl spectacular around the-world cruise ever made bv a loodand first class modern warship During the voyage, which was started 't^torm from Hampton Roads and which order Mod consumed 308 days, the two ve?- | ^sele covered over 35,000 miles. Ij p. m.?c W > Lang LEDGER 18b^ REV] . LANCASTI Condition of Rock Hill ]JJ[^ El Man in Paris. LP, Oct. 18 ?E. H. Kulen- Marked ! of South Carolina, the r-in-law of Dr. John Mil- Young ore, lias arrived here, is Achieve g arrangements through Businesi s?ador White and the ^ g can consul general, Frank son, to have Dr. Moore, Mr. ? E still suffering from hul- nasler couu Jions, takou home. >?ung case of Dr. John Moore Mf8? H. J. . ;cupied the attention of w*10 'or 8ev General Mason off and die travel the pust two months. Dr. I'he Mclntyi who was for a long time company at 0011 in the United Stitea headquartei was sent to an asylum for largo ntoi tine. Later he was exam- "eat official / experts, including Dr. th0 hoard ol ;k, superintendent of the lumber com Asylum at Columbia, S. porated in I of whom agreed that Dr. the Mobile,, was suffering from delu- P^u.vandca ,nd that it would not be The n?w c< libeiate him over the pla lock Uill special in the tyre compar ind Courier says. has a capaci J. Miller Moors mentioned day. Paris dispa'ches, is a na The Mobi this city. He is the eld iostant cot of the late B. Lawreuce count ol the , one of the pioneer citi hama Island Rock Hill, and his wile 15th c Miss Miller, of Shelby, N. McCabe ber, 500 00' ? Mr. F'ynn's in Chester County-- Mc In tyre, o Deaths and a Fire shipped to I u .. . members of ?<ri Avo|io?t?r: tvir. Jos. gave oue, wl die, the oonlracior, died Hea alter Hot liorae ou Elizabeth 6t?eet a ralr wit hi >rnuifr, after an illness of When reset months The 'un^ral companion t c will KA ^41 1 c "in up iicm Hi me nouse tour days \vt emcnn at 4 :30 o'clock by t|,e litlje ra? . M. McLeod and the re- i0 untie the taken to Waxhaw, N. C , that bound t ow morning for burial, vessel and 1 torment will be under covered bv i iction of Hopewell Lodge, I O. O. F., the deceased member of this order. A Remark* i>rt trom Chester Lodte, Wife T1 f, F. U. A., with which ndle was also identified. Huntingtc 0 accompany the remains. After spend (audio was 53 years ot age.1 hiding in a 1 born and lived the early who wore S' his lite near Monroe, N. 'or her, Mrs ving later to vVKXhaw, who was t from which town became two men an nor about eight years ago 'he woods, res a wife and ten chil lren, tor's home ii jns and seven daughters. Sue was so Robert Davison, aged by her exp* 73, died at his home on ot the kidna ; Creek near Fort Lawn tell no coum aday evening and was treatment, at Cedar Shoals the foi Mrs. \lee alternoou, the leryices old, the dau inducted by Rev. J. 11. farmer and i . Mr. Davison leaves two to whom si Miss Esther Davison and months ago. liuerva MoCorkle, these ged from he ung tho last surviving A neighbor i rs of a large family. Two 'he woods I 8 , W. A. hi) 1 J. M. I) iv- men. Thro tave their lives for ihe her father eracy, fhe former dying sought tor hi oid fever in Richmond in gered into li ind the 1 utor falling at said thai sh< Manassas, Aug 30. 1802 that fiad baru on Dr. J. U. John- her absence )lantation near Armenia been kept n itroyed by fire early ves- by two ipeu evenihg The suck, A few daj ? and o'her agricultural tempt to h unta mr .?/* J 1 * t I- - i nrio U'll Ittllltjr ? ncj 4,000 bundles 01 Judder wan frustrat up tn the flames. The of ber hu bi of the fire is unknown. Again latjl L). Sanders and lami'v the two kid the place. father's hot her mother a combination of the natural di- ^^ain dram ices and it digests all cla?a?n of , every kind of food, so yon .see it ftWay. I 116 ie work that the ntomach itself again was re only difference between it and , . , . ich ih tho atomach run get ont of ?t!ri' .V a tO 1 Kodol cannot, l>nt Kolol tun found her ill Htomaoh into good order. Hny ,i lay. It is guaranteed Mold by mb" 111 1110 key * Co. w-a ton. I lie g # ASTER r !EW 1878 ENTERPRISE J89J SR, S. C., OCTOBER 21, 1908. WW am Tlie kidnappers nave bat'l 3uccess that the the police, hut were oven Lancastrian Has a"d Alarmed and , . . . parentl> half crazed, I lie girl d in the Lumber f uvu H1VJ BWUIIlj). 1116 p 5 in Alabama--Tale pursued her for a short dista ea. but soon lost track of her. ' I'lvnu, one of L?d- Court rl>u, it* s blipl.l ami lis- Suit Cases Meant. son of Mr. and , ,,, , Flynn( of New Cut, rho Court ol Common 1 eral years has been convenehere Monday mon ing represeuta ive of ]"*** H-vdnck Pre8V l?B- . re Lumber 4 Kxpo.t first gave to all 'he ji . Jackson, Ala., with a luc,d explanation as to > s at Mobile, is now >* the preponder , . , - , of the evidence, bv which ckholuer and proirn- . ; * . . f , jurors are governed in deei , being a member of *: .. . .. . , . e r- " , . issues on ihe civil side of f directors, of a large . ? i , p.nv reoentlv incor ?,?Urt- ?H? al8? ''nPre98ed 1 hat'Slate, known as 'he,m "'e importance of t , , T . findings being in accordance Jackson Lumoer com . r , e i i itiAA nftft 'be law and the evidoncepitalized at $100,000. , . rnoration ha. taken 'aw as given them by the ji; J , ,, i i \i i an'l 'be laets a3 testified tc nt of the old Mclu- , ... , , . , the witness stand, they b iv, ilie null ot which ,, , . , . ? iAA n.M. i i. the sole judges of the latter, ty ot 100,000 *e?t ? , . ; , .1 J ' also instructed the jurors no , ,, ,,, allow any one to talk to t le Herald of the oth , . , J.. . . . . outside the court, room abo z ?? . . On sounding the calendar s in a hurricane on , n ... . .. following cases were contim ?l the schooner lieu T . A i> 1 u .1 u . . John A Bridges vs Heath Ba with a cargo of lum ? ... ? . . , 7 . ing ?x Mercantile company, n l) feet, belonging to fo, , , ? 4 u , b. i>v demand. J. (J. Hilton & fc 1 o d company, the - ., . , ., ... 1 ' . vs Rquitab'e lure lus Co. V whicli was being , ^ ... Hagins vs Mack Stmson orto Kico. All the VT. \ . o , . Nighten Brown, action to reci the crew were lost , , . 11 , i i> 1 , real estate. Heath Bankiui 10 was niched up at .? ... r* 1 1 o a . 1 , , 1 Mercantile Co. vs J. L. Keed, itiug tor ten dav? on , T , 0, .. n B, , ' on no e. 1. J. Strait vs Bri out lood or water. , , . ,, , . , , , and American Mortgage Co., 1 led the body ot a , , t ,> j Jv ,> ... .. tiact. J. R. Creed vs 1 ledn vho had been,dead lor ,, . , , ,, ., ... f*. , Mutual lnu. Co., suit on conti uc lashed 10 lum and . . /y . . 1 u < .... , A. A. Caskey, admr., J. B. < 1, he tieing too weak . T . ^ * . ' . . key, vs Lancaster Cotton IV > knots in the rope , r. 01 w e a . , and G. B. Skipper, suit for di hem together. 1 lie ier cargo were botii - - ? nsurance. ine case ol 1 IIarry Fostei Charlotte It. Foster, et a!, partition, was discontinued. able Case?Young The case tried was ,,ia Alice E. Beckham, admrx.,o yvice Kidnaped. ut0 of E ,, Beckham, vs I n?, L. I , Oct. 19.? ca6ieran?l Chester Railroad c ing a night of terror, pmy, an action for dam a barn from friends growing out of the loss ot p parching the woo is 1 ff'8 husband's lite while cc Abbie Moenongo a. lmg cars of defendant comp rwice kidnapped by in Chester. The reraaindei d kept a prisoner in tho day was occupied in returned to her sis- bearing of the case, the jury l n this village today dering a sealed verdict vester frightened and dazed morning, which was in favoi "rience at. the hands the plaintiff fo. $2500. ppers that she could plaintiff was represented by ected sloiy ol her ill J. Harry Foster, and the ddV 111 by Messrs. Williams <fc \ iriongola is 17 years liana*, ot Lancaster, and Mr. ghter of a well-to-do E McFadden, of Chester. \ wife of a contractor, endant's attorney? ?'aye nc tie was married six of motion for new trial. She w is first drag- 1 ho case of L. e J. Payne r home on Oc\ 10. guardian ad litem, against law her being led to Lancaster < ottou mills, an between two armed 'ion ?<>r dsmages lor injury o days later, after 'ain^d in t >e mill machiu (i tw 1 L noL.i 1- " -l ?v??? # I ? 4 - ? >> iniDuaiiu illtll na 'i e i ,vt*8lBruny, /V VP1* ar in vain, shewing was rendered in the af'orr. ler father's home and f??r pi ?intifl' for $500. A nv? 3 remembered little tor a new trial will lie mad* happened during plaintiff's atioruey, Mr Fos except that she had The defendant company wai prisoner in a swamp presented by Messrs Williatr i Williams ya later another at- There area number of. idnap her Irom her cases vet to be disposed of. use was mad ?, but ? *? ed by the appearance Deadly Tornado in N nd. Mexico t Saturday aftpmoon Clayton, N. M.. Oct. 19?F nappers raided her per ons were killed in and i no and, frightening I Clayton last ni:zhf us the re with a revolver 6hnt,.<if a iorna lo and cloudbi red idle you oil wile 1 Twimtw nArtnnj ?'q j ? lllju help o( the police ihree of whom may die. summoned and ves I'he new Union county c rnoon two ofti era hoii'-o, v/hich c >st $4'>,000, i the custody of two wrecked and a score of ho woods uoar Hunting- were demolished or torn irl was lying on a their foun latioas. slEWS PRICE 5 CENTS PER COPY ptors! Big Cotton Fire in Rock Hill tards. j ...Several Hundred Bales come' Destroyed. ap- Rock 11 ill special ill Monday's 1 tied Neva and Courier: Seven or oliee eight hundred bales of cotton, i'lce, valued at $35,000, estimating with the local price of cotton as a basis, were destroyed in a tire mine which consumed Ed*va:d Fewoil's ware house here at an early Jleas hour to lay. The I09S on tin >ing, building is placed at three or His four thousand dollars. Specuir is 'ating, much mora was lost, bo vhat caude the cotton was tor the most ance part 9iored because the owners rule weie not willing to lake the ding market price. The cotton was the insured upon the above basis, lpon On the building Mr. Fewell had .hpir oKn?t *i'-? *1? * mure uiousanu dollars7 inwiili surance. This ware house was -the badly damaged by tire on the idge 13th September, and two huu > on dred bales burned, eing ? H? "Winthrop College Crowded. hem Wiu'hrop College, Oct. 19.? lUt a .Since the work incident to the opening of eollege is over t he othce the fnrce has had time to make up the ued: statistics in regard to the nummk t>er ?* applications and the enion rollment. The total number of Sons applications to Oct. 1st is 1,162, /m die greatest number in the hisand tory o' the college and more than iver any college in the state has re r & ceived so far as we are able to suit learn. Ry tho end of August the tish college had received 1,047 applicon cations. Since that time 115 lout more have applied. Among this act. number are included girls living Ua8_ in town who did not apply till lills die opening ol college. In adixn dilion to theRe 1,132 who liled applications are quite a number uiiu ^?i' >.ji uuiiu ?ounoii, wni *.n occurred this mornine. Funeral [ew Borvice-* will be conducted a4 the home in the morning (Tuesday) \iur at 10 30, ami the burial will take tear place at Neely's Creek. irst. Kennedy's i.axativo Cough Syrup in used red nearly everywhere, because it not only ' "heals irritation of the throat and stops the cough, hnt it drives the cold out of the OUTt system through its laxative principle by was aftBnrii?g a free and gentle action of the bowels, and that is the only way to cure U^?s h cold. You can't cure it a? long as yon from nro 'Onstipated. Insist upon Kennedy's Laxative Cough .Syrup. Sold by J. F. Mackey * Co. w-s r vs who wrote inquiring ah .ut the for possibility ol being admitted, who nn being infomed that the 0| dormitories were full made no f es- 'ormal application. None are y,n- included among the number of om- applicants unless a formal apges, plication is filed in the college ian- office. Gov. Ansel in the Bryan the Campaign. ,vn* Courab a State of yesterday: l^-v ?(iov. M. F. Ansel will leave 1 ?1 todav for New York, where he 1 he will take part in the Democratic campaign The fight in that -ui' Slato is waxine warm and reen^ h" torcemonts are being called it: S. from all over the country. It has been rutnored that a gre it deal ,!lce of swapping is going on in New York, tha the Democrats are in ln tout upon electing Ohanler gov'he ertior while they are not so active 1 ac in behalf of Mr. Br}'an. This 91,9 does not appear to be the er>'< when ucli a p'e ising campaigner diet ag (joy. Ansel is calle 1 upon to oon j^olp in the cans** of Mr Bryan tton _ ^ Mrs. Johnson Hoke Dead. s re- Rock Hill Record o' Monday : >s A' As we jro to press we learn with rcaret of the death ot Mrs. Hoke, jury wiio of Mr. Johnson Hoke, of f un ri pai? u <*??. 1 ' ^ -*1- 1 1