The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 05, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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I *, V 8 ^ ^ ^ Personal. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Molhershed, of the Creek section, spent Saturday in Lancaster. Miss Clarice Knight, of Uastonia, N. C., is on a visli to Lancaster, her former home, being the guest of Misses lies* and Mayme Jones. Mr. Douglass Tompkins, of Rock llill in vicitim liis voiinir friend. Mr. Ira Jones. The Rev. T. A. Habney, the beloved pastor of the *te< ond dentist church. returned Fri?la> "night bom iii-rslum county, wlirrc I. it-is hot n as? i?.t'.n?r L'r. Rice in :> pro. lies i it Beaver Dam cliin-h. Mrs. H. 11 it*< - has been spending t few days in Yoi ille with Mrs. p. I ?av idson. Miss Annie Nicholson is visit ill},' relatives in Lancaster.? Rock llill Herald. Miss Mary (iwr. of Helton, is visiting her friend. Miss Sadie tiregory. Misses Hertha I'lyler and Kate Knight, of Lancaster, and Miss Lnla I'lyler, of Buford township, have returned from a visit to Win gate, N. ('. Miss Lula i'lyler is now visiting Miss Hertha, at the home here of the latter's parents, ('apt. and Mrs. \V. B. I'lyler. Miss Josie (Sullivan, of Laurens, has ioined Miss .lunnitn Wvlle's charming house party. I?r. J. K. Massey, of Lamar, who lias been spending a few weeks with relatives in this county, his old home, has returned to Lamar. Miss Clarabel C'roxton, Messrs. W. I.. < 'ro.xton A Co.'s attractive and efficient bookkeeper, who has been spending a while in Spartanburg with her sister. Mrs. s. N. Miller, returned home Saturday. Mrs. .lossu lloddey, of Coluntoia, is visiting Mr. Hoddev's father in Fort J.awn. Mr. \V. I'. Itoddey. The Kev. ??. \\*. Carmichnel lifts been at Prosperity for the past few days, assisting the Kev. I. S. Caldwell in a series of meetings. Mrs. It. I>. Allison, who has been spendiiur a few days at Kichbltrg with her mo/her,'Mrs. J. I'. Marion, went to Chester yesterday to undergo treatment at the Fry or hospital, her health not having been good of late. Miss Maurice tlladden, of Chester, visited iter friend. Miss Jessie Koddey, last week. Mrs. It. A. Cochran, of Kdgeiield, is visiting iter daughter, Mrs. M. J. <ireen, in the I'ohglaKs section. Mr. an<l Mrs. S. M. Ininan. of Yorkville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. \V. Mitchell, at the Hotel Koyal. Miks Hell Smith, a highly respected inmate of the County Home, visited Mrs. T. J. Strait last week. Misses Azilee and Marie Stillivan visited their sister, Mrs. Walter Small, last week. Mr. tins Hasseltine, now of Florida, is on a visit to laincaster, his old home. Miss Annie Welsh, of Mt. Pleasant, N. C^'is visiting as the home of Mr. I,. C. La/.enby. Miss Fannie Stover, of this olliee, who has been taking a month's vacation, returned to her "case" Monday. Master Clarence Kohinson, of The News torco, is taking u week's vacation. Mis.s I'ot Smith is visiting her brother in lilacksburg. Mr: Thomas smith. Mrs. Selina Dronnan and grandson. Master Kudolph, of Baltimore, arc v isiting Mr. W. 1>. Kohinson and family. The licv. I>. A. Brown, of Kershaw, came tip Saturday night and a-sisted the Itev.T. A. Oabnev in libff SunHnc r..tiir?iin?r I,....,. ... M bill IIIIIK IK'IIK morning. Mr. Will lloddry, of Orout falls, spent Sunday in Lancaster. Miss Ilelle Williams is visiting her friend. Miss Kula Hyatt, in Van Wyek. Miss Maggie t'renshaw, of Kock Hill, who has heen visiting her sister, Mrs. .lohn F. Clyburn, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Frank /.emj>, of t'harlotte, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Johnson. Mr. JohnS. Kiddle, now a eommereial traveler, is spending a two weeks' \a<-ati<*n here with his family. Judge Ira 15. Jones, Messrs. < 'has I). Jones. Kmest Moore, K. K. W'ylie ami John Crawford spfinl Sunday at ?Jreat Tails. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Caskoy returned Monday from a two weeks' visit to < hester. Mr. li. A. Hilton, of Kershaw, v as in town Monday. Mrs. A. 1*. Me Lure has returned from her visit to Blaeksburg. She was accompanied home by her nephew and niece, Master Claude and little Miss Julia Smith. Mrs. McLure nave a dolightful party yesterday evening complimentary to her young visitors. Mr. J. I.. Bell, of Kershaw, visited his daughter here this week. Mrs. J. M. ( authen. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Itarr have gone to the fsle of Palms for the week. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Thompson, of 11. .. 1 l.w.1 - I- ?5.1 ? pin.) njftjit u??i W WK Willi HIS parents at "Riverside, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson. He v. ]{ Ij. Kobinson, or Alabama, w ill arrive here tomorrow to spend a month with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Kohinson. i'rof. Pedl, of the Methodist Collage in fohfthoia, spent Monday night in this county with Mr. K. J. Flynn, of New Cut. Jj y. Miss Mosaic IJendrix of (Stonesboro section is visiting her cousins, Misses Fannie and Lillian Stover. THE LANCASTER OUR STO i I SHMH :sH HR V R^|H K 11The Past F< Mine Airanla we have been clerks enga not W2 Remember, this sale SATURI We have engaged week, and they will ph a great treat if you do same time avail yourse ino* Milvtliiixr in mir lsn ? n n ? Dry Good: and everything else in our imrm in and buy what you need for tl selling at is below what we can never been able to buy the sam< been here. We want every fair So come before it is too late. 1 v i Lancaster ] , See our BUGGIE I have the right kind an NEWS. AUCUST 5. I9Q8 RES HffV LWJO 3w Days Wi ge of the Me: giving' them, ged for this s lit on the peo; ! goes 011 the rest of th DAY, Al the Italian Brass Banc iv morning and afterno ..c A- 1 nut mint* out iu nua If of the exceptional o r^e and well-selected s s, Clothine, mse stores. You will be the los be present as well as for futur replace the same goods for, am i class of goods at before. Asl lily in Lancaster county to ge Yours very truly, Mercantile IS and WAGONS bef. d at the right prices. th People HAI! Dammaimm iiMUtiMgaUN v | Thirty-five ale could I pie.' j Company ore you buy. W<* is week, closing JQ. 8th I for tiie rest of the oil. You will miss r them, and at the ^ A * A i? 1 pporumuy 01 ouytook of Notions ;er if you do not now come e use. The prices we are 1 at prices that you have < your neighbors that have t some of these bargains.