6 THE I w?~ FMMt IK | VVIMi Ail! a.mm AT I^ANCAj August is the regular Harvest time fc big crop, and big profits for thrifty reapc Come and look things over, it will tak i j?J a. : A.: I away spienaiu opportunities. Embroidery and Lace Specials You know our reputation for pretty laces and embroideries, and when we offer them at reduc ed prices, they are worth coming a long distance to get. These specials are opportune; can he used in combination with the above dress goods to make charming dresses at very small outlay. Why don't you make one of those pretty prinr> cess dresses to finish out the summer? Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries, in many beautiful designs; regular 15c goods at 10c the yard. ? * -rr_?i.: V ai AjclCeH 111 euecuve (innenin , nn?c uorn selling for 12$ and 15c, now reduced to 10c yard. 5 Round Thread Laces worth 8 to 10c the yard, ^ for 5 cents. Of Special ] Douglas Oxfords Kvery man knows, or has heard, that the "Douglas'' shoe possesses many excellent qualities. It is a shoe for style, a shoe for comfort and a shoe for good, long iService, which ought to make it the shoe for you. If you have never worn this make, now is the time to niakt* a start and buv a nair of these E I splendid oxfords at greatly reduced prices. 3.50 Oxfords for 3.00 a 3 00 Oxfords for 2.05 Get Shoes that will Wear Well Men's and Youth' Hats Reduced STRAWS AT HALF PRICK. Entire line of hats reduced. Ail this season's (lerhies and soft felts have had the prices cut considerably, and there are many exceptional chances presented to the economical man, youth or boy. In "drawing straws," which are now the most popular, we are practically out of the game, for since we have reduced the price to cost, the win I ninga are practically an on one siue?your side. J I No excuse now fos not wearing a nobby straw. THE IIE. LANCAS k / LANCASTER NEWS. AUGUST 5. I9Q8 | ID HAITI a ear hip mia i ST BARt STBR'S LH }r Bargains, and our store is a very prom :rs. Will you be one? e only a glance to convince you that if y< Beautiful Dress Goods at Low Prices. A It is unow or never" for thepe very ppocial Rpe cials in gummer dregp goods. it von don t buy now you won't buy. nes ca STORE. I d I lie distance HUU ltui^iu ui yum win uc ^ rmine whether you want only one or all three, ach is a tine thing for a journey and all three ake a combination hard to equal. For a long trip take one of our spacious trunks well made and strong, you can turn it over to ie tender mercies of the baggage or expressman ithout a feeling of Apprehension as to whether f will reach its destination whole or in part. j any styles and prices. ; For a short trip our suit cases and satchels fill ji ie bill to your entire satisfaction. They are irefully made of good leather, are stylish, light i weight, and will permit you to keep your ips" and "temper." Many kinds and prices. Men Folks Do You Wear"B. V. D." Underwear? Those who do would never wear any other. At first it was the college chaps and athletes J ho went in for coat cut phirts and knee leneth awers, but later other men began to see the ^ use of the departure from the warm and heavy !*