The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 05, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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?a sou was bora to Mr. and Mrs. s K. A. Ilinson, of Primus, No. 2, Wed nesday. Julj%2!?. ?Kershaw county's Clemson Collogi schlarships have been won by Messrs Joel Hough and Norwood Aneruin. ?The Daughters of tlie Confederacy will meet at Col. J. N. Crockett's resi deuce Thursday afternoon at "> o'clock ?There will be service in the Kpiseo pal church next Sunday morning at 1 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. R. M Marshall. ?Died, July 30, 100H, at Lando, Mrs B. J. Robinson, wife of Mr. M. W Robinson, aged 31 years. Ruried a Lando. A series of services will he held witl 4 l\K c LOCAL DOTS J* ?Cotton, 10.50; Hoed, 'JO vis. the Six Mile Presbyterian church, b; Rev. Mr. Hafnerof Rook Hill, begin 11 inAugust 9, at 3.30 p. m. ?Mrs. John A. Stew man gave charming party last evening compii mentary to her guests, her sister. Mis Prances bee, aiul the Misses Sledge. ?The Kov. J. H. Harms, formerly t Savannah, <?a., now pastor of a Lutht ran church in Harrisburg.Pa., has bee elected president of Newberry t'ollegi ?Rev. \V. A. Fairy was on Kast bar caster Circuit assisting Rev. K. M. Mt ICissick in a meeting Monday, and yet terday ho left to assist in a meeting a Port Mill. ?The Victoria, Aragon, and Arcad Cotton mills of this city will close thi (Friday) afternoon 'for seven workin days, resuming work August 10th.Rock Hill Herald, Woodmen, Juniors, members of th church, and all other parties interestei in the Hopewell graveyard will met tomorrow (Thursday) to clean oil" th graveyard, church and school ground! ?A large crowd attended the Hcthh hem w. I??w? 1 11 * , .?.JV Iiavuiua; aiiu IUU ua was enjoyed by all. Two addresst were made during the day by Col. T. I Butler, of (iatbioy. A bountiful dinm was served. ?A protracted meeting will begin s Bethlehem next Sunday at 11 o'elocl The preaching will bo done by Kev. ? C. Crouch, a high-toned Christia gentleman and one of the best pulp orators in the Piedmont section. ?Mr. John 11. ('askey, of the rivt section, reports his neighborhood as bi ing overrun with mad dogs, one < more being killed almost daily, number of dogs in the community hav been bitten by the stray mad onei some of them belonging to negroes \vh refuse to have them killed. -T?nnl?.ninn.^ ? ? ?,T ? |?v* .1\/1 ? -? n UIO un|itl/.l' at tho Month Springs baptist church la: Sunday night, hy the pastor, tho Km It. 10. Small. A revival meeting rccotitl hold in the church resulted in a genori spiritual awakening in the community There an- two other persons yet to I ^ , baptized. ?Mr. T. II. I>a\is, who, as puhlishc at the time, spent a day or two the pa! week with his friend Mr. /. I,. Itober son, at ftakhurst, reports fine crops i that splendid section of Lancaster coui ty. The cotton fields, for example, < Mr. Lewis Rollings, says Mr. I?avi look as though they will yield tw bale sto the acre. ?I?r. J. K. Kittled go, game warde for Lancaster county, says that it tliei are any parties in iln? county who di sire to have their ponds and stroair stocked witli fish, all they have to do to let lii 1*1 know and he'll forward the names, etc., on to the department i Washington. The tish will be tnrnisl ed by the government without cost I the parties. ?Polly Short, wile of I). S. Short, respected colored citizen and sucrossfi farmer, died Saturday night, at ht home on Mr. J. I*. Caskey's planti tion near Waxhaw church. Sho wanted to take his wife, some time ag< to New York to be treated by l?r. t< Wylie. but she would not consent sro. ?Mr. Jack Lowry brought to th office Monday morning an open boll i cotton plucked 'from the farm of tl Rev. T V IiilIiiu-v. Mil vesterilav v received h similar hull I'roni Mr. <l. < Beckham, <>n It. ! '. 1>. No. '{. Wo wo also shown yesterday an open hull Iro the plantation of Mr. Mr. ? iI? tirooii in the Waxliaws. ?Miss Ktta Mellon, a youn>{ lady <'hosier oounty. was hurtled to dea last Saturday while starting r. lire J t ook, dinner, she was using kerosei ** oil, and. tho blaze reaching the ?a caused an explosion. THE LAI ; County Campaign. ?1 "! List of Candidates Who have Filed Pledges and "Paid - j Assessments?Opening of 1 v/aiupai^u x csteruay. All the candidates announced in The News, Have one. complied y with the law as to tiling oledges - and paying a-sessmenti b. fore * the < xpira'ion of the time* ed therefor, which was on or before 12 o'clock m. last Monday. There was also one new entry. The following therefore . is the list of candidates in the I race: For Representative?Geo. W II Jones, VV. Pressly Robinson, J. . W. Hamel, Hairy Llinea, J Harry Foster. Sheriff?John P. a Hunter, W. B. Cau'hen, Henry l" N. Sowell, J. S Wilson. Clerk ot Court?Jos. F. Gregory. County Supervisor?W. K. Williams, L J. Perry, Simeon J. n Funderburk, G. Lewis Mobley. " Trea urer ? W. ti. Millen, Thol* mas L Hilton. Auditor?H. H. . Horton. J. Wylie Porter, Edt ward A. JThompson, E. L. Cren shaw, Porter M. Jackson. Supt. e ot Education?A. C. Rowell, J. s E. Blacktrou. VV Alonzo Huzhes _ Claud N. Sapp. Joseph Kershaw C rnnors. Coroner?J. Montie eomery Caskey, John King, VV. 1 F. Garvin. Magistrate?Lancaster C. H : VV. P. Caskey. Cotton Mill: B. j. F. Phillips, J. B. Connor, J. S. y IlogftH, T. N. Reeves. Buford >s Township?VV 'arnes, W. Mar.r cuj Estrid^e, w. M. Polk. Cedar Creek Township?VV. F. Hudlt son. Pleasant Hill Township ? t. J. H. Therreil. Flat Creek Town 1' ship?J. J. Roberts, Jos. W. it Knight. Waxliaw Township? J. D. Griihn. Indian Land?D. r lv. Hall. The total amount ol ast-ess' meuts received by the C<iunty 0 chaw 111 ui i9 .1<213.50 s, The County campaign opened " vesterday at Beiair, or rather at Mr John Hall's, where a picnic 1 was also held. We hope to be St ' able to j/ef a report of the meet y ing for Saturday's piper. The ti candidate* will speas today at > . Vaiiwyck. where there will <dso "' b-- a picnic, under t lie auspices of lie Woodm*u. s' Horn. Aiijj. 1st, to Mr. ami Mrs. J. B. n Kllis, a daughter. ?The New <'ut school opened last woek with Mr. Krnest fames as teacher. ? ?The fills!' reek school opcnm! Monday with Miss llolon Lindsay as teachn or. re B. I ?Attention is called to the lleathis Jones Company's unusually attractive i* announcement in today's paper. Kvery ^ body will Ilnd ii interesting reading. ?We are pleased to announce tliat to Mrs. lleiglor, wife ot'Mr. Van lleiglor of the Primus section, and daughter, Miss * Kfllo, who have been down with fever, 1' are now much bettor, both being able r to be up again. a" ?The married and single men of the 11 Douglass section played a game of ball Monday afternoon. The scdre was 25 '' t<> ! in favor of the single men. to Mrs. Ii. R. Knight and children, of Lancaster, who have been spending a is few days with relatives and friends in i,f the Crook section, returned hoino yesHJ urday. ?* i ?Mr. and Mrs. L. Pay sen r will 1 tnlcrunn Thursday evening .-ompli. mcniiiry to tin- muinbors ?>t" lh<< VVylio "> I10U8O party. o, ^_ The IVaxhu u* and Shiloh Itible <>! Socialff'h Annual Meeting. liit) annua lliee'lug of the t'' WaxliHwand Sniloh Bible So? cioiy w is lulu lt?8l Sa.uiday ai W ?x'taw churcn. The attend SICASTER NEWS. AUGUST ance whs uon*', being abo'O as'^i usua1. The annual address was I delivered by the Rev Mr,Martin, I of R?m*!< Hill, wh cb w<>s an able I and pcholarlv effort. The enl I lection amounted 'o $60.40. I Mi?8 Jane CasKpy ami Airs. I N. E. Craig were mad" life mun. I b;r? ff 'he Ameiican bible So- I ciety. The following. were made I life members of the Waxhaw and I Sliiloh Society: Rev.Mr. Martin, I Mrs. Wade Draffin, Mrs. N. E. I Ti.ompjon, Mrs. E. E Ferguson, I Mr. JefT Ferguson and I)r. E. ). I Massey. 8 The old officers were re-elect- | ed. as follows: J. E. Craig, president ; J. P C. Caskey, vice president ; .1. Clark Robinson, seciet?iy; N. B. Cousar, treasurer. Pot ice llaid Renta urunt untl Find JF/iitfi 0;/ and Near-Beer. Chief of Police McManup and Policeman Bell raided the Clav ton restaurant on Main s'reet Friday evening, finding about twelve gallons ot liquor and a barrel ol near-beer. The stuff was seized and is being held under the Carey-Colhran law. A fine of $100, was imposed on the proprietor ny Mayor Uu.hes, which was paid. The proprietor claims that only abont 16 pin's of the whiskey was his, the remainder belonging to other patties, who may make claim for same. lie also contends that the beer, owinsr to the small quantity ot alcohol it is said to contain, doesn't come within the provisions of the State lav. This question will bo se'tled bv the Mayor's having a sample of the b<-er analyzed. It the test shows the presence of less alcohol than the S'ate limitation, the baer " will doubtless be returned to ? the owner; otherwise, it will be ? confiscated. First Contractu Let for IVorkin 7 I' ami Maintaining Public $ lloiuls. N ol The first con'ractJ for load work under the new law were p let last Saturday by the board ^ ol counly commissioners. The p roads have been divided into sections of two miles each, and the sections let are as follows: Sections 1,2 and 3, 011 Red- w field road, to VV. C. Davis, at n $40 per mile. ^ Sections t> and 7 011 same road, to T M W of <t"n ?n,l 0 $75 respectively. See. 11 on Lancaster and Charlotte r< tid, lo John A. Kell, at $37.50 per inile (Tina seclion is 3A^ miles in length.) fo The roads are to be worked at according to plans and specifi c .tions, which require ditching, crowning, etc. Each contractor will be requiied 'o maintain h'3 sections for tbe perio 1 of twelve months. The road trom Lancaster to the Kershaw county line, at I!"thel church, will bo 1 t in a few days. CAN'T BE SEPARATED. | V ttiu / /f n/*/*midif I'" ? ? I Learned How to (Jet liid of Itoth. Backache and kidney ache are twin hrefhers You can't separate the in. And you can't get rid of the backache until you cure the kidney ache. f. the kidneys are well and strong, the rest of the system is pretty sure to be in vigorous health. Dean's Kidney Pills make strong, healthy kidneys. James Hoggins, living on W. Main St., Yorkviite, rt. ('.,says: "For several years 1 suffered from nervous spells and was hardly ever free from a dull aching across the small part of my back There was a soreness across ( I my kidney legions and the least ex-I i cilement caused me to become so weak ; that 1 could not slaou. The kidney j secretions were thick anil cloudy and I felt miserable. I finally procured Doan's Kidney Tills and used theoi according to directions. They cured j me and I have sinoe felt better and stronger in every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 60c. j Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United ritates. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. S7-SH 5. I9Q8 DONT E?o If you must, co DON'T CARRY OF M< But if you must, you can We combine AIISOLUTK SAFETY <Jive particular attention to bu accounts and new busin its for strength and A Strong Bank can ; O to its p Our past policy ami ample resourc We Want Y The Bank c Lancaster, S< rgnnization of the Lancaster Ice and Coot Company. The Lancaster Ice & Coal Cominv, with a capital stock of 10,000, was organized here lotulay evening. The officers lected are: Directors?R. E. Wylie. T. M. I utiles, J - B Mackerel I, W. M. [oore, Waddy Ii. Thomson, resident, R. E Wylie; viceresident. J. B. Mackerel); sectary aud treasurer, Waddv Ii 'homson. All the capital sleek as promptly taken within a lew tinutes after topening of the ooks of auhscrip'ion. The com .tnv expectR to manufacture ice, ui'lle c ?al, etc.. bu' will not kelv operations before other season. ? Ihe l.aiuaster i . II. banners i n >n will meet next Saturday, Augusts, . 2 i>. m. Full attendance desired. .1. F. Nisbet, Pres. MBmMHOBMnMtMMV.MI From Soup to Coffee we supply your dinner table and culinary department with everything choice and delicious in the high grade foods. For summer appetites we have dainty break fast foods, sweet butter and fresh eggs, for lunch and dinner anything to tempt the appetite and purse by the fairness of our prices. BENIN ETTS 5 LROW Dili I NEY DUI me and see us. LARGE SUMS ^ATXJU do so only until see us. with SATISFACTORY SKKVICK. isiness of farmers. Invite new less upon our own merL superior facilities. ifford liberal treatment >atrons. ss are our guarantee for the future. our Business. I PI uanui5icr | rjuth Carolina | Business Notices. Jp0T'All Noticed inserted under this head at the rate of ONE CENT A WORD for each insertion N > notice to be counted lesa than 'J"> words. Poll SALE?A fine (gallon milch cow with rnnntf n?lf 1; " 1 r j r? ' ?w, "icmii I-i IVtJ Stock Co. 87-88 We hereby announce the name of H. M. POCK as a candidate for Magi9trateof Buford township,and pledge him to abide the result ol the Democratic primary. MANY VOTERS. I.ANCAKTKR COl"NOIL No. 4- D of A. will serv* ice cream in the Junior hall over Heath-Jones Co.'s store, Saturday night, August Sth. All members of the Junior Order are invited. 37 L08 r?On .Main street, one ovalshaped inonogiam pin, "M . I,. .1 " Finder leave at News office. FOR t AI.E?Near town, 2J acres land on Monroe road, one-half original forest. Apply to F. R Massey, Lancaster, 8.(1. 87-tf C AMI' M K ETI NO NOT I ( K ? There will be a campmeeting he.d at Mt , Carmel camp ground, beginning Sept. 2, IPOS. There shall be no selling, trade or traffic of any kind with'n one mile of said grounds. By Trustee Board of Mt. Carmel Church. K Y K~ S1" KOTA 1.1 ST A T H K A T H SI'RI NtiS?I>r. S. H. t.rillith, an expert Kye Specialist, is spending a few days to Heath Snrinara. Those navfnir ye troubles or who are simply in need Of a pair of glasses, will miss a rare opportunity if they fail to consult him. Dr. Griffith may be consulted ai office of W. It. Twitly not Inier than the 10th in at ant. 87 FOR SALE. ? A foo 00 scholarship in I he Southern School of Telegraphy which will entitle the purchaser to a full course of instruction in all branches pertaining to a thorough and complete course in telegraphy?a course that will gratify one to take charge of an office and run it himself. Apply at The News Office. *4 tf BR1DGKS?Will let Monday, August 17th. at 10 o'clock a. m.. rhe contract to build a new bridge over Cane creek on Monroe road, nix miles north ot Lancaster. Usual rights reserved L. J. Perry, Co. Supervisor. 35-90 SASII, DOORS and BLINDS at panic prices. Write for delivered prices. J. C. Stewart, tni < hureh >t., Chester, S. C. K'2-91 VVANTKD KOK 1 . s. AKMY ?Ablebodied, unmariied men. between age? IS and 35, citizens of I niteo states, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read ami writ e EngI..I. L.V.. ! ?i ,,..nnl I ? In Ij.. II imn i" wi iiuiM uini I\HI, n|lt'1.* 1 %f l,r cruiting Officer, 10 West Fifth St., Charlotte, NXO : South Main St , Aaheville, N* National Rank Building, Shelby, N c ; 401 south Center St.. Stateaville, N .4' ; Lenoir, N. C. or 107)6 West Main St., Spartanburg, ? S.C. 7R-104 4