4 ?foe pirns (SEMI-WEEKLY.) WEDNESOAV, AITOtJST 5, IOON. CAN'T BLAME IT ON "LANCASTER" The esteemed llerald ot Rock Hill republished The News' grateful acknowledgement of the receipt of & picture recently sent us by a prominent citizen of that city of "Rock Hill's Electric Railway," and then proceeded to saddle on "Lancaster" responsibility tor the antique "systern's" lack of success. In its extended comment the Herald said: In Rock Hill there is a street named "Lanca^er" avenue and it is from this thoroughfare that the wonderful car line starts. We believe the name waB a Jo nah to the car line, notwithstanding the fact that some of the most prominent citizens live on it. Everything that wo have ever heard of has a beginning and there is a great deal in the start, so who could expect the Rock Hill Electric Railway to be a success starting on Laticas ter avenue. Is the name Lancaster enough to Jonah the whole system, including the mulea and the driver? No; Lancaster is a name that conjures, and instead of being Rock Hill's Jonah, it is the city's guiding star and mascot. Why, it Rock Hill were to cut out every distinctive "Lancaster" feature about it, there wouldn't be much left?except, of course, the mud holes. Even the bright young editor ot the Herald, who comes of good otdLancaster stock, would have to skiddoo. Yes, Rock Hill without its "Lanr.aa ler" would be like the play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out. When we pet in a hurry we are going to try to borrow the Lancaster News' linotype.?Ches ter Lantern. There must be a joke concealed somewhere mi the toregouig, but, owing to the density ot our grey matter, we have been unable to discover it. If The News is ever so fortunate as to own a linotype, we shall take pleasure in lending it to our esteemed contemporary when it *'t:e!s in a hurry". August 15th ii 11*date fixe?l lor (lie inauguration of the national government's new system ot farm demonstration work near Columbia. Commissioner Watson, oi the South Carolina department ot agriculture, in an address re ently issued, urges the larraer? of the >Sta'e to he present on that day. lie has asked the railroads to give reduced rate- on account of the occasion. Wo invile Brother Connor.' tn Rock Hill to spend a few uavs ** ith 'is in order that he mav visit a real wide-awake town, where everything is being run by electricity b til n'ght andda\. except the ladies and the m jn Bock Hill Herald Thanks. We shall at le ts' ( try to get over there before the' ''ladies and the men" beain tV wf?ar dynamo-electric attachineut-< concealed about their pet8 >118. The Greenwood 'Journal re.; j uhlishi d in it * last issue a recent editorial articb oi I lie i New* or the mhj'ci I o"- b*ini allowed in public billiard or j;oo' r -nins, ''.}if) vn ! by some nnmniKh (it it- OVVil. Hi i 11 * course c?i which we are asked. in j effect, why we dd nut *'o, farther an I oppose tlie iioei. i - , ol such places altogether While! there is a natural prejudice ag . im.h billiards and pool* on account of their previ us intimatecon nection with bar-rooms, it muv THE LANC be admitted by all fair?mindec persons that the games are nol harmful in themselves. If met can afford the time and tin money to iudulee in such past time, that's their own affair? not the public's. But, for thi reasons stated iu the article re forred to, we do not believe tha boys should be allowed to fre queut the public places when men play such games. The passenger train ran ovei the tail of one of Mrs. D. J Christmas' hens one day thii week and cut it off just belov the Jack Dillard crossing.? Klberton, Ga., Star. Will somebody familiar with i fowl's anatomy please tell ui where the "Jack Dillard cross imr" is located? A new sect in India is prac ticing what they call the usa cred kiss". II it is any bettei than the old ones let's try it.? Anderson Mail. The old way is good enougl for us. The News condoles with Edi tor VV.K. Gonzales, of The State over the loss of his brother, Mr A. B. Gonzales, whose death oc curred in Columbia Saturda; morning, after many months c suffering. 1U UI3 Ml ILIO UitUJpttlKI meeting in Union Saturday Gov Ansel, in reply to a question pro pounded by Mr. Blease, said h is inclined to oppose the immi gration bureau, but favors reten tiou of the department of agrj culture and commerce. We have seen protests ii some ot our exchanges agains the custom of leaving horse standing in hitching lots fo hours in the broiling sun. Thi is a cruel practice at d shoul be prohibited by law, it th owners are too heartless to cor rect if themselves.?Chest e Lantern. All towns should follow Lai ons have been us will be sold at g] ees. Some have the weather and at a low figure, and Hackney, all. these goods a GREGORY HOOD | CH>ter's good example: erec SOMEV I D1SF BUT STILL : Having had the fire in the state a tically out of b time, but we ar we will be able new building in * 4 solid cars of BL and Surries boug has arrived. An either rubber o vehicles on hand gardless of cash iASTER NEWS. AUGUST 5. I comfortable stalls for 6tock. The t News kept agitHing the matter i until now a number of Linens3 ter's thoughtful and public spirited merchants have uice sheds. - equipped with feed-troughs, etc , s in the back lots for the accommodation ol the horse? and mules t ot their ftiends and others Ire in - the country. i .I, Mr .John T. Duncan, the member of the Columbia bar agains! whom disbarment proceedings . are pending before the Supreme s Court, has entered the race lor j clerk of court in Richland coun - ly. lie will doubtless make it lively for his opponents on the 1 stump, as he did for Johu Gary s Evans when he ran against him tor the United State Senate. It was stated by the Jharlotte Observer a few days ago, and republished in this paper, that, according to visitors from Chester, the cotton mill men of that city 1 were offering the farmers one-half cent above the market for . It. . A. Thompson, .1. II. Pfirkor, Mnvl Minor Morril, A. I.. Ahrnm, Maggie vers, Musi' Kngiin, 1.111 In Fra/.er, \V. . KoMiy, A. Broeh, A.J. Oroon, Lizzie Me ixon, Lueio rld to have, for j st every other i lakes you free I miething is laid ; ne, if you get j le money may j rie, or a remun- j ps it will pay I ollege, or take comes. al Bank j SO. CA. i v. =lg ^1 LIKE 1 FLOUR Our Pied- I t will piehave the i : and Lone pered Country Premium Hams Silver Leaf lard m V Post I oastees. ton&Co wumzscar wammmmummatmm nMrnaoMMMMBWiaa J=r=~=T\