V Proceedings of ture?No Com ucation Law * the Leg isla- A Ltneaa pulsory Ed- Gives at r ? Insurance Recent THE LAN'JAS iter Cmmtf Ladj |1?B| i Account of Her SB^ Trip to South QB TER NEWS, FEBRUARY 21, 1908. jm T Colombia specie lotte Observer: 1 on record against c ucation to day, i bill on the sobjeet of4Nevberry, by a QQ TU?l.:il Georgia. d in the Char- Ed. The 1 The Honse went brothers-in-, ',orapul?ory ed ern Georgia killing a mild relatives in i by Mr. A.oll, Tabernacle, k vol* of 61 to return hom< flews ; Well, m onr g|g law came from Booth- KStt to visit friends and Km Lancaster and Ike HM section I decided to 5|? > with them, to visit H JUS' ou r RECE R SPRING W JIVED JE OF iuo(uiu req and gaardiane to between 8 and 14 school for sixteen year. The House got b ject of fire inBi nn.Hsint? 11 nnn In Luirea ^parents 4 sisters and send children em Ga, 9c years of age to about 4 o'cl weeks in tbe for Chester, Chester unti ack on the sub- wheu we boi irance to-day, for Savannal i 8 qdcIco in South- Qm > on the 6 of January, Cap ock, we rolled out and had to stay in Hi 1 after 12 that night, SB arded the Southern mm l, Ga. It was a dark. j|^?j i v r measures. One of Florence, to rej surance companies account of its pi away with mui against the compn A very imDortai fu imyuriain storiny nigj by Mr. Ayer, whistling bj ;ulate fire in- ing down. i was killed on with the rca rovision doing ten to and tl iicipal taxes rain on the 1 nies. and some til tit Kill Kit Mr tliot it, with the wind jgjaj r and the rain pourWe travelled on, BBS r cf the cars to lit- affia le pattering of the |lr| window* to watch, HIM lies it would seem Efil ft rep A. G. Brice reguli' ship, county and fire compauie3 of t strong provisions f ^ tion of policy-holdi ed by a vote of 04 bill limits the tow ?/ * ?*?, WMUU U?U* J ding tiie town- asleep, cond State mulual the night v ho Stnte, with morning da1 or the protec- ed to blow, t ars, was pass- and left ut to 41 The morning to i nshin mutuals that hoinir my uu iue train was uctors and all. Ae K|S pore away and the ?48 ivned the wind ceas- l?QB| ,lie clouds rolled by, S3 j with a beautiful arrive in Savannah, PUK r\ 111" olnn?i? I 4 1 to one county, the uals to the county office and contigi and the State mi Stale. All are re port to the in sur; sioner, who is eraj; couuty mut- place. We r of the home sounti. As lous counties, depot, which ltuala to the moat beautifi iquired to re- there in the mce comrais- was a tank f lowered to see as crystal, ai ~ ? ??.?? U. v/j/J'i up. LOXH landed safe and we walked iato the 5ft is the largest and Kin jl one we ever saw, %M midst of the .depot Sffl ull of water, clear fetjg id full of alligators Wll4 "1 1 A . < that policy-holder protected. After killing tli < yesterday on the su enger rate reductic to-day took up Sen bill on the subject s are always and beautiful sing travelle 3 House bill we missed 01 bject of pass we could not m, the Senate Bellville, Ga Lator Toole's ternoou. Sc and put it to the wharf, w I lish, for weary pas guy rs to look upon. As *f89 ir train 10 minutes leave Savannah for until 5 in the af- Lagy ) we went down to jn$n here we nw large I ana low Pat< euts in the n 3nt Leathers, iew styles. Tans, I HQ sleep by a major votes. The Sonate had i with K. P. Smith's guiating appeals i; not reach a vote on ratification of acts c ity of tb*eo Bteambouts, passenger, ai a lively tussle with cotton < llouse bill re bor. We ar lisi, but did the following account of the talk or eat. jeremony. By time to stay,' both freight and BHH ad large flats loaded QKy coming into (he har- MR rived in Bellvillo night, too tired to MB We only had a short Ran 30 we hustled around fifil i iiur garc % t Metal, Glaze )o, . . . mmmaammmammmmtmmmm , KanEtc. a majority of thri motion to strike on ing words was lost, ator Rogers "offerc ment allowing the I " \ power to increase a crease a verdict. 1 . 1 - A- < < ? ee votes the over a good t the enact- try, with its Then Sen- green woods d an amend- long moss de circuit judge the trees. Di s well as de- dy water out This was kill- ed strange to portion of the counbeautiful sand and and very beautiful WW mpling thick from Bfl id not aee any mud- 5J3 there at all. Lookaee even rivers and ELyS] 3.50 PRICE 4.00 5.00J ea 07 u voie 01 1 < There was an int test in the House ( the bill of D. L. S leton, to abolish t ion department, w ate has just voted 11.. 10 jo. swollen strea eresting con- clear. Wo ' o-night over clown on the mith, of Col- We drank w he immigrat of the stream hich the Sen- couulv; cross to sustain by and drank w nis with their waters CTffl went for a stroll ISS banks of a river. ator from one side t 9 i,'which in is Tatnal ?jfl ed over the stream !>|S ater from the other Willia Tlio Si mis - Hug hnr** tkof T<" TH 1 I lies Co. 1 H pi tt UI1U.I Although it is now account of the Seni get a bill through, migration sentimen was aggressive and Through the go< Rinlmtvl I Mnnnin niuoutj vote. siue, wnicn if impossible 011 We looked ite's action to Magnolia, wh the anti-im a beautiful l tin the House \ye had a [ insistent. there in that >d otlices of wer0 R|ac rr fnrmar /*ar*_ j in Bullock county. Hjjfl upon thickets of ? V iich we all know is \ 9 flower. * A pleasant time out k beautiful country, , i . W&lim I when it was time -vy v v- WUUW X V 1^ \ a Man Wears. i m??? didate for Governoi be in the race agai banks of his home t hava contributed the cotton associate , , to Htart home r and likely to , . ~ . stop in Colui n soon, the .. ,ir ' tives. We j own, Sumter, . . . , . night; hardly $100 each to , ' 4 J who was to 1 on. . . know us, bi other all righ i, as we intended to r-"11 tibia to visit relaarrived there after p knew our nephew, | neet us, nor did he at we found each ( t. We had a nice i 50V. R. B. I Df North Carolina, S PAllf i u?r? miriiiiAi fi.LE.NN ays About * I make it kTT 1 /limii a rule never to recom catarra cannot by local applications as tl the Heat of the disease. t or constitutional disease, enre it you must take i Hall's Catarrh Cure is tal acta directly on the blc surfaces. Hall's Catoriti quack medicine, it was p of the best phyiiciaus in years and is a regular pi He (inrcd time while liey cannot roaoh Boon Started ,'atarrh is a blood t ~ and in order to <>Ur way hom nternal remedies the train, a i ceu internally and od and nmoouH the mother si i Onre, is Inot a , , . roscribed by one UP "er head, this conntry for from i, resenption. it is in Columbia. We \ for Lancaster. On i6 a family came in ;ray haired father, ckf could not hold = the father reeling ifluence of strong lunAira ruciMUi rHE GREAT EXTERNA tor Coughs, Colds, Cr( and Chest Troul bleneing to the peoi >1A llKfc ZftrlTt ,L REMEDY Z'l'bnt >up, Throat for Cold*-{ flam mat or] )les ? itation In c it to the r pie?especially the children. I I icines until I have myhem, aa there are a great fie land that are perfeot having tried your Cure ;ore throat and other inr troubles, I have no hestordially recommending >nblie, for I think it a have known of its being oompoeea ine oem uiuich, with the beet blood pni reetly on the mnoone Hnr1 oombinption of the two it prod ^ee each wonderfol Catarrh. Send for tot'timouiale i ^T* V J. (Jheney t Hold by Druggist*. 76c. Take flail* JtaMofty P&l Mob. kiiowd, coirr>ine