The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, February 22, 1908, Image 6

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u r nm i hti LAiNCao I'KK r iv i FEBRUARY U nrr I, 1*08. r n i i y p \ c <n l n n i I ! i u r r ST.^ gUIUOMM.1 l n i i n u a ( j In k ? i by out I very 1< :eeping with th< hearty offering dw prices again IIII III1 llll III II 111 H IIIIIIIWMII mil d spirit of the d js of splendid v; proves that w< ay, we are tryii alues. Such hi 2 are leaders, ai ig to make eve: gh grade merch id that we ores rybody happy landise at such ent more con I u s mmamm I I vincin L tff l k ': Seas g reasons why onable Dress you should dea Goods. 1 only at this si I A. :ore. 9 ood Values in ^ / Wash Fabrics. r.vmnam \ H Don't you feel finish out the wi spect as well as you need. I the need of another drei Inter? We anticipated y< in others by offering you ss, waist or skirt to j )ur wants in this rejust the material All kii and enoi the renu boys' sin Mud ran, nds, all colors, all patterns igh to meet all demands, irkahle values. Galatea, i ts and waists 12 12 in neat shirt patterns, 10 c , all prices?a great var Come and see fo? your u patterns suitable for sr sts yd. iety K? s?lf i nail |j S There arc quil j our assortment 1 , ionable for sprir y Among the nu Yjf a Serges and Moh i V I 1 A. 11 te a number of light-weij ;hat are pretty and durat ig and summer wear. imber we might mention airs, in black and pret i J 1 i*i i jht, wool fabrics in jj )le, and will be fash- I i, Voiles, Panamas, I ty shades of blue, | Madras, Chambre Gingh: 10 cts yd Mercei 12 1 2 r t. best quality and colors 12 iv, linen finish, in the new am, best dress gingham, rized Gingham, beautiful 3 V(l. 1 2 cts yd. 0 shades for spring, 10 cts newest colors and patte patterns for spring dres rnn, 86B, r i Drown, etc.,?ail I I T~^* _ TT^ oeauuiui quality goous, . j i_* i._ at 6Vc yd. Pereal wrappert e, best 3G inch, in light an s, house dresses and shirt v? ?T? d (lark patterns, suitable aists, 10 cfs yd, for I J7 lllC UI Still waiting foi I lent, well fittiua; i and "He&therbloo one np your tnind in i tuir alter you have sor made of fine qnr I and full, trimmed B frills. luersKins. r you are thoao excelindorskirtB of sateen >ra." You will make \ hurry and buy one ( ?n them. They are ?uj ility material, nice m<i with flounces and 1 ?1 r? Men's Up-tc )ur MenV I>< partment i< alwn m knows that .s where h mey tloi'.i lies! duty, f your-lints ii e<l replenishin >s shirts, both .-tit!' ami r-oft b >-Date Furnishii iys fn 11 <?f interesting offering is wants are fully satislietl, gs, we want you to see our in so:n- bini.ilereil a'?| unlaiini ngs. Shi ?,arul every wise and where his 11,0 8:1 that fife eof line white vice jg w tiered. oe Satisfaction. tisfaction one nets from ah omfortably aud give good orth more tliun auytbiugc 1008 ser>1ho. "Heatherbloonv navy and brown, "and ^ear better, i 1 Sateen skirts, v with one to four f 1 to ?3.00. \ Linen ' skirts in black. They lock like r-i)k ?n 151-98' excel 'eutly made. he rills, from r>0 cents Suitings. Madras >1 irfs in neat Mripi minis and col is We can sui X I so ileal " orking ?hirrs, thai rippi yr ami tearing at every I Nobl \ ii?-v.* i rclcti ' would make qu il him! checks, Muck hiii! \\ i ever> tllSie. will successfully stand rougli [ urn. ?y Neckties. i(i* n ililFerence in your appeal hite and white 'fur 8ho people w i wear an*! not . ! t i? the flieir mo in better htores. ranee. Wo have fl? Pei en must niVQ aatlHtaotion muldn't come back as they old story of giving po( ney's worth, and quality \ than they can got at ot Shoe*) to bo comfortable n fectly that one is never or do. )p'e hut hor mat re Ijpasmou preaiet will he just as p spring and snmm< en 8nitii are n pa1 every woman k look so fresh and in good taste. Wo have a nice s mar trie linen ?u 1 r nP( opular this con ing sir jr as heretofore. Lin pin# inver^' if nt, hp iiOWh ; they : 1 . vp neat, and it re a I wave asportment of linen ' If il : UIi? - ifalure fill pretty and at ipen pi . ir: a.>il arid plu.d Tr Su rit de lend:.' i kind, not the I tfef nil! (if r-)i tpi:. )i< r -1. , 11-r are lunde of !i i tm ,vt*. in nil lines and sha ice- i;t suit everybody. spenders. viml that vcar about a week ? i i.i- wehhinir and never f; des, polka dots, mi tided I presence mult be the bopt . . we'll tell ind then begin I for price ill to cive suti*- I by an ache or pinch of tl ; and to give best service t made of the best material matiner. Some other t : you about the stylos, and b, you know they are alw o r\. * <1 I I /i n t I ? i i* f i . /i joir 8 5 iine I . | A BUI la II US ru ( 'MtCKC gray and tr.n, all ii lfi 2-3 (routs. iFT ( j Last i r' ii ,i>! [ i excellent v HSBsarz: tjzt? r:~zr::r t &sz7 O but not -ast vs ri?>n I*ri < - lrom 2S to 50 rei UR WEN re advise you tc Ilth ; A I, A ! )A d call because o r* | iiiuni i ? ":>v* rmmwmmiBMrtMFSsjffm /ICE. urs is the most ouiiAUir at iiiio nkui o? : xxt iwaw < wra :wBmK&ms compete, the i J I most v Here y I -W mend. I BK.'. : - - - aried, the most ou will find on* . ? i Sli - - . Uilv tolTT * ? . U-* .V* attractive and y t ho: e goods t uss- in h ET jsskt: the most reasot hat an honest s % bk? r LacnosnHK. i mtansou table priced st< .tore can chee: BQW.WK t-*HnBMHnaraaH is Dck in town. I riuily recom- i * D amunwamtmrht rxa^+Taoi k ! 1 I r 11H L ! ' E H t H-JC 0 I CO i o ;; 11 maia ? LA NC mmaumemaxmsECEXBaim ;AHrr f:H mwwp atfiiwmaxmammmm '0 HilVli : srrou i S. ? rbbbhubJ t'l