I ? BP'"" [ ^ LOCAL I ?Gottou, 11 ? cte ? ' ' ?Don't fai )OTS ] Jones Co.'a {Pi in today's pt i; seed 25 cts. ?Beatrice THE LAN0A8TE il to read the Heath- |T""" new announceraeat Jj iper. |L? > Hays, the year old Mie K NKWS. FEBRUARY 2S PERSONAL jj is Mamie Clybum. of Dixie. ?4 >. 1?08. Mr. J J Kniyht Dead. Mr. J. J. Knight, form* Chesterfield county, diei Thursday night, of Dneui vw irk Hi 15 4 > ls= > Kb ?Mrs. Commod who has been qu pneumonia, is now i Merchant Cloud nouncement in tods special interest to ers. lore Cl?nton, daughter of J >te ill with Hay?, of She able to sit up. monia on the bas an an- ?Mr. A. iy'8 paper of aDn?unceme bargain-seek- repay y< ?Attentir Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. is visi iron, died of pueu- Mi\ ) 17th inst. wyck, W. Ohance has aa caster nt elsewhere which Qol 3u to read. ton m 111 i? pollarl ?? '' ting the Missis Johnson. M. M. Tillman, of Vanspent Wednesday in Laninty Auditor H. H. Uorade a trip to Jefferson this at bis home in the cotton community. He was abc years of age and leaves a i and several children, one ol being now desperately ill Knight's body was taken tc terfield yesterday for burii mills .Ut 58 | ATIENC villow I ERSEVE F them Mr- ~ > Ches F oofliroo lilr i RANCfflj fVlrtCrt ?Mr. John F. C Williams?Hughes down with grip a fe week. ?A fine 10-poun at the home of A Mrs. Walter P T">n lyburn, of the nouncement t'O., has been Lancaste >w days this wh>ch Mr. V ger. id Rirl arrived i . , meet with M merman and m , . _ Tuesday aft< vwi iWvt VU a u in today's paper by Edi r Furniture Co , of 8pent /ill Sowell is in an a- caster Mie Ig's Daughter. will . rs. Wm. T. William. ^ ernoou. fceb. 25th. tor Hamel, of Kershaw, Thursday night in Lanis Elizabeth Jones is visitr iriend Miss Iva Hull in Hill. Death of Mrs. Louisa Thoti Mrs. Louisa Thompsor aged widow of Calvin Thor, who lost his life in the ca the Confederacy, died W day, at 12.30 p. m., at her npnr Wovlmm ^,1... ? i- ol Vl^vuivo AAl\. ? saidj^vimporta itpaon. in JkJv e of tl 1, the nps?nt Wh^The ma: use of success not ah ednes- eved in a montf home yet for example \ hp iintirirK* onflR tuco^, Vto ,nt factors . he world's I ximum of I vays achi- I 1 or year, 1 ^ ve nope to g /ii*vr%4"l?r on I 18th instant. ? Mr. E. A. Jeroi oldest citizens of U N. C., died a fe w Wingate. He was y ear. yio i uwsuay, at 4 o'clock. is desired, a9 me, one of the ance are to bi aion county, J a days ago, at fornier Lanct in W8 85th hftd bi9 ie(r v accident in ^ ' ? 1 A full attendance Mis matters of import- Hill? i 0 attended to. Wylie mes' Beckham, the Mr. tstrian who recently ^ >roken in a runaway uesda^ Lrorkvill?. h ia nrx?o_ I if j 8 Marion Roddey, of Rock s visiting Miss Juauita i. Frasor Magill, of the Rusaoe section, spent Wed y night in Lancaster. _ i\ 1i ? - - - vf fAiiu *? v uu11;uc OI about 83 years old and auc ed to Rrip and a paralytic g She was a most estimabl lady and was liked ,by al knew her. She was a com member of Shiloh A. I church. She lnavena t.hrac IB was ??? *?!? OUill , to demonstrate cumb- peari 0f greatnes itroke. cess, lies as mu ie old merit and hone 1 who vor. detent Therefore, we \ t. P. tempt to multip , or commonnlnnA LlCIiV/lJ ow that the * s, for sue- % eh in true ( st endeavill not at- jB ly figures art.ifTiPS nf ?Cashier Geo. W the Bank of Lancas sick the past few daj He was able to bi yesterday. ?Mr. Ezell Self t tie Sims, both of ne . Williams, of ent home, is iter, lias been ly, being abl rs with grip, crutches, a out again _Me88rB I brothers, for ind Miss Lot but for the ar this place. v?nrs rooi^n . J t""0- IVllK getting along nice- gill, U 0 to get about on J.S. T Maj j. L. and Ashe Ford, Vanw merly of Columbia Lauca past two or three pleasa fo r,t t .? XT 3 ueiia urensiiaw, of Mai visiting her sister, Mrs. 'hreatt, at Waxliaw, N. C. gistrate J. D. Onffin, of yck, spent Thursday in ster. He paid this office a ,nt call while here. Messrs. A. J., A. S. and Thompson, of this county, remains wore buried at Wi church Thursday, the Rey. Carmichael, pastor of the P. church, conducting the al services. -? ov/iiOj ? - j A merchandise in ' . " but graciously t ie the trading publi ixhaw are jn fae van ^0j O. W. give entire satisfi A. R pending on this funer- alone to merit yo | ued patronage. this ad., o remind ic that we alease and action, deprinciple ur contm were married Sund C. Stover, Notary P flhaw Era. ?Sam II am mo kn )wn colored farm flin section, died \V pneumonia, at hi ay by Mr T. O. have beet '|iblic.?Ker- or two to arrt lishmeut of c nd, a well here. Lanci ler of the El- comes the ne eduesday, of ?There w s homo i?n f " - vu vi uuunuuurg, t in Lancaster a day - , * * .1 . of the inge for the estab- , r . , , , the fo] i first. class bakery . ~ . ? / last Si ister cordially welw comers. ^aP ii u . / condu ill be a meeting of r i-l. . Chest* and Mrs. Clyde McManus, Antioch section, visited rmer's parents at Oakhuret unday.?Kershaw Era. it. J. P. King, the popular clor on the Lancaster and ?r railwav. wad in t.h? pif*r Death of Mre. Mary R. Be Wlur is doubtful a Farmers' ? 'ill be able to AH the farm* s tomorrow, ar? requestec r?rcr?niy.?r ?ril n ilie sincerity secpchool house Thurs- 1 li at 10 o'clock a. in. COrd* pose of organizing Mist Fnionat that place, a stud Jrs of the vicinity catno 1 to be present. The lew c 1 ha nn linn rl WvllO Homing.?Columbia Ilej Clara Barr of Greenville, entof Wintlirop college, over Tuesday to spend a lays with Miss Juauita ocomou iu ne oeuer Qiirin day, which fact was noted last issue of The News, the afternoon her condition suddenly worse and she cumhed to the ravages < disease shortly after this naner wont-. tr? t? g I ho "From hunger 1 wou in the 'Tis just that he who . . . work, but in . , ... T? j1 And so will I" grew 8UC At the Old S ,fthe A pu news- A, W, til ? .1 eats PbuBtt L anceI ] ?* ?Mr. W. J. Cu having the Catawbi Main street, occuj Heath?Jones Co. overhauled. The e: ing has been repaire ilia TTTanfliAM 1 nninfcbam IB 1 t building on I Bitten by Ma pied by the 1 Mr Lalhai and others,^ ug^nee8 mar itensive roof I bitien by a d d and as soon | ne8day after 4 v- - ' l4 v/v v/n imu U. '* ^ '* O. H. Everall. Mis ? Ivy Ci id Doff. return n Iloddey, a young vj8,t t, l of Kock Hill, was Rocfc og in that city Wednoon. He left Wed ees Irene Cunningham, rawford and Juanita Wylie ed this week from their d relatives and friends i n Hill. i. Eli Dunlap, of Edge , , "V 1D03 1 U evening. Mrs. Bennett was a dai; of the late Andrew J. Mi of this county and was ab< yearsof age. She was a hearted, christian lady, c formly amiable disDositini CBUUV I I 40-65 Lghter jut 70 Business N kind- Notices ini ?f nni 'I"8 head at the rate of >1 UUl- A WORD fQr each j, n nnfi nntino tn ho otices jerted jflf nacrtiSrS vuv TT ^ainci ocbiico the building will be ?The Messrs. Sh made a contract for fice fixtures for the ing that they will er nier on Franklin ,ue .ronioi needay ojgh| repainted. treatment. ute last week and Mr. Rod the post of- to Baltimore new build ect this sum T,ie Union M rru AHHociatU street. The 5 for Baltimore for moor? The dog was killed ^er W1 idey carried its head er? wil with him. Luiite ~ Mr. eetinff of the Moriah m. spent The ai was in the city yesterday on ay to Sumter to her moth10 is seriously ill.?Chester rn. B. N.Craig, ofjtock Hill, Tuesday in Lancaster, ick memhors nf hia fmnilv m ~ ~ ft " pleasant manners, and le large circle of friends an quaintances who unite wi relatives in lamenting lie death. She had been a m of the Methodist church girlhood. __ .,u v. ?.VV.V.V ww WVJ vuuutcu words. avea a =================_ d ac- FOR SALE.?One hor th the ^nveral d Rush proo a 40-41 if? with whi piace win lie a cred The work of excava walla was begun Monroe Journal. ?Twins arrived in the cotton mil this week. On S it to Monroe. Hie Unio ting for the Moriah Asso yesterday.? at Lancaster church,the 5 at two homes and Friday s 1 community C0(^"K- ,1'ht unday, 16th are rP(lueste< .i * 11 meeting of the prflvio ciation will be held ^eW8 , in tho 1st Baptist th Sunday in March ^rind Saturday pre- 'er> M ) various churches tl0 81 1 to elect their dele* with \ 1 W- 1 ?'?W MIlLiilJ I msly referred to in The are gradually recovering. 0. H. Watson and daughiss Sallie, visited his liton, Walter, who is sick )heumonia at the home of i r r\ - - - The following'sons and c ter sutvive Mrs. Bennett: 1 W. P , R. S., Thos. R., and E. M. Bennett, Mrs. ft Beckham, Mrs. Judson Misses Bessie and Daisy uett, all of this placo. SI: spot in iorebead, about laugh- left premises last week. Messrs pi* E lji'"gl<>r i) FOR SALE?I will sell tion on Friday, Fe lamie young mules, 1 two-h uAn ??>?T cart, 1 top buggy, iseil, un(i fodder, 1 cow and i Ben- household and kitchen a lot of farming tools. ie also rough. 2 months o' Reward i at puttiii b. 1'8 [irJ orse Mrng a lot of3 calf, 1 lS| furniturfl J. B. Yj instant, twin girls < Mr. and MrsJ (Jic and on Wednesday, boys came to bless Mr. and Mrs. Kdwa ? Wo aro pleasec Sheriff Hunter cont wore born lo ">"??< ere Holland, thmg in reac , 19lh, twin which Pl the homo of unu,ual in,? rd Pigford. h,,ld their n during the n I to note tha! jon inues to im ino ana nave every rtir ? liness for the meet ^ romisea to be one of her br rest. The ladie^will Kerdi nissiouary meeting ^lr leetiug of tlie Un- gkm#; Tuead v. n. l'orter near Llgin. Vatson will remain with other until he is better.? aw Era. F. A. Birnetf, Kershaw's 1 harness maker, spent ay night in Lancaster. He leaves two brothers and a 9 Messrs. L. P. and Wesley-M and Mias Nancy Mackey, < county. The remains were laid in West Side cemetery W day afternoon at 2 o'clocl isters NOW ifl the time to bu' lackey ?;,d41 P?ultrJ wir'.' 1,1FOlt SAi.K?Fine S. ( horn etfgs at 75c per E. W. Sistare. to rest odnos NOTICE?Tuesday, Eel in., hag been ?xt>d b k, the Commissioners for the y your ft at BeS setting^ 3$ h. 25th,"kl y th? (j5 iir initio prove. Ho was < Thursday afternoon time in many weekf to go over to Chei Pryor hospital, nexl undergo t he procei new skin grafted 3Ut walkiug Death of Mr* f for tlie first The Assoc <. He expects bytcrian of t s?er, to the the following t Monday, to cent death ol is of having Unity sectioi on his face Mrs. Eleai r. E. ,J. Bartow. pa,d 1 iate Reformed Rres, . fioniC t-nia week contains , , .. to sec ; notice of tlie re- , f ?? of nw t Mrs. Bartow in tho i : r ,> , , Quart lor .Jane Bartow rl? his ollice a pleasant call here. He was returning Chester, whore he had fione ure a h>use, with the view ving there. erly Conferences. funeral services being co ed by the Rev. W. A. I< pastor of the Methodist c] a siRted by I)ra. Fraserand ridge, of the l'resbyteriai Baptist churches, respec The following named gent . . t j 1 1 " . me ui^ mm near r 01 liClUCt- Perry, Supervisor. airev? BROW N LROIIOKNS mrrh Rhode Island red--$l ii* eKKs- Home Fine I>okl- pigs now ready, J. M. J II and livolv HAIjK?50,000 fe J' original forest lura] lemeu ticuiars, address Mrs. _ I o iinoutuii 1 rK mil. L 39 crossed ^ per set,tin Poland CJ Knight, H< et first c ber. For VV. T. \ where the cancer w? ?Mr. Coy Adam Thos. J. Adams, w desperately ill wit] at his father's home ern part of the cot gradually recovorin is removed. |mrted t|lia 8, son of Mr. Lancaster, S. ho has been her death \ li pneumonia was born Ju ' in tho east- was married mty, is now year. She 1 l?. The young two sons an life Feb. 5, 1908, The 0. The cause of 'nR ^ vas la grippe. She Hill, ly 30, 1831. She fereu< in her nineteenth '?W8; eaves five children, Lat id three daughters. L?1 ) appointments of Presidldor Stackhouse, of Rock for second quarterly conies in this county are as folicaster Station, Mar. 22, 23. icaster and Chester Mills, aciea as pallbearers: ft W. J. Cunningham, E. G. i by, J. O. Porter, O. C. mon, E. B. Lingle, J. T. 1 asson and W. B. Plyler. Business Noti Any vanoanoies p*liiHnor nm, 1 essrs. ' Lazen- 'tr>l'?ce- Will award coi U1 . bridge over Sandy br "'ICR- Craiffsville and Wax Thom- Thursday, Feb. 27th, at L.J.Ferry, L'ountySupe ? FOH SALE -Itroadoast Fertilizer Distribute ces Horse can do the work < ! hands and more satis nnar fho wirlth rnu'O Tho thin ntraot to buM anoh betwel haw ohurS 1! :H0 a. I rviaor. 88m t CommeM ira. Man three to fit factory. jB man's brother, Mr. a student of a busin Macon, Ga., who home while his br( bad off, returned ' Thursday, to resum H. O. Adams thirty grand less college at ty-four grei ? was called She was a >ther was bo church. She to Macon and many wi e his studies, blessed. children and twen- ^race ?t grand children. *jar member of Unity 28, 29 wae a good woman ^as ill rise up to call her April O. 8. Y. Var , Mar. 22. icaster Ct., Carmel, Mar. i t Lancaster, Tabernacle, 18, 19. l Wyck, April 25, 26. road overseers will be filled or cation to the county board of o< sinners. L, J. I'erry, County visor. FOR SALE OH RENT?My and lot in east end. Also, lit adjoining, about 20 aores. reasonable, apply to Beat Cunningham, Lancaster, S. C. i appli- application. Write W munis- Woodward, S. C. Super- ??????? Garden seed and cabb Henrietta, house ???????????? te farm 1000 gallons goo