The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, February 22, 1908, Image 4

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s * ==^lancasi Aglic Semi"We % Publish* flnoo^oirc on ER NEWS. hu time al' next surnn :ekly. _ ed The in A /"! : THE LANOAST , the national capital Da ler. fl the dicationa are that cou 11 i H *] % EE NEWS, FEBRUARY >ith of Mrs. Mary Stayle. ilrs. Mary J. Slagle, one oldest residents of Laucas nty, died suddenly last Tu r nitrlif u t ftlta hntnn A f I 22.1908 ? of I _ w ter I DI! OB- I SPLAY OF " I -1|B|BlBa-|i^uiwua^ o Ail What At Lancaste nat By Th .^taster Publish Wcharles T. Com " SUUSCHIPTIOI u ociiui taays VIUUI wi r, S. C., bo to Hpeak ? a judge pf ing Company. ed thatit i( prohibition iors, Editor. oitizeu t0 ,, * "rates. crib. ii soon ue overrun, , with corn cribs, for 8on that state has decid- UPI * not unlawful in that commonwealth for a wa* ceep liquor in his corn ^eai the ===== M. UI^IIV) ? VUV UVSIA4U V/l I , Mr. J. M. Slagle, of ( >er portion of the counl ) was found dead in bed. ? i about 85 year* of ago a yes several children, amc m Messrs. William and Slagle, of this county, a ? Early >ng J. nd A I ^ Spring I loods \9 _ I.H One Year I Six Months B Three Months Payable In at ADVERT1SINC One Inch, tlrst insertion. Qtent Insertion 50 cents, longer, reduced rules. Professional cards, per 3 Business notices, Transl Lost and Wound, and oth 11.50 J? The atte lvunco. across tli? fact that tl } rates. olina is tl *1.00. Each nubsc- WRrSllip af For three months or born in Lai rear. 112. ?Charloltt ont Advertisements, XT er classified aover- Nor WHS ntion of our friends Mr, line is invited to the Sli le cruiser Norii Car ene he fastest American jn^( loat. And it wasn't icaster county, either. 08tl ) Observer. mai it born iu Mecklen- 1 , Charles Single, of Tex > was a lady of wonder rgy and industry, of marh dlectuality and a most int ng talker. Possessed of a rkablo memory, it was a tr< lear her relate eveuts of n 5 ?= ;ed | er-1 We are r t" 8 line of earb 10 I surely inter c,. uioi low showing a / Spring Goods est vou both in \a s. beautiful that will . quality uactnenis not exceeding 'Vs> each Insertion; I cent a vs ? ? tlonal word over 2o words. Obituaries, Tributes ol thanks and all matter of a nature to bo charged for. Advertising rates by tho on application. ifclef correspondence on Interest invited. Not resp correspondents. R E. WVL JNO. A. COOK, Sko'y. at i words, 2ft cents for ord for each addl- burg Or an1 ' respect, cards of tory, thoug personal or political like a No column made known . . . 0:1 its trial subjects of eeneral ,. e i lonslble for views of disgraceful good the i IE, PltESIDKNT. , 1 id tkkas. guaranteed j other tar heel terri- mel h it did make a noiee a?? rth Carolinian when ^ve trips it signally and cou ly failed to make ^ce rery moderate speed *n ^ hy its builders. When yea it that occurred many yej in the community {in whi d. lier father came to ti ntry from Ireland and prj d medicine and taught sch( fork county for a number rs. and prices. his ac)()' 42 inch i'anamft i of early Spring Suits, j 50 iuch Battiste, i honilf ifn II V Q M/l Atal Dress Goods. n Blauk and Blue, elegan *t only 50c. the yard, n Black, Blue & Oream, th ir C/ta 1 tr/\n KAa f Ii a tro v/1 t material for iese goods wear . J. CLAKK, Busin Entered as nocond-olass ?t the postoftlce at Lanean Of Congress of March 3. la Saturday, Februi Close-observing kss manageh. Lancaster matter, Oct. 7, i?o\ drew Jack tor S.C., under Act rQady {q __l. it will not ary 22, 1908. crawliug, like the cr farmers tell wh,ch has 1 county, where Ani * Val sou was born, gets ve birth to a warship be a one-horse, cooter y turtle-tumbling tub Bt0c nicer North Carolina, more knots in its tail j 'uable Stocke Belonging Bet. J L Tillman Sold at At Hon leveral shares of the capi ;k of the Lancaster Cott Is were sold here Thursd jublic auction by Mr. M. tn 50 inch Mohairc i ' Ask to boo our line ' from 25c. the yard t we have one of the tal and at prices you w on ^ ay >? M. We have a few bu J \j\JOV JUU V\J\J? til O > (U u. n all colors, elegant values of Black Dress goodR, ran ;o $1.50. We do not hesita best lines of Black Dress (j ant to pay. silk Foulards. it patterns of Si 1 k foul at 50o. the yd. I giug in prices Kg te to say that m roods in town, n aids. Nothing I 08 that the freque spells of weather > presage a late spri Iate 1 "Vqalftnd planting acre. ^ the ma. ' . . .. ?e Phythians ( lndivirin. nt severe bad ^'ian ln ,ve are having f i ng, and, con- ^ie ^ePf .reparation of "r h"8 ">8U< of crops. i,,Klhe rel boys and )f South Caro t'? ugl?out speed. Till est J irtment of the interi- niai >d a pamphlet show- jv ative elimination of ai)0 girls in the schools con the country. It ap j0(g it [man, administrator of t ite of the late John Lee Ti a, Sr., which brought utiuau good price??cotisideral ve par. Nine shares of t imon stock were sold in thi thretfshares each. Thefirst jio more stylish for an reasonable, only 75< l11al ^ }'.v 45 inch Persian L he fled at 19c. ,O0 40 inch Lawns, bi . One lot India Lav lot I early 8pnng suit, and the \ 3. the yard. White Goods. awn, value 25 3.; special pr g values at 15c.: special pr ?n, value 12 1 2 cents ; spec prices are very ice nntil noti* ice, 12 1-2 cts. ;ial price 10c. I have started a union c. t , } at least $1< each fa f pose of erectinj * .the late Dr. Jan \Vell, who was the mak( , , !Cord? and seals o .^'incaster will r will 1 , . ... i movement to IK t4rs Ir?ra 0,000 for the that * ver ? a monument con,.of hoj ies H. Thorn. hefore re keeper of the a,'es than >( the Order. fewer ?ir,s 10 doubt con- third more * ? flt'in Kru'u i me ngures given |)ro y much larger por j>0j, 's drop out of school an(i aching the higher |)V i girls. Not only do 50 , drop out, but fully a gjia] of them enter school pUr( Mf\ nnllL-na n??rv nr? ugbt $377, Mr. li E. Wy ig the purchaser. The seco third lots were both bout Dr. J. II Boldridge, at $37 ?nd $370, respectively. T res of preferred stock w< chased by Mr. E. D. Tillm lie n'* Big lot of Dress G :ht at only 10 and 12 1 5- ^ wo J ,re Big line of Ladies they come in patter Hn and 3.50. Ginghams. finghams, beautiful HtyleB I 2 centB. Mew Oxfords. ' Oxfords just received. A ns Vici and Tans, prices, i to Relect from i-'.j sk to see them, I J.00, 2 50, 3.00 . , luuie uoerany m when your \ . ~~ r~ Owing to the ant (jnditions of our vou \uraber of baletave been unav j list ained thia wet other e-pnicle. j tne tuna. v-*"" .igued, noi overcrowded ulu3>on9 ,lr columns a only "fa i and deaths forth. Ot oidably post the correcl k- Edgefield factg 80 fa] the countrv ?ic as* | uny valuable con- pnr awn in the pamphlet pW( cts and figures" set t|10 >servation confirms colE ness of the general wer r as this section of j r is eoneerneii Hut 201. As is well known, t value of the shares is $10 mty shares of the stock Waxhaw Hanking & Tri ipauy, of Waxhaw, N. < e also sold. They were boug Mr. M. M. Tillman af th 16 i ?o. ?1 One lot men's Bin jet single, double bread r-. and are full of style J., ;ht Here are a few sp One lot plain and fi 35 cents. Men's Suits. ie Serge units just received t and slims. The suits are i. A big value at 12.50. >ecials and should interest incy silks, value 50 and 75< , they come in well tailored every Uuyer. ;; reduced to each 1 nrr^ sal? to sssu ^ as no kicking 01 Mtlie "deaths," at 1< fc?a newspaper that k death ought te rai it hs subscription. me that there a very sma 1 the part of . f members ~ast. Really, ciaBae8 Qf j] can stave oil |)oya The iae the price , ^ more boys school befi prescribed par ill per cent, of the of the graduating Mo lie graded schools are reason why so many than girls leave ^ ore completing the '*ro courses is not far to ^or* vaiue, *zo por snare. ther and Son Buried Sar Day. lonroe Journal : Mr. Mari om died at, his home in 1 township on Monday tff It One lot ladies' rei duced to G9 cents. ne One lot ladies' rei duced to 98 ceuts. v One lot sample C( ou duced to 25 cents. , One lot men Shoo ' I Big lot of Remnai ist i one half first cost. idy made Skirts, value l.( ady made Skirts, value l.? arsets slightly soiled, value s, value 2.25 to 3.00, reduct its of dress goods to close c )0 to 1 25, re>0 to 1.75, rei 75 to 1.00, rent to 1.59 cts. jSj >ut at lens than * yoi 1 An edict has b owil'8 Honor, the Mu fari^ct Hiat l',e younj lust, provide thei ^ouphen they call o you these cold nigh variNtsWs Monitor. farm We urge upon IV \ * een issued by seek. It is yor, 10 the ef- lt,8s ambi|j( < ineu of to\vn r own fuel 1ulre "" ed n their girls cause parei: Is.?Johnston posed to t heir sons a Iayor Hughes daughters i not because boys are wte one than girls to ac* ^aV t i 1 ?i ucation, nor is it bevv i t! its are naturally disdiscriniinale against WCr i r r .1 Wo. .nil in tav ?r of their n the matter of'allow k about noon, and on Mr night his mother, Mrs. M Stack, who made hor^ hci ? him, died, and both of the e buried at Macedoniachur ilnesday afternoon, Hev. J. nett conducting the funei mi- I! Make a visit to 01 ne i 1 ; I ? ? al I Lan ir store as it will be prolitr G t O caster's Best Cash Store. ible to you. U B. I over >>^>ropnety of t and fclion. Since dan for oim' the fiddler, w( questJinwhy young mo must ten night, week a horrmonth after nionll ing shins before the : similar in^ them tc if'ers have to local ediic ) ?00 no roa- The troubh n who nifihl boy at least fter week and So many of 1 toast iheir to quit schc tires of their earners. C ?vail themselves of Viv lafional advantages. ^V' 3 wi'h Iho Southern I . dmr , is Ins environment. our boys are forced ,lN )ol and become wage Mhers are largely do- *'lS rices. Mr. 15 room was i ra old and is survived by ) and (our daughters, M< K's Klmore Funderburk, .1; ris and M. D. L. Preslar n s Mary Broom. Mrs. Sf.a 8G years old. IB-r lust, tn *1 ~ A I. i. 1..? ?rni o ? . ? i ?S us. Smallpox in North "(* Statesvillo special in ck Ol server: It has been ,,r" illul there are a numb Carolina. Rural Carri< I Charlotte to Meet at developed next Satun er of tzen-i " Tlw.-,. n.;ii u. srs' Association Heath Springs lay. coi aweemearts parenl is releast help tha old ft or oldie tuel bills, kind ( ===== see oj Congressman Fi J bus had c honors conferied u .9 t-lioulJn t at pendent on )lk to foot (he As (he coi prosperous ===== pect to see nley, of this in the con<l two distinct pon liira re- Death of Mi them for a living. untry becomes more however, wo may exmarked improvement ^ itions noted. ^ov Bui 'H.John Small. J)l,r U WHS/U l/IIM 1UIH 1 IM>S. Ol!H;l :gro Widow Sues Autoi lUsiugta, Ga., special in ( vs and Courier : Mr. JIai il, a wealt hy resilient of Pit Pa., who winters in Ai :? i : i i mi? uine cases of smallpo Iredell and portions ( and Yadkin countiei be R. Adams, county phj rry turned yesterday from ,H tion, where he hud bet the county physicians . , * ? *"? o w 11 i u< x in north , , e u; II Kural Letter ( >f Wilkes Dr tion ot Lancasti Springs on the rsician, re- . .. * . . All carriers are i that soe. sent as tliere v\ ill to meet . , ,, ,, . importance to ot Yadkin , hut (lav Wn a n lufoiing or 1110 Carriers' Associaor county at Heath 22nd of February. ' urged to be prerill bo matters of be considered oil i dnairn t lt/\ *. 1 cently. speaker F appoiuted him to ti cy on the printin; caused by the r I Represent ative Gri ^ia. The commissi* \ ision of all govei Cannon has Mrs. He; II the vacan- 0f jvir> ,j z, commission eastern poi esignation of died Tin Hfis, of (ioor daughter of on has super and was al rnment print- 0ld. She v ci II itrice Small, wife ohn Small of the lion of the county, j ^ irsday. She was a Mr. VV. G. llinson trV USlf jout. seventeen years ta,n. 1 GII f /as an estimable lady Ims 11 ih ij1111huou oy mem Jlay, a neuro woman, ^00 for the death of her hi d. While nutoing on a coi road a few miles out of Ai i, Mr. Buhl's machine frip sd a mule which the womai hand was driving, causing Rsa and Wukins to exanr for suspects. The physic us- several cases which in- nouneed smallpox, j llK- and others have been i jh- ed and disinfections * 118 used to prevent til % _ C . L 1* _ t line some J' . once of every c? ians found 7 they pro- 'y> whe,h<sr he Ml these ?ucial'"" or every carrier i quarantin- .... . ire being Wl" 1)6 ,li8"PP? e further ",,8e"t- ""I"' carrier in the < wvjoiix? IIIU JJl irrier in (lie counbelongs to the aalot. We expect n the county and in ted if anyone ia og to meet every '.Ollntv nt llanlh ifcg. Mr. Finiey n Appointed first vic< tie Democratic Jampaign commits lointment, it is st lessitate his spend as also been an(j waH a ( 3 chairman ol |}ie [baptist congressional were buried Be, which ap- day. ated, will ne- ? ling much of[^P~ Take consistent member of to r church. The remains at Fork Hill yester? ^ the Par The News. Jcor< un away and kill him. Iiss Craig, of Lancaster, guest of Miss Lizzie Hall, k avenue.?Rock Hill I i. spreau 01 ine disease, cians will enforce the r strenuously and every IH be made to check the on once. The schools in le- en district have been ed. ineptly 6i. , . emulations lS,PrinF9 on the effort will I r6mail disease at the strick. Samu dicontin Pres. Lancas O. A. -.J MV M V ta 22nd. l fraternally, el It. Williams, ter county, R. L. / I ?