- TER NEWS. |'"r h',8 pu same hogs eekly. an(j solci th h(.,, it. When CR NKW8, FKHRUAtfY' 1 )eath of York Farmer. lock Hill Record : Mr. Jesf irris, one of the most, su . ... INK LANCABTI poses, lie fattened J I ou the bought corn e meat at a good prof- I more of our farmers I. Fj 9. 19.U8? Weak Woi To weak and aftlnit Tvomen, thero I way to help. But with that *&y. tw Excursion Ratei TfpH leans, Mobile >llVll . cola via Soutl sat least one * . otreatmonts, Account Marui Ur 9 s to New Or-: ; qnd Pensalern Railway. as celebrations at Wednesdays a At Lancast By T Lancaster Publis Charles T. Cor nd Saturdays a I opt the ! .er, S. C., debt ai he many of til hing Company, itig the cry no long r 1 mors, Editor. = Editor C Sims plan of avoid- cess id living at home, as died em are crradually do- sect: of hard times will be 4 ()>< leard in this country, a ^ ~ . conl fardner of the Green- ver.v lul farmers of ?his count at his home in the Belmoi ion Saturday afternoon aboi slock. Mr. Farris had bee tie sick, but had not be* ined to his bed, and dit r suddenly He was aboi ) to oonstittv New (>f:eaii8, La., th essential. pengacola Fia.Xhot t rational. iinni'HiiCfs the very )-tofttoplral Urfet-claSH fare pii?? 1 tenia "treat- routld-trip. Ticket* roughout the 2Gth, 27tb, 28th Hticl of all nerve. jflnrcb ]st, h?,| 2nd. i dies.does Ito ?fave New Orleans vandinttnm- later than midnight akneases and stop-overs all Wed | a sea nervous . 1 ad ambition. Itlg30Ut renewed H'nr rates dotal ed Mobile, Ala, and jouMierti Kailway low rate of one 25 cent* for the i on sale Febru ary 2 9th. inclusive; ne.Udivv, Riiod to i returning not March lOtb, 1908. iikt Hiid re turninformstion. ctc.? suusiiurin One Your Six Months Three Months Payable in ADVKKTISl? One inch, tlrs* nsertlo C* nt insertion tot rents, longer, reduced rules. Professional curils, pel wood Jour tl.fco , 75 lfist IhgUle t 41 advance. Wltll llilll Garc!nor, J Rates. conduct of n. f 1.00. Kuch subse- | For itaroc mouths or li tllO yOUl P year. 113. ' or, he'll pr nal announces in his 71 y hat he has associated fara his son, Mr. G W. wife r., in the editorial year his excellent paper, j ate lit man is like lii-? fath-j loya ove to he a valuable ] serv rears of a .re, and leaves ily of 7 boys and 2 girls, h having died a number < s ago. lie was a Confede veleran, one of the mo ,1 of this section. Fnuer ices w^re o-'inducted at tl ^ < i i i o strength, vigor, ami energy. Tuko Restorative?Tahlctttor Liquid?nsrv jy to tbo system. For positive local hoi Dr. tSKoc * NifgHt O ie J. F. MACKEY & general ton I o I ;,Pr'y t" nearest 1 io p. usoaiwuli 'lre~s .) Division Past >p> ? : _ ' D?l Wlttn cnrhol'zeil \V .jl, < ^ j I lu st ft lit or H<1. <\ LU8K. .enffer /Vtf^tit, harlnnton, S. C. ith H?z"l Salvo in !h Iruiaes aucl scratfor file's hold CTUSIUCSS IIOllV'S, ire" Lost and Found, and o t.dements not i'm'ci dine each insertion; I cent a tionul word over - '< word Obituaries. Tributes thanks undtill mailer of ciiluro to be charged for. Advertising rates by tli on application. Hrief correspondence c interest invited. Not re correspondents. I{ K \vt Uior classified aover^ ft00?88101? 25 words. 2ft cents for ,,i word Tor each itddi- JOU1 IWtl ISH1 s. of respect, cards of iv personal or potiitcul .. It you ll lecolumn mode known ^elt Iron in sobiccts of ceneral . 0 it killed sponsible for views of iu the guu the waist i! rr.i h. puksidrnt. ... to oouMi uaiouna from W. ayp rheumatism make Oth 1 the iiidV) ol a blaca 'ii autumn and ilried and wear it around is a belt. That will Y le Sunday anenioun oy litA Beckham, of tliis city. ier Deaths in York Coui ty orkville Enquirer: Mr. Joli v" I The rn I Man . ? 1,1 i Who"' G* In getting things to point snerally makes sure by g :eet and invite them in. locking account at the ba ? its real value in limiting cpenses,. its convenience, -.1 i- - i :J. to his way I oing out to ? He has a * nk because M r wasteful % its safety ft 11 AW 4 onn_ S JNO. A. COOK, SKC'Y. A. J. CLAKlv, Hits Entered as sccond-elav ?t the postofllie at Kline of Conn reus of Alarch 3. Wednesday, LVli ami I'mkas retell the rl 1NKSS MANAORIt. change. I man with ?s matter, Oct.?. ivo.% . . aster s unUor Act 'lie ll'Hl't talis to the 'a black ca ruarv 19, 1908 ==? Jack Lo lieumatism, says an ox- Bro >ut what'il fetch tlie jlon, Rullii'ieii' nerve to defv ? donal bad luck that > lot of one who kills (>1 t? day ii a v nir. who was lynched 8U'' \vn Whitesides died at tl le of bis daughter, iMr atula McGill, four miles ea Iiekory (irov?, last Wedn morning at (,t o'clock, afi< ing been confined to hi^ b< e August 13>li last, and w * ? 'in i . IIP i3 O J ?' ,s | Succeeds e<. 3,1 i The f< us V il iu ne Knows iu is iin iiiviui ?ss to meet him half way on she is in the habit of Why don't you have a Bank A< You take in building up )r it will have much to do idividual success, and suec liuu iu ou^/- mk -an invita- ? accepting. ? :count? l3? and caring g with your jt ess of any J 11 iilnnf ifi? . The Bosloni a drink three trill day must luive f capacity to a ^trc Georgia crack-' every tiling disa i who is sdd to :i t V a Most <>ns of water a " "10i . . they kille i tank equal in , 1 four men i ?et reservoir. b( fnre he , ? ?Aiuierso rs are ohar^inii Long, b ijireeablo and quite a yd a, Lia,, the other day.|Duri e <>{ 1 lie lynchers than j His d of him. He killed ai,e mil wounded ten others was dually shot down, n Mail. S y the way, who was s"n' nng man, lived in Lan-J *M" I .In ? ii'U ai ovainia on iiiursua death was due to hemorr ot the lungs following eoi ;ion. Irs. Annie Caroline Tlioma , died at t'ie home of her so aw, Mr. B. Jones, in Bet-he i\ie n sIvha l^.ilvcn o nif O > * JL CI ovJIlcll ii-1? Interest ? : I 4o Fou j 9 Compounded Qi 1M n >?iiu \> lui-ii ju ourself. It is all under yoi ol. Come in and let us t< isy it is to start an accoun r Per Cent i larterly will be allowed i rv i i L* 1UVUI/1XJ ? V * lr own con- J )11 you how J 40 | ' * o JP f placed in g calamitom up 1 even ihe past wet er. Kx-Gov J'>lin rmunces that he race for Senator o prdi hiiion, c;ujter a ye )k o! wet woatli- bem infer to us at tli - tiou of tl Gary Evans an- lynching, will be in the Lniimop's seat .. . .1 1 Ymteiu sar ?>r ko atro, wo have "* 1 ined, a fact uuknowu 'l0 e time of the publiea- ^eo< id press report ol the 'atu ft mm | W lit t f'rtit t/urors Drawn 111oI Ian. (1 ior u^lll^ Vil l I , Tod y ar ol her aire. Tl sased ,vas the widow o( t James Tlioni is on. Ir. David Elaiu Thoma >-e critical illness with pno iia was mentioned recentl 1 at, I lie home of his son. X. " a our savings " I THE FIRST NA' s* ? ( HAS 1). J()NK< I'r.-si.l [r.l -- ueparumeru. riONAL BANK, I.ancas lent It. K. WYLIE, R. M. CKOXTOX, (tonhier ;fer, S. C. f S'ice President * - 11ns yof led tn i f Court, which c ?n-! was he !> h Judoe Watt md were drawn yesterday, 'air : par* urors ? M. C. (T.irdti r. yo n i Tiioirs near Filbert yi [ay m )rniri?r. T ie de^asi 11 ji 11ivo ??f Oil sier count was '>om May 27, 1834. I te to York county with i mi?r in 1841 when only is of ago and has been a r s. "CABBAGE AND 3d | ; 1 ca* ;'l ? =) to. Io ?" ' pr< 1! 8 of 7; J,, e-, Cli BEET PLANTS." For flip next few week* I will >b nee ant) bent, plants at the to) iiuk) *1 >:>. r>oo?) to'.Kioo si.(o. 101 ces on larger lo's ca>li with or ferret), I jruaritntee satisfat t.( n plants. * I have all of ttie lending vain rsey \Vaketlel(l\lie most popular arleston WaUewltl a few duys 1)11 a!l orders for owing prices; 1000 DOOaFOOc; special il> r or (' (). I>. if ^ and safe delivery The Karly early variety, tha later but very de Doc h ad prohj in (lie efficacy ol We extend coi tor Bivena ol N berenved hy the whose death occ vblv lost fai'Mj R Belie broken closes. p Vau:ibi 11. IV Me M idolenco to Ed'- \\> ,j B ?v larsbville, now ,j (jarp- n loss ol bis wife, p jtlCe B1"1 iui'1'eil last 1' ri l'e i' Ju ' I Reece M. Steele, (i. I 8id ' 1, W. T. Morris, \V. wif< tinny, Iv >bt. M. Steele, l'4''* ;ers, A. G. Caslon, C. rie(] ter, Geo. W. MeMnnu?. ckraon. iri r F. M. (1 udner. t>l o! tho countv sinco. II ' \s as Misss K) 011 Miner .'iison, whom ho was nis I on May 21, 185(5 Pleasant Hill Items. r; . / Sir I . * ' l>H va ^ ?\r' ?i) i 1 W. F. CARR - I Latest From the Leg ii,,...I.I.. t; .1 able l??r garden \>'aiv: ing In tl vc the Succession and the I,.ate [ during large flat heads. IMai ipment, my personal attention g ^OX SS - ME66E !l Five Hur ip 1 sirer vurieties I Flat. Dutch, both nts now ready for ;iveu to all orders. TTS, S. C. L!ll Mill idred 1 w i, >. (J:?3T. olie was M woe before hor was but tiiirtj' vi A citv oflicial Mich., has : sker b" reduced. He 1\a nl ull 1-S < rrnce ftlCi^l | p (JulJ marriage, and Tiierrollt J ears of ago. Hall, T. - Neelv, B 1 in K ila?n:>z l0i W. 1*. St< 1 thai hi-< salnn \v. W. Ail doe^i't seem t'? j 'p j? ?r*v 11 w Inn DVTor ?, R\ H. M issey, F. P. I R. Thraa't, .John W. t<>r S. vViliiams, L. W. :lM<^ F. Adain^, Jv 8, Ilowie, jiiior, .J. B. IIagiin. ?' 1 ^ lams, W. J. Bowers, M f>n, S. J. W. Bail?\v. da)* Ir. Dock Cauthen and daua of Lancaster spent Stlurd Sunday willi the forme her, Mr. George 'Jautlie lis place. Ir. M. L. Beckham spent or two in CoUimbia the j>:i * ' 114111 iji n, r jit* * * l iii r: ;i \ 's < ) i>Sft vor: Pie Si ay , nifh', bv a m;ij ritv of r 8 * kill i lie railroa i bill on ?, to con;ir u*v J his me,* the railioads will be al voluntarily ^reduce r ist . L A i?r ,y rain - ea -nate to | Dollars fo one vote, ^ a motion I One W Ol 1118 thai This in whnt lowed to & ilN Mi proj.os ates in I 111 tho '"?**'"? w | piizft. With ovoij Ir Anderson Mail. At all events 1 oiulit not to bo i'l birjje. ' 1 do not owe ci .1 1 ? r.l'0,1 | John K. PI lie's crazy rikI 'Jo,ln 11 11 allowed to run 'v' ' 1 lioildev, Ii iir,( |). !J VV. H. Ki\ >ue doll *i' iti I he . A. ktll^nt i r?iir r?!il I rien/1 . ... nlip-*, C. H. Crawford, wee [aile. E. 0. Croxlon, \ rv, T. E Neal, A J. jatp . 1 v ?ric?, A. T. Mod- woe Stover. Al>el Nelson, M es, \\ . ?J. Belk, Jolm Spa , J. Frank Gardner, t.0pi k. Irs. K. H. Joluisonjjvisit <-d i re s iii Korshaw the pj k. Ir. .1. T. Caulhern left f rtanHurfr the pas? weak to j L~a i osilion with the te I - - I " " Tie Sena'e killed "e" Riysor's bill lo amend ls* for the formation of ne ties. It was feared the t or. have the effect of p ,c i the formation of any 111 !ties. 11 ?u i?? i ur ?"M 1111 Senator ><>'? nr? entitled t< the law A colerted from a ^ COUn- widely read work e (ill WOllld this sentence a wo reventmji ^.having a gft| Knglish and not a ore coun- ?Hl ,,0 illrtIJ ar\ llei, is tie s n-hi} ?jwi li > two trials at the sentence hits been wi ll known ami t fiction. From ill has been drop[i. 1 his word is proper name, and i ordinary diction* t-ntenci-: V U1 I I I l liMll l\? ' Mr. Jefl Sim , <>n known f irniorg i while iii this oliic ]; ivms: in ave 1 a i ?i v l r- II" ' ~ L. .1. .M >-k e f the he i r ,. Ju so i D. II I ilO OOUMtV. rn , 1 . .] (Joll. e the oilier (1 ty. , 1 ho ho v ;is ii-ual for ,. , i h it 1 s ! (> >u Si is lia-ti't so i , were 11 raw > ore acc< unt , , eotiri to s?' i not onlv keens I , .... ev, K. Truesdale, pi10 11111 -on. J. L*. Allison, ^ sh? to I d'OV'T iii and .jurors, | yj \ ,th >- oi la-) ye irwho ^jrH u at tl>* hist lerm of , A i vo tins ve.ir, are: I). , s'ia ne co Ir. K. M. B ckham return {<>ck Mill the past week fr< ii lo his parents, M. a . S. B ckhani Sr. ir. Murruw ( aulhenof K< w spent last week with I J'l.c House to-niii 1?t id tho Senate aineiulmen nil new judicial circuit 1 ml bili as ordered enrolled ! ligation provides -for 3i-? circuits, one in fhoPied l,ih i he other hi the I'ee accepted I "They can't i tn ,.s i but no 1 ** thing else is go )ii 1 I he H l- . ii 1 or full I'urt i' f'?r rati tost writo tintw? neWjl Semi-Week niont and ? A(, , R Atlanl Dee t^ec- w get anythlnq w sir. Everync " ulars of the ( only Journal :a, Ga. -" ? J ... . Oil' <)t deb' , ?i larm nil of his h tMi't bought a in 2o yearn, a i 1 tli it length or tin any corn, an 1 on oec ision- th cor l*. it itjins( raises on lii , .)< -< > I ite -un li m. lit* v 1 j art)' i"i>11_ no in ! t?t m -a1 , 1 , mgnam. o i.y tA'iee in . i-t li i- li bought , , Mr. Jar i one oi those i , r urt L twi i) f." ,)'ir<;n IV I ?n, <101111 Jv. uarns, j 1, It M. Vauuliu, J. B. 11 :i?, Beaum-rud Cuntili: her lies M. Black, one of i'8 pr 'ininent cili/.ens, , M r. (teorire <' < u hen. >etwean 7 and 3 c irs of f< Kt?r has boon hauled lr< e during ilio lu^t few da> [ hauling is still ^oiim on. (riiess lion. >r. The Senuie passed a rn to increase tlie pay < members ol the Genera bly. The bill as am Senator Walker, pr< straight salary ol $200 I ?/-!*;5&CL!iawaBSflWW ,;MI Tl.? Kev. O. f )t future . . Wyck, us 1 AKsem, , yosferdi'V nfteri ended by , 'o Lancaster to 'Videw a .. . Master Larkiii, for each . Carter, ol Van sv pleasant cal ionn. lie came see his soil, student of the he 'lid not n- e I. purchase in t ?e that bis supply not I>)st until lie crop, buf bis proved lo be moi II i i WHS HI f>\ lie rni le th" tins ollico i jp in.r, rearm.: i i i here, at h >in * won 1 'I m ide another Miss 1)< hoitu-male corn from a vu re than sutlii ient bury and vii yesterday, lie paid a pleasant cull wliile . 1 j ed (1 \y it Smith lias returned (if ill to r datives in Salis- sen Charlotte. for ho Kev. A. D. Miller, a col Methodist minister,died M< r at his homo two miles e Lancaster. The body v t to MeCall. Marlboro (Joun burial. or_ regular session, instead m diom. Tins, he content ( be incentive In work linish the session in t /tt8' thirty days, and thus ty, State much money. Whs 21 to 9. ? <*. vt "UliUUI , W ot a per 1 , , well for u (lav o led, won Id hard and Weill V or lTHO,)?Wi"? I'iuie K " V or little pills They Are < HftVO I he S"'*' ?y *Vh Itru^istn The vote Lei ua do youi ii" ii is ma u on r two. irly Itiflers pleasant n?y to take They are ' .lob i'riiitiiig 4 * The Lancas Semi-W PiiKISa must be combined. One is local, one V, tlunal. but both are Important, bo Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Loca 111 Dr. 8hoop'sRestorative, tH?> Const The fo-mer?Dr. Shoop's Night Cun 1 > mucous membrane suppository rome Shoop's Kestoratlvo is wholly an ii ment. Tho ltcstorativo reachoe thi "l! entire system. seeking tho repair all tissue, and nil blood ailments. ID The "Night Cure", as its nanm imi . work whilo you sloop. Itsoothepsoi Ml ed mucous surfneos. honls locsmra discharges, whilo tho Restorative e Ht excitement, gives renewed vigor a: builds up wasted tissues, bringing al