The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, February 19, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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??fi-SHS=S*5S= The Deafly f i A Number of L iniii. Tti i ; ires Lost, SSwCmh THE LA* OA6TEI v|vipivw? ptnuiip mm tugt?ty Iwk ?SriMt3S?; * KKW8, FEBRUARY 19 . 1908. X 8 Many Persons Ii great DestructioJ erty by Storm tl Through the S Southwest Tyler, Tex., Feb. waa Bisant ka tka mm ijured and a of Prop*t Swept iouth and CAM ?t orie/lraA. Nefloetod or fc U_ . eaMt/Sftrfn run ?Tyler man/ tjfo turgooi .? Ai rofiAKaullr. Mai cpatU. 4r**~ I to Www ahdowlaal or 41/ startled m welted, ssyroEtei! I J to bo proMot la any adly treated end neb Into maladies which don't knife If tboy do not nm nmn vn rnnn B, " "w W ?? v m*rj VMV UiVI tornado in its hist daylight to-day. Cc the aouthweat, the st over the main reside of the cityf leaving death and devastatioi The known dead - ory befora ??"C pipp nco quarter sSfrfclfcVl ? trail of ,Si',g?*; Q. bablt-forming dri m 1 08t ,?t !* l?tr?< IT! I VIflP ira bottla-vrannav ai I mImn for lai cure of ailment* eater Into lta > alcohol, harmful, or it la to be found In the liente printed on each r\A at*Aa al rci IT mm If R XII 1TB lUnu 'DC C. A. Francis, agent las News, and wife and a negro, Mose L< of age. Francis1 bodjr was f dred jarda from hi home. The bodj of h - ? w ?_ - --Kr*1 a rpL T-k I *n ?ny condttloi 01 The Dal* Dr. Pleree's Ptro ?nd baby, f,"!? ee, 80 yeara & ranged In functlo the itomach and c onndahun- bMom* ?7??P?tfc " "uu nerree are weakc [a wrecks d ba4> uayleaaaat i WrOC"a muck meal not b is child was P**w?riptio . u?aw Q of the itmtlt system, rite Prescription can do harm. Its whole effect Invigorate and regulate Titem and especially whan these ara ded or affacted by disease, ?W?*r orgaot of digestion letlcally deranged, the mad, and a long list of lyraptome follow. Too e expected of this ? Fait-" It will not perform fe: RTILIZ 'IVvJ ERS .- found in the street, ci> was in the wreoki building. Six aeriotttly inju are reported. They Franklyn and hie wif children One of th ? miraeiee: will uo\ Mrs. Fran- IcImwiii. it , , Uk?D In time, a Lgo Of the table and ike a avoided. Woman snffeHn red persona f&XfcSti:} nr. Irwin ?JSL&.rS end four B?5'|?i.?Tw?i e children ? . \ cure tumor*??o medt often prevent them. If nd thus the operetlng urgeoa's knife may be f from dleeeaee of long Tied to eoMsut Doctor rt*~ All correspondence L^'6? ffVSESS Heel Adviser (1000 pens) receipt of 21 one-cent nni> ern^ A* tt 1 We are, ; of GUANOS us and get ou now on hands 8-4-4 Soluble as usual, handling tl this season, and w< r prices before you p ; all grades, from 14 Guano, and we sh; le very best grade ? want you to see urchase. We have [ per cent. Acid to ill be glad to fill may die. The Frax caught in the wreck) home. It is feared that th< in Tyler may reach a the number of injure< bably aggregate two lklina were lorcfotk-bovuido* age of their ed, ? cDftQ nd 5 death liat two chi>dre>i dozen and he did Dot i will pro ? iDjur,d at 8 score when ^obin'on' MrOamnUl 1 . . i * uwnp? >Py. AdOT?M U ftbOT*. ! his wife and their whose names he ?rn. The serioo8loaaville are J. W. and Mrs. WiUiam if: n your order. Come to see us and get our pi $r rices. reported of the casua received. Twelve buildings v ed. In the confusion cult to compile an a< of the casualties. Wires are down in lties are all ^ ttUU bell. -ere wreck- Servic . it is diffi Holloway is r. . also an uukno ;curate lis! The tornado . all direc by * t0rrent ? f><i a BtiildAn ri miuuie vampe one child of Ike sported dead and wn ne#ro. was accompanied f rain which causArt in f ho r?rookr o nH i Don't forget the SOLI D tions from Tyler, t from farmers are that es all around .Tyler downIt is impossible t< the loss of life in the ions, but it ia knowt A 4. 4 >ut reports farm hoas- wm,bed "w4y 1 rare blown Stop that tickling Cnie will sorely st 0 ascertain safety, it is so th , Dr Snoop tells mo rural reg- even with very yoi 1 that the fome green leava* lung healing mou l_ 1 _ _1 1. - " c?uu levoral bridges. cough! Dr Shoop's oongh op it, and with perfect oroughly harmless that there to use nothing else nug babies. The wholeanil tender stems of n ntainons shrub furnish You can from us than Stand a chanri we are giving awa buy your goods as anyone else, and i P tn CTPt fV>1C ycheap or cheaper it the same time lunictuo uwept eyeryi for a distance of Three miles from tow demolished the home Fnanklin, severely ( Franklyn, and his wi children. The torn nof h t 1?a?1 r?h T?t)ai ning cienn c?i?uve propei cure. It calms the live miles, sensitive bronchia n thft winH no chloroform, not tn? WinQ or suppress, llems J of Irwin Other (underbuilt injured ~ ife and four Tar Heel J ado tore a Similar to A . mn xiea to ur nnoop s cough i cough, and heals the I membranes. No opium hiug harh used to injure ind Dr Shoop's. Take no : Pharmacy. 3!as Experience /Ir. J. L. Poag's We alwa ing for, and ) out going out Fresh cai \'Tncc T\ ncr> T<" -W ?w ^ w v VHiO 11UUU JU11 ys have on hand the : fou can supply all ol ; of our store, r of Cream of Wheat, T T T T? in pf -/>/%?!. -i i*- i-cldll gill. stuff you are look: your wants with, White Satin, and VIllUU^Il 1 J ICJ wide. THREE TOWN8 DEM Meridian, Miss., I Three small Mississi were practically demc tornado today. Repc I AVV JODl Monroe E olishkd. E> Collins, <eb. 14.? county, who w ppi towns Marshvillo IJo dished by a ^le ^re last ft ?rts of the a very narrow nquirer: Mr. W. of Mecklenburg ra8 a guest in the tel at the time of londay night, had escapejfroin death. Lanct W A"V JU3L ICtClVCU. Yours ve ister Mercai ry truly, itile Co. number killed range f wild the smaller nur bly correct. Mosgville, Service are the towns destroy are all in Jones coun are very Bmall, being rom 6 to 10 wiien he aw< nber proba- ^le door and \ the gas, which 1 and Soso HQd fell. He r Fed. They ^ to Ket back ty and all raise a windo\ merely a a ^reath of fre Dke he rushed for aras overcome by i filled the hall, ecovered sufficient- 55^ " into his room and NotSOi v and after Retting >9h air he again P* the late i to Debtors and ^redU tom MBu indebted to th? <*tut? of J?ha F. Pnipm. dro?tiM?i. tr? Auditor's Notice. NOTICK ia hereby Riven tl oflit.e will be op^n from the let Sii'S? w handful of scattered The tornado struck t noon and in most ii reported to have car ingfl in its path cor the lots on which t Nearby fields were cc dwelling*. ?wea ror tne hem about aKttin overcoir nstances is wou^d never ried build- caPe hom the npletely off "?t crj hey stood *? door of vered with w*y on the ou '? ?' - /i i stairway ana was hrr?b) i ie with the gas and eo*?Uhai have made his es tat? wil burning building awled on the floor ??? >ening to the stair- mi tside of the buildis 1 J i. l- All r>, aetiflad lo ioak? payment to arftigDed at onca; and all par/iCf elwBin affainnt said ?1 fMHatwun* duly ?tt??iad. L. L. Snipan, Aiiinrx itice to Creditors. aaanna i ? January to the 20th day Februs for the purpose of receiving turns of the taxpayers of l,a county. It will be to the interest o taxpayer, to make their i promptly of all personal proper all transfers or improvements estate and save the penalty of cent which attaches after the February. 8aid penalty will try 1908 /] * ****** nch;.& [/ Garden 5 FOR SUPERIOI f every TABLES & FL< return* ty.'aleo Otir business, both on real and Farm Seeds, is 50 per largest in this coun 20th of due to tho fact that be im VJ" <~H w> 1 \ seeds V * VEGEOWERS. in Garden i one of the try, a result wreckage and the wi the branches of ae\ were littered with ?n hold articles. L. S. Norrison, a Moasville, who came the storm, said that reckage and | IUM- ^ui eral trees h'8 Wfty over aall house- 'n hare fee night clothing resident of 68t dwelling, ? ? here after *he hotel. he was out ? * ' - Kvervthine taken i HUB iiau wo matte ,*? *" the est* the snovr and ioe are here t ?nd d.d in i.i8 :rr?dt ; only to the near ssttlenn iome distance from Admini bun Feb I into the Rtomaeh ahnnld viouiid uuiuiii^ usniniR n^miiRl te of T. L?. Olyburn, deceased, by notified to tile same, duly , within 30 days. And all perlebtsd to said estate will make iiit with the undersigned. W U, CLYBURN, strmtor Estate of T. L. Cly a, DeeMsed. >, 1608. 2-5 posrti wiinoui ran >.n every ii where party fail* to make retu The Poll tax of one dollar upon all peraont between the i 21 and 00, except thoee exempt Respectfully. H. H. Hort Conuty Aur Lancaster 8. C. Dec. 3 1907. IStftDO* I (U Quality is alv IS laid P first conside ?' Wo arc heatiqua by law _ . 1 , G?ra?s ontl Clover ? . ? Oats, Seed Pota Peas, So)a Be Htor. other Farm S Wood's Descr1ptlv< ??? Is the t?;st and most pn I catAloirm-s- An lit* tn /ays our ^J) ration. r\ rters for ?e?ds, Seed toes. Cow ans and eeds. e Catalogue itctlcftl ofseed dkt/i iuul rr> or cioora during tne was compelled to gr fence to keep from I away. The dead s _ are Alex Windham negroea. Near the t< four white persons ha DIOW ),? properly di#< asn a wire When yon feel tba P ? 1 ill good order that f)einK blown ia not beinK pi^est digeBtant that will it MoSVllle tive juices are not ? r? known today for nd Wife, K0,]0i which is ku iwu be said 1'8 a nan what you eat it is ,(1 been kil 1- aold here by all d( sated in a certain time t your stomach in not the food you have euten j can, ed take a good natural from $3( do the work tho diges- got,ton fi doing Tho boat remedy Hhlt, \n , all atoniach trouble* ia mJaeioni *r an teed to give prompt j-ge fof B iral digostant It digest pleasant ta tako and iH uggista I Money to Loan. , a? iinual, negotiate loans, X) and upward, on improved a rum, at 8% interest, repaytnnuol installment*. No com* charged. Only a reasonable oaking abstract of title. R. E. Wylie, At ty. at Law Dr. J. E. WELS DENTIST. Office in Eraraonn Buildit posiie FirBt National Bf Phone No. 8. LANCASTER, S. C Hl\ oofraized authority 01 1\ and Farm crops, Oat* l\ free on request. WrlUj \ T. W. WOOD 'K nP- ^SEEDSMEH. - Rii News Ads. n all Garden /! ilogTie mailed / I for It. II & SONS, [/ ^hmond, Va JA Pay