The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, February 19, 1908, Image 1

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1 * * ? , ... . , 'HE K : * LAN' casi 'ER 'S 9 VOL. 3. NC Shocking M Road Hand olina. ). 39. SEMI-WEEKLY. urder by Rail Barn-B 1$ in North Car- Met LEDGER 1852 LANC urning Epidemic in K :klenburg Ended. REVIEW J878 ASTER. S. C., FEBRUARY ershaw News ~ Ma Hough Entertains~B tists Secure Pastor. ENTERPRISE J89I 10. 1908 yor The Flood at Pittsbi ap-| lions of Dollars' and Mnrh PRICE?FIVE CENT! urg -Mil- Twenty-Bighl Damage a Coal -?cr none 5 PER COPY. t Entombed in Mine. Charlotte, N. special to Th< Marion, N. C. Sheriff Cox has with 14 Slavs, with a t>hockin I OAll r? f f h /i o C . Oharlo C., Feb. 1C.?A Mary Ma ) Observer from man, win says. "Deputy this coun just reached here been pla< who are charged sane asyl g murder. Fif- the epide tte News : Now that ssey, a crazy negro wn. o has been at large in ar ity for some time, has th sed in the colored in K1 um, it is thought that la' mic of b?rn burning in mi Kershaw special in the Nt id Courier: Col. L. C. Iloi e newly elected intendan ershaw, celebrated his ins tion into ollice by treating srabers of the council to ed by the High V! )WS ' ^h, Pittsburg, Pa. Feb. t of ter reaching thirty ai 'tab tent 1)9 feel at noon toil die niaining at that stage HU linnro "& ? if ater. Pottsyilie, I Twenty-eight i jg prisoned in the "d seven-1 lier-v "ear M<" ay and re- m"r"mK b7 ?' for three .,lamof waler w __ . in a drift whieh 'a., Feb. 17.? uiners were imMid-Valley Coljnt Carmel this e breaking of a hich had formed p.nimnrl n mult * UU" UI II camp No. 5 on railroad a year been at work l According to (1 'hey quarreleda Thursday, the b ot words fallimr ji eiguer? cauio 10 lins COUU South & Western Mr. W. 1 ago and have aurunce here ever since, this coun le ollicer's stor.v to inyeati moQK themselves which h? irunt of the war farmers linnn tlitt ni.mi- J ity is at ao end. When oy S.. Scott, a deputy in- T1 commissioner, came to ab ty several months ago Kate the barn burnings be ve almost terrorized the a < throughout the county, th , r - i * ster supper Wednesday ni< ie occasion was a vtiy enj le one. The Key. Jabpz Ferris en tendered, and lias accept :all to the Baptist Church, is place. Mr. Ferris has se \/u<u) mo tufin vv ill iht. rivers is now slowly r< ?y- The danger mark i is 22 feet, has 'J lie damage and ted, caused by the annua i at wide-spread. A r rv- feature, however i? ilv or m me i seeding. of mod into a n this city;the n,en were a J long a party suffering |deavored to rea< 1 flood is men and shorllj emarkable (lie.V \v< * ?h50n,0 agemeut by P0 gangway where t work. All day of rescuers en;h the entombed / after 6 o'clock 3re given encouruuds of digging - her to the little been serving as 14 fell upon m cook that oigli him with ropes * pet in the lore the camp. Tin ? r ~ - cwm in nut colony who li?d lor other i its cook. The was that the unfortunate seen 111 tl it and securing diately pi they led him to a lion, and Ml a mile irom in I he wo t*re they bound verv fond 3 many of linem leave ed sections, the only clue pa Mary Masiey had been we ?e neighborhood imme- coi receding the conllagra ge that she roamed about ods at night, and was tie I 11 f mokin"" f>??- 1 ' this church acceptably in st and he will be eor lia doomed here, not only by ngregation, but by the towr ueral. Mr. F. A. Barnette, the h ss maker, is removing his hi the 0t fatalities. 11 y Live stock has pe Ins considerable numbers i i? are many reports of pe injr narrowly escaped ar- an endeavor to save isi- perty and live stock. from the inside irislm.l in Wils als0 he"rii> ami there tlle n,e" we hav- "ieir re8cu< death in the "Miirance their pro Later a fchot indicating that . work fo effect ? and also giving that the air is tlie cook hand a ing him in an against t lie end c Stepped off a lev yan shooting, ut a t irget. T. e i was riddled Witl ? - - J - - ? ~ nd foot and p)ac- watching upright position It was if a fill, t ho crowd eu womai v paces and be- section, t mig iho cook as ler a ce untortuoate man burned, ' ti bullets. sey, came . ?. uiunmy UIO^I ?1 U< I He tho llnnies. <101 learned from one color- mi i in tho Steel Creek hat on the morning al ] rtain barn had. been Ins woman, Mary Maa3 to her bniian wtili lief ss to ijiiestor. Kershaw lose 31! citizen an l an expert wo in. Deep Snow in Oklahoma Guthrie, Okla., V h 16 ?( ? I ^ i 1 s a Miles of territory r' - Pit tsbur^ and vicinity meraed and it will be i t -morrow before the L. t?o back in the cha:?n< rivers and niimero )ne streams Thousands o ill lower Ml11 ^verseei ' is sub- Rock some time ? water will Kock Flill els of (ho one of the is smail Ara?on Co* ton J f business badly out by nn r Stabbed in Hill. ord : Mr. BlackoverseeiH at the Mills, was pret'y operative nam Town Terrific ers- Ten M< Eddyville, K Nifiht riders, 30 ..,i Vj i : " * clothing j) d by Night Rid- m an en Whipped. <l,e ^ia'' woman * woman t]i y., I^eb. 1G.? . f A .. ln?of (h< 0 strong, gallop M1. Scc ~ WV " ' Ul >11 muddy and turn and s( r lanstod condition, a if lo\ been running. This da -aid tli at the Massey dri ion told lier of theburi dei a barn. rili >tt went to see the litis Th miu w'tsi ouzziras in .ye u< k Oklahoma yesterday, ving a general rain el 1 ys. Thto kiiow lias piled ills from U'n to fifteen I op in Custer county. The I ic wind blew Irom tlie nor It lllisiiiacc muii O'U.v.. ars houses in the down tow tol oj Pittsburg ?'.re at'er wo night to clear the cellat in buildings of wa'er. J*. eel ieet along tlie ^ule-wal ler pumping the wa'er, th,; dre>ls of these little st -...-I. portion Smith e-wiy npting to- 'Hijf. 1'lie knife 8 "s of their hi t lit? at-dc Ivery lew large gash, alio k are men 'hies to protude and ln?,i (hi not enter sai reams can en !? the II0-4 Saturday morntruck Mr. Blackmien and cut a wing the intos, but fortunately Tie. IJo was lak>ital, where Dr. cu iniu iLUJyvi Sunday morning itaills by firing shots, took 10 homes to the ed| whipped them g dashed away, th I 11 rn 1 a tar ne m i c> ClOCK ^au,l 0f t Tf aroused inhab- j10^ too t, hundreds ot that men Iroui their ji,at hhe < pe of town and ftnd v NV# ievorely and then might do. reatenmg to re- | Anothe lie Mansey woman, and (01 liked very freely. Ho aai hi? wife fffti crazv and scl ii(i not ?tay at home, aft s no telling what she w r fact which strength XIV II U 1 I I I" I mod a rescue committee i rried chill re 11 froin the puh 100I to their parents yesterc ernoon. rinthrop to Get Dormito iirfn be seen spurting uito tl *nd The actual monetary lie can not ascertained at lay but from all accounts, i up to several million d Suffering, cause by ry. water, is intense. The \ tie s'reets. r*'nneII operate 7 damage tlie last report vn Iliis time, 'Litis very well if will run >llur.s. Car Loaded 1 the high and Coffins usands of ? d on him, and 'as that lie was with Whiskey Derailed. Fully 1,000 s] during the assau peison hurt by 1 young woman v grazed by a bull n i ?? , ened (ho hots were fired , , i demented ilt, but. tbo only r ? , / nend, wa the fusillade is n . , , , bams had vr ose face was , denlv ins.'i et. a space c tires occui supposition that this i woman was the fire an< s that, after soverai da; been burned, she sud- \V1 ippoared, and that for Ea if several months, no en red, aud that afterjthis vol Columbia special in tbe Nf 1 Ccturier: Senator liaysor V insisted on calling up inthrop (College bill. S"na rle moved to strike out l acting words of the bill, ed alone, the rocord vote |M-ISWUB Jiro living 111 t jws floors of their homes, n to- as a means of transpr t lie and iro. The lower o tor their homes are filled I lie In many instances, tl He hold goods removed, c h'> i 1 An\r r\l limn lie upper * nostertieiii s sin? f?kifT^ 'lav's Slate: rJ rtation to and Lancaster lortions of Rlight wreck in iih water. Saturday, whic ieir house trains lor severa iwing to a car was derailed ?.ui ?-1~ .... .1 : i.., i- ~. peciai iu yesterrho Chesterfield railroad had a the edge of town :h delayed all 1 hours. A box on a short tres v^onauctor is Columbia spec Observer: In tl at Si van nali a bo night Seahpard ( Williamson, ol .llis Magman. another ? broke out :ial iu Charlotte the count; be troipht yards woman so nt midnight las t hood. Conductor J. M. this city, in a I epidemic of burning injj In another section of ap| v, and that this was the vet en in the neighbor- a 11 Th *'^ ^ Ion epeal Lien Law Kill i * ? : 33 to 1. The bill carries propriation ot $24,000 11 ir, and $24,000 next \oar ie\v dormitory at Winthr ere was no debate wha e' the bill. ? I V/ ? ??1U' . (VIIV1 U'lf'll j ft" pianos nnd brio a-brac ih in^ about tlio rooms, for _ ' Two Children Crn V .. I Death by Train--( to Sn\*:x I -ife of Dtl n, LctuiuSy nc nuu 11 tut'K. oi are float the (rack. Tliie in one end with the other with c i of the superstiti ished to i here were very Dne tried over it. , I - .? nue time to ciear i car was loaded whisky and ill oflins and some ious old darkies much frightened limit With si \ llagman, over a:oho at Burroug Savannah, knocl man down by a the lace with h turning the lantt It/T: I .. K 11 ? i >rakeman and a a dispute that '1?8 Station, near Columl] <ed the brake- {a"(' Coui tnkin^ lnni in ; ajza' is lantern and ^'e ^ 3rn on Flagman sor' . . . H,rt rc;?i.? eu ^vgain. ii;? special in the Newsj r>er: The Senate to- No n killed tho bill to re I am en law. Sena;or Kay- Ka s personal effort, liacl j < wt ?,l i.: 11 ? - 'i - 11-... News in Brief. r. Iv. Hruner, who had hf rth Carolina's secretary iculhire for '21 yearn, died Sunday. . . .There i > well developed cases or v . C - r\ \ 'M >en Cartersville, Ga , Fi o! In an heroic attempt I in her (5-yoar-oM companii are' Uojrcr-, from in iron! o el-j pro ichinz tra'n (o-day,i Buck Cree eb. 17 , Springfield, 0 to rescue 1 hou8es r>n, David iUl,trlot arB f an ?p. as " Lilly May cr"pk ovorfiolvl J ..u? 'ni.? .i k Booming. Iiio, Fob. 15 ?in the lowland !er water this result of Buck ng during thu AVIli' iitjij SHUCK I Mitchell was dea lilt's. The fla^n man attacked V was entering the ter. U'iilin^on leased on bond. at am i a n'/il I 1/ r% < . mm on tMe iioad. '"v <1 in fifteen inin- ^?lend ir, >an ami brake I lo 1,1 i i.'liftinson as ]jc Sfil lo tl yards to reitis-1 -var(' by ? was today re-; Mr. William-1 50C - /1..1 ?1._ I w r> will ICMIiri'U id I lit" ! v but by a quick, sharp iTh ^lit llie bill was again j fr I le Legislative grave-j pre vote of 15 to j;i, 1 ers Mi 10 Bales Afloat. j c'? i n?>l . lv'V T 21' V I H v ' [Oil , 1 * \ e patients are a^onr-I a stea from Brazil \ > . Y< ss dispatch states thnt reco have been appointed for t itual Reserve Life Insurar mpany, upon appliea'ion o a .????"' f '>rt is. Mine, L2 years old. \v. m- by the train, and '.vith ?rk in h r arms, bolli were iv- to death. The children were wi ict'jthe side ot th traik a 1 a : ied by the izirPs lathe is atruik '"S""I ho child m??y years. crushed izens a, e ?' ?'< people from tii ; : .. . tlieir homes and diking on ,jata|1C0 t0 Ulem ccopi.'pan r. Hear- T I 11 mpr n is l11h worn ia le'police and cii>rk taknisr ? se v>iul atones o I delivering as 1 f 11 t r Til ? I J in n ru I | i i W whore 1ms he tw only 2'1 years ol ho I he youngest employ of ?he S Mr. Jake Ma ii i-i \/!uumui;i, o brothers. lie is Join '1 and is said to About 5,0 conductor in the H ,aling oaboard. from I he .. er Tolesbj ekorell, of York.!* b"!e' ! fiurninir er us, N. F , Feb. 16.? '^0 >00 bales of cotton are Prt about Trepaasey bay N. wrecked British steam* i with a salvage ol $5| He .1 tho fishermen are j fro wm i < 11 r:i 111 m nwniov Imf w. j I L 'I1JIIII I<1 v. 1). 11. Cook, a holin >acher arrested at Ashevi! (1 , several days ago cliar^ :h biiramy, lias been set lr< i claimed that he had not her tn his first wile in 8 years. . L. Month rn;il ??! iIk ilon inir a train approaching l*ss boy slarled t > c-oss llie incoming frightened 'e'l midway. The uirl, rea ?t,< danger, rushed to his a l,,(' : only to ho struck by ' just as she picked him 1 f, r ! i ? - 1 he liltle track and | Washin V s'oppediinp an opera'i lizin^ the th,? howol*, S *1 ssistance, I |<a, inier, of Soi the triiia (iv<> t t.i.s a ivcu up. H til j of 1U pres M\h.tiv Ail'.. .l.J 111, ? 17. ? Follow m tor a t a 1st ol lator Asbury (/. ith Carolina, (or i' or (.i tho House < s hiii] si rice 1 903 ville, was in tow ?Lancaster < Union mi' meet ??i 10 o'clock. A is desired. n yesterday. I port( irin tl ardous C J. II Far mere' about 500 next S iturclay covered. L full attendance! | Lot ufl ( ix'ir work tinder liaz nmlitions. Thus lar | bales have been renei r m j ] lo your Job Printing. ft D * 11 as, l t*x ?9, was sliol a led Sat.iir.lav ut Kpps Static km., by J. F. Wider, a proi at lumber man. T?ke The News. v nouics wer> mangled nnl recognition >n, iii- , Mrs. Holler, wife of ilegler, of Primus seel covering from '? severe pneumonia. beyond , ? m-ruber of ih^ ill ;i ci tiiVtl con tl.'O Providor.cj 1 Mr. Van ?? ?? ion, is re To-'ay and fo i spoil o< j last (lavs b>r nn I county auditor v 1 J'ei at >, is lying; 'ition tonight at !<>-[ il;lI here. w*- w -morrow are the iking returns to nthout ponalt