The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, November 20, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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4 v 8 STOP THAT VATCH ORDER Don't Buy a Watch Sight Unseen. Don't pay $4 or $5 for a Watch when we can sell you the same for $2.50, $2.00 or $1.00. Of course we would advise you to buy a better Watch (Elgin 15 Jewel 20-Year Case at $12.75), but if you will have the cheap one, come here and get it where you can buy it with your eyes open. Then if it Bucks and Balks you can come back to us with it. You can't reach the mail order houses. QUALITY FIRST Then Price That is the proper order of things in considering a purchase of Jewelry. Precious Stones or Watches. Ninety nine pe >ple out of every hundred must rely absolutely on the person who sells them and the store where they are purchased. Our service is that of Expert, and you may trust implicitly our word, iro Irnnvv Thp nnalit.V is just whtt we say it is. Our prices are the lowest possible for First Class Goods. Every article bought here will be en graved free of charge up to Ddecember 15th. B. C. HOUGH . . Jeweler and OpLician Ferguson's is the place to buy your heavy and fancy groceries, fruits, produce, eggs, butter, poultry, etc. I have any thing you want in tnis line and at lowest prices. My delivery service can t be beat. I also tarive the best fresh fish and oysters to be had almost every day in the week, Phone me your order and it will be }>romptly filled and delivered. I have just put in a line of Hrv floAcIc M*B J VVVVs,VVW?.V/^ and propose to sell tali em at very lowest prices. Give me a call and be convinced that this is the place to trade. G. F.Ferguson. P. S.?Just Received a fresh shipment of those fine yellow rutabaga turnips that everyone likes so well. fina umaun i nw ? -? . r? ?- !<>.*# __ t TUB LANCASTER NKWS, NOVEMB Rule to Show Cause. STATE OK SOUTH CAROLINA County of Lancaster In Court of General Sessions. am The State vs. JC R. L. Long and J. R. Sims. 1 Whereas, R. L. Long, the aboye ?1 named, was under recognizance dat?-d J. A Kebry. 7th. 1907 to appear before tbe!a? Court of General Sessions for Lan- JF caster County in the state aforesaid. md at the March Term for the year 1SI07, tliet) and thereto answer to a Bill of An^/" ?lT1f Indictment to be preferred against ctlH him for Obtaining Signature by False Pretences, and to receive what should MM be enjoined by said Court > nd not o f- O 1 f^RTlt'Q f depart the ? ourt without license and clL ^ the said recognizance was 111 the sum of eigtit hundred do lars, with tiie mm nr\ x. -aid B Sims as Surety, and t lie V* ZU CCHlS 111 Cl said K L. Long having failed to apl?ear, it is ordered that the said K I.. 0| Long and ,1. It. gim* show cause on i the second Monday in March, 19bS, at II DLiy. 10 o'clock, a. m., or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard, why the said recognizance should not be estreated and judgment entered for the penalty, Wm rrAi* rr i_ eight hundred dollars, atnl costs. J[_ fllS OllCr II.C Dated at l.ancaster. S. C., the 28th jjJ day of October A. D. 1997. J. F. GKKOOKY kl C. C. C. P. & G. S. L. C. fM p To the absent defendant K. L. Long: You will take notice that the above ^0 M*4 Y vl Y rule is hereby served on you by pub- i Td licution and will govern jourse.f ac- I IV cordingly. I J . P Hunter, Sherilf L. C. Rule io Show Cause. ^ pi STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Lancaster. 1, -i -f V\ * In Court of General s-es-ions. StOCK or oros The State ' !h Going with ' R. L. Long and J. II Sims. 1 0 Whereas, R. L Long, the above | named, was under rec gtiizapoe dated ^ A 1 oo Eebry. 7lh 1007 to appear before the jffl w Court <>f General Sessions for Lancas-/m^ ter ('ounty in the Man*!, at! O Ul H otVlF'T" t"V"1 the March Term for the year I0O7, then dllCl ULi>CX lij and there to answer to a Hill of I ndict a\ merit to he preferred against him for fM % x r l_ Obtaining Money by False Pretences, (Kf \A/G Sllcl and to receive what should he enjoin ed hy said < ourt and not depart the Court witliout license and the said P UctrcH"lteeCl recognizance was in the sum of eight mj & hundred dollars, with the said J. Ii. jjJ oims as Surety, and the said K L. iv Beauty con Long having failed to appear, it is or- J dered that the said R. L. Long and wM J. B Sirns show cause on the second CCFltS Monday in March, 1008. at 10 o'clock, j^j a. in., or as soon thereafter as Counsel an be lie.rd, why the said recog II qi -i j nizance should not he estreated and OilOUIQ judgment entered for the penalty, ^ eight hundred dollnis, and costs. O * <h 1 r Dated at Lancaster, S. C., the 28th la mucn as a>n d .y of October A. I) 1007. rM J.F.GREGORY ? c. c. c. p. ?& g. h. l c. n Our rep" To the absent defendant R. L. Long: TA J. You will take notice that the above W| - rule is herehv served on you by pub- ^ IO\A7 Lil lication and will govern yoiiraelt ac- M cordingiy. J I>. HUNTER 11 Sh-riir Ij "Lest ye Forget" Q I'll tell it again. I keep on tap at all times Harris Lithia, 11 Glenn Springs and Piedmont & 7 * 111#* Springs water and you can get jji \f\f 1 I S I r from a small glass to a 15 gal- jc* * * -- k Ion carboy at any time. Also, I receive three shipment* each N* week of the finest Norfolk Oysters that can be hid. John W. Elliott. | %UTM'aUI cil 1L.J , ierk's Sale. ST AT K OV SOU'in CAKM County of t,mwiasfte*. I* Tin T K| ( it of Common IMm* V V ill I 11 U A. F. Gainer, U. W. N?al. etal _ ti IT*. agaiuat You are crttning to town then j.;y.;X?ai, Defendant. DtHe in and take a Nice Moal By virtue of a <k*rree in til at the Right Price. Meals ^"J?d,p-Vi*i?,g?; ... , I, i m 11_ /~\ a ^ ii?*o. ii*t?(t <>< t ai. iv<?r. i i all hours. I>?St Norfolk Oystwn *i pnbtoc auction at I?avica?tt ( OB hand all Uhe time. Invite aW on tin* first Monday in ' " ? ' ? ??ii . liar npxt within the iesral I une laaies ana nnaren lo corner^- follnwil)(f described and ewt with rrie, I assure you lute, to wit: aii that piece, p* good order. Nice Lemon awid 4f#ct ot land, sieuatein the cc ?#. , T>. i r> rfl.atiraMpr, in tlie State of Sout Mince Me&t I les tnd I omul containing iTiS acres, i Cakes, Fre&h all the Time, only i??s, una bounded North by i : 5 cts each. All kinds of Lunch- R?K:I^n?"vi'n anS'Mtet?8] , ,, , . , ^ , - Hil'iard Duncan, and estate l es and Sandwiches for sale from w. f cook, dec'd; couth by i 5 cts up. Mrs. Nancy Horton; Fast, by I T, . r, , Oeo. William*; and West by I Bring me all your Lggs and Hiiiiard Dunean, h. s. fi0 Chickens. Come to see me. Nanoy Horton. Terms of sale, cash; purch jrniD fl 1 Tl p pay for papers. |J J[ ^ ^jL JL Jj Lancaster, S. C., Nov 5, 190i J. F. GREGORY, CI C. M. SHELTON, Prop. L , ni r < \ <.p. ?. D. Blakeney, Esq., Bennett block Phone No. 10 Tiffs'Atty. Do you take The News ' er an, j??7. //^>RS?VS0^? ECIAL i all goods you buy >er yard, or over, we ash on every dollars Ids good only on Wednesday in and at tirr < ?-* <-> -4-V* a /~t iin1ifi ;AcUiiint Liit t4uc1.Aj.Lj idcloths and silks at this offer at 80 cents ;rges, Panamas, dre ings too numerous t 11 also include in thi kid gloves at $1.( sets at $1.00. Going your bill for these g( ), you positively sav< ular prices for eve e lowest, or "Your Money Be Your: ams; Hug iWgyjggMgy/AX Notice of Rod Eum< .in A S?1eTh? following prapartj V* be bidder at l&noastrr. C Ibwc 'J, |?t*f : 'Jf.S aaro* of tarn orient, fl tp an ea of Ha*? k Spr . 1'laiu- c., nw aolorad camp ground. J V> aarn* of land, mors ar lw? a aula of Ucatfe Spriaffl, .* m the H. II. Hortaa plaaa CI i ? .hove near Reaver Oaek eta i. i.. _ wlcr at tloaMi Saiinea. i 11 111 I II . will aril One bualdiag on Uuia vtrwot tr ?owrt bprings, H. C.. coat-ailing t De- ^ii, rovifis, upper alary contains a nours of aai o?e hall. AII r.laim? asaii real es- property will be paid for b*?r irc.el or ed. Terms Cash, nirity of M. Y. Caul ii (Jaro- HoeHi Springs, S. ('. Nov. 7 nore or ? lands of rt Dye, Town Taxes now D\ lands of ands of The books are now open for ooll lands of 'own taxes .V will he until Nov. 30kinds of wbicli time those who have not p yd and ^e lDal?lo to penalty. The office of I treasurer is now^n the First Ibilik to ' John Omw r. lerk L. c. Mrs. J. C. Hilton, of We? who has been visiting her < ____ ter, Mrs. J. E. Rutledge, i ? ed home Saturday. SALE I i from us by the yard S, will return to you ^ ' worth, that you |0 N I i November S ie of your purchase. ^ / of our immense |j : $1.00 per yard.? j? > per yard. jig :ss trimmings, etc., W o mention. N s offer our Ladies' jj? )0 and "American Z in this sale at 80 ^ Dods amount to as & 5 $2. ^ rything guaranteed ft ick. & a 3 truly, ^ ;hes Co. o J ? I 1 I 1 1 ' , I 1 101 Pertonal Property for Sale. * l | - S? ' ST'" B<*" al ""ctiyn nt ray hou?e . *" | in the I'm ion church neutron on Hneeibiy, .* 'Ji, Wi?jiaairig at 10 o'clock, nil my i <?*. . . j)Pr-on-i property, including. 1 borne, *Bowa, li v*> ' wagons, 2 buggies, farming negUiaeat*. lxiuseluAd and kiteheu furknown aittiw. eta. O. ff. I.>olkenhurry. icrwf ( n rob, 4 A wekteng a<**aJi, *froui ant amine, in , loath auigrfctf anapi?aJ By Dr. Alton's Congh i At or a (aVa Ann it ia ao thoroughly hnrmleon i rooma an<l wata. Mk'. IW Hhnop i - mothers net mi4 arerrwhere to g?va it without heaatatina deed Tveo to very young ha boa. The wholesome KKMi leaves and tender stems of a lniig:hen . healing mountainous shrub, furnish the 1907. curative propertied to I)r. Hhoop's Uongh _ Cnre. It aaimB the cough, nnd heals the ~~~ ~" an(j sensitive bronchial metnbranoH. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh nsod to injure or suppress' Mimply a reainnnu Iilanf OV ennt I. .1 4? A-??* (Tiniii ?? " ' "' 1 OAVIUV1, Mint m i JIM WI iinii o7. after aching lunga. The >Spt*DitirdH call thin aid will shrub which the Doctor uaea, 'The Bacred the town Herb". Deraand Dr. Bhoop's. Take no Nntlonal other. J. P. Mackey Co. ford ? Mrs. Ethel Howser, of Atlan. ... ta, whs in town this week, en itville, ? , . , , j laugh- route to Kershaw to visit her 9 return parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hilton. rm?. , ..urn?* lat&mm