The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, November 20, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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' T"t " * * Lettuce All "Winter. must be kept loc From seed sown at anv time cu*'ival * Tj during September or November we can have lettuce, in the South, 8 for fall and winter use, as the South? plants'can remain in the open ^ie ^0t ground during the winter with u little injury. For spring and haul, ] early sumiaer use, bow seed frotn ,h February to May. The early r"un ? varieties of lettuce require about |()rmi''8 fifty days from bowing seed to *1 ' maturity of good-sized heads, ^ ^ ^ while the late sorts require irom sixty to seveuty days. It is very ' et hard indeed to get lettuce to head well during the hot sum . . . ,1 if- .mi Buttle mer mon'hs, and it is still more diftlcult to get the seed to come 111180,1 ter or B UP t ? a. a ? AjHuuce succeeds bes' when UiC" l,r~ grown in a rich, sandy loam that ^out'u r has been given a dressing of we.i* ?-1 |J I j VC |j rotted manure several weeks be- __ fore Bowing the seed. If manure You can't* is not available, use commercial l^oo'Vif b< fertilizer. iu8 y'm 11 ot oru?rSow the seeds thinly in drills stuns of u which are twelve to twenty-four ayspei'siil inches apart and cover about. 8'1' w 1 cum" it. one-fourth of an inch deep. When <b?? ?tant .1 . KODOLi the young plants have four or tor heart six leaves, thin the plants to four to six inches apart. The weeds ly ^oi.i t> Rapid changes of tempe on the toughest constitutor The conductor passing fi ?j_ _ . - i? - -* y msiae or a troiiey car to tne 1 1 of the platform?the canvass ?9? hour or so in a heated buil walking against a biting w difficulty of avoiding cold. X Scott's Emulsion i body so that it can better danger of cold from changes < ?9? It will help you to avoid ta x all druggists* eoc. ai NEW GOOD Ai w r \jl*m r We were fortunate i orders for Fall Goods result is we are able t< most anything in the and Shoe line at pracl vance. Our stock of merchandise is new and you some prices en a few items to verif; 5000 yds Outing at 5 7 1-2 and 10 cts 1500 yds Heavy Weight Sheeting G el 1500 yds 3 yard Sheeting 7 1-2 cts tl 25 pes Jeans Pants cloth at less thar 133 1-3 cts the yard. We picked up a Job in Ladies' Long $10.00 each, worth 50 per cent more mo We have the best of Clothing we to $18.00 the suit. When you go to make your Shoe pure our line. We have got the goods and \v Ladies Fine Shoes from 75cts on to close price holds good on Mens', Boys' a It will pay you to get our prices, if w< will lose money. Y< Funderburk ( THE LANCASTER NEWS, NOVEMBER ! ? kept down and the soil me by giving it frequent ( M n u v r > are two types ot lettuce I II 1^ W I1 uccf>-d well here in the I XL X L -the Oabbace nnd Cos. w i lettuce is distinguished ipright growth and long, ( T^ll 1 X ll * loouslnpwd le-ves, whi eflj 1 lettuce lias nearly I nfinVPPl closely folded leave, dppittl ; round, flattened heads. I 4-q T)l*OV 6elt folding, Exi'ret-8,11 'art White Heart are the II the Cos type. Oi the cab- l| duces,! he earliest are May I A.11 Season, and the new i Ten lead Butler; second early, I dark and Ice, New York, Improved I ,Calitornia, Cieam But- j CJUclllty tO loyal, Deacon and Iceberg I best for growing in the I 20 { 11 home and market gar- I Striped CI Thomas J. Steed, in Gar- and Apro igazine. I r 1 , ; ? price only ne well if you have n weak. ud. I * red nutetomaoliNeithercftnyoul'eei I i some little irregularity in eat- I JtvCcK avo caused the stomach to get out I These little stomach tioubieaare J P51 C* adigestion, which may and very I C/CaLv^. s turn into a very had case of I l. Don't allow this to go on a sin- I Pilln ithouldoiug something to over- I -* UivJ lake some good reliable and safe I liko KODOIj For Dyspepsia. I CXlTe! ^OO s the best remedy known today I burn, belching and all troubles a- I m a disordered digestion. It is I I piC o tuke and ntlords relief prompt- ^ y Crawford Bros. II StCHng, gl |p:Qc4<9M&><Ba;S"0>4>& II thing foi ? $ 1 ' Tg bun rature are hard || Look gOO * II 2 Big om the heated ^ full size a cy temperature A er spending an ^ 5 ding and then ?6* from 50C ind?know the ? ,, Big 1 he latest "3^ t of temperature. ?Qt Ladi iking cold. ^ ?ap toe, only $3 ( ND $l.OO. V -j-s fr?0"M"8??6"0"0"?'t> r r ?' JLadies ai ^ and Mitte s rices, j Laneaslf In placing our H i early. The 3 s~\1 y?u al" Cough Cautio 3 VjOOCLS positively never poison your lungs. II ** cough?oven from a simple colnonly?you sh hi /-? <1 1 1 . _ J1 always heal, soothe, and ease tho Irritated 1 ulvdily HO CC.CL* chlnl times. Don't Mindly suppress It wli ** stupefying poison, lt'sstrango how c.orn?- tl; Anally come about. For twenty years Dr. 31 has constantly warned people not to take c< mixtures or prescriptions containing Op Chloroform, or similar poisons. Atid now?a 1 late though?Congress says "Put it on the li If poisons are In your Cough Mixture.'*1 (iVery good! 1 Hereafter for this very n-nsonnwtl xxr . and others, should Insist on having Dr. 8!w complete. We Quote Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. 8h< i-4 labels?and none in the medicine, else it mm y OU1 Siatcmeni. law l>e on tho label. And It's not only safo. h nor vntvl Is said to bo by tliase that know It best, a trul 1 jrtttu. inarkahlo cough remedy. Teko no chance t -o nor virrl particularly with your children. Insist on ha 1 c J"IU? l?r. Bhoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully ie vara ^)r* ^boop package with others and note * ... * . difference. No poison marks there! You 1 mill prices, 12 1-2 to fclwayl be on the safe side by demanding C!f\?ts from fin fe\ i Dr. SIiood'j w \*?I* W l/V i - XL ney. Don't miss these. ft _ __ f*-- __ ever carried, from $3.50 L/O U. |J EI ^ EE F , . ,, , ! J. F. MACKEY & CO. hases for the lamily see' re guarantee the prices. ;' the best mnHe Cjomu When the Stomach, Heart or Kit V imj ITjaae- &ame i.eiv(? Ret weak. thon these organs ah nti childrens . tail Don't drug thp Stomach, oor Rt 2 don't sell you some one 1 <( tho "p*rt Kidneys. That is an ^ a mai.t hbift. (let a prescription knov Diuggista everywhere ns I >r. Shoop's >urs for close prices, storative, prepared expressly for t weak inside nerves. Strengthen t 0 nerves, bnild them up with Dr. .Sin Restorative tablets or liquid?and ^ how qniokiy help will come Free sai %Jf tent sent on request ov Dr. Sh > LX I E I i " I I ?f Kncine, Wis. Yonr health is surely w w J t^1* taal" *' Maokey A Co. s ju ? ? -# 20, 1901. mm ave to be seen befo % ated. So give lis a e their real value. hundred yards Flannelette light patterns, the best 10 ai go at 8c the yard. nieces full width dark che heviot. Makes good Shirt ns, sells for ioc everywhere 8c the yard. ly made Sheets, big lot 7: h. w Cases, special Linen-Fir d quality 25c the pair. ice 40-inch Roman Stripe *een and red combination. 1 couch cover. Special 35( ; and Feather boas in the la d are good and not too hig values in Blankets all-wool nd at the lowest price. zen Ladies' Petticoats rangi ) to $3.00. new line ready-made Sol t out 25 and 50c each, them at 10c per pound ies' Tan Shoes just in, Blu Kid. Sizes 3 to 6. A )0. the next 30 days Special id Children's Sweaters, Co; ns. r Mercantile i f GOING OUT 0! 1<X>P ?f?> mgh 1 ?Tj i|| Everything to ^erJ? TT** 4 i i ssi ?? First < v'S Wi The entire Stock of the 4g} ? J. C. EDWARDS to be ^ ^ We have a line of SI * ||xj will surprise you. Dry X ware, Groceries, Stoves, ^ thing that a general stor ? S If you want to buy t 1Hy? once. lii S Yours t J J. C. ED' "^ W.W 9.5SJP !wyWjwm m - 7 RlSlf re fully chance I i i n pretty rid i 2 i-2C :cked and s, Dresses Special 2x90, only lish 45x36 id UpholJust the 3 the yd. test styles, h priced. or cotton, nR in price a Pillows. And coticheF style, beauty, for Prices on ats, Gloves B iuni|PilllJ | <? gHBHSHNf HRR % f business J ?K ' be Sold at ->? i ^ost. Uj Goods belonging to SJ sold at once. hoes that the prices Goods, Notions, Tin- ^ Harness and every- & e carries. m hings cheap come at tgj ruly, g UtfARDS J