The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, November 20, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Lancaster News. 1!ie, it 8 dec] Semi-Weekly. 8haw Published 1 Wednesdays and Saturdays eauvas At Lancaster, s. c., don By The metns Lancaster Publishing Company, the C" Charles T. Connors, Editor. (>M ol electK SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Si One Year fl.M ctl, Wi SI* Months "fi , , three Months ^ tlie U Payable In advance. W33#5T. ADVERTISING KATES. ? ^ One Inch, drsi Insertion, fl.oo. Each subsoCO nt insertion ">'? en is. For three months or spying lo .tfer, reduced rates. Professional onrds, per year, 112. ail(l ( Business notices. Transient Advertisements. L."<: unit Kuun'i, aim ohht i-ny.tii nmuj' UstmcniK not exwcillni,' ' # word*, 2i C'lits for ouch insertion: I emit n won\ for each addl- nilllS tlonai word over ? "> words. Obituaries. Tributes of res nee t, cards of half ] thnnks undid matter of a personal or political nature to bo chanted for. Atl<l ] Advertising rates by tlio column made known on application. WflO fl Brief correspondence on subjects of eenertil , . , Interest Inv; ted. Not responsible for view - of "ft* C correspondents. . > . t ll fl " "1* **"" U. K W'YUK. PltKStnKNT. r /NO. A. COOK, Sec'v. and Theas. "t T Opni8 J. M. RIDDLE. Jr.. Hurinkss MANAortt. LanCI Entered as sccon?l-class matter, Oct.?. 1$*0\ ' ^ kt the postofflce at Lancaster S C.. under Act ,-.o,ra of Congress of March 3. 1STI? i v taxes Wednesday, November 20. 1007 whicli r entire The finest brains are often count found in the heads of little men, pnrpf says the Baltimore American. That's consolfttion lor somo liliputian Lancastrians. -n 1 I ec ditioa The eastern man who says j)0?r that he has been trying unsuc- w j cesslully tor forty years to fly |)rajjn has evidently never been caught vvliicl by hi? wife kissini: the cook. ? * row vi mas, A fellow who committed sui- alwa^ cide in Atlanta the other day J n after a protracted drunk left a note saying lie was going straight "s tni to hell.?Anderson Daily Mail. make According to the late Satn rest, Jones, he didn't have far to go. w-ien ' C sbcult An article in the North Ameri- thank can Review on the origin ot kiss- verse ing is going the rounds of the vouch press. We d ? not cure a c<?nti- fiS mei liental how the thing started but ua:'?,] wo are ready to help lynch the ^i,f unapprccia'ive cus who undertakes to stop it. ^ie read \ Wiien a telephone girl in The Germany wants to tell you the in Noi line is busy t>he has to say : by an "Dumspresengo! alien/diem. vVolfa A n>lor<r\'i \1nll I ?i v " *? anv;irc Our society and horse report- real o; er says that it a 'diello girl'' were to hand him out anything bn'^in like that he'd drop the receiver (jov,>r and take to the woods. . nv j ous h If the young lad ?s ot Chicago upon who have organized a club to ion, 1 pray twice a day th ?' tliey may h obtain <{ >od hu-bvuln wi 1 also ^ (R!1 , , year, prav for a (limuiuuon in the ' , . , . . ., It i< Bize ot their aniiormally large )f pedal extremities th y may in- -0nt o crease their chance of getting game. what they seek. Tiio average man ' t the doesn't care to be tied up for l'11' 1IJ life to a woman with feet like a , r' 1 t< ur s couple ol unabridged diction ?- ?|jnt, ries. princi :. : meet fn I rt ri-licvM th#? (i n an nv fni cia] situation, Secretary Cortel- dav?n you announces that, the Tress- *)l-V ury will issue $50,000,000 of ' - . , ~ ~ tnitn Panama bonds ami $ 100,000,000 ceftSi,, of certificates of indebtedness, forme <kor so much thereof as may be abrea necessary." The certificates will l?nK bear 3 per cent interest and will ,'f>ar^1 / r? i 4 the 0< run for one year. President $Hr?R lloosevelt heartily approves of nor B Secretary Cortelyou's proposed After action. 'dinne r ..?r. THE LANCASTER NEWS, NOVEMI Supreme Court rendered to have penetrated the for Lsiou Saturday in the Ker- fastness, lor in the midst o diaponsary election case, te.livilies ao Indian sboat . e ., a. . . , - heard, and ninety friendly tion ot the State board of m A v \a i men, under King Massa-oit, mer-i in declaring the elec pearedasit by magic, hen illogal is upheld, which as an addition to the fea>t, that the dispensaries in haunches ot venison. The mnty will remain open. <>f thanksgiving lengthened ... i i i .1 three, the mere bodily teas the grounds on which thrt , . , . , , ... being varied with the singi .n was declared void by ,>slUm3 ?n(, BOng,, with ate board, it will be recall- dances by the savages, wit is because the secrecy of I hibitions of military drill by ; 1!ot -vas violated. s audi h's well-trained sol and with such sports and times as characterized tlie ording to Ool. Kolin'a reations of the middle c'a of articles in the News English people in those tin Courier on the eotton mill ',onie* try of South Carolina, the =============== ft'*e now paying "fully one- LANCASTER AND THE .STATE million dollars in taxes." In commenting upon t. ret there aye some people cent State lair the Walt* ire still not ready to admit Cress says: jetton mills are most poten- Colleton county should irtors in the material devel- hpen represented hy some e e m rp' or her great natural resoi nt of a commonwealth, ine H , . . , Our trucking industry s iMer mi l, as shown by jiave jm(j a p]aCr? tliere; ou vohn's tabulated statement, arid cotton growers should annually state and county shown the "dwellers ol the amounting to $11,-21.61, what our soil is capable ol lis nearly one fifth of the 'luci',"b ?"r. '|ve "trcV . , . , . should have had some of pronertv tax naid in this k i i ! ' 1 lmr-es, mules, hogs po y for both state and county etc., there. Think what i ises. vertisement it would have for the thousands of visit have gotten a glimpse o TM ANKSGIV1NG DAY. wonderful possibilities of oi >ple ol all classes and con- and climate, s in life, the rich and the What is so well said of the old and tlie young, are ton may with equal fore* ooking forward to ihc eele propriety he said of Lan ti of Thanksgiving Clay, county. Our field product ? is near at hand?lomor- home-raised stock, the pre reek. Nov. 28. Like Christ- of our cotton mills, oil mill Thanksgiving day is not tilizer factories and of uu s observed as it should 4ie. mines will compare favorabl naiiy of us lorget or ignore those of any county in the ? p iiniirfi f. ?ml mp ininir Wo 1cps i n theSt ate A sol ol i? a clay exclusively of affords a splendid opporl recreation and pleasure, f?r the advertisement of a a part at. least ol the time tr.v's resources and advai 1 be devoted to giving and it is unfortunate that s to the Kuler of the uni- fact h not. generally recog for the many blessin g by our people to the exte sa.'ed to us as individuals, availing themselves ol it lo rnbers ot society and ax a purpose. i. Do you know the origin Our readers will recall mksgiving in this country? we published just alter its the following, taken from an excellent account of the ewe and Courier, may be eral features of the fair, w vith interest and profit: by a bright Lancaster boy first ThankUiving held was present. It was noti< rth America was conducted that the young writer said English minister, named jug about a Lancaster conn 11, >? thtt .vear 1578? on the hihit ? none was there! Tin i of Newfoundland, but the ..... . i i , , ,p, . . . exhibits that we heard ot as rigiu ot 1 hanksgi viog as a t apart for prayer and re- '''om Lancaster were a con g must l?e attributed to horses belonging to the Grt nor Bradford, the firs? flood Live Stock company, nor of Massachusetts 0>J- of which animals bV Ihe " Kwtitude tor the plet.te t()?k j usn?todi? The arvest of 1621, following , . , a period ol g^eat depress 1,111,6 "me- 0ll"'r 1,or:!e" ie proclaimed a day o! P'ticularly some of the fine'-i to hi observed on in this county, ought to iner 13 (olu sly>t-) ol that been on exhibition, as w specimens of the splendid < related tha'Jn futherance 0fcorn, potatoes, etc., mad procl im ition, he at once . . M 1 .. , vear by our farmers. JNr ut four men in search ol f Thuf.tctrly in the history 'n State, lor example, day does our good friend, finer mule colts than Mr. (j rkey, ma;v? his appearance, \V. Baker, any one of icce-slul in their quest, the would have easily carried portemen returned, ft.,.; |(]i|e nbl)0 ?s wouM a,8C under a burden ot wild fowl, T . , pally turkeya, anffioient to lra B J",,eh * ,aP?rb mu' the needs of the little coin- horse colts, of which hi a week. At the first grav twelve on his stock farm ol that first Thanksgiving fown. Tlie Judge also 1 one of 11.0 cannon llial ,ho same farm a flock of ?ed tho hilltop thundered , , , , h solute. A solemn pro- 0,,? ,'un'lrf"1 8,,eeP' overy ' ri to the nn e ing house was which in built for a priz d, the moo walking lliree ner. st, Elder Brewster, in his We believe that more in preacher's camlet coat, would be in ken in tho St a >g With a gravity befitting an(, m,.)r0 exhibits made if ;c?aion the Bible, while the ... x . ,, l i/i aentative citizens in every ( ant in Counsel and (Joverradford brought up the rear. wo,,ld become members r the services followed the fair association. Itcostsonl r, whose savory odors seein to become a life member iH"iy mi > 5ER 20, 1907. est's j "" fZ TSe FIRST NATIC ap! ' OF L.ANCA ring, ??? huge SAFE, SOUND, STRONG , day That this Bank is conducted 11 lines is evidenced by the fac rarely fall below 30 per cent., 1 nK ? requires, and are usually great war our frequently pnblished stat rex" could make more money, of ( lnrornv lino of loan*, hilt belieV lcll? y iovved to be the right one for s? 1 {>as" the SAFETY it gives our depo ^ rt'?. tion it gives us in respect to 88 ?j supply the legitimate needs of We have grown to what we SIVE, CAREFUL and COM! your business, but also want y< ! FAIR you to become identitied with he re- *? &row with' us, for we expec . We extend to you all the ad banking institution, surrounde guard lor the protection of de kmw REM!?! .HPS WT,, ]>VY ^'Ol hould r corn our Savings Department or 1 hav we allow 4 per cent, inferos hills" Call to see us. pr -j aisers CHAS. I). JONE*. PresMfnt. their | E. M. CKQXTOJ ul'rv, - ' "7" . i ~ in ad- 1 been yet so far a-; we have been abb ^rs^ to to iearn there is only one such member in Lancaster o unty. and VI nr soil . that is ??ur fellow townsman Mr. sr Colic- '* Wilson. Ll the association S 5 and ,nako an eftort to extend and t\ caster Pnhirtre its member-hip. Mr. tr ;s, our Wi'son would no doubt do every, R ducts 'hint: in liis power to encourage T s. lor- oflr People to join. hi ?o"ih. To the Public: n itefiir huiiity This announcement is an anconn nua/ one> especially coming at ' inters t/jjs seaSon of the year. t t he . .,.,. n i' ? I iiizeu Six years ago I came before at, of public as a retail dealer in r that a small way proportionate with; my ability then, and while it has th:o n?t ?rown to mammoth propor- hi , t ions yet I am not ashamed or s 1 ,)s< afraid to rehearse the record (j ^ then and now. tl xinen far as a living share of the ()] who patronage of the general pub- ' 1 T fonl lliof I ! tl (JilUir I 10 LUI Ivvi X J.^V/4 Vlllll/ X j notii can fully appreciate the patron- hi ,. I age of any and all people, and _ l,> ? why? in the first place, prior 4 0,1 to the war of the Sixties, I was J boinp: placed in the ledger office to pie ol learn the trade. The time folj^ory lowing, for many years, found l)()(jj me rigidly adhering to the so- n< her, honest upbuilding of the ? W,IN' craft in my native town and to ~~ News which I loved to cling (as the u , and old citizens of the county well j11 i colt- know) until ill health forced me. have from the trade. I adopted this ,t)ij business as a means of support *' ,<s for myself, disdaining the idea ,a crop* 0? appealing to charity. \\ e tins ^ liberal share of the patron, Minn ??1 ~ ...ill 4.1, I- l_ . auucitc?i uuu win uu uuunv-j? mines fully received. ] w leor^e Any orders left with rne for \ which Thanksgiving supplies or Christo(| t) mas confectioneries, fruits, "" 4 } oranges, raisins, nuts, etc., will < ? .Judge highly appreciated and carele and fully filled. 1 For Free Distribution (1 near, flniTTTnraiMnrnTiroiriirwirnr ib ia' on ( jn jyQ tjme wii] have a lot of ?. nearly Lithograph Calendars for 11)08 jj one of to distribute among my cuse-win.!tomers and friends -they will n be free for the asking, should I " ,ler?st not think of it. le fair ^ can f()Un(l> as usual, at ti the old stand opposite the First n rt'Pr?-1 National Bank. ;ounty Most respectfully, F i*l'"oe; A. W. Chance. i , and )NAL BANK STER. AND PROGRESSIVE on safe and conservative w t that our legal reserves > ' ;wice as much as the law er, which examination of ements will verify.. We ; ourse, by putting out a e the policy we have fol;veral reasons; first being sitors; second is the posibeing always prepared to our clients. are by being PROGRESPETENT. Yes, we want >ur confidence. We want 11c. oc? nnr nlictnmpr nnrl UO CVO \J\AA VUOWVi.iW.j t to go steadily forward, vantages of an up-to-date id by every possible safepositors, and 1BKR T TO SAVE on Certificates of Deposit t compounded quarterly. It. F. WYLIli, Vioe-PrcHWont. ??. Cashier | U'ath of Mrs. C. If. Everall. Mrs. Nannie Kvetall, wife of Ir. (J H. Kverall, c?f the Jack>nham section, died last Friday, he had been an invalid for velve months. She was under ea'ment last suimner at the , , ick Hill hospital, as noted in he News at the time, and came tune much improved in health, lit, unfortunately, theimprovelent proved t ho only tempera Mrs. Everall was a daughter I the late John Wallace, of this runty, an*' was 24 years and 8 ays old. She was a mo*t ?3tilable,christian lady, was a memer of the Methodist church and as liked by all who knew her. esides tlie husband, she leaves vo small children. She is also irvived by l wo brothers, -Mr. J. . Wallace, ot Union county, N. ., and Mr. A M. Wallace, of lis county. Tiie remains were uried Saturday at Zion church, le Ut-v. W. C. Winn conductthe lunera! services. 3usiness Notices. tr All *.,'otiuen inserted under ns head at the rate of ONE CENT tt'OKI) for each insertion. No at ice to be counted less than 25 ords. wiuii your chiekons, tnrkeys, hotter, ul mus no\V tor i'hunksgiving.?Bennett ro. Co. HOGS FOll HALE -Brood s>ws, shouts ul pi^s ill linn Berkshire*. Apply to , (J. Hough. Lancaster. IP ' To auy-ouo who will soml us tine*; I'olrs in cash for u suck of Town-Talk dour ill ;.ct on?--*) package of Dr. Shoop's ciiltli < offee free t.'ujue quick. Bennett roeeiv (Jo OB h\LK Good horse and htiggy ill sell >it n bargain Buggy nearly now. pplyioJ U llutledge, Lain ouster. 2t Oatmeal pancake dour ut Bennett's. Now is tha time to in iko kraut. (Jnrloud ibbugo ut Bennett's. N< w crop New Orleans molasses at llen t's. One hundred barrels of those tine Bulwin apples lit Bt limit's Fiesh barrel cranberries just receivil Also mi-ins, nuts, etc. for making nit cake, at Bennett/s iNew imtn and tino pceservea at Ben tt's All perron* indebted to me for dental fork an- notified to yonie forward and acte ou or b< fore December 1, aa 1 need the ioney. J E Rntledge, I) I> S. LanoasM. AUCTION HADE?I will anil at auction 'riduy, Nov. Vi, my entire crop, corn, kinckH, fodder, need cotton; alao, mnlo, uguy. cow. Sale at 10:30?Near H M. 'arkwH and F.. K. l'lyler'a. J. T. Mark*.