The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 10, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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( H' News in Kershaw and Vicinity?Woman Drowned?Barn Destroyed by Lightning. The Era: On last Friday afternoon Bessie Gooch and Maine Hilton, colored, who lived on Mr. Geo. Bowers' place, about five miles north of town, attempted to cross a branch on their way home, which was very much swollen by the rain of that afternoon, and were washed oil their f^ot by the force of the current. Both were rescued by a colored man who happened to be near, but not until they were nearly dead from drowning. The Hilton woman has nearly recovered hut the Goooh woman died on Sunday. The barn of Mr. Jae. It. Horton, about three miles north of Kershaw, was destroyed by light iiiug and ignited during the I bunder and rain storm last.jFriday afternoon and was totally consumed, together with a quantity ^ ol fodder and oats, lli- loss was fivo or six hundred dollars with $200 insurance. Mr. Charles Stover, accompanied by his sister, Miss Janie Stover, and cousin. Miss Fannie Stover, while returning from a drive to Haile Gold Mine were met in the road by a'* automobile which caused their horse to take I fright. The occupants were thrown from1 the buggy but for tunately escaped serious injury. The bupey was prc'ty badly damaped, however. Liphtninp struck tha wires of the Western Union and shivered several of its poles about three or four miles north of town. PERSONAL. Messrs. W. T. Blackmon and W. Z. Hilton lett yesterday to visit the Jamestown exposition, Washington and other points. Misses Ada and Estelle Roberts and Willie Edding, of Columbia, spent Friday night at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blackwon. Mrs. E. D. Blakeney and little daughter, Katherine, and Miss Louise Blakeney visited Mrs. S. W. Ileath at Mapill last week. i Mr. J. Dixon Rollings, who is taking abusiness course 111 Spartanburg, returned to Kershaw last week. His eyes have been giving him trouble. Mr. A. J. Beat tie, of Camden, was in town last Thursday. He is now visiting his father near Russell Place. Miss Josie tflackraon, of the llaile Gold Mine section, is visiting her courin, Miss Callie Moseley, at Westville. Miss Julia Gardner, of Jefferson, is visiting her cousin, Miss Lucile Evans Mrs. J. M. Lowery and little son, William, are visiting Mrs Lowrtay'e parents at Jefferson. Mrs. Mollie Cook and son, Mr. Iloyt Cook, are spending a while at Cleveland Springs. Mr. George Cames, of the Tabernacle section, spent from Sunday until today in Kershaw with his friend, Mr. J. 11. llamel. Misses Gay Crow, of Marion, N. C., and In^z Motz, of Hock j Hill, are visiting at the home of ^ Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Jones. Misses Louise and Nannie Lee Til ft LA J* Sowoll, of Rock iiill, are visit-! ing their aunt, Mrs. D. L. Blackwell. Mr. J a3. N. Taylor, of Canton, N. C., is visiting here at the homes of Messr-. II 11. and W. U. Taylor. Mrs Clias. T. Cauthen, of Oswego, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R Kirkley Miss Ruby Elliott, of Lancaster, is visiting the family of Mr. A. R. Hough. Mr. R. L. Sowell and little daughter, Thelma, are at Harris Lithia Springs. A Birthday Present. Two young ladies sent a college friend a birthday box as a joke. It contained a porous planter, a cake of soap, a fine toothcomb, a raw onion, a bunch of firecrackers and a toy pistol. After a few days the young ladies received the following acknowledgment : "My dear Friends: Your kind remembrance is received and contents no 1. 1 find I can make use of most of the articles enclosed. With the porous plaster I will endeavor to strengthen my good opinion of you (you should have sent more.) I can use the soap 'o wash myself of my acquaintance with you, if it ever becomes necessary. The onion brought tears to in}' eyes. The crackers 1 don't care a snap for. The pistol will always be by my side, as it can't go off. The comb was a great surprise 'or I had no idea that such a thing ever entered your heads. Yours lovingly, "Ben"?E. I. G. Another Automobile Party Mobbed. New York. Aug 8.?A party of visitors touring the city in a <4sight seeing" automobile, were mobbed by a crowd of several hundred persons to day, when the machine, carrying the sight seers, accidentally ran over and killed a little Italian boy, Tony Basqueratti, who was taking a surreptitious ride on the step of the automobile. He fell beneath the wheels and was crushed to death. A crowd gathered and rained a shower of stones and botjtles at the sight |eers,who fled from the machine. The crowd than triprl In Kuril lli? mucliino but were prevented hy the arrival ol the police reinforcement. Three Killed in Wreck at Auburn, N. C. Washington, Aug. 7.? A dispa'ch to the Southern railway olfice here announce d that in a collision of an eastbound local passenger train and a westbound freight, one mile east 01 Auburn, N. C., tonight ther engineer and fireman of the the freight and the fireman of the passenger engines were killed. While a number of the passengers were shaken up by the impact none of them sustained serious i-jury. The accident was caused by the passenger crew overlooking orders. Hay Fever and Summer Colds Victims of hay fever will experience great benelit by taking Foley'* Honey and Tar. ah it stops difficult breathing immediately and heals the inflamed air passages, And even if it should fail l.} cure you it will give instant relief." The genuine is in a yellow package. iCA&TKK NEWS, AUGUST 10, 1007 ? And we have put p goods will move, we lie Fall goods that will soo need the goods at the i ottering them at, so eon ness. THE FIR That we will offer yoi and Gentlemens low Sh< . . a very pretty line for the fords, in tan and black, ; Ties, don't fail to see th< best sold. SPECIAL Si We have some very p and will give the first w to buy these at exceptio OUR DRESS GO Still has left some vei going to slaughter, don' ment over, or you will b< IN OUR \A We have big profit, a< before cotton went up tc ing to ask you this profi as they last at old price* than we can replace the LACES, EN And Ladies furnishinj some very dainty patteri DON'T FORGET, WE H, Consisting of all the pins a; the completeness of your drej IN OUR MEN We have some very thin lig ing a big hit on, we will give size, we have sold more clothi sold before in the history of c have the best and neatest pat sell the goods. We haven't r our departments, but can assi cheap as the cheapest, qualit) i. a._ l . L : T we expect to ue in uusiness i will promise you square fair < ness here for over twenty ye: the-large trade and confident given and shown us. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Millinery, Hardware, Furnitu description. Give us a call 01 Lancaster Mere Four Killed and Twenty-Five Didn't Know Hurt in R. R. Wreck. (from liar Pittsburg, Aur. 7,?Four per- 'N",t ^onP a sons were killed snd twenty-five m ,r'?et 'own ininrod i n a ruil rnu/1 ur ronlr All HOTVP <111 ifis] the Buffalo & Allegheny division lur^py under 1 of the Pennsylvania Railroad at ^ev waH squaw Kelly, about 35 miles from this *n a distresset eity. The wrecked train was (lie l',e Titusyille express No. 75, which P ,v an.v P left Titusville, Pa., lor (his city P,Ma"Vi howev atl.H) this morning. At 11 :30 8ot on the CJel while passing through Kelly, the bird a Pc train was side-swiped by a gon exclaimed: dola coal car, and (he engine, ' tender, baggage and express cars, I1 w,d v*,, wi(h the three day coaches, were) "'-ould vez w | derailed. j' ? *illln' to i What a New J Orino Laxative Fruit Hyrnp in sold nn- M. T. Lynch. E<1 der a positive guarantee to cure constipn- X. J., Daily Post, tiou, sick headache, stomach trouble, or mutiy kiuiis of me any form of indigestion. If it fails, the colds in my fatuity manufacturers refund your money. What good as Foley's lie more can any one do, say too much in pi ' ' 7 rices down so that the ed the room for the new - ii be arriving, and you attractive prices we are ic along and lets do busi m - - - - ST THING . t is our entire line of Ladies Des at actual Cost, we have ; Ladies consisting ot Oxtlso some beauties in Sailor *se Shoes, as they are the \LE OF SILKS. retty patterns to close out, ho comes a rare opportunity nally low figures. OD DEPARTMENT ry fine patterns that we are t fail to look this departe sorry. /ASH GOODS > they were bought cheap ? 13 cents, but we are not got, and will sell them as long ^ and very much cheaper same rrnnHc - f' ^ ?wv* J 1 Vjl IUU(IV> 1 BROIDERIES, ?S, we have a big line and ns, be sure to look this over. AVE A LINE OF JEWELRY, nd little things so necessary for as these days. 'S DEPARTMENT, jht weight goods that we are makyou a b bargain if we have your ng this season than we have ever mr business, Why ? Because we terns shown, and this will tell, and oom to go into detail through all of are you that we will sell you as i considered. We want your trade, icre for all time to come, and we leaiings. We have been in busiirs and we think we have merited e that the public generally have PlnfVi 1 ncr ^~ t."1 * i imw, vj^iils I- urnisnings, re, and Groceries of every kind and n any of the above lines. Yours respectfully, anlile Company. -00 7 "B REWARD! per's Monthly.) ? We will pay a liberal reward go in a Western to the person or persons finding 1 chanced to oh in the city of Lancansteramore iiman with alive complete and up-to-date livery ti,0 business than ours. Rubber im . tire buggies and stylish horses, rking and gobbling ... J . . , , We have a few mules left. I way, a racket to ighman <lid not at T>TTrtrtTT7C! articular iiuice.? BUCjCfliilO er, the disturbance We se? the followingbuggies: r. nerves. <imnK pjedmont) Uock Hill, Iiatterdtein ih? side, he man> A. Wrenn & Sons, Taylor Cannedy and Tyson & Jones. W liat ? the mat , Every one 0f them guaranteed anyhow ? Why | 10 J.UI IUUUH1S. fillI to walk whin ''nrr-v v >" wagons ersey Editor says sejj t}ie Virginia, Nissetl litor of the rhilllpsburg, ? writes: "I have used and Cai'Ver. ilicines for coughs aud xra?rib;:!z heath-elliott mule co. raise of it "