The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 10, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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H 6 Hicks on the Weather. His Predictions for this Month?Storms and Hurricanes Forecasted. (From th** Chicago Record Herald.) St. Louis.?AH August, this month, three days of which have been cloudy, chilly and rainy, ji'st as lie foretold, promises to be rather stormy, according to the predictions made by the Key. Irl R. Hicks in his almanac Electrical out1 ur-ts are likely to he revere, and 'or 111? close of the month are predicted 4<c< unter equinoctial storms out of the Northwest, followed hy a sharp change to cooler" From the 12th to 14th threatening conditions will prevail, when rain, thunder and wind will touch many localities in their eastward sweep. The fore caster says some divisions will get heavy downpours, but the general shortage in rain will not be relieved. Storm condition* also will be prevalent 011 the 17th{to 19th, when Southern sectirms will he suhiect toecuntor ial rain storm*, hut it will ht bluster and thunder, with onl) moderate and scattering rain. The crisis ot the full moon period will fall on the 23rd to tin 26i h, when severe summer storms may he expected. A seisrnh period is predicted from the 21s to 26th, in relati ti to which tin Rev. Mr. Hicks Says: "Walcl telegraph reports." lie add' that a change to "much coo e will follow severe electric s*orm on and touching the 25th an< 26th. Following this date seriou disturbances are predicted to Southern regions. "The probabilities are," say Mr. Hicks, ''that West India bur ricanes will appear in the seat south of ourcoasts during the las ten davR of August, and thes< storms are apt to touch the (Jul and South Atlantic coasts abou the last three days of the month Mr. Ilicks qualifies the predi< tion by saying the storms ma not appear until September, add ing: 4,No harm can result froi watching indications and holdin 0 io's affairs in businesslike shapi especially along the regions ej posed to such visitations." Smith Signs Prohibition Bil Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 7.?A larj. crowd of enthusiastic Prohih tionists today watched Goverm Hoke Smith attach his olfi i; signature to the prohibition b 1 The new law is effective Januai 1, 1908. First Open Cotton Boll i Negro's Crop. Bamberg special in Wedne day's Sta'e : The first < '?! bod of the season whr pick* here yesterday in a cotton fie near town. Mr. Fred Free four the boll in a fie'd belonging lo negro named Breeland. The be wii8 well formed and opeix wide. Reports Irorn the low part of the county state that c< ton bolls are bursting rapidl and that a bale of cotton will I marketed in a week or two. IE1E In Memory of Robert N. Estridge. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled A room is vacant in our home That n-ver can bo filled God in His wisdom has recalled I'lie boon His love hud given. And though the bodv slumbers now, We hope the soul is safe iu heaven. Call not buh the dear departed; Anchor* d sale where stoi ins are over. In 'he border land he left us. tv. ii to meet and part no more. r* ? - - 1 1-1 rnr ot'xon.l uiir. nunu <>? ii.m.jjc-, Far beyond this world or care, \V<* shall find ottf missing loved one In our Father's mansion fair. Asleep in .Jesus, blessed sleep. From which none ever wake* to weep. A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last or foes. \ sleep in Jesus far from thee Thy kindred and ilnir graves may be. lint thine is still a blessed sleep From w hich none ever wakes to weep. Peaceful be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in fliy grave so low. Thou no more shall join our number, '1 hon no more our sorrows know. Ytt again v.e hope to meet the When the day of life is fieri | And lieavm with joy to greet thee. Where no farewell tears are shed. His Loving Mother and Father. . ? One Killed and Others Hurt by Lightning. Newberry special iti the News Courier : Yesterday about 3 o' clock in the afternoon lightning , struck a tenant home on Mr. 11. T T.->?I ..I ww* 7 Tnurn. I I. ICIICl o |/IU\ c 1I? . ship, instantly killing Johm . Pinckney, a colored man, who , was sit tint: on the door steps of , one of the rooms to the house. There was no rain and a very few clouds were visible at the time. The house was covered with metal roofing and it is thought , this, probably, fayed the house t from burring. Two other negroes and a small child of Pinekney's ( were sitting on the steps with him. Will Turner, one ol them, 8 wis injured in the leg from t! e shock and had his leg badly j burned. Arthur Stevens, the s other negro man. was also injured in the same way. The little girl was knocked under I he steps, but was not hurt. William Carter, who was standing in the yard, was knocked dow n, but not seriously injured. William By.-<1 was in one of the rooms eating j bis dinner and was not seriouslj hurt. The llo >r in the room was 1 torn up and ho received quite ? 1 shock. neguiaras me nun y is an expression t?s old us the race. N< |_ doubt the rising and setting of the sun i tin- most regular performance in the uni 1) verse, unless it is the action ot the live and bowels when reflated with i>r King' ^ New Life Tills. Guaranteed by J F Mac a key an<i Funderburk Pharmacy. Druggist 'i-lc. t Texas Town Shot up by Ne gro Troops now Afflictec II with Dengue Fever. re j New Orleans, La , Aug. 8.? tj. What amounts to a quarantim _jr by New Orleans apainst Brown, : Ville, Texas, where dengue leva 1 is reported, was announced lo night. Marine Hospital, Slatt ry ; and city health officials i-?suei j the regulation altera consultn lion, deciding that ail person arriving from Brownsville mus [ !'ne kept tinder suiveillance tin i til six days have elapsed afte j t heir departure Tom Brownfl.! ville ,n Brown-ville advice - say t.her B(j have been about KM) ea-es i 1,1;""" ui cnaorsca r>y ine tounty. ' The most popular remedy in Otsej ! 1 onnty and tin- beat friend ot my family ,|J I writ, s Wm. M Di> t/ editor and publish' of the Ot??'oo Journal, (iilbertsville, V V | -'is |)r Kind's New iJifccnvery. It lias pr ? < <! to be an iofalliahle cure for onuyl " and colds, milking short work of the wor i|_ ot them. We always keep a hottle in tl house. I believe it to be the most valnab y, prescription known for Luny; aud Tliroi diseases.' (iuaranteed to never dianppoil ^ the taker by J. F. Maokeyand Funderbui Pharmacy. I>ru^ store. Price toe. at $1.(10. Trial bottle free. * f LA.NOA6TI- R NtCWS, AUGUST Ideal Business College. Th?? right way to learn .Business is through actual business transactions A course iu Llook-ket ping taught in this wav has superior advantages over all other systems No more theory,?everything practhul and realistic. Enroll anytime?no vacation?no class? Day and night school. Interested parties are welcome to visit the school and see our now uud copyrighted system of commercial traiinug For nartieulars and further lcformation call at or write to the Ideal ltnsineus ''ollogo, Heath Springs, S O. Great Summer Discount. Rare Opportunity. Daring tlie months of July and August we offer a libera'Miscount for the benefit of th"?? who can not afford to leave their work longer than a month This places a business training within the reach of all. Do not neglect this opportunity now and wish later that yon had taken advantage of it Satisfaction guarantees or uinuey back. Write now - don t leluy. Ideal UnnineHH College. Ileath Nprirgs, S. O. The Secret of A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Now Revealed I FREE i What beauty is more desirable than an ex , (juisito coiuplexion and elf^nnt jewels. ! An opportunity for every woman to obtain both, for a lin?ite<l time only. t he directions mid recipe for obtaining a faultless complexion is the secret 1< ng | guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. This we obtained after years of work and ut great expense. It is the method used by the fairest and most beautiful women i ( of Europe, j Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed their Relight and 1 satisfaction. This secret [is easilv understood and ( simple to follow and it will save yon tho expeuse of creams, cosmetics, bleaches 1 and forever give you a beautiful complex ion and free your Hkin from pimples, bad ( color, blackheads, etc. It alone is worth to yon many times the price we ask yon to scud for the genuine diamond ring of I latest design. r We sell you this ring as one small profit abote manufacturing cost- The price is ' less than one half what others charge, j l'he recipe is tree with every ring. I It is a genuine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed, very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiflany setting of 1 IKt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost considers ably more than^$'J 00. W. konlirnl mmiiLviAn "" '??" JW.I mi? UCOU.I.U. Wu.|?. s reeipe free when your order is received lor ring and $.00 in money order, stamps m bills. (Set your order in before our sup ply is exhausted. This ofter is inude for a limited time _ only as a means of advertising and intjo during our goods. ^ Send today before this opportunity forgotten. T. C. MOSELEY _ 32 East 23rd Street, Now York City. 0 r TIT^ TIT^ ' ? women for collectinc : ? K " names and selling oar novel. JL All 1111 ties, wo give l>ig Premium , ! send your name to lay for our new plan of lag profits with little work. Write today. l" j Addrfkm T. M()SKI.KY Preminir do s partment, :t2 K. 23rd Street New York CP; it < -22-3 inog. Deafness Cannot be Cured i by localjipplioationa, as they cannot read 1 the diseased j>ortion of the ear. There 1 p j only one way to cure deafness, and that i by constitutional remedies. Deafness i 11 canned by an inflamed condition of th mucous lining of the Kustachi in Tube When tins tube is inlliiuod you liave i rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, am when it is entirely closed, deafness is th !" | i?- nit and unless tin inflaimuation can b ; taken out and this tube restored to its n^i [ r rnal condition, hearing will be destroya . I forever; nine cases out of t<'n are caused b o- < atarrh, which is nothing but an infiame< is c >ndition of lie ninoons surfaces st We will give One Hundred Dollar* fo ie any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh le that cannot be cured by Hall's f'atarr at Curo. Send for circulars, free, "t F, -1 ''honey A* Co , Toledo, O rk Sold by Druggists, 75c k' Take Hall's Family Pills for constipn lion, 1 10, 1901. b(6)RE LUI 0(0)RE SHI 0(0)RE DO( BLINDS, MOUL 200,000 feet finished lumber, $17.1 150,000 feet rough lumber, $13.50 200,000 shingles, $3.00 to $4.00 pe 1 car load doors, sash and blinds. If you anticipate build time. Building matt ually advancing. MOORE LUMBER 7~~ Tj " 1WW* -<W * Hr 3fiH ***** Fine Frenci Capucin, 4069, the Imported stand tne present season at the Str Capucin is a superb animal, ba foaled May 28, 1902. Bred by M. vados. .Sired by the Government by Galba, 2d dam Gastadoure by G If you want to raise fine stock Heath-Elliott Mi Lancaster, S. C., April 26, 1907. IMXITtt IT Ill A A^AVb For the next fe going to make pric< Mens $5.00 Oxfords Mens 3.50 Oxfords Mens 2.50 Oxfords Ladies #3.00 and #3.50 Ladies #2.50 Oxfords Few odd lots in ladies 1 > to go at some price?75c ar 500 yds white 15 and 20c - t - 1 1 Jiverytning 111 coioreu - goods can be had from m; ? on everything in the shape Just received line of ti good things in these. See * picked over. y Yours (i ; Funderburk Iv !l?. * . V VLBER, NGLES, T DRS, SASH, DING, ETC. 50 to $30.00 per 1000 feet. > to $17.50 per 1000 feet. ;r 1000. All kinds and prices. ing, now is the irial is contin& MFG CO. a . ^ . SuL > jg^Hr. jtnBj^HREjjSp^^^^^K ,T*i* . .* ' * 4^ RF MHtiMfc* iff M * ,??V. < ,. &> M'L?ik-??I.IMBI< 11 1 Stallion French Coach Stallion, will ibles of the undersigned, y, star, both hind feet white; Foutaine, Department of CalStallion Tyrol, dam Fugitive astadour. , now is your opportunity. A ?3 ne uompanij. -?? STING vs w weeks we are 3S as follows: S3-75 2.50. 2.00. uxtords - - 2.00. 1 -75white and black Slippers id up. Lawn to go at Old Prices. lawns at less than same mufacturer. Cut prices of clothing, notion samples?some them before they are all Respectfully, Company