Mftyrri. , fjsyk' sv^yT^[* -*v-" v V " 4 The Lancaster News. Semi-Weekly. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays At Lancaster, s. c., By The Lancaster Publishing Company. Charles T. Connors, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATIOS. One Year fl.W) SI* Muntlis "ft Vhree Month* Payable lu advance. ADVERTISING RATES. One inch, iirni insertion. ri.w. ivu n suosojuent insertion nil corns. For ihreo mouths or longer, reduced rates. Professional curds, per year, SI Business notices, Transient Advertisements, Lost and Found, uml other classified advertisements not exceeding Co words, Cft cents for each insertion: I cent a word (or each additional word over 2o words. Obituaries, Tributes of respect, cards of thatiks and all matter of a personal or political nature to be charged for. Advertising rates by the column made known on application. Itrief correspondence oti subjects of renoral interest Invited. Not responsible for views of correspondents It E. \VYI,115, PitrsibKNT. JN'O. A. COOK, sko'v. ami Tubas. J. M. HI DOLE, Jit., Bcsinkss Entered as second-class mutter, Oct. 7, IPOs, j at the postofllce at Eitncaster S C.. under Act of Congress of March 3. IP7P Saturday, Aiuust 10, 1007. In Philadelphia a f?oat chewed r IV t he tails ot Policeman Gilbert's coat while the oilicer was watching a pair making l'>ve. Which shows that the Philadelphia is not always asleep, anyhow.? A 11 ir11of ? rtlirniiiclo Was it a pair of goats making love? Say, Mr. Mayor Pro Tern., why not plan an agreeable surprise for the mayor on his return to Lancaster? Have a whole lot of work done on the streets, and we'll guarantee that he will wear a four in-liand smile for a mon th after he gets back home. John 1). Rockeleller is quoted | as saying that Judge Landis will be a long time dead belore Standard Oil pays that big tine. The chauces are that. John I), himself will be where there is no market for his kerosene ere tile courts get through with the octopus. Editor Higham, of the Chester Lantern, though a dignified, devout psalm singer, has a streak of innocent humor in him as long! as Magistrate Caskey's spinal : cord, lie republishes our leebh* remarks about hell and peek-aboo waists, Eve and her bathing j suit, etc., under the head of "Fashion Notes." The Chester Reporter, one of our most valued exchanges, lias not paid a visit to this office lately. What's the matter ? Is it possible that Bro. Bigham, of the Lantern, is iaid up for repairs, on account of too intimate acquaintance with those "respectable looking'" apples somebody sent him, and that his local contemporary has had to take a few davs cff to sit up with him ? Now that crops have been "laid by" and labor, in consequence, i> plentiful, we renew our suggestion to Council to increase the street working f >rce. There is a lot of work that ought to be (lone before the (all and winter rains set in, both on sidewalks and streets. Why not start up the street plow and the rock crusher? There are numerous holes in the streets that should be filled, and . ' ' i;c Hp*. ~ *- .* ,-.r > '..mj "" >. 5KV*/-SB.?$ ' 'Cc ' . THE LA there are many pavements needing attention equally as bad-.? Even the sidewalks that were graded and graveled, or rocked, last year are in miserable condition, the soil having been washed oir. leaving exposed rough, jagged stones that make walking intensely disagreeable. HIGH SCHOOL QUESTION. AGAIN. ! Col. A. R. Banks, superintendent of Lancaster's graded schools, who, as previously noted in The News, is spending a tew weeks in Columbia, where he is engaged in writing an educational history of South Carolina, writes the editor as follows in relation to the proposed high school in Lancas ler : "Prof. Hand, of University of South Carolina, has written to you in reference to the High School. From what he says, a high school can be secured at i Lancaster without a cent of ex-i Jtra levy. The only requirement, he says, is to havo one or more adjacent school district, or one or more townships by vote express a willingness to coopera'ej with theLaucaster Graded School District in this matter. If thi--1 is true, and it must b> true, or Prof. Hand, who has given the Act a careful study, would not j make the statement, there seems nothing in the way oi having a State High School at Laucaster. Should one be established, the1 State High School Hoard would I annronriate from $700 to $800. I a sum sullicient to employ a good ! teacher and equip a Business or : Industrial Department. It will , be well, at least, to investigate the matter." We sincerely hope that the matter will be taken up tit once by our people. It it is possible for us to enlarge the graded school's 1 present high school department j without any additional cost wh itover, we would be standing in our own light not to do so. li would also be a great thing for { Lancaster to have a business and ! industrial de* irtment. in the school. It appears that the State stands ready to furnish the necessary money lor these additional | advantages. Shall we take what is offered us ? THE HON. GEO. W BROWN. The many friends in Lancaster, where ho was born and reared, will be pleased to learn that Col. Geo. W. Brown, ol Darlington,' will be a candidate for Congress ! in bis district next ye ir. A man of high sense of honor, a ripe lawyer and patriotic citizen, an j experienced parliamentarian, ele- ' quent and loreeiul speaker, and with a proper appreciation ?f '.he needs of the country, Col. Bfowii would make an ideal representative ol the people in the halls of Congress. Referring to Col. Brown's prospective candidacy for Congress, the Darlington correspondent of the Charleston News and Courier says: ' Of course, many changes m ?y fake place in the next twelve months and the minds of men may change, but at the present time the friends of the Hon Oeorge W. Brown are saying | it ? I ! it - -- - > ' inn ne m in'j man 10 in ?k? uie1 race, ami in an interview wilh Mr. Brown he did not deny that he intends to run. The fact is lie confirmed the rumor, and said that unless there vvete some developments between now and this time next year that he knows not of now, he would be in the race Mr. Brown is one of the lead-i NCASTEK NEWS, AUGUST 1 ing lawyers of the State, is chair ma?: of the Darlington Bar Association, hasrserved in the Legislature and alter serving two terms or eir*ht vears in the Son r> * ? at'?, voluntarily retire'* last year. Several years ago Mr. Brown matte the rare for solicitor, but lost it to tlie la e J. M. Johnson. He will receive the hearty support of the people of this cunt), and, it elected, will make a rep resentative that not only the whole district but the State will be proud to own. He is cordial, courteous and a gentleman." Chester Editor Oets Some ** Itespeciable Lookittf/" Apples at Last. Mrs. A. G. Brice has sent The Lantern a number of quite respectable looking apples, one 01 them pretty large. It is refreshing to see how much fruit is in Chester county ? more than in York and Lancaster both. In tact, if this thing continue we me to ?li? "cheer." feinee we continue to b(if/of Veterans* Reunion. Air Editor: The people oi Flint Ridge section are looking forward with pleasure to Aug 22 the day for old Soldiers' Reunion. The Flint Ridge council No, 12, .J. 0. U. A. M wish to extend an invitation t Months Subscription to 'J 1 Year's Subscription to Tl 2 Years' Subscription to Tl 3 Years' Subscription to Tl CONTEST CLOSES The News r To the Voting Business Manager. Enclosed And $ ^ subscription to The News. This entitles me to cast i Miss or Mr* of If new subscription sign here 11 old subscription sign here WRITE I'L vr Till vote will not he counte ~~????????????-??? one of the bucket*; but the last ' t bucket of water brought to the top contained, strange to relate, a live fish ! How it got there is ; w J , indeed a mystery, lor Air. Green , 1ms never stocked his drinking , water supply with things pisea- ; torial or otherwise. Neither was ' I it "rained down" from a cloud overhead, lor the well is a coy( ered one. The fish is of the I perch variety, and is still alive, ' | Master Frank, Mr Green's little son, haying taken charge of it to ( I raise as a pel. j If Mr. Green doe oi't put a lock . on his well now he m iv look out 1 -ome night aud see Ex-Editor ! Carter and Ex-Auditor Cook!' I je ched on the windlass, fishing ( for perch, their long suit. . By the way, the editor drew > something out of his joint well, ? too, besides water, yesterdav i morning. lie called Mr. Ed. ( Allison, one ol the owners of the ! well, to see the ' catch," which ( was a deal rat. But Air. Allison I gazed at the deceased rodent, with t sucli an intensely solemn,runereai i air that the poor thing actually ( stopped making a noise like a corpse for several minutes. ( How the Candidates Stand in The yeian' Totitif/ Contest. District No. 1. f Miss Clarice Knight, 5820 1 4< Sadie Gregory, 5040 ' 44 Ethel Dabney, 965 " Flonnie Fundeiburk, 370 1 District No. *2. Miss Lillie \lohlev, 1640 c 44 W illio Dratfin, 110,. i District No. 3. >i Miss Macey Lathan, 58*20 ' 14 Pearl l'lvler, 4360 c 44 Mary H. Green, 2185 I 44 Mettie Knight, 60 I Contest.. for years votes ami 1 hereby oast them for ... District No AINL.Y. il, if not ilileil out fully. Bouquet for Bro. Blackmon ? Made a Fine impression in Camden. Wale tee Messenger: Following the dedication ol their new church last Sunday, the Second Baptist Church congregation had a revival service, two services being he'd daily. The meetings slotted Friday night. The pastor was assis'ed in the sorvices by Rev. K. J. Blackmon, of Lancaster. Mr. Blackmon is a very earnest and forceful preacher and we feel sure his labors here resulted in groat good A la lv a'ter hearing him make a la'k on Sunday morning remarked that .lio llln.l 111 1.1 ll.l IV'IJ >1 Llllli.lrir . v/ - . ?%^v? ...... f ?IV " C* little man. A d as un addition, il tribute to liim we might add ;lint the 1 mger ho preached and :he longer lie stayed here the :>!g.rer lie got in the estimation of ill tho-e who heard him. He eemed to he a thoroughly consecrated man, and is a pleasing speaker. Before the meeting jiosed about lorty were added to he church; some of whom hv jertilicnte. The sacred rite of baptism will he administered to he candidates Sunday evening, Aug 11th, at 4:30 o'clock, at the 'actory mill race. 3an't Drink I iquor on Train in Texas. Palestine, Texas, Aug 8. ? The iret arrest, and conviction under 1. ? 1 - i. : ? no i iw ? misdemeanor odrirk liquor on a train in this ;ta'e was made when a white nun was lined #1 lor committing he offence. The man was coming in on the louthbound train, and when a hort way ouf of Palestine took i drink out ot a bottle he h?d n his pocket. While he was IrinkitiK a state ranger who hap)ened to be on the same car, daced him under arrest. t s