The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 10, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Mi* mwufti J t'- J JF1 W -' '' v''"A*ia*What is a high School? Paper Issued by the Educa tional Campaign Committee of South Carolina. 1. A high school is a school for boys and girls who have real-j ly mastered the common school branches ot study, a<, least through the seventh grade, or seventh school year. 2. To enter a high school a pupil should have completed geography and cram mar school arithmetic, and should have a good start in history and English grammar. A cood start in algebra or Latin, if not in both, is desirable. 3. In hich a school such subjects as advanced arithmetic, English grammar and composition, algebra, history, ami Latin are met in the first year of the course of study, j 4. A high school i6 a school for pupils who have reached at least their fourteenth year of age, and have been to school from fifiy to seventy months, or have done an equivalent in study. 5. It is a school for pupils old enough and trained enough to begin to do some independent thinking in their studies. 0. A school in which the pti pils aie studying. tor the first time percentage in arithmetic, have recently begun formal English grartimar, and are yet studying elementary history and common school geography, cannot in any sense be called a high school. 7. A school of forty pupils ranging from first reader to the beginning of algebra and Latin, is not a high school. 8. A school of young immature boys and girls studying three or four grammar school studies and just beginning one or two high school subjects, is not entitled to be called a high school. 9. Ten and twelve-year old pupils are not, as a rule, able to grapplo with high school work. 10. A high school is a school in which the teachers have had 3^ training in some school of higher i.. ,.1 ~ ?:n . grrtuc lllttll n vumgr ur lOWII graded school. 11. It in a school in which the teachers have mastered the subjects ?hey offer to teach before they have classes in these subjects. 12. It is a school in which the course or courses of study are regularly laid down and systematically followed. 13. A school that has a class of beginners in Latin one year, two or three pupils in algebra the next year, and a pupil in geometry the third year, is not a high school, nor would it be correct to say that it has a high school depart inent. 14. A high school is one in which the recitation periods are long enough to permit some systematic work. The State Board of Education rightly puts the minimum at forty minutes. High school work cannot bo done in recitation periods of lilteen ami twenty minutes. 15. A high school, like any other school, must have in it enough teachers to do the required wovk. For one teacher to THE undertake to teach a three-year high school is ab-olutelv impossible ; lot one teacher to undertake to teach a tour-year high school i? utterly absurd. 1(>. A standard high school offora Vno**o /x f 4 " ' i " v?q ivui ,? cui" KJI ? i?irv tu 11 ?? I-*11 pils. However, a good threeyear high school is better than an itherior four year course. 17. An efficient high school fully prepares its pupils to enter any of the regular courses in any college of standard grade, or it prepares those not going to college to outer some vocation with some degree ot special fitness. A pupil well-prepared in a two year high school may enter some coUogeteouree without conditions That means that that college if doing high school work?eithei from necessity or from choice. 18. A good modern high school in addition to full preparatory course" for college entrance, otfers courses preparatory to en tering industrial, commercial, and domestic life. The large majority of high school boys and girls will never go to college: these pupils need hicrh school o courses fitting them to enter life as much as the other pupils need courses fitting them for colleire. 10. A pood modern high school must fit a few for college entrance and must lit all in some degree for vocational lite and for pood citizenship. 20. A high school with adequate range of courses of study will attract and hold the boys at well as the girls. WARNING I! you have kidney and bladder trouble and do not use Foley's Kidney Cure, yoi will have only yourself to blame for results as it positively cures all forms of kidnei and bladder diseases. "Not CatchinV' A county school teacher is m?ny times the recipient of some extremely amusing questions and replies from the pupils under ner. Preceding the following incident a diphtheria epidemic had been raging in a certain young lady's district, and although the authorities had success in getting it under control, they were still somewhat strict concerning illness in the neighborhood. One of the rules laid down was ihat no pupil was to attend school, until after an examination had been made, if any one of the immediate family were taken ill. However, one morning a little girl approached the young wo man with the following : "My ma she's sick this mornin,' but she said I had to go t? school jest the same," "Why, you know you shouldn't | have come," said the teacher i *41111 tiI the doctor had reporfcec the matter, so 1 shall have U send you home. Well," the child replied, "it'f jest a new baby up to our house anyway, and ma said -she thought it wasn't catchinV' It's needless to say that thf child stayed.?(). I). S. / ''Everybody ShouldlKnow" HftyH O, <t. Hays, a prominent huainrx. man of HlnfT, Mx, that Hueklen'H Arnica Salve in tlio quickest and xnrext healing saive ?vor applied to a sore, barn or wound or to a case of pilex I'vo used it ami knov what I'm talking about." Guaranteed l>> F P Mackuy and Punderburk i'liaruiacj Druggists 25c. LANOASTKK NKWS. AUGUST 10 1907. SPEC Hoi Weather wv VI VVVVHIVI White Lawn Waist for 90 cents. Ladies Whife Lawn Shirt Waist, beautiful styles in long : or short sleeves, good quality sheer white Lawn and trimmed with insertion and val lace, the best #1.25 waist sold: Special price 90 cents Ladies' White Linonette Wash Walking Skirts. 1 These Skirts are made of white linen finish linonette, are < I easily washed, several new st)i 1 les in pleated and tucked effects; prices, 95 cents, #1.35, $1.65 and $1.95. 1 Specials In White Goods. 1 Wash Chiffons, 48 inches wide, beautiful sheer quality and sells for 50 cents, special 1 for this sale 35 cents the yard. Fine Persian Lawn, 45 inches wide. 25 cts. quality, 20 cts. yd. Fine check Dimities worth 15 cents, in short lengths 10 to 20 yards: your choice in the lot 10 cents the yard. , Good white lawn 30 inches 1 wide, 5 cents the yard. '' 35 cts fine lingerie at 25 cts. White lingerie, 38 inches wide, special price for 10 days, 25 cts. ( yard. White dress linen for ladies suits, all pure linen, 36 ' 1 , inches wide, worth 35 cts, quick 1 sale price, 25 cts the yard. Palm leaf Fan free to each customer. < 1 r Peoples Supp I LANCAST] >1 This is Headquarters Cold W( - For Pianos and Organs jVjgy Yoii want a sweet toned ami a dur U able instrument. One that will last a long, long life time |Y I Our prices are lowest, consistent V with quality ' Our References: Any bank <>r rep- jmmm I utable business house in Columbia. ? n ^ Write us for catalogs, prices and /Yll OUT ' '"iwalone's Music House, Nobl>y now #2. ,| Columbia, a. u. tlon_ Have no ,| UUR LIGHT Dr. J. H. YVKLSH, _ M . The $6. DENTIST. The $5, Office in Kramons Baihling op- The .$4, posite Firat National Bank. And so Phone No. 8. Our $1! L A NC A ST EK, S. C. (A)u l\ $1 { And so 1 - All we ask i { mw for themselves. r TVin Nou/Q 1)068 Job Printing r > j 111C llCnO for others. Why MCLfl j can't we do yours? ? ? ? ? ? ?' 3 ilAfc n < 3 Bargains! White Lingerie Parasols at Half Price. All our White Lingerie Parasols, embroideried, trimmed, bamboo handles; special prices, 75 cents, $1.25 and $1.50. Figured Lawns, Dimities and Organdies for Hot Days. New assortment of summer lawns and Organdies, 12 1-2 cts quality at 8 1-2 cts the yard. 1 lot lawns, light and dark colors, worth 10 cents; your choice in the lot 5 and 7 cts yd. Belts. Tan and brown be1t<= match your traveling suit, twenty-five, thirty-five and fifty cents. Hmbroideried wash belts, 10 cts. A pretty assortment of gold Swastika waist pins. Swastika Pearl Belt Buckles, A new line of back combs, ten, fifteen, twenty-five and fifty cents. Try the new Hairlight crown and side puffs. The latest effect in hair dressing. This artistic effect obtained in a minute, price fifty cents. Men's negligee shirts in good styles and patterns, slightly damaged, worth fifty cents; your choice in the lot twentyfive cents. Onp 1 aK .... ? ? ' ? * win, jv/u iwt, U1 1I1C11 5> piUllS) worth from two dollars to two fifty; special for this sale, seventy-five cents to one dollar and a quarter. ly Company ER, S. C. :ather in April and Brings Big Bar= ains in June. mmmmmmmmamtmoHammmmm Straw Hats must be sold. Our $3.00 25. All other grades cut in propor>t space to quote prices. WEIGHT CIOTHING AND PANTS UST ALSO BE SOLD. ,00 kind, now $4.00. ,00 kind, now $3 50. ,00 kind, now $3.00. on down. 2.50 suits, now $0.50. 0.00 snits, now $8.00. on down. s for the purchasing public to come and see rdell & Allison Bros.