> . The Lancaster News LEDGER 1852 REVIEW 1878 ENTERPRISE 1891 VOL. 2. NO. 87. SE/WI-WEEKLY. LANCASTEtt, S. C., AUGUST 10. 1907 uoici- pii/p n=wrc ncn Big Thing for ChesterfieldIts Vast Granite Interests to be Developed. Monroe special in Charlotte Observer: The Palmetto State Granite Company, officered bv citizens of Monroe and with its business office here, has just been chartered under the laws of South Carolina and is capatalized at $100,000. The company was or ganized to develop the lar^e bodies of granite lyin?? in the northwestern section of Chester PAIint.v Si (1 ?? ?.1 i 1. ? .v. vvv? V T t v. t*iiu IV/I i ll'O purpose it took over a large tract of land owned by the Chester field Land -rlRv hio dead body was found hanging to J a trve in front of the jail. Several negroes who had indicated their displeasure were to-day ordered to leave town. Young Man Drowned. Spartanburg special in the Observer: James li bbs?, aged 20 years, white, was drowned in a pond ?>n Mr. Hughes Means' place, several miles from this city yesterday. Hie young man ^ was seized with cramps and cried out for help, but before aid could reach him he perished in the wyter. t Mistook His Wife for a Burglar and Killed Her. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 8.?Between 11:30 aiul 12 o'clock la-riiJHM 10 ! IIP effect that 1 lie deceased came to i>is death as the result of a blow Irom Rome kind ol a blunt inatrumenfc unknown to the ju ry' I Double Tragedy in Asheville--Man Kills Landlady and Himself. Ash -villa special in Charlotte 1 Observer: A terrible tragedy wn j enacto I here this morning short ly alter 10 o'clock, when U >b ' ert Munlock, a wliito man 45 years of age, with a wife and 9? v oral children, sho; to death Mrs. | Laura Hay, proprietress of the "Success Inn," a larfie ?>o r iinj: house of this city, and then turned the weapon 011 himself and! sent three bullets into his heart. The only motive that can bo assigned for I he murderer's fearful act wasadebtdue him by Mrs. Kay and temporary insanity lrom the effects of drink. r^omestic Tragedy--North Carolina Farmer Murders His wife. Seini i special in Charlotte Obterver: R insom Godwin, a wellto-do white farmer, 65 years old, at his homo five mile* west of Kenlv, a small and remote place in Johnston county, last night about 9 o'clock shot, and killed his wife without, any real cau^e lor the deed, so those who know the family say. She was his third wife, he haying married her about four years ago. From the union two children survive the mother. Mrs. Godwin was 35 years of aire. Shortly after the marriage ol the couple the husband began to drink and kept it. up till his treatment of his wife bocame extremely cruel. Tuesday night he came home drunk and beat Mrs. Godwin with a stick till she was nearly unconscious. Last nifcht became home again-in the same condition. When he reached the house he called his wife to com? to the door and just as she stepped info the light where he could gefc a plain vriew of her he shot h?r down in coid blood. An Aged Georgia WomanOldest Daughter is 67 Years of Age. Quitman, Ga., Aug. 9.?A rather remarkable case of long, evity is that of Mrs Sarah Taylor of Thomas county, who is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. I. N. Johnson. Mrs. Taylor is 97 years old and is still quite active and alert, her physical and mental powers being preserved in a remarkable degree. Her eyesight is good and she devotes much of her time to "piecing quilt*," an oc oupation much in tavor with tl women of the past generation. Mrs Taylor was married in 1833, the year made memorable by the wonderful meteoric shower and which has always been referred to since by all who witnessed it as the year the stars fell. She has a vivid and distinct recollection of that wonderf.,1 diu.do" - - - 1 . VI* v.. VI lUCiri'.'N, aiiU ()| i tliH fear Mini alarm of those who believed that the end of all earthly tilings whs at hand. Mrs. Taylor lived with her bus hand sixty-'.wo years, Mr. I'avlor having dierl twelve years ago I She had nine children, seven of them living, the oldest being 07 years old. Sho has forty grandchildren and fifty-nine greatgrandchildren. She 19 probably the o.d;-t person in Sooth Geor oja and her { hvsical and ni nt?1 condition for one so old is Iraly ri in irkable. Fifty Killed and Wounded. Berlin, Aug. 8. ? An express train bound to Berlin Irom Hamburg collided with n freight to o day, the trains being smashed into kindling wool, with fifty casualties resulting. Details are lacking, hut is known that sev eral Americans and Englishmen were in the wreck. i ? j Crazy Mother's Awful Deed I > --Strangled Babies to Death. Baltimore, Ml., Ati'^.S?The; atrocious murder of her l*o ba-| , bi^s by an insane mother thrilled | ^ Northeast Baltimore. ! Madness which has twice cans- , it) ed her to be confined to an asy- r.>] lura this morning again took pos- v, session of Mrs. Christine Nena- CQ dal, aged 20 years, the wife of " ' ai Joseph Nenadal, a wood worker vC employed in a wagon factory. With the cunning of a mind deranged she laid her plans to put ^ her little ones to sleep?for that j is what she believes she lias done. . * li; and no more. Leaving her little 4 daughter Mary, aged between 2 and 3 years, playing in the streets, she put. the younger of tj her children, Yarosalov, a year ^ and three months old, in its cat- , ' di riage and took it to a near'y park. Just what happened there is j j not known. VVtien che mother returned the little one in the so carriage was covered with leaves at and small branches, but a neighbor noticed that its lace was strangely pale. Mrs. Nenadal took both children into the house and carelu'ly closed all the doors and windows. A little later she went for a ^ friend, Mrs. Victoria Vala, and Q? rl II asked her to assist in dressing (ji the children. Returning the two women entered the dining room of the Nenadal home and there lying upon]the table, Mrs. Vala was horrified to find the naked " bodies of the two children, both 111 of them having been strangled at by their mother. P' The mother, when the police ^ ; were summoned, fondled the lit ^ tie bodies and gave them up only when forced to do so. Her OI one concern now seems lobe lest Jl cue cnutiren he awakened. She 1,1 repeatedly asks to have them brought to her, so she may guard a their slumbers. m ni Fatal Runaway in Texas. Houston, Tex , Au^. 8.?While m returning from prayer meeting last night near Lonview. a team driven by R (lib on became S Li f iahtened and scattered the ock i cupants along the roadwav, Olde TA Gibson, a boy asleep in the wairon was thrown out and kille, Va , und First Lout. George A. F. rutnbo, 12 ii United States (Jalilry. no' fzu l'y ??f the c'-artre of induct unb c nn n? an officer ltd 11 ffwlillomuii !?..? ? ?.. uui guuiy oi induct to too prejudice of good tier and military discipline in riling the following letter to is. Nettie Sims, in reference to 3r son, an enlisted man, who id served under him: Mrs. Sims, Clarksburg, W. Va. Dear Madam: It gives me eat pleasure to inform you, at your son, Esrl Sims, who is >out the most worthless scotin el that I ever saw, is a deserter om the United Slates army. I sincerely hope to see him beind the bars for at least two ars. Hoping this will be a mree oi condolence to you, I n? Vrery respectfully, Geo. A. F. Trumbo, % 1st Lieut. 12?b U. S. Calvary, Commanding Co. E." The sentence of the court was atTrumboshould b'^ reprimand1 by the reviewing authorities id be confined to the limits of e station at which he may be rving for two months. News in Brief. The Good UoadBConventionheld Spartanburg this week was well tended by citizens from various irts of the State. Gov. Ansel, -esuleiii Smith of the Cotton ssociation and others made adesses. All the speakers dwelt ? the necessity of the counties lilding good roads. ... A hotel an in riltsburg was killed aud s twin broth-?r fatally shot by Polish priest Thursday. . . .The miocraiic State executive coinit tee ot Mississippi has declared )hn Sharp Williams the party's Muinte lor the U. 8. Senate, s niajoiity over Gov. Vardaan being (>48... .T. S. WingId shot and hilled lus wife liursday in Roanoke, Va., and licided. . . . Four persons were lied and several injured in a ilroad wreck near Dal ton, Ga., lursday.... Lexiugton, this ate, had a big lire Thursday, veral buildings being destroy .. . . S. 1). Jones, colored post aster at IJeaufort, S. (J., is arged with embezzlement and akiug lalse returns. . . . Four irsons in >i rarri _ - ?? N/? w It 14 or an 1 ground to death by ? ecial tminin Now Jersey. Advertised Letters. fob Baker, W. A. Brown, Mag. ' Brown, Antor Boll, Altaretta )ok, Lizzie DicLon, John Km-on, J. B. 1' u derbu k, Willie imball, A iee Morgan. I). t\iewain, col., Jot If Mellwain, io I'ettell, Olar Rico, R. L. illian, Martain Rosborough, ivo Show, Oaov Thompson, ,liel Trueadel, Walter Webb, T. U/.ti. licit ?F ?lis. Jas. F. Hunter, P. M.