8 A Most Valuable Agi The glycorlno employed in Dr. medicines greatly enhances the n properties which it extracts frot medicinal roots and holds in much better than alcohol would, possesses medicinal properties of being a valuable demulcent, n antiseptic and ar.tifcrment. greatly to the efficacy of the Blacl bark. Itloodroot. Golden Seal ro< root and Queen's root, conta Golden Medical Discovery " in s chronic, or lingering coughs, hi throat and lung a flections, for all these agents are recommended b ard medical authorities. In all cases where there is a away of flesh, loss of appetite, wl stomach, as in the early stages sumption, there can he no doubt i cerinc acts as a valuable nutri aids the Golden Seal root. Sto Queen's root and Illack Cherr> promoting digestion and buildim flesh and strength, controlling th and bringing alfemt a healthy c of tho whole svstcni. Of course, not lie expected to work miracles, not euro consumption except in il stages. It will cure very sovei nate. naug-on, chronic coughs, b ami laryngeal troubles, and chr< throat with hoarseness. In acut it is not so effeetive. It 1- in the 1 hang-on coughs, or those of longs even when accompanied by bleedi lungs, that it bus performed marvelous cures. l'rof. Finloy Hllingwood, M. D. nett Med. College, Chicugo, says cerine: "In dyspepsia It serves an excellent fielding a fixed miuntity of tin? pe hydrogen In soluilon, it is one of mnnufart ured productsof the preset Its action iiDun enfeebled. disorder aciis, especially if there is ulceratb t&irlial gastritis (catarrhal lntlanu: stomach), it is a most efficient pre Glycerine will relieve many cases c (heartburn) and excessive gastric ( acidity." "Golden Medical Discovery " enrl purifies the Mood curing blotches, eruptions, scrofulous swellings and or ulcers. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierre, of Ituffn for free tiooklct telling all about tl medicinal roots composing this v modicluu. There is no alcohol in it. Man Dies of Frigh Anderson special in The Solicitor Hoggs arrived i city to day and brought tt < o( the rather unique de Mr. M. B. Waters of Br N. C., who lost his l?f< fright near Hickens ye*! It seems that Mr. ami Mi ter3 were driving out in tin try when their horse ! frightened and was rearin it's hind teet. Mr. Wati came frightened on acco his wile and collapsed, eight minutes later. The did not run hut tell back j jured Mrs. Waters slight 1; Tin1 White (FORM We beg to call attei C., to manage our Hotel t ment to you as well as th< Miss Lilian Hopper, and 1 arranged for plent y of M ing and many other amus The Livery business Fare will be only 25 cts. c either health or pleasure, As to our water, it consider it necessary to si shall be pleased to send y For rates and all infr For Cottage reservat Special week-end ti< week. Come and spend \ THE PIE # 0 y < l^ v THE _ - ? ent. Pierce's tcdlcinal '1 11 native tlu< solution ?on It also , has its own, Hys utrltive, pra It adds K : Cherry- Dai >t. Stone Ii ,lnud in ' the uhduinR ed i 'onchiai, I e ...i i .1. 'II ....II Ut WHICH 1 1 ^?o y stand- ?^ wasting >?^ th weak of con- I I that gly. /7s * tive and \U 110 roo*, bark in j np the Lj io couch ondition ( ) I it must Wl, n v:111 0 Ot 1 ts earlier o, olisii- ^ wot ronchial ",,s ?nlc soro i ')o o coughs ! wis ingcriug ' of i tundiug, bae ing from Its most j; ??: O O sb rn o v the best 1 ^-0 wat it lltne In tmmmM - J i... . ed stom- ' on or ca- t | 1 hi nation of >^s V nn rat ion. J-rt 0h< >f pyrosis IJU ? ? ? ; ? .stomach) C/j hut trai Iches and ( I ol,t pimples, old sores. r ilo, N. Y., ^ li Ho native - V V ronderful ? ~ stir; i m m ^ j i fret d) ,ln; CD tio' it. d) = ?Stale- I " this Me b new9 U t,?;< _4. a'li of \ 1 w>i wil evarci, in 3 from Pf.' eriiav. (J) s. wa. r+ J B CI. 11II- V became I of ?P?? fer ers be- lUlt pi?: unt ol iiui 1 iltlt dying ?ia horse rii md in- _ >' i I Diamond Lilliia S ERLY PIEDMONT & IS NOW OPEl ution to the fact that we have engaged Mi his season and are, therefore, in position t< e best of Table Fare. Mr. Hopper will >oth of them are acknowledged to be exce usie and there will be Dancing, Bowling, 1 >ement features. will be in charge of Mr. J. S. Wilkerson, < >ach way. We will positively meet all tra you will find both at our resort. is "THE WATER THAT'S GUARANTEI ay anything more about it. You know wl ou booklet giving testimonials from peopli >rmation about hotel, write to S. L. II ions and rates, write B. V. GAEFNEY, ( ckets at about one fare for round trip, wi 'our Sundays with us. MONT MINERAL SPRINGS KINGS CREEK, S. C. LANOASTE.t NEWS, JULY 20, 1907. Ideal Business College. 'he right way to learn Business is r>ugh actual business transactions A rse in Book-keeping taught in thin way supeiior advantages over all other teuis No mere theory,?oveiything etiial and realistic. Enroll anvtiuio?no vacation ?no class? t and night school. ntercated parties are wolcomo to visit school nud see our now and copyri. ht lysteiu of couinierctal trailing 'or particulars and further information ut or write to the Ideal Business f'ollege. Heath Springs, S C. . IKKIV ireai summer lmeuuni. X/JiiVkJMll Rare Opportunity. hiring the months of July and August offer a liberal discount for the benefit hose who can not afford to leave their k longer than a mouth I'lrs plnees a mess training within the rfnch of all. j A 11 QlTfYMTlPr I not neglect this opportunity now i>n contract to build the trestle *ast end of steel bridge to be built over ; Sugar < reek. Plans and specifications I be made known at the letting Bond 1 be required of the successful bidder double the amount of bid for faithful lorniance of contract. The right to ect any or all bids is reserved Li. .1 PERRY, t. County Supervisor. I'a* In 1'oiir Ileal ill For Years. ra W, Kelly, of Mansfield, Pa , writes: was in poor health for two years, sufing froui kidney and lludder troubles 1 spent considerable money consulting ysicians without obtaining any benefit. was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure UN UU M 1 1 desire to add my testimony that it JM JEsfi y be the cause of restoring the health of lers*. Retuse substitutes. Fnnderburk artuacv, IS gUSHlcd 1>V H* ('lireful. COIll i mi xt o That our people uppreciat Do votl take I IIP News . money, is evidenced by the general business. ~?'~~~~~~~I In- management given tin for the future of the bank an IP by not carry your accou Interest, compounder Certificates of Deposit. i|iriiigs Hotel PRING3) " A S3 p. S. L. Hopper, of GafTney, S. :> Guarrantee the best of treat- ).)Vw be assisted by lbs daughter, 1 lent hotel keepers. We have 'ennis, Croquet, Roller Skat- r I'gj- r l^n % )t Ilickory, S. C., and the l>us "TV"' 1 ins. If you are looking for J^JlOxC V21) TO CI? RE" and we do not 5rrAimf of int it will do ; if you dont we Wn account OI * in your own town. ,i i promptly wi r\T>r>tr*T> c? n * r * v/i x ljxc, ivui^js wecft, o. | JafFney, S. C. j H?A\ Y AI1C 11 be sold from your city each to FERGUSON j anything you get COMPANY, ' line of Heavy an times to fill all o those delays whi keeper. Give n (i E( t > tii ' : y ! * ! * f director-"as yon will find anywhere, e tIticonservatism, tins care tor the safety of their continued increase in our deposits and the growth of oar affairs of this bank by our board of directors speiks well d the prosperity of our patrons. nt with us ? 45?, I every three months, puid on Savings Deposits anil rst National Bank, niler Government Supervision.) Lancaster, 8. C. I It. E. M'YLIE, Vice-President, E. M. CKOXTON, Cashier. l ^ i This is Just to Remind You Ifl - .ere is no m doming iff feKT'^ your goods not being delivered "ten you give your order for 1 FANCY GROCERIES In fact, there isn't any kick on from my store. I carry a complete d Fancy Groceries and try at all rders promptly, thereby avoiding ch are so annoying to the houseic your orders. Phone No. 50. ). F. FERGUSON.