Report of County Supervisor 560 ??uFr, r 501 KKt bridg For Quarter Ending June SSWr' 30th, 1907. prison V_ 503 b J T 1 No of In Who?e Nature 504 check, favor. of claim. Ain't. < ane < 720 I. N. Helms, lumber and 565 L N Jl work | 55 00 cotnm 728 J L Barton, salary as con- 506 J Hinson, hire of team, 6 00 567 O C G 729 J W bullivan, keeping 508 E M t countv home 88 00 nails. 730 w B Bruce, salary as com- 509 J K \> missiouer and clerk 18 75 731 Adam Morrison, sanitary nails work 2 75 870 Eanca 732 J. F Gregory, salary, wood _ ing an stamps etc 107 15 871 C J I't 733 W P Caskey,salary as mag- press, istrate and acting coroner, 117 00 672 G L M 4o-i o 1 mouiaason, phone 973 L>r ?' rent 3410 4" " 735 J-T Hunter J r, salary as con- and ili stable 29 18 575 Erne* 736 W M Estridge, hire of team, 1 60 ,,eJ ^ 737 Or HO Brown, exainina- _ countj lion in lunacy 5 00 576 M G I. 738 B F Phillips, magistrate.... 62 60 "77 Peoph 740 J K. Beckhain, lumber and tools., work 1 50 578 .1 E 81 741 Noah Phillips, bridge work . Hm' and abutment. 6 00 H L 742 J P Hunter, salary and jail 1 astle account 208 65 _ ty?.. 743 ( autlien K I istrate and constatde 6164 _ bridgt 744 .1 1> Grittin, salary as mag- ' 478 John istrate 19 13 _ road.. 745 '1 he S't ite Go, advertising 479 Adam for bridge 3 50 work. 746 W J Bailey, salary as cot - 480 J E SI . stable 6 63 , in lun 747 11 . Adams, bridge work, 2 50 481 M 1, b 748 L H zanders, repairing jail 482 M V G well fpart payment] .... lvi 00 483 Gilluu 622 The Bank ot Lancaster, till... loan to pay sinking fund 484 W t VcompiissTen 7024 50 __ road v 623 J M v. asKey, salary as cor- 485 W 1) 1 oner 14 58 work. 621 S W Bowers, witness ( as- 486 J L II ties va Lancaster county, 9 30 stable 626 1> A Ghent, witness Gas- 487 J W ties vs Lancaster county.... 8 60 count; 627 J U Robinson, building 488 \V M bridge 41 00 expre: 628 L H Sanders, work on jail 489 W 11 won IB (X) clone i 029 .1 T 1'homas, bridge work. . 55 -190 W B ] 630 L C Hough, witness Castles tuissii vs Lancaster county anilserv- 491 W F ] ing ac grand juror 18 20 492 L.I P 031 t> F tiougn, witness Castles sor. .. vs Lancaster county 5 80 493 H 11 J 032 A K Hough, witness Castles tor... vs Lancaster county 10 60 494 A P 633 E H Biakeney, witness Cas- work ties vs Lancaster county.... 9 60 49B W J 1 034 M O Lyles, lumber and work, 7 10 stable 035 " 41 44 6 27 496 J P II 036 G F Payseur, repairing sash, 1 (X) accou 037 K L Truesdell. witness 497 J T L ties ys Lancaster count)'.... 10 60 const] 638 L H banders, work on jail 498 W J < well 30 60 const; 039 cotton Mill Store, ooflln.... 5 00 499 W IJ 040 M b Beckham, constable. . 8 40 bridg 041 Robert Baker, lumber and BOO W F hire of team 3 50 501 J M C 042 '1' 11 l>avis, lime 1 25 502 Dr K 043 J 1> Flynn, bridge work and count hire of team 4 50 603 MC 044 W M Moore, shingles and astl lumber 4 31 r- \ 045 Bank ol Lancaster, county 504 .1 B coupons 8 00 work 047 .lames McKay, repairing 505 T II C road 4 0 > 506 G F 048 J P Hunter, fees in case bridg Ca-tle? vs Lancaster county, 33 10 507 W 11 649 C S Robertson, lumber stami and bridge work 1 40 508 Adai 050 J < l-<> 1 T Hunter, witness asties 515 I'J < vs Lancaster county 7 (Mi ties v 657 W It Hruce, salary as com- 510 I>r 1 missioner and fclerk 18 75 mort 058 J J and L A Huberts, may- 517 .1 S istrate and constable 28 80 work 050 J VV Sullivan, kt-epiugcoiin- 518 G F ty home 83 00 luinb 60 i VV M Moore, salary 00 (K) 511) Geo 001 L J Perry, salary as super- bridj visor 06 00 520 II L 002 11 11 llortou, salary and hoan stamps 27 00 521 W ,1 003 Sinking Fund t ominissuin, 522 M Y premium on insurance.... 125 00 magi 004 L)r K G Elliott, salary and 523 L M post mortem 34 17 conn 060a J VV Truesdell, witness 524 K K < asties vs Lanoaster county, 10 60 and ' 065 J W Hamel, witness Cas- 525 Knti ties vs Lancaster county .. 14 35 tools 600b VV J Itailey, salary as con- 527 M L stable. 6 25 and 067 VV H Millen, salary as 528 1) K treasurer 25 00 trute 541) Adam Morrison, sanitary 528 K 1* work 75 prise 650 J P Hunter, salary and jail 530 J J I account 157 30 work 651 Heath-Elliott Mule Co, 531 W 1: hack for grand jurors 2 50 miss 552 J P Hunter, expenses ar- 532 Alle resting Tom and Henry mule MoCardell 20 65 533 J 1? 553 J P Hunter, expenses ar- lunai resting Will Hlake 5 18 534 E M r.M .1 M I ?L-i R51S i \i ner. 14 58 work 555 .) i?I Caskey, witness Can- 636 11 H ties vs Lancaster eoiinty . <1 00 stain 656 Jno M Hinaon, bridge work, 15 00 637 W ,\ 667 Dr T J Strait, examina- istia tion in lunacy 6 00 538 W 1 658 Ij K Roberts, lumber and coup work 13 50 639 W t 659 J L Barton, salary as oon- coup table '20 88 64o J E t I the Lancaster news, j Payseur, repairs on house blinds , 4 85 j Irrnond, lumber and e repaii s 8 001 i Wright, bridge work, 2 00 Hunter, conveying WW '"8 1100 111 A II A IunterJr, salary as 1HI M H H I ib>e 29 18 lHI D rl VI 1 Starues. building 1^1 11 flu creek bridge. 478 75 J f HW luntgomeiy salary as issiouer 12 50 Kobinson, building ent 4 00 r?gory, bridge work, 1 00 rrilliu, lumber and a ... 215 ^olfe, lumber and 8 55 tO ster Pub Co, advertisid job printing 11148 ('O srry, stamps and ex 4 20 cNeeley, assessor.. 4 00 111J U HrOWIl v?i><>n ox * post mortem J1 11 ssention ..... 10 00 CI/1.1 t Moore, fees at torastles v 8 Lancaster IOl 1 200 00 ^-N,1 ijrles, bridge lumber. 5 04 I j ffs Supply v o, road A 16 54 ogner, bridge work am 7 00 " Hlackmon, witness s vs Lancaster ooun 2 80 1> 1ms, lumber and work . 21 99 'J'bom as. work on ' < 126 ? Morgan, lumber and 15 25 (.*() ewuian, proceedings any eto .. 5 25 OV leckham, constable.. 8 80 ^-'7 autben, road work.. 7 50 a Williams, makiog 111] 5 00 askey, bridge and W I irork 3 00 ^ liodgers, lumber and 1 85 lartoti, ;-alary as con- i 20 83 , Si,II i van, keeping (11 y home 80 00 v Moore, salary and C/l ss charges 51 So OvF. Milieu, repairs had in treasury olhce.... 18 75 C*cl llruce, salary as cumHier and clerk 18 75 U_:.l ? ? L luniau, uriUKf WOTK. . 8 UU erry, salary as super f 66 66 Horton, salary as audi- G\ 25 00 . Piyler, lumber and T\l? 12 94 |'A lailey, salary as con- 4.1 ! 0*23 til .unter, salary and jail nt 195 30 [unter Jr, salary as ible ! 29 18 Drenshaw, salary as able 19 00 McGuirt, repairing e 2 50 Hudson, magistrate. . 19 44 , -w-ws }askev coroner 14 58 G Elliott, salary as * * ;y physician 48 94 /? Gardner, witness in 111 es vs Lancaster conn- m 9 20 10 Varborough, bridge 4 75 ! )uten, bridge work.... 100 It l'ayseur, ouilding ;e . 6 00 Mlllen, salary and pa 26 5o n Morrison, sanitary 75 Small, bridge work.... 438 Hough, professional Cr s f 268 86 L Moore, bridge lum 6 11 ry Gainer, road work. 1 no inn Fund Commission, ance premium........ "2(5 tio ory-Hood l/S Co, dauia>horse 85 oo V" Gregory, witness Cas- ^ wm ?\C\C> s Lancaster county otto G j'l || llll . "r*?!"Kto"'. r*. 6 o?: liu II115 C Threat, lumber and tloo' Payseur, removing "V J in lunacy ... b lay lor, building 54l w II Millen Cane 15b oo coupons Coffey, services county r>4o j, j jvrry, salary a; d of education 21 oo visor and stamps... Men ray, bridge work, 1 5o r>43 w M Moore, sala Cautben, salary as superintendent ofei iatrate 88 33 B44 j \y Craig. Ininbe Montgomery, salary as woA ty commissioner 12 5o 545 w J Bailey, conata I, Blaokmon, lumber 54,5 WH Milieu, salary w?>rk 15 00 g47 j jj Barton, const! ?rprise Mer < o, road BSl> j T Baker, lumb ' 5o work Beckham, constable 583 GF Payseur, elean special deputy 14 80 weU and J K Hall, inagis- j/e j 'and constable 43 o4 County Uorton, conveying W. B. BRUCE, oers 4 7d Clerk. i'hillips. lumber and ; lo 00 I Bruce, salary as com- I 1 * ' 1 ioner and clerk 18 75 "w"""*.rr * ??? Professiona Hunter, conveying ti?- 17 o4 Griflln, lumber ... 265 lie Ik, luinb-r and *?v r xiri ; 3 5o Dr. J. fc.. W1 I Morton, salary ?r>d r.?Xr-r,cBn > uooo DENTIS 1 and J / Caruee, mag- Offic0 in Emmfcus ] te and constable 37 no 1 Mi lien, Gills Creek posite Firet Natifl one 1183 oo m kt q i Milien. Cane Creek I hone No. 8. on* Ho oo LANCASTEI itewman, proceedings * \ t ULY 20. 1907. n Finished Taking! id we have lots of Bargains ntfoi* z\n 1? 111! rvi? /I ^ ^ v/iiVl \HI I. 1 1 I lit/ ill St me the first served. We shall t quote any prices hut come d he Convinced. The above is r our Dry goods, Notion, othing and Shoe department. cooes Sample lot of Black Silk Pettiats, these are rare bargains, ery one cut full and nicely tished. Prices from 85.00 to 2.00 J ust in by express another lot 1.50 black hemstitched paraIs. Also a few for 81.00 that 1 i i i iniot maienea. New lot Muslin Underwear, ery garment guaranteed to be operly cut and neatly finished ey are exceedingly Cheap. Come to See Us, e want your business and if ir treatment and liberal prices what you want, we will give to You. Yours very truly, iter Mercantile Com] ? 3 REWARD! i College of ' #up?r- ^ | j 1785 Chariest ?9 We will pay a liberal reward l--?d \ ear B< hioano", 5? 0? to the person or persons finding KChouSip^S; c 3io in the city of Lancanster a more iinu, Riving free tn bl<>- ' 25 oo complete and up-to-date livery J\??rad?*nt?TU)$* ibie2o 83 business than ours. Rubber aion are permitted to er ami tire buggies and stylish horses. $oyce wnoiarahipa w 2 35 00 J Entrance Exauunatioi inr out We have a few mules left. ?onnty C. H.. on Frit 2 35 ror catalogue, tulutesi BUGGIES We sell the following buggies: i w JI\I|\/|7 Piedmont. Rock Hill. Ratter, i v/IMIVIL 1 r* a I man? A- Wrenn & Sons, Taylor of northi J Cards Cannedy and Tyson & Jones. Every one of them guaranteed depart* for 12 months. C?"7^Jr~ , Eo 11, Library contains 45,ft ' "TTT A ^/^\"1VTC? works, electric light*, ? T VV i\ vlt JIM New dormitories, gyrar 1 *" ^ ^ log. library. 14-ii Miner on. 732 students. i ? i We sell the Virginia, Nissen The Fan n mal Bank. , ~ 6 *>< ??? ,p0 and Carver. Francis P. V t s c HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. ?.?2AIS " i ww* r."f-VET rr..v J """ ' ~~~'"KT?T V" ttri 7 M . % /r * * - t ' ' ^ I > y pany. Charleston on, S. 0. 1907 sgins Sept. 27. Engineering. One onnty of tvinth C nroiitioi\. Tuition $40. room in Dormitory ludidatefl for admisrouipete for viuant liicli pay $luu a year. oh will t>6 bold in the lav, July 5, atfl a. m. * Harrison Randolph, RS1TY CAROLINA. 1907. Educational System. VENTS. Medicine, Law. Pharmacy. >> volumes. New wato entrul heating system lasiuni. Y. M C A build 74 In faculty. ;rm begins " Address enablt, Pres. [ill, n. c.