f . The Lancaster News. i Semi-Weekly. Published or\rl Qofnr/4 n t ro ?v vuiivouay o aiiu oaiuiuayo At Lancaster, S. C., By The Lancaster Publishing Company. Charles T. Connors, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. , . One Year U.ftO Si* Months 7ft Three Months -It Payable In advance. r" ADVERTISING KATES. One inch, first insertion. *1.00. Each subsequent Insertion ftO cents. For three months or longer, reduced rutcs. Professional cards, per year, *12. Business notices. Transient Advertisements, Lost and Found, and other class!tied aovertlsementis not exceeding 2ft words, 2ft cents for each insertion: 1 cent a word for each additional word over 2ft words. Obituaries. Tributes of respect, cards of thanks and all matter of a personal or political nature to be charged for. Advertising rates by the column made known on application. Brief correspondence on subjects of general interest Invited. Not responsible for views of correspondents. _?*t < R E. WYL1K, Phksioknt. JNO. A. COOK, Src'v. and Tukas. J. M. RIDDLE. Jit. BUSINESS MaNAQEK. Entered as second-clivss matter, Oct. 7. 1W-, it the poalOftleo :.t Can cast er S C.. linger Ac' of Congress of Mirch 8. 18ft? Saturday, July 20, 1907. Prof. Starr of the University of Chicago says that dog meat is just as good as mutton. It may be to one who hankers after surloin cur cuts, but mutton chops are good enough for us. It.J begins to look very much like Georgia is going to irv state prohibition. A Jbill designed to make the whole common wealth k,dry" has passed the Senate by an overwhelming majority, and the indications are that it will have easy sailing in the llou'e? Should the bill become a law _ i i .i : 11 ? -1. A K ~ ouier siaies win wtt'uii me t*.\ periment with much interest. Accompanying the letter of Senator Latimer, which appears in today's paper, wis a copy of the report of Commissioners Latimer and])Burnett of a visit to a cotton milljnear Milan, Italy. Inasmuch as Editor Carpenter's account of the visit was published in ourjlast issue, it |is unnecessary to give space to'the otlicial report. President Roosevelt favors the teaehing'of rille shooting in the schools of the country. The boys learn how to shoot, any way; but it would no' he a bad idea to instruct tlie girls in the u-e ol <1 . J 11.. _ I me ueauiy weapon*, j?>s w?? nave before stated. There]would]be a marked diminution in the number of criminal assaults in this conn try it t he women knew how .*0 handle andjjuse firearms. l'aderewski, the celebrated piano banger, is said to spend much of bis time, when not tilling engagements, on his farm in Poland. While] there lie might greatly improve his personal appearance by harrowing his hair, which resembles an inverted brush heap; and it wouldn't hurt his name to discharge a package of fire-erackers under it. Notwithstanding President Roosevelt's flamboyant vo!u bil ity, he knows how* to keep a secret and his own counsel when occasion requires. lie is a past master in the art of playing to the galleries,but when he doesn't want to take the public into IDE LANCAS his confidence the most skillul of j The Rod newspaper men and politicians ferencetind it well-niiiht impossible to their Hi "catch on to his curves." It is believed now that lie has entered pUbl into a secret understanding with paper the Germany, hut if so its nature um Digtri will not likely be known until La tliA frnufv ia tnfimift-o/1 fn flm - ? v..^ 10 DU?.u..^u v.? llle lollOV Senate for confirmation. Teddy the delegat may be looking ahead for trouble wiV)m the with Japan, and in that event e(j . wants an ally ? who knowr? ? , Id08ts. . , , . , Mrs. M. A. A clash is imminent between Weber .he Federal and State courts in p p ^llis North Carolina. The state au- j Bart thorities are endeavoring to en- yy p force the new state railroad rate b b Sh law and the railroads are appeal \y McD. ing to the.Federal courts for re- B. F. straining orders, etc. Two T. S. Car Southern Railway agents were U- Glad< convicted iu Asheyille Thursday d F. Clybi of selling tickets for more than A. O Jo 21 cents a mile?the m ?ximum W. B. Onu1 erv W limit fixed by the state law?and r " were sentenced to the chain gang * * |i'.' . Jvev. W. tor thirty days. lhe judge in ^ (1 ^ handing commitments to the Carter sheriff said: "Don't give the ^rg yy ^ Federal Court an opportunity to i, s. He intert?re with the Stale Courts." n,. l? n. Nevertheless, the defendants Duttie. have mo^t likely been released A. 13. Ferg ere this by a Federal .judge, un- Rev H. der habeas corpus proceedings. Geo. F. I1 _ Winn, li More Heat Needed in Edge- 1 c u J- F < * r??cT( ficld" H. J. Zi ?? T. G.Greei Some idea of the intensity of S. L. G< tl?e heat hereabouts this week J. M. |]00, may be had from the fact that the ton j j stony heart of a certain close- j j, 'jjun fisted church member meltod to pi . the point of his voluntarily in creasing hiR assessment for the ' * " pastor's salary. Lancaster News. 1 * If a rise of the mercury will *^rs' have the same effect in Edgefield r.s" , , . Wollintr, as in Jiancaster, we need u few T ' , .. . t L. C. Laze more degrees o! tieat.? i he jjr ^ Edgefield Advertiser. iS) i{ev Mfg M R The Devil and an Old Wo- K Hard man Wanted to See Teddv.! ?. W. Mitel Rev. E. Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 18.? Wl,k?"1 ,,,. . . .. .. . Ernest Moi I he usual summer visitation ot c cranks to Oyster Bay in the hope yy of reaching the President began Rev. R. to-day with the advent ot a wo- l Orrman of 70 years who wanted to Mrs. M-. ,J goto Sagamore Hill to present Banks. a claim for $11,000,000. These L. J. Peri cret service guards intercepted ham. her and placed her on board l^r. G. W. an outgoing train. They were Oauthen unable to discover on what she ham, . . , , , W. B. Plvl based nor claim. .lust as she was leaving town n ^ b' i i . , ,i . J. M. Ridd an old man appeared at the yil . lage postollice and announced in ? ... . , K K Ridd a loud tone: j -p "I am the devil, and 1 am John A. J I going to see President Roose- Mvers, J velt." Ho has not yet been ap J. A. P. prehended by the President's M. Seagl guard. W. F. bwe ...... E. D. Till n Fearful Storm in West Va. 1 ^ C. F. Tilli son. Baltimore, July 18.?A special j rp ,pj)( I to The News from Grafton, W. I Nettles j ' I Va., says that from three to five , man. ' lives lost and half a million ; K. E. Turn ! dollars damage is the result of a 1 "?ed. It cloudburst and heavy rain storm | 'v v' yesterday between Grafton and J With rP a .iii Owings, lunnelton. Among the dead are Cludus Wolfe, of Kvansville, and ' ?MISS Frank Gibbons, of, Newberg. daughter o ? of Trinity Subscribe to The News. married A Eiias, Jr., DO IT NOW I IN. C. Tl\R NEWS, JUlY 20, 1907. wmmmmmm?mmmmmmmmammmmmm?mmmammmmm?mmmmmmmm?mmmmmmfmammmmmumm c Hill District Con- r DC A TP -The Delegates and 1 osts. ished in Wednesday's 1 program of the Hock H ict Conference, to be 1 lUCC 1II .ncaater July 24-27.? ring are the name, of To ^ Three M cs >iiiu tuo uiuaBui uy p ^ y will be entertain1 Delegates. HE Allisou?Dr. S. A. i All persotis payi lir _ _ . woman iu Laticas 011?W. F. bairy. these prizes. All i on?J. D. Barton. as new subscriptio unett (at Mrs. Jones') tion where the casl annon, J. S. McKeown .Jhe womain ^ece ? ? ? will be entitled to Brown \\ . S. Hall, tjon For the pur| iratt, Jr. jn^0 (he following ter-J. M. Voder, W. DiRtrict No. 1 ? leu, S. W. Garrison. Townships, urn?J. W. Davidson, District No. 2.? nes. Creek Townships, then?R. E. Montgom- District No. 3 ? 11. Hagatis. Creek, Waxhaw ai 3?Rev. S. J. Ormond. \| , A. Youngbluod. 4 Months '. Carter?R-v G. 1. _ .. G Months T. til' 1 Year's S Drennan?.J. L. lvee, _ , 0 .. 2 1 ears h ),ton- o v i o ,, T, , 3 1 ears b . Elliott?liev. K. L CONT uson?R. B. Anderson, ??? L. Singleton. ? erguson?Rev. \V. C. 1 llG Lev. NY. B. Gibson. _ ,r .. . To the Voting 1 >?R. P. Sullivan. ory (at Mrs. Jones')? Enclosed tl nkers. subscription to > (at Tillman House)? This entitle irrison. d? Rev W. B. Whar- Miss or Mr,. ?\ Bell, E. E. l'oag. of ter?A. C. Howell, J. If new subscrip n. rton ? W. N. Iiardin, . if old subscript ardin. Hough?E. E.Cloud. W This vote e Jones?lie v. J. W. Rev. A. E. Holler. nbv?L. G. Lazenby,i I h0 I. Snyder, W. W. Lew-! II. B. Browne. . McOardell?Rev. E. in, Rev.'.W. H. Arial. lell ? Rev. U. A Chili*, Ml" or " M Mclvis-ick, J S. Di,lrictNo in, J. F. Smith. o-e?Kev. W. B. Dun- Thl, 0??poo,, the Contest Dei re?Rev. J. C. Counts, count a< ten vot E. Sharp. This coupon n -R. L. Orr. i> T? ,r \i r July 20,1907 . 1 erry?liev. M. L. v?Rev. W. A. Beck- "" I/nil' the Ctindltlati Poovev ?Rev H. J. j Newa' Votinu ' i, W. T. Vanlandiiu-1 District Nr. 1. Leech. ' \liuu niuri^o Kn ler?1J. G. Steele. " Sadie tire ler?Wal'er Simpson. " Monnie lu lie -J. M. Kiddle, Rev.! " Ethel Dab tokes, J. It. Curlee. District No. '2. lie?S. J. Richardson. Miss Lillie Mob vinney. k< Willie Dra Stewman? Itev. Elzie District No. 3. I. M. McGarity. Miss Macey Lat Sistare?J. C. Lee, J. 4k l>eHrl W [e> " Mary B. C aringen?J. A Smith. " Mettie Kn ian?Itev. S M.Jones, . Te Pleasant H nan?W. S. Hutchin , Miss Jessie Bee >ma?aon -Rev. S. A. piuew(10a) S- c., Itev. S. II. /imraer- . . ... wnere sue wm sp* , .> Li rr her brother, It. upseed?It. h. runup. ' ,ev. J no. O. Wilson, ^r' E. Staokhouse. Mrs. U. I. Will lerspoon?Itev. W. M Gardner, of Kersh J. F. Fooshe. ihe former's f-is1 ? Marshall. Edna Clyde Kilgr, Mr 8 Beckharr f Dr. John 0. KiUo, fl f, cantalou College, N. C., will be ' ugust 1st to Mr. Kope 19 P'ac?of Governor's Island, Pleasant LI ill, J 0 VOTING CONTi HE NEWS WILL GIVE it I T* _ t ps to Jamestown txposu ost Popular Women in Lancastei Dvided 60,000 Votes are Cast. RE IS THE PLAN : mir subscriptions will be allowed to vg ter couuty, whom they would like to ' subscriptions in arrears will be countec ns. No votes will he counted uuder i h does not accompany the order, iving the highest number of votes in ea one of the three trips to the .Jamestow pose of this contest the county has bee districts : All persons who reside in Gills Creek a All persons who reside in Pleasant Hi! All persons who reside in Cane Cre ici ltuiuin i^ana lownsnips. OTES TO BE ALLOWED : Subscription to The News 25 Vote Subscription to The News 40 Vote ubscription to The News 100 Yotf ubscription to The News 250 Vote ubscription to The News 500 Vote EST CLOSES SEPT. 1st, 1907. i News Contesl business Manager. ml $ for The News. ? me to oa*t votes and I hereby cast tl District No tiou eign here ioti sign here WRITE PLAINLY, will not be counted, if not tilled out fully. News Contest Ten Votes For vlien properly tilled out and brought or ma vuptniuiit i\f THV V IT.W>i hxr .1 111 v *>T lOrt C8. lust be fully Illicit out or it will not be count rs St ft tut in The ?Tire congregation Joiitest. burs and Fort Lawn Pr churches have given Hi ight, 5270 Rev. J. J. Brown, ami gory, 4730 Cftijon< an,j |ie left, ye inderburk, 3id , ?. ; 11 m p , Robbmsville, N. C., to nev, 340 . . 1 , tune with ins brother, 1 i iiaa Brown.?Cheater Lant lev, II00 itlin, 10 ?Mr. II. J. M. S across a very large si ban, 5200 or two ago. His little er, 2455 with him, he tried t( 'r*en? l2[* kill the reptile, but it do s'?. Mr. Steele then ?????? an(j ftH j,e struck at ill Items. with it the dog spran* receiving the blow, wh :kliam left for fatal. last Monday, >nd awhile with 2,400 Bales Bu S. Beckham, Little Rock, Ark., ? dams and Miss The plant of the Gulf aw. ape visiting company, at Argenta, ter, Mish Sue destroyed by tire tod thousand and four hun l, Jr., had the of cotton valued at p^s for sale at were burned. The bui machinery are valued B. 000. C. C. Hanson of Inly 17, 1907. president of the compi % EST. ion. * County, / , ite for any win one of I the game any condich district n Exposi>n divided ud Buford II and Flat ek, Cedar >s. IS. IS. J 58. ' 1l )S. . .years lem for ?????? ? *w ileu to 7, will { ed. s of Richesbyterian leir pastor, Dnth'a vaster (lay for spend the lev. Jamcs em. feele came lake a day dog being > make it would not got a stick, the snake ; forward, ich proved rned. July 18.? Compress Ark., was ay. Two id red bales * I4!J,41<), Min^s ;uid at $85, Atlanta is any. W