The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, July 20, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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rv> 2 Agricultural D How to Fortify Against Drought. It There is almost certain to be a *-ecau period before the crops are made ilu that they will softer from lack of horsei moisture. Probably there never Al\ was a season that some of our doubt crops at some time did not sutler wards because of lack of moisture.? When that time comes, and it have may be during July, good judg- hie. ment in cultivation means much (jj to t\ie crops. In tact, at such a sugjcj time the method of cultivation ro],sjj may spell the difference bet ween success and failure. ol hoi In these periods of lank of 1 *311II 'I i rain fall a flat surface with a top ^ laver of loose soil, the so-called overt c dust mulch, is themo9t tavorable .. dition condition lor preventing too rapid evaporation and affording the greatest possible supply of ',ave 1 water to the plants under exist- lo S'v ing conditions. A three-.nch ^ c mulch, or tlnee inches of real, at loose soil on top has been found j *'hetii hest for Raving soil moisture from | one. evaporation. Early in the growth | Out of the plant the three inch mulch oping may be maintained without seri- is in ous injury to the roots, hut as the 01 sell plants grow many ot' them de- j( velop root systems that would be severe greatly injured by such deepcul- by 110 tivation, and in such condition young there ui'glit not be roots enough _ left to properly supply the plants ^le'f with water, although it had been , , . , , . , , larges saved in the sou bv the method , - , . the le of cultivation. As soon alter each rain as pos- , sible, and whenever the crops ' '\Ce ~ , i , and p are suffering Irorn lack ol raois ^ , ture, the ton surface should be 1 1 broken. Merely cutting or scratch* ? { | ing the surface or anv method n"r>e5 If * ot cultivation which leaves an ' lv ' uneven surface increases rather more than decreases evaporation. It is D a dust or tine mulch over as near t-'e & a level surface as possible that is them needed to save the moisture in fechi: the soil for the use ol the crop. horse Do not neglect to break the "h 1A" ll,4? fuill wna a Vie IWJJ 9UI UUC UEV>uuav 1I>- .. U , a light one, for it the season be l'iey a dry one, and the rain-fall 1 itrht, c',nse the soil may be drier and the c?iiuc crops suiter more a short time busin afier a light rain than it no rain All at all had occurred. This looks a cop .-tr nge, but it ic a tact experi shoul mentally proved. Do not, (here- show' fore, neglect to cultivate as sO"ti murl after a rain as possible, especial- lo ly it the crop is likely to sutler , of tli at any lime this season from lack j in hi of moisture. This dust mulch on that upper layers of )o< so soil parti- whei cles should at f;rst be three conn inches thick, but the depth of the Hi cultivation may he gradually les- usua sened until it is not over one and cond one-lialt inches.?The Progres- most f-ive Farmer. lect < or b\ from Parmpr Ritten hv a Cat. 1 *" J UUUI Sali.?bury special in Charlotte Observer: Calvin A. Jac <bs, a th.? Franklin township /{inner, was connti pros* r severely wounded last night by a bi*coi cat that male a savage attack -'jriiro upon him at liia home. The liesh ????ne. r 2011gU on one of his hands was torn to nharnr the bone but he does |not believe puTgH the animal was mad. Mr. Jacobs COiu 9 did not succeed in killing the vi J F 1 # t Drogu Clous feline. frec# THE LAJSCAST epartment. Making - Modern c Horse Notes. run coutrarj timeut usual .. , 'ion when th never pays to get excited , i ced. Just n ise a horse does. . Cemetery, I iry and worrv kill more . A 4l , Ceuar Giov< s than hard work. , XT lvn, N. 1 , vays teach a horse to work the ru,0 12?a. 1 i - ~ e 111-81 aim siugie jng o| au Kr. '* Many of t! res with young colt3 should are now pay the best pastures obfaina 0f ibeir lo;g recently issu fiage the feed of the horses company to t ently often to maae tliem ou lots lor w it. not paid won is cheaper to take good care resent it as 41 >es than to employ a vet- Oilier cei y surgeon. similarexper ring the summer especially, *yem?*ery, M it horses are in a worse con- nevv ^IW wmi than literally poor ones. i"wer .. , (here were i growthy young horse may he size, but it requires time 111 'es^ thu e it the stamina. changed api , . , . , . i tions made a olt should be trained tosep 5 . ^ u ? III |iiU*CIU a lively, vigorous walk, hy loworing ler wilh a load 01 without a,mogt impe the graves lc > advantage in full}* devel- questing this and young horses jots> and wjt increasing the opportunity \\me severs ing them mounds had s comparatively easy to add cos* ot annu 1 years to the life of ahorse cluced and tl t abusing him when he is ance of die g proved. jessive growth is not frvor- _ o early maturity, and the Unique ^ t colt may he able to endure ast latigue. , . Extract lr< ire is no better or cheaper , ler s letter w to develop a young horse ... , t . in Anderson ut him in proper shape foi . , Remy our g >t than on the /arm. , \ he America rd work will not hurt the p qnes< cftrrie 8. if good care is given them. ^ gh reglect Hut injures horses m0thod ot than anything else. wl ich u iu v is not good policy to force 0fp,anCe. rowtli ot colts by giving lake a small stimulating foods and over je, it jry ou, ig them. The overgrown 1q10U ho w,p is seldom a durable one. I ,,jve une j,je len farmers raise horses with an(\ keep i li? w to suiting those whom delivers must depend upon a3 pur- morning, an rs, have undoubtedly been | a j0;1| i,0 wj] >oied with the most paying e?s ]iap ()f j ess on the larm. t0 jlis ovvn n liou^h it may have the size, actors tlie sj in a colt for all that, and will show o (1 he treated as such, and when settliii (I not be expected to do asjc tn be no 1 work as a matured In rae. .notches mus training a colt develop all cannot che 0 styles and actions there is -he custom* m ail I you will have a lioise ' baker. This is a pleasure to drive, and of keeping 1 put on the market will simple and i nand the heHt price. this is, or s ibbing the mane and tail any system lly resul's Irom an unhealthy :? ition of the skin which, in Coul cases, is produced by neg>f grooming or by bad food, Hoss tu> r any sudden change of diet an<* or(^ere^ biid to good.?Live Stock ,e'e8ram dii naj son, Boston, ! you in Hei j Thursday." The King. r lew keV*, popular cry throughout European ! , n*?; while in America. the cry <>f the il^k^'I, '*11CP ?t day i* "I-ong live l>r. King's New aa<,iftoro>> rerv, King ot Throat anil Lung lie-j Joel is!" ol which Mrs. Julia llyder Paine, '*RenS^Ri' Mass , Kuya: "It never fails to give Jiate relief and to quickly cure a j dickens, tel or cold " Mrs. Painea opinion is . il d . I by a niajoritv of the inhabitant)* of 1 ?11y^ nutry New Diaoovery curea w an and sore throats after all other re- Quick rell h have failed; and for oougli* and it'e only sure cure. Guaranteed ?>y Vfookey and Funderburk Pharmacy. . aHthni'i pat. ?oc and $1.00. Trial bottle ^Vand ff ti euro. Fundei ?' ' ,' r, KR NEWS, JUi-Y 20, 190 ; Graves Level. ZE33 emetery ideas that r to- deep seated sen- Offe ly crea'e dissatisfac course ey are first in trod u- featur ow, says Park and Tuit die lot holders in 3 Cemetery, Brook- ^-u^j are agitated over ^ ^ viding for the levelivo mouudB. le lot( holders who Chic ing tor annual care i object to a notice Qwnec ed by the cemetery jg he effect that mounds Music, rhicli animal care is grount ild he levelled. Some toriurr 'a mean outrage" Exp neterie9 have had iences. In Lakewood Minneapolis, when a Nex it into effect regard- and in ing ot grave mounds ! ? nany protests, but !jXCS l a year when the \f? )earance ot the sec WA ppearanf ?he muk-j^J "J1 ,ent in the landscape ^ the mounds to an rceptible rise oyer jjj >t holders began re- I A treatment ?>f their 4 liin a short period of ffl I thousand grave ^ Pc been lowered, the & ax tb u care in uuriMiiy re ^ ie general appearrounds greatly irn f ay of Keeping Vi ccounts. i tim Editor Carpen:ho is now in France, Mail: While at San uide, Mr. Skinner, 11 consul at Mar id us into a b iker's owed us a unique keeping accounts o^ue in many parts . The baker man will limb ot a tree and Telegl t wit h t lie hark on. i split it in halt and ce to the customer ^or e other half himself. rtn'^ at the homes every a .V?ut: d when lie delivers ^ inon II take the custom- miles ? ;he stick and lit it body ,?d then cut a notch had a dit place. 1 lie notch I>as 111 n hot h halves, and a')l i'4 day c nut s there m 'tiot dispute for all the 'cd un << lit each. The h<?ker j severa tt the customer and J r cannot cheat the As ! i seems a crude way "t >pp? acc Hints, hut it is young insures accuracy, and physit honld he, the aim of r?;lie\ of account keeping. a dior cut oil dn't Spell It. cerate tied in on a hot day Over Miss Steno to take a ect. "Mr. James Car- Lon i Mass. Will meet death* isselaer, N. Y., on the aj Miss Steno tapped for tin then looked up and 30. 'J >v do you spell Ken- ent ?1 death nne-Rennse?Oh, the at GO, I him fr> m??*?t m? in ? ammered the boss. A Port 1 * " """""" the mo> of for Anfluiin Snl- rccor,)a f?W?? ' and Tar a/lords immediate sore on ia 8i fl#rc*H in the worst over 80 ,ken in time will a anteed burk Pharmacy. and Ft >7. m?mm?mmmmammmmsMmmmmmmmammm?mmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmm R.SK.TJVE C DUE WEST, rs a large opportunity for a little s. Wholesome moral influences es. ion and incidental fee $40.00. E A limited number young ladies \ on free. Write for catalogue to m. J. S. MC :ora College for Y< GR.EEVILLE. S. hristian Home School. 1 and Controlled by the Presbytei A., B. S., B. L. and M. A. Degi Art, Expression and Business, is worth $50,000. Modern conven i. Drge pipe organ. Healthful clii enses: (A) Tuition, board, room a (B) All included in (A) an< sic; if lessons under Direci Art or Exression - t session begins September the 11 formation address, S C ? "The Old Reliab HE BANK OF LANCASTEI CAPITAL SURPLUS Loans made on Real Estate, at ro Collections given prompt and car 4 Per Cent Interest allowed on >unded every three months. Your business solicited. The olc e strongest Bank in Lancaster co a Southern Season, sixty day and fifteen day t commencing April 19th, to and inci Very low rates will also be made f( hands in uniform attending the ex] STOP OVERS will he allowed 011 and titeen day tickets, ramo as ?ickets. Knr for and complete information o Southern Railway, or write: Divisi ( raph Operator Meets Awful Death. ence special in the News Old airier: Mr. Arthur W. 1'rice. ig telegraph operator a' for a a small station nine. jast of Florence, had hi* !|?'''j' horribly mangled. Price ! , , n ! olnb rat train order to d"l;ver to a J ,|onse ( g treight and attempted to|ttIul tern] raid of the tra n while in i. Hia foot slipped and he idf r the wheel* of the cars, 1 of which pas*e 1 over his y > '. body. tulll ,, ;o in as the train could he (viroij (1 the mangled form ot the t;]ui)S man wis taken out and a . , . Sou nan sent for, out death ... , , . ,v . . HS-OC'i 'ed iiiin ot his suttering in t while Both lena were j U* ' ; and hi* body terribly la-1 (1 and torn. for f01 Million Die of Plague. 1 petitu don, July. 16?Returns of * from plague in India show ^PI >palling total of 1,060,0(17 namee a six months ending June ''eP^rl l'he monthly total is at pros- "dei lecreasing, however, the }'(>*rs roll for June being placed a ' and r (,h4' which " " ter. Wnn<l< rttil IIit|?in-iiitig. for Byron, N. Y., has witneaaitd one of ?, it r?iunkabl? onnf jf healing ever ' rl AmoH F King, of tlint place IV Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured a /~m , my leg with which I had xutfered v-dlf years I am now roghty-fiva" Guar- tjoil (o cure all wore*. by J F Mackey luderburk Pharmacy Druggist 26c C. 7' " OLLiGrE s. c. outlay. B. A. and B. S. > and positive christian Joard in College Home at ^aken in the Wylie Home )FFATT, President. oung Women, c. / A High Grade College. -ies of the Synod of S. C. ree Courses. Schools of Elegant buildings and iences. Handsome Audinate in Piedmont section. nd fees $183.00. :1 tuition for Mutor, add - - - $10.00. $203.00 )th, 1007. For catalogue !. BYRD, President. fOSSKCSf/SfeSI de." ===== ft [ Lancaster, S. C. S ..$50,000.00. 'J ^ ..$50,000.00. g lasonable rates. eful attention. a! time deposits, com- ^ lest, the largest and 11 unty. Z Railway lckets on pale dailv luditig Nov. 30,1907. >r military and brass position. season, sixty day on summer tourist all on Ticket Agents ? K W.HUNT. ion I'assenger Agent, Charleston. S. C. WANTED! n: ? j a rianub dim urgans i .vo will allow the highest prices now instruments. No club rates but we pledge better instruments m;e or less money, than those at e offers. Write Malone* Music lolumb.a, S. <\, for special piices is. holarships for Girls. ant sciiolai hips ol free i are oller.-al t trough South 11 a Federation of Women's as follows: 'li C rolina Kindergarten iti ?n, one scholarship, free i, pood lor two yoars. enville College for Women, cliolarships o! free luition ir years each. ? : 11 L. i no \>ui ue awaruen oy cowre examinations to be held 2, 1907. )licants must lile their i with the chairman of tlie l men! belore July 20.? tils must he a! least 15 of aire ami prepared to en'shinan, or ?nv ingher class, nu-t inform the chairman college she desires to enlurther information apply Iiss rheodo9ia Dargan, tirrnan Department Educai. 0. F. W. (J., Dalzell, S. <* 0