iiiui THE LA c rip NOA8TKK NEWS. JUNI mm E 12, 1?07. WTi V ' "? ' :.rc A "? .- ' ~ r^,;?-v? 4* ' IIP -r ' ' *41 I WE . UUI1I ARE o: nvnTTn L ULL FFERII ETVTETVT niinii JG TH 1 TO A UL Ul IS WE] ttt? a n ILL. EK EV1 T THE ERY Thous Mi M M flMr- i ] ;ands of dollars woi ?umb mm v rmmm lwmw mm mi wmam BCONOl rth of goods to be very few of t MICAL converted into cash, he good things we BUYE] Read these items are offering. El. over, they are only w r a * CLOTHING, GLOTHIl CLO SHOE! NG, THING. r >, SHOES, , turn Bead These Prii They are good for tt only. 30 and 35 cents mei white goods reduced to ripQ Menens talcun Ladies fine hos lis week Hooks and ej Good open ch< rcerized 3 cents yard25 cts. American Be; i powder 13 cts ;e only 8 cents, res 2 cts card, icked gingham auty corsets, Now for a clea summer clothing, weather is here, men's two full suit: up. Boy's suits $5.00. ranee sale in The hot We sel1 We have shoes- 'It>! s from $4.95 A11 the ne' 50 cents to Colt> Gun w $3.50, $4.00, UllULUa the best of men's 3 a habit of ours." w shapes in Patent [etal and Vici Kid. $5.00. Fine colored organdie 15 cts reduced to 9 cent: Children's fancy paraf Mosquito netting 5 c 50 inch brilliantine 75 cts reduced to 49 cen s worth latest styles> onl5 3 40 inch white ] , . ^ cts reduced to 10 30 IS 19c. 36 inch brown ts yard. c^.g> for cents. worth Fine toilet soa] tS. Ppnrl hnf.tnns r 75 cents, lawn worth 15 cents. lawn worth 25 p 2 cakes for 5c worth 10 r*ts FREE-With e suit we will give a free. Embroiderie 10 cents B hrnrif] "RrirrVifc very $10.00 Ladies' fi good watch up to $3.50. Baby shoe s reduced to almost hal leaching at 5 cents the ;i3p " This is the best 1(1 ne shoes, 98 cents ^ ;s from 19 cents up. j If. We have thousands 5 yard. With every pur cents Bleachinc on the n 3SFW WK ttaiiiiwoRx*^6{o{.i5iiHam? of yards of fine embro chase amounting to $5.00 larket. Limit 5 vards to AFC dress gingha: 10 cents. 3 yds fine colored lawi ideries that we will sell at we will sell yard wide 10 a customer. It will nay \ ms only doz., for 4 cents. Whitamores bes a 10 cts 2 pair men's hj reduced prices. Don't fi cent Bleaching for 5 cents rou to visit our2 store thi t shoe polish 7c ilf hose for 5c. lil to see these. 5 the yard. See s week. WII The House *bIMjS s that Gives -HUGf Satisfaction c *53 C )r Your Mom o. I ey Back. A iJood Teacher Lett tension to Ew/f Work. Mr. Joh n A. Jenk ville, lor the past principal ot Lancas graded school, has ire* the Pro- We have sin ifje in Other however, 1 llJ arreted, is t in6, <>f \orli- an "original three years nient in J Lai ter's Central air0j while tli accepted a dispensary 1 ce been informed, >t Peiers, the party he man who ran package'' establishiicaster seme yeaie lo operation of ihe aw was suspended NOVEL TIES A DAI!/ lRRIVI sr NG position 111 connecti National Union Ba Hill and will enter 11 duties about July 1. regret oi the officials ol the school, Mr. not an applicant foi ; i A OM witn me ; by proceedir nk of Kock Pet?rs, it pon Itis new Yorkville En Much to the er living in and patrons i Peters, "a g Jenkins was| abiding c?tiz< r re-election J quirer. (ieor ijrs in t lie courts appears Irom the quirer, has a brothforkville, Mr \V . 8. 1 elt respecting, law. J[ mi," sa\s the Kn- mtmm ge Peters 1 e11 York IEW | &SO LS ?a yi l iivji j ti1 . ju nlpRfting manners an character and an exc er and disciplinaria kins made an envial Lancaster, both as ; an educator, and thi io imlpcrl Irmtli Mi or uufi uirtii ?? county aoout d tine moral according to ;elltut teach- The accused i n, Mr. Jen county jail. )le record in es state that a citizen and by Mrs. East b community have recogni: iuo liim 11 n t.n- V... eigm years aeo, our contemporary, s now in Carrol] The press dispatch- SlclD he was identified eml ,er who claims to sed his toice the The swellest line i borders, hemstitc >roideried linen. :e, 25 cents to $4. * of Parasols that :hed, plain silks i All sizes for h 50. has ever been sho n white and colc idies, misses and wn, Per)rs ; handchildren. Good, uptodate, allers liae Mr. Jenkins demand nowadays i lession, therefore, u lias reflected credit the cause of educati h distinct lnss hv 1 - , V, U|'? illftllt I1CI 11(1 round teach ed. are in much ?nd the pro- Turnlluu pon which he lumbla as well as _ In accorda on, sustains ment previo lis o t?r. ranee nuanvi *??o uiuiuci'cd"h Sermon in Conee with announce-' usly made in The Di Another shipme ress Gi nt of those fine b oods lack Voiles. Th( *se are the into another field ot Mail Charyetl with A Preacher in Vir< hare been a Hani canter at one Tim An account was ? iNews, the endeavor. | 9eed, pastor ? Idist church, \HtuinatHatht0 \ menet inent fi jlnUl ?"i<1 io | () A. ot til dent of iAtn- lagl Sunday. ?* i (,| Monday ecently pub-1 Rev. R. E. Turnip- line ol the First Mothoany lislied in The News sination in Carroll c of the Ilev. Joseph it will be recalled, w of his house after di down. The next i paper contained an . seed's sermoi at the a^as , ,r 1 he annua ounty, \ a., v , J ' Young Men s Laster, who, tion ?>t the U as called out Carolina ws irk and shot Washington Bsue of this Church yest< account of *vey* oaotoi* iM *? i: 1 sermon before the i Christian nsaociani varsity of South is preached in the Street Methodist ?rday morning by wardi Furnipseed of Lan : a i broth ?d in the world to come. 7. R. E Turnipseed is t er of Rev. B. R. Turnip LANCASTER Conductor McFadder i , s. c. \ Hurt. Of oil in Home w his leg.?Rock II ay fell, hurting ill Iierald the arrest of a white George Peters, charj iag the slayer of tl We were not aware of those publicatio possessed any local ii . * c*o tvi # l?* 1 . mat. named , ie pa?ble *ed with be- 25:14 30, hh he preacher, thereon a Btr at the time appropriate i na that they Ue enpecia aterest here, that the fait 1 HI llijiscou bilWOO f talents, Matthew Hee(^? his text and built Meth< ong and peculiarly ,^e *8 aermon. impre lly dwelt on the fact ^'8 68 hful would be re- Subsc pastor of the Green Street odist church of this city a convincing speaker and tsged his congregation with irnestnese and sincerity. ;ribe to The News. Mr Arthur McFadden, tor on th#? Rock Hill E was hurt Friday while in 1 of his train near Ruthei Mr. McFadden was havinf unloaded from cars and OOnduc- Argo Red Halmon )i vi *inn thil'* for Uf,expeote< 1 1 on? is nothing hotter tc charge can* At all grocers. fordton Wattja Doe ( freight lllu Hunk) for a barrel can't we do your is jiftt the the i company There > serve from the isTob^TTnlting others. Why s? ? ? ? T ? T