v5b* ?. ' 5?\ '* 4 The Lancas' Semi-W rER NEWS. ui:_i J ;.. T (.. *>y set- "TH t, e Three Trips >een To the Three Mos n??> T-* ! E NEWS WILL GIV s to Jamestown I t Popular Women in I 1 J i r- r? r\r\r\ t r _ ^ r< ? Exposition. Lancaster County, _ ?A SUB3CR1PTIG One Year Six Months Three Mentha Payable In s ADVEttTISIN One Inch, flint Insertloi quent Insertion N) cents, longer, reduced rates. Professional cards, per ?N HATES. *, writes ?i.w ter, uses i 76 ways 8ele< kdrnnco. interest. to rates. are amonp l. $1.00. Each RUbso- fi For three months or Wlis Oilice year, $12. *** *ng"? As jImh t Arlt'OPlianmnntu I. .. ~ ^ a remarkably good let- t,s' choice Kugliwh and al cts subjects of general ^ His communications 1r the lew that come lo (lu that require no "edit- an i every newspaper man .4' 1- - l 4 _ f ?I. ? 1 hv IUUJ19IICU 111 UitllWimtU tUU starts at Magill and goes e Montgomery place, Mr. Hilliard's aud back to mrry. its length is 21.2 n id will supply mail to 105 es. The route was worked Mr. W. T. Hilliard. "ij? jrrovi by W. the HER rilep Any woman voted fam- After that time no nc 1 up All persona paying The woman in Lancaster iaea v uics arc v* E IS THE PLj for by July 1st will be coui jw names will be allowed, subscriptions will be alio county, whom they woul ?ou \N : sidered a candidate. >wed to vote for any Id like to win one of Ix>st and Kound, and ot tlBements not exceeding : each Insertion: I cent a tlonal word over 2a word: Obituaries, Tributes ( thanks and all matter of : nature to be charged tor. Advertising rates by thi on application. Brief correspondence 01 interest Invited. Not ree correspondents. r^Ptll If. E. WY hor claVslHod aovor- ?u if> word*. 25 cents for wri word for each uddi- ttrs ln wrl if respect, cards of ?CC8Sion?l a personal or political pre8gjOI1) j e column made known j( jg |(q pr n subject* of ecneral mutter itt iponslblo for views of l1k, prksidvht. V COMPl II1U U1 1I1C UCBt UI HUUUI" / ting lor the press are ca ly so careless in expunctuation, etc., that. isy task to put their shape for the printer. />j JLSORY EDUCATION. P rrier has not yet been app< The route will be effet ug. 1. of. Hand to Speak tit II Sprittgtt. rof. W. H. Hand, of the Uni . these prizes. AH eut 31 as new subscriptions. :tiye tion where the cash d The woman receivi will be entitled to on tion. For the purpof cat * into the following dit District No. 1.? A1 ivor- Townships. iscriptions in arrears will I No votes will he count loes not accompany the ore ng the highest number of \ e of the three trips to the ?e of this contest the coun itricts: 1 persons who reside in Gil oe counted tbe same ed under any condiler. rotes in each district ^ ' Jamestown Exposiity has been divided Is Creek and Buford J NO. A. COOK, K EC' y. i J. M. R1DOLE, JR., Ill Entered as second-class 4t the postoftlce at La oca of CouKreBs of March 3. I Wednesday, Ju A - II j.^ ,ind Tkkar. jsinfss managkh. a he sen olina in fi smaller, Oct. 7, IPO"', sstor S C.. under Act UCftllOU 6 1879 growing 10 ion? .fudge Pri me 12, 1907. , ? been oppc :r; itiment in South Car- it] tvor of compulsory ed- tn leems to be steadily 811 in strength. Even tice, who lias heretolore >sed to the passage of w, is now ' almost per- i'1 7 of South Carolina, will adc e people of Heath Springs rrounding school districts ,y, June 14, at 4 p. in., in iptist church at that place e interest of a high scho< of. Hand is known thioug] Irese District No. 2.? A1 and Oreek Townships. Fri- District No. 3?AI Creek, Waxhaw and >, in VO' 1.? 4 Months Sul lioui 0 Months Su 1 persons who reside in PI 1 persons who reside in Indiau Land Townships. rES TO BE ALLOWEI inscription to The News inscription to The News _ . ? . m _ \T eaeant Hill and Flat Oane Greek, Cedar ): 25 Votep. 40 Votes. -* AA becoming ?u Courier bread wt Charleston are pi $90 a month. Pe these parts tote day and night for A Chicago wid int? ntjwfl jtuij . ... . . . suaded ' tl iiron drivers in . . . , , tion is tht aid from .fSO to . . tlie subjec mcil pushers 111 ,, * Marion pri bread baskets ... , as will be f less nionev. . , , taken fror ow is advertis- ^ie ?tate tiat compulsory educaj thin":. lie referred to en t in his charge to the ('? ind jury tlie o'her day, 1,1 seen troni the following n a Marion special in Bt e State as an entertaining thu-iastic speaker and wil ubt draw a large crowd, terested in education are illy invited to be present. >// Mc-ts irith Serious Acci< 1 f .Cl.tl III... and i l ears out) I no 2 Years' Sub 3 Years' Sub cor- CONTES ieut Th? pcripnon to i ne rsews scription to The News scriptioti to The News ;t closes sept. 1st, News Cor luu v uie?. 250 VoteB. 500 Votes. , 1907. itest. ing for a "nice, bi a husband." Ne matter with our li Geo. W. Jones, li lie is not exactly he is a nice man a and stall-led lor si fat man for ? j" i .1 grand jnr.v tw, what 8 the ? j i' ever ueli\ nend, the Hon. occasion t< 11 ling the bill? the import big and fat, but education* nd if groomed coimt.v au< , i , ence with xty days would ., J J I h sijrn here sign here WRITE PLAINLY. II not be counted, if not tilled < News Con jut fully. * itest. niiu };rit3i the death of the ville, president ( teriao Collegt at. doctor was a 'nan sonal magnetism c ol unusual power llAAK I I <-> ll !1 <1 Ml rt 1 m almost inc Rev. Dr. Ne law shook ?f the l'resby- rents lo di Clinton. The uPon their of strong per- State S md a preacher ucation ! and effective- giving mi liv Iriuiulo n ml t n tlia a litH'd to say that the 1 8tep in and f >rce pa- ni( scontinue this outrage ^ cinitireu. pii uperintendent of Ed- -ve VIartiu is at present 1,0 it'll thought and study nliippt n( n^in nulunutT it )ned and did everything p< i for the relief ol the boy. i Ml e iiwkti Ivi VtoT sterdav was to iho elfect was not improving. l/i//iP>* / '/ill f'i'/Ze )'////< I rd?tdi [>F9iA . -J ? oi vaO , Miss or Mrs that District No >w*i 'I'll i< fi ii ruin uliu Five Votes For 11 nmnprlv tllloil litistics for the benefit ^i-lature, Mr. Martin stters of inquiry con- kn e following questions all the slates in tlie at K? (JoHe?Vapt. ft'. F, liutlt 1 Unl Motuhtff. Gapt. W. F. Rutledge, a v own and highly esteemed in of ihis county, died Mon his home in the vicinit) rshaw. He had been in fe . the Contpsr Depart ' count {i- rtve votes. This coupon musl cit- .June 5th, 1907. ida\ " r o eblo YV ment of THE NEWS by .h> I bf fully lllled out "r It will n< /TTM T ne 12, 1907, will [)t be counted. ' 1 11 >' A A Thaw case has di are I umed to Boifcf one of I he most rei inal cases in the country is being fendant is W. I" prominent official fd oui, all eyes 1. IIav< Idaho, where tendance mark able crim ^ history of the tried. I he do ? Whai >. Haywood, a annual cos ol the Western of vour la1 3 you .1 compulsory at- ',e school law in your an 11, is it, thoroughly en Ca , . rie 1 is the approximate ( t of the enforcement w? A? altli lor fioni ) time, follo^ attack of tlie las' wii i was abou' 68 years of ipt. liutlelgi was i m1. I lis first wife was a I iiithen, daughter of tiie itlrew Cauthen. Four chili P?V a^e. ^ i late U>^~ Iren i ms is j Remind You | list to wwr~\ Federation of Min ing tiied for cor murder of former < neuberg, in Dece The Slate ieendea that Haywood hir Orchard to do the era, who jr bo 4. y nplicity in the ,, pointed? Governor Steu- g p0 niber, 1905.? practicabl voring to show a compu! ei one Harry without tr job. Orchard ^'ia ou have truant officers? an , how are they ap- rifi H< you think that it is (jf) e or possible to enforce l9ory attendance law au uant officers? 11 n t was the increase in tin e Jeff. surviving hv this i ige, Dr. J. A. Ruleilge sath Springs; Mrs. Lu LUthen, o( Kershaw cou d Mr Oscar Rut.ledge an< married sister, who resile State or is there a 96 n feature to it? M an Waxhaw Phyticlan. '10 jond wife wag Miss hug own, daughter of II< own of Liberty Hill, who, i veralchildren,survives hin Oapt. Rutledge was a good i d a public spirited and pa citizen. lie was a (Joule onia 1 snry promptiy w ;ith HEAVY am ma? to FERGUSON d"'r- anything y?" ge 1 1 nP A f VI AO tftr o r hen you give you d FANCY CI I. In fact, there isn t from my store. I c .a r?~ r- : o r order for tOCERIES 't any kick on arry a complete J 4 . ? put out of the wa oration of Miners, likely consume sei We publish tod* the present at Jen tertaining letters I y by the Fed- Dr. R M The trial will haw, died feral weeks. hospital in - had been 1 ly the last, for He was a ist, of our en- leaves a i from Clemson dreo. [. Koberson, of Wax- a * Sunday at St. Peter's t'11 i Charlotte, where he taken for treatment.? 0 bout 35 years old and 80 widow and two chil- rer at 3 veieran, Having nei roughout the war and ma< od soldier. lie was a men the Methodist church, and of the Masonic fraternity. ' nains were buried yester Hanging Hock church. rved 11IIV* W1 1 v y ai de a times to fill all < iber those delays whi keeper. Give r d?y GE< "u i din.y vjruucrics orders promptly, th ch arc so annoying ne your orders. Pfc 3. F. FERG ana try at all ereby avoiding to the houseione No. 50. USON. r I