?V5 ' V! ^hE 1 ... THE LANO # ASTER NEWS.N JUNE IS S. 1?07. ? ' V. x i y 3 Ribb ions, R ibbons, Ribboi us. In o] have nla( rder to get o eed oil our en ur ribbon sto mntpwa n lrwf - ck REDUCE r\f ? ?! l\l\-? ? r< 4-Uk. D we I Jt will sell ; GOOD \ you see t at exactly ha VALUES and hem. We * i - ^ ' *. KJ XV u 1 If price. T 1 you will b< have a lot c i/l 11UUU11I5 LI1< hey are EX 3 surprised >f SWISSES cit we TRA when that we are st markable 10 cts. L Whit iinng at IU e j values. A awns at 6 cts :e spreads, J?] ts. and 12 ct IVe are also s< L.00 quality ? s. which ar< elling our re it TO cents. e regular Con lplete Line i of Gents I M. %/ ^urnishins: We are : spI liner 1 ^ ppnlc Linen C r\ tollars at 5 'UT? I cents. J 1^ A r nTT_ T/ WT i XV/ > M Our Clemsen XXJCJ 1 Letter. K-D- s,"arl' Vs., delivers' of Charlottesville, ilthe Baccalaureate 1 I l".l V fromRev J Meek White jrN Heath Co., W. P. Benne Williams-Hughes Co., a 5 UU. tt Co , Cotton Mill Hoi 11 the t ? irs?-When * a _ t~> r l ne college s L, ment Exercisesy. the College Anr Business dent Stephen: Member of < Class from Lane; commence- l -Praise for closl"B eIerci . ' , A. took place lual, whose ? ; T . ? Lienrv M. Jol: rer iq Stu" Ua , pave an son, only on the work Graduating 4\jonjay n] aster Coun- cne.ietieR liail in m? evening uie 868 Of i lie Y. M. 0. Well, at which time Mr. istei ni8on, of Savannah, Call illustrated lecture wel ot tlie Y. M. (J. A. and lorning the literary Jn ? t llAIr intflf-flnninttT Known A. R. P. Minr, having Accepted a I Klse where, Bids Fare1 to those He Served His Friends Generally Lancaster County. drugstores, Heath-Jones ( E. Cloud, Hon. T. Y. Wil W. T. and J. F. Gregory, banks, tbe M. D's, tlie tli one "News", B. C. Lloug many others too numero mention, not only in Lau but in Monroe and ., vw jua W VAUl 5o., E. liams, feet. , both iree-in Columbia. June h, and ten hour labor law us 10 ton mills, which pa raster, legislature by a la i ft' M c?> inio rLi10 ?Tllfl naw affecting cot,jsed i he last rge majority ty. Mr. Editor: The ( lege Annual for 1907 This publication is each year by the f and this issue comes contest lor th Kiven each yea llemson Col- aQd on ?ondl has arrived. H. Rawl, of ' gotten out delivcred the senior class, dres8 0(1 Tu i up to the . h , e Trustees' medal 1 ) t' H ar to the be6t orator, ay evening Mr. B. me ' Washington, D. C. 0 annual alumni adj .1 . ter con lesday the exercises ^ uatinc class tonlr r Bro. Connors: Allow jay a parting word lo tl>e 1 served in the Gospel and rsonal iriends in Lancasinty. m years ago we moved in O. These all can certify t business worth, and the especially served can cert our Christian worth. To h1 helped us, let. these words Master apply: "Inasmur ye have done it unto one '" > after several years 1 10 our to get through, goes so we ()pei at ion the first o ify to when every cotton I who 3tate will have to of the time schedule. ;h a* Beginning with of the * ' rain attempts i into partial f next month, mill in the rearrange its the first of expectations of its that it would be t ever gotten out at C is dedicated to ( Simpson, of Pendlet life member and Board of trustees ai - publishers pUce Dr j he best one of VanderMll Jlemaon. It erec, h dd( R- W- ting class, on, who is; a The new c| President of bfle? receive,, ad who has and on a ames H. Kirkland, t0 * 6 - University, deliv- U,^ * 6 ess to the gradua- ^ree^ now, a lerason catalog has Ktlv'C( from the printers, ^aBtei i t . we '?? erusal of its paees manse at Unity and took work at Unity, Gills and Pleasant Hill, and Jter 7 years of faithful ) and self-denial for the , the time has come when 1 corifrlrained to say, "fare learo int an^ first of next Janua while a proviso in the act min^. time accruing fror. d en- other unavoidable ve can made up to the rxte w limits the . the 60-hour o effect the ry. There is that loss of n accident or cause may be ut of 60 hours worked long; and I behalf of Clemson contains pictures of of the faculty, al and all the differe tionf of the col leg whole, it is replete aithfuily in J one can see a College. It 90u j9 in a ye the member* (,mon u c0, umni club*, 0{ informatj( nt organize- M9tory( . ;e. On the . , work, and tin with things , . , h tion of each o * 1 : . J i I >t once that Clem ' name ry progressive con- , , , Count' ) tains quite a fund in about Clemson, you, 01 t.s organization, its , to ,4pr 3 name and occapa- r ( , T cified, 1 its graduates. It ' to our friends (their i9 legion) in Lancaster y. ing our sojourn among ur business, mainly, was each Christ and him era" but we found occasion to evor say, 1 nave fought fight, I have finished my t (in Lancaster), I have kej faith; henceforth there is I; for me a crown of life, e Tim.3, 0-8. And now dear ren and friends, may God prosper and keep you all. a good in the course of ay< ;ourse, the act is short, cle it the tlie point, aid up The mill people to. II. laiv will be promptl breth- manenllv obeyed b bless, and to ihe Iptter. Let us ('h"11 ?e will opei U \T t 9?r; otherwise an cut and to say the new y and peroth in spirit They s ty i ho ate airaii^t I that represent very the active ami varie< Olemson. Mr. F. M. Ste] Kershaw, S. C., is b ager of the Annual, its success is the r wen muet a . ,u . snows that 1 lile here at . . r < consists of It and the total phen-on, of Jeii(9 (<>p t,)e uainesa man ? foun(, tQ ,)( and much of o( theae Hr( eault of hia ^ h c?r<>li u:i:? _ 11 ^ aavoct Clemson s faculty , * , educ&l >rty-four member*-: ,, , of our enrollment of Rtusession of 1U06 07 'ne ^ ) 658, and onlv five ^'e * . j , we bet ) from outside of . , fault-f ia* ire gnou roaug, unristian ;ion and the heat interest people,generally. In seek3 glory ot God in the good people and Lancaster Co., ^ame subject to criticism, indmg and ma icious falsest l> 1 ~ L.-? an 81 rive to meet in the ( I al Assembly of the tirst b heaven. We hnve acce call to Iredell Co , N. C., $ ville, II. F. L). No. 0, will 1 address. Write us anil come us. With malice, bittern 1 I A * - t ifliin' > ?*?? norm Georgia still have a iorn in an(j competition I pted a sharp. States "One year ago," be our of one ot Columbia j to see day, "the mill man ess to- untttr'ly reduce'! tli ... a week in ?i>it? r?f * Carolina and 66 hour law, or lie Ip is said the head 'a mills toageinents volie hours to 64 M/v?t i> ri