{ ^~LOCALD< DTS j PER THE LANO I"The Aei Trij I tion A STICK NEWS, MAY 18. iva'Voting Contest--Three . )8 to Jame?town Expooi- I to bo Olvon A waif. 1907. SREAT VO' riNG CONT 6 H m. Mr. L. E. Truesd shaw, and Mr. P. B. Camden were in tc day. Miss Rosa Barn Hill, will return h< after a lew weeks i lale, of Ker- Mr. Gilber Hilton, of to ike Jatnest' >wn yester- Mr james S visited Lancas ett, of Rock this week. >me Sunday, Mr. O. K. risit tr? rplh- *-? ? ? The 1 t Lazeuby has gone ^ y<)( own Exposition. jug|. ,o( tewart, of Camden, iar8 wil iter, his old home, today's it is th< Williams, of the | give th ws invites attention to ting contest which it has mgurated. Full particu1 be found e)9?where in paper. Briefly stated, 3 purpose of The News to ree women in Lancaster * THE NE' Three Trips to ro the Three Most Ponti WS WILL GIVE Jamestown Exposi ilar Wnmpn ir? T I tion. S . >r> rA,,R|., lives in Lancaster. ?Superintendent Lure, of the L. cord, paid Laucas- county * week. ing Pu Mason, of Atlauta, *^ame8t Mason's parents, etl at le J. F. Gregory, this ca8^ 1 purely hence t ce and Ina Lathan. round-trip ticket*, iucludII in an car fare, to the own Exposition, provid ast GO,000 votes shall be n the contest. This is a business proposition, he proviso. There is lit Provided 60 HERE IS Auy woman voted for by ? Aifter that time no new nam All persons paying subscri .-?? w w AAA A?'(A A ivaoiv ,000 Votes are Cast. ; THE PLAN : Iuly 1st will be coueidered a es will be allowed, iptions will be allowed to v -* vwuiuy? I candidate* ote for any li ? iuro. i. j. ?Iran Jersey cow a few da animal was tied to a becoming entangled fell and broke her n< ?The Rev. C. I Lancaster, is conuu > lost a tine Qf Riverside, ys ago. The week ot their k stake, and Siatare. in the rope, Migg Susie Jck? graph operate 5. Carter, ot a visit to her cling a revi Mrs. W. F. C ' ne qou are the guests this wijj be sister, Mrs. E. W. time> a subscri i May Cloyd, tele, votes. >r at Kershaw, is oil The parents, Mr. and 2000 s lovd. whom oc out mac trie limit fixed 1 reached in a very short | s it takes only 600 yearly | bers to cast the 60,000 \ News already has over j ubscribers, any one of mnv unfa n*?nrri .f o?1 KI . n woman in ij?ncaster count> :hese prizes. All subscripts ?8 new subscriptions. No v< don where the cash does not The woman receiving the 1 will be entitled to one of the don. For the purpose of tl nto the following districts : District No. 1.? All persor r, whom they would like to ons in arrears will be couutc ates will be counted uuder accompany the order, highest number of votes in e ) three trips to the Jamesto ais contest the county has b< is who reside in Gills Creek win one of >d the same any condiach district wn Exposiaen divided and Buford vai mee.ing this w Wylie mill, in Ches being assisted by the Arial, of Rock Hill. ?Mr. J. T. Huuter Cauthen, daughter < Cauthen. of the cott< reek at the 9ter. He ia Mr8* J M* 5 Iiey. W. H. * ?*? who h{ Leroy. Spring turned home and Mies E. of Mr. James , Mr Henry on mills com- h"8 been at 1 ~? il_ m r Odell, of Concord, her'sufc is been visiting Col. Pa^ ;s and family, re- couPon Thursday. ?f c?ui _ . be enlii bvreaniiRen, who (he ^ vork for some time pay m ? vvv ^I'/THICU UI? Ul J )8cription has been or will l when the voting ticket or ' is sent in to this office, se new subscribers will tied to vote according to gth of time tor which they advance, for the nnner townships. District No. 2.? All persot Jreek Townships. District No. 3?All porso Jreek, Waxhaw and Indian VOTES T 4 Months Subscripti Mnntlm S ii hanri nf i is who reside in Pleasant H ns who reside in Cane Cr Land Townships. 0 BE ALLOWED : on to The News 25 Yo' TU- M - ... ? 11 divided. Let them and i - ?m k v' 1 Year's Subscriptio 2 Years' Subscriptic 3 Years' Subscriptio CONTEST CL( This contest begins May 2< 3ers payinjr within these dat nnst be nnnn thp rr?Hr??r hi vu IU luu nun a IV V U n to The News 100 Vo in to The News 250 Vo m to The News 500 Vo )SES SEPT. 1st. 1907. 0 and closes Sept. 1, 1907. . ;es will he allowed to vote Q M lr ll nfn r*? 1 f h rt/J T~> I cn< t08. tes. (es. ; All subscriAll votes proaching comment cises of Wake Fores which institution he Mr. Thompson has I ed chief marshal of society for the occas ?The Rev Mr. jement exer- Bamberg tlii t College, of husband, win is a student, ? newspaper! )een appoint- Miss Anni his literary Yorkville, f Willianie-Ilui i'earoe. of visited Iriendi 8 week (o join her their li o is connected with an(* we there. them a e Bloodworth, of ormerly with the a?*V )e plies Company here, e11 erP' ; r / them I 9 ill Lancaster a few lends get to work at once 1 will do all we can to help 1 long. , voting contest plan is . ling run by a number of ising newspapers, among the Winnsboro News and anil be eiv9n and the results June 6th. Now is the time to begin v lot limited, sb long as accon The Ne To the Voting Business Ma ciaan UVIt TT I 111 (Jl U VIUCU* X i will be published for the f oting. Vote now and vote o ipanied by CASH. ws Contes ina^er: luper creun irst time on fton. Votes t. Oakhurst, lias accep torate of Beaver C church. The buildin ly been repaired t adding much to its appearance. Mr. J who solicited subst ted the pas- days ag?? reek Baptist Mrs. L. i; g lias recent- Daniel iiirscl md painted, visiting relat comfort and Mr. and Mrs. . K. Harris, Mrs. Jacobsoi riptions tor if> r\ I Herald lact thi iirsch and son, Mr. week a i, ol Kershaw, are hers ar ives ill Lancasler, 'rhe Nt Myer and Mr. and ed ovei 1. As 8 /? i 1 Notwithstanding the at it is only issued once a nd its number of subscrie only about half those of jws, it ha6 already receivr 60,000 votes, taled elsewhere, after the ? mt ? - - " Enclosed llnd $ subscription to The News. This entitles me to cast Miss or Mrs of V If new subserintion sicii h for votes and I hereby cast District No prp ...years them for vj the improvement of desires to return tlis who made contribu purpose. ?While some that they have go cotton, manv otheri - , , rar. wscar the church, 0 . ~ ' the South C inks to those came up from tious for tne . to see his ni who are sick, farmers say issue of The od stands of ... , , . , Miss Charh i coninlain of Adams, student ol 01 n arolina University, IisU frc Columbia this week receiv other and brothers riousc as noted in the last may se News. in the itte Poulton, of Un June The Aews will pubmi time to lime the votes 1, in order that the vaandidates and their friends e how tlie candidates stand ' contest. If old subscription si>cn he WRI fjW Thie vote will not be The Ne re TE PLAINLY, counted, if not tilled out fully. iws Contes t. / having 6uch poor they are planting Cotton that was up ago has since "died mors of Fairfield an ties are experienci trouble with cottoi V , ion, came o\ stands that noon to spei] over apain. , . . .. lier sifter, M 1 two weeks , ?, i . ough. hrorr 1 out." Far- , . , Lancaster to d other coun- .. . ,, ,r . Mr. A. P. Mcl ing the same A i Btands this er"* rer yesterday after- Slate ?y id a few dav? with Frank Irs. W. H. Hosbori here she will golo Cmioty" will pay visit her brother, for eaoh . * not be ci Aire.?Chester Lan- cnre. Sworn presence Jliio, City of Toledo [ incA8 Connt. I J. I heney makes oath that he is irtner to the firm of F J Cheney A business in the City of Toledo, ind State aforesaid, and that tirrn the sum of One Ilundreo Dollars and every case ot Catarrh that cauired by the use of Hall's Catarrh Frank J. Cheney, tohefoie me and subsribed in my I , this Hth da\ of Deo. A. D. 1886. | r Miss or Mrs District No Hignetl This coupon, when propi the Contest Department o count a> live votes. RK M F VI RKR-On I v thr ive v ores for f?rly tilled out nnd brought or r f THE NRWH by May 25th, 1 tap whnflP sjihflppinf iatw ?? ru *?o nailed to 007, will l.l i n ? < 1 season. In fact, crop conditions pro^ ly throughout the cc Lancaster Appeal C The following cat caster were argue* pretne Court this w unfavorable We had til uiil general- shake and i )tl0" 9"tle9- friend, Mr. am. Heard. La"c,,"ler> lf see from l.an- here on a vi"j a in theSu- radically dii eok. on a certain .. . , e pleasure ot a hand;alk with our ol?l W. C. Thomson, of ?n for lianas for ap- pi6t rry Foster lor i I liams in re- Marriaue of nhn.ll and respondent.! Mr. Audr< doesn't affect the f? of friendship we him.?Camden I'eo- 1,118 ,let A wo notiee - words. Mr. Andrew Mar- fousa Mlna Ethel Mackey. (2E) bus! jw J. Marshall, son Ji.XJ.V/00 XI UtlUCOi All Notices inserted under id at the rate of ONE CENT KD for each insertion No to be counted less than 25 >LE~I have for Hale twenty-tivo heln of good sound peas and the will give the highest price will Suppose the de? your feitilizers, v would pay to h cents per ton, he struction or dam fund the purchas ini.A u: tier, from whom you vould say to you th im an additional se would, in the event age to your crops b e price of the fertilize -k A/ purchase at if you venty-five of the dey hail, rer. Would 1 1 T~"\ va. Piedmont Muti Company, appellan Carlisle for appel Harry Foster for re Carlisle in reply. John W. Elms, a Southern Power e lal Insurance'of the late Ti it. Mr. H. B. Mi^s Ethel lant. Mr. J. Springs, wer upondent. Mr. sliaw last Su diet parsona* ppellaut, vs. Rev. O. A. J t al, respon- ing bride is i KOI, l?? , liomas Marshall, and gftn' llttl Mackey, of Heath e married in Ker- ' WANnday, at the Metho fortrave 56, by the pastor, the J, ""}, feffcoat. The charm- !^ee.khf ? Knight, i daughter of Mr. Z. ? ? mtwi mjr mm reus is AilttJU .Horde Gold Mipe, HX\ H. F. l>. No.l HALE?Lot fine Berkshire bogs, red. L ? Lazenby rED?Entergetio lady or gentleman ling position. Good lines. Perposition. Splendid chance for ad iit, Experiei.ce unnecessary: $12. to start with. Address, N L. Primus, H. C lm. yuu IdKC 111111 up a reasonably sen: to do otherwise. The Carolina Hail Insi of Marion, S. C., your cotton cro] 1. _ r wi course you wou sible man, you could irance Company, capital $25,000.00, w p against hail damaj ia. i:seing not afford 'ill insure for as dents. Mr. J. II? appellant. Mr. Rub respondent. Mr. 1 p!y. ? I % Every oan of Argo F tains one pound net fauranteed to be full rry Foster lor F. Mackey, sell Lucas for Curtis Macke Foster in re tional Bank ?Attentic led Salmon con- announceme . It is always ? . n weight. Hughes Co. ONE and a Bister oi Mr. bushel' >yt of the First Na- Two of Lancaster. corn '? Bennet >n is called to new _^(,>)w nt by the Williams- kinds * , j 8tC?? ^6' in today's paper. form. CAR damaged meal at 50 ots. Bennett Grocery Company thousand bushels of damaged r sale at 50 cents per bushel at t Grocery Co. FARMING IMPLEMENTS srs, Rakes, Harrows and all of Cultivators; Hulky plows, e J. F. Nesbit at ootton plat4t. mucn as ^30 pei corn, wheat and Mr. A. J. CLA is our Special Aj him and protect ; Losses paid in 1906, r acre ior 75 cents, oats for $8 for only 2< lRK 2^ent for Lancaster coi yourself against loss $14,023.24. and your dc an acre. unty. See by hail. : V