The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 18, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Lancas Semi-W TFR NFWS ti0n ?f th? TER 1NEWS. Thi8 bn>u reckly. during 179 the result < ^ 1HK L4 boundary was made, ght about a survey 3.'94 by John Floyd, Jt which was a read??i.. ?f 1. ? i: t.? v." V \v;. r AN O ASTER NEWS, MAY 18, 1907. " 'ft ~ w* , ft' Vv '.* V y> .*?; X k Saturday, Ma The people of J are now wrestlin pensary question, ing a fight simila Lancaster county ? 1? 1Q07 j" ,y 18, lyu/. twee" the " also of th iershaw county Tennessee. g with the die- ?frued, lie chaui Tliey are liav- readjustm< tr to the one in to nior year before last. and even Ub Ul UIO IILie uc? two Carolinas, but e south boundary of So far aB conie Oarolinaa, but litte was made, the mt nowhere amounte than a mile or two, that was due to the jus I 1 The question as not the dispensar out of Kershaw w ed at an election held June 20ih. Senator Tillms to whether or mere straij y shall be voted that had b ill be determin- or ordered to be C?'?"ia! 8,,i ular point ratiye the == veered tar in has the repu- I *rallel to - - M r* f 1 o m < n ihtoning of old liues een carelessly located mm ately marked in the irveys. At the particcoacerned in this narold and irregular line enough from a true throw the site of the nuhin An tKn Vts-vufli i BEAUTI LAE FUL ASS >IES ANE iORTMEIN ) MISSES IT OF % * tation in some \ violent negro ha friend euough to to prefer his p South to Ilia* of th immigrant. Her Senator says on l jarts of being a Carolina s ter, but be is vey ]ocate( the colored man parallel, > resence in the small choi ie white "alum" ?eou? ?rc . . the McCar e ,9 what the ro )8 oor,h he subject : was then vauin vu vnu wui II ide. But Floyd'a sur I the line on the true vliich cut through a *d of the former erroand thereby located me cabin about eighty of the line, in what (1794) Mecklenburg TRIM IMED HAT s. I nail much ra pro slay here fcha this country whi the slums of Euri from all over the ing the neuro i and not to be tho immigration moy imnortant to the i ther see the ne- County, 1 n to bring into what, is ite people trorn North Car )pe and riff-raff son, tlious? world. Deport- South Ca s impracticable born on so ught of. Thie t|ie state o ement is very 1794'' Wft r>nn. but since set off in _ , now Union County, |\^ olina. Therefore, Jackli born in toe colonial rolina of 1767, was il that became part of f North Carolina in lo Two / Mi Mike. C< ike Your )me Quid Choice. < and not be too careful of people we indu us. It lakes a 1< rid of an undesira PRAISE FOR Mr. J. P. Ileal /"I ... _ _ [ about the class w^'c' co to settle with adds hy wi nig lime to get "That ii ible citizen. years afier : soil on wh THE NEWS. the time . , ... the unque -b. Of Camilla, gouth Ii the News an?l (Jourier iy of comment : B 3 to say, twenty-seven Jackson was born the Sell he was bom, which j of his b-rth was under stioned jurisdiction of )lina, passed under t he iADIES MITTS TITTTT ELBO 5 IN Bli. nri-d cut* rn W LiEN< ACK AI i. T3? A XT" GrTH fD ? v.Teorf:ia, wno 18 p Bank of Camilla, the renewal of 1 to The News, f?ayi "The Lancaste promptly, and it comfort to me t?: general news throi resident oi tiie jurisdictioi in remitting tor and there; lis subscription North Cart born twen liis birth p r News comes North Can is a source of can sa > get loeal aud North Care u<ih your D?Der. i of North Carolina, fore he was born in jlina, although lie was ty-Beveu years before J lace became a part ol V >lina. The best that id for the claim the ilinians have ma<Ie is V* XI lJL Vhite Emfc _ _ _ 1 1?j AU U iroidered V O 1 is jtjslaxi Vash Belts lOcts. wile, who is a great admirer of y never fails to re ?t ISucli words are agiin: and grateful We are stiiving this newspaper a 1 tl I A I Kn iwknwv i.l Georgian, is a| near being our paper, bhe They reall I il through.'" until twei indeed encour his birth, ji II v appreciated, i'1 1^00. f hard to make ?e fve"fc' . . D^claratiot welcome visitor adopted in j v? iinunnuu C'UHH very born in that State ? JL v did not find it out ity seven years after jst as they found out Aenty five years alter that the Mecklenburg i of Independence was 1775. copies ouppr LANCASTEB y uomf u, s. c. >any % I 11U 11 l/l I1C Uj and when we get the above we are double our eflorts, ANDREW JACKSON' The News and ( ing a strong and c cvcl> ,,H,ron The U('V such letters as tfiken t|ie ] moved to re- this diacusi it has tailei ===== that the si S BIRTHPLACE Houston < Courier is mak either in si onvincmafulit '!erri''9 ?'? i?ton Post, which has : ^orth Carolina end of ove sion, probably because pn>j J so dismally to prove g ft0 trawberries grown iii , u , tot] ire to be compared ize or flavor with the wn in Charleston, will defe rwhelming defeat for t position, the vote being 52 :ai 11st ratification. It is 11 ie inferred from the result, election, nor from the rece tat of the Hughes franchis he Clerk's Sale. to l0t STATE OK SOUTH CAli Ot COUN7T OF LKSC\S t COUKT OF TOMMON I Mary B. McDow, Ansignee, l1 e> Against T. & O tO LIN A, Qll3il IER. ?LEi4S, laiLtiff, Q0f ^ . CO'S. ility liarar against several ab ries over the birt drew Jackson. 'J of Editor IIen,phi tfiat Andy was a l Carolina. Am >n: whose arguments unci a grei le contempora- ou the Ant h pi ace of An- in Cyrus T< 'lie contention of Jackson, 11 ia, of course, pendix to , o ?n and i'.lnmii iaiive ot South , , , have sH>d 'hB journals hepn jus| ? j our Charles- j 40kson it deal of information that lrew Jackson question eiec )W08end Brady's "Life and in Sal ley's ap- 6. that most interesting ( esl aatin? volume. As we '?r before, ii might have ligh ,s well for l he country sim; linil ncror h'^pn Lancaster <1 >e3 not wa trie lights. On the contrar e appears to be a genei re on the part of tlie peoj the installation of an elect] it system. These electio ply moan, in our ju Igmet nt, Miuy B. McDov, an admiuisti estate of Edgar S. McDow y, ixikI in her own riwht; Un i (irace McDnv, (.'barloti I > Thos. H McDow, Defendant! By virtue of an order t> me Hon. (?eo. C. l'rinoe. Ciren t .Ii May '7tb, 1907, 1 will sell at |>n lis ut the t onrt House, in Laneast i the first Monday in dune, 10 >7. ' ? | legal hours tor sale, the loi rutrix of tlie (lvCcltKed, . i< th McDow, ^plih. IcDow, nnd I A I AST directed l>v I r; | ] Hge.of d?te B "r.'C-'Tu Yes, it is diffei .hiring the Will ple.'lSO J OU. owing de E ,S ent. Quatility Calls solicited. Trv 4 liorvi ton coutemporary answering are the server, the Wash and ihe II oustoi whom claim I hat J in North Carolina sion of the quest is sncee-stully but In* was ) Oharl dte Ob linn, lie intern Herald sketch i> . 11 , I been writ! 1 Post, all ol , , . I l artcm s bi acksmiwasborn ,() ,his Sta, . In its discus tbe .North ion the News they requii . w. ^ born in Sooth Oaro- . . sai'i so himself. All ' 11 1 ies of his life that iiad 0,1 * en ii|> to the time of tion ography credited him the e, and it was not until and Carolinians felt that red the shadow of some ,,, ii maj ni'y of t ie v >ters a er of ihe opinion tliat I at i in >re advautaiseou*> prop > may be made or tli town itself should establi own its 1 iulii plant. \ir a /a j.p | senuen rem cswie, tow'" \l I parcel or tract of land, situate 0 j? ! the town of I .an caster, in the | .state aforesaid, containing < *' acre, more or less, measuring . | teet, more or less, on Main str ' tinuation of the Lancaster at ah public (oad, and running back depth of two hundred and fifty feet, more or leas; bounded on by the lot owned by the esl Julia A. Tayloi, deceased, oai 1 tlint pi"ce, in and lit^'ir f y\ rnmity and wBii'tytbS! that thirst and eot. a c<>n- cool. Come, try id Camden Our Refr jiie of "iir'rt' when we will do ?t by Main 01% Consistent wi i/1 I V 1 1 i? .11 Ye want to keep the goods from igerator all in our powtli the times, to Hiia uouner make? quotation from A. i lory ol Andrew .J it says explains ed to be a puzzle t so-called historica '"Jackson was b iKot 11 m cx I lui t\' i th ? fotlowinir jrreat name S.Buell's '-His- that ,hev f ackaon ? winch '\?!<? U;ck' , , oi tsometn what has prov- celll|v plftC 0 many ot our loged birll 1 writers:" the North >rn in 1767. At linfS an<1 h rant Knn J ?? ? ? In DArrtalliu i to make them famous tought to appropriate 3iy." The Daughters Sou ing or Other have re- ed 1 ed a marker at the al Gf < liplace of Jackson on C0HH Carolina side of the , . ave sought in this way 1 f li t [l/t li luf AWi/in I C iIaa hlsli lie &VOV. *y . IV. UUOI iy , UIIH t ot the University of t th, Sewanee, Teun., w?s elei Diahop coadjutor of the dioce ^outh Carolina by the Di in Council at- its meeting umbia this week. The ne IOr> is !i Sonfh IVtrnlinio tu- | Nireta or pnnne rout; HOlltti l?y . \V. H. Caution ami on the formerly owneil by 'I' M. F ?? liro; the same bein^ lot conve E S McDiw, hy ileed from O. iH6 dated November 4th. lltJb, an in Deed Hook O, pa^c iiN Ofti lo" Al< Him Conveyance, for >-aid i ijj (State. Terain of >ale, CM.SII. lh Purchasers to pay for papers. )W J. P. ORB n Clerk Court of finmm ?,?I,v I", mak? you feel re itzpatrick ?t purchase you ma y?-?l to 8<iiJ P. Heath. / __ '1 recorded \|L^ , sitfx HNHPRSS GOBY. nn Pil au ?J C warded for any ke in the way of '?' | * t. i. _ illltu K'lliw til* u< line between the Oarolinas was d least it has never 1 toscieutific delimi spot where the M (the house in v was born) was, ir the unquestioned ? U'/UIIUrtl ^ v J'V. |/U? ?.u i two Colonial hood whic ebatable ; at ?aa to tell jeen subjected a"?. For tution. Hp' the fers of (he cCamie cabin neighbors t yhich Jackson i 1767, under -or rather the THE ELI IVV V"?u IIIOV'l IrtfO* It North Carolina he* was in 1789. 118 yeara and long distance perynr a br facta of history our ake the cake." =? Tw ECTION TUESDAY. in born in Clarendon coun is about 45 years old. lie other of Dr. Logrand Guerr noted surgeon of Columbia o Men Killed by Burs ifi' of Soda Water TanW t' (illEEN fi HINEH, y J'l lintitt'n AHorut-yfl. i? ??????? severely injured. The was wrecked. The ( Cyrvs Keller, ol Exeter instantly killed; Josep I v^viiu out! 'White Diamond Ale, bottled by eral Springs Co. building Good and wholes lead are a MM W , N.H., A. W. 1 li Souci, The Old C L i/nnKS Lithia Ginger Piedmont MinPints 10 cts. some. Chance )riginal. tacitly admitted? the colony of So Therefore, Andrew born in that colon after ihe adoption Constitution in 17 movement for the < jurisdiction of The elect uth Carolina cii to ratif ' w?9 electric fr y. But shortly If .. of the Federal U- "nd M 89 an amicsble Mr. J.T. ! iefinitive loca- held last Ti ion ordered by Couny ordinance granting H anchiso to Messrs. J. By I S. Wither spoon and tanl Stevens, which was O. / lesday, resulted io an two averhill, Mass., May 16.tho explosion of a soda wat i at the bottling works I. Smith here this afternoc men weie killed and a thii died at the ila!e iiospit Kidney complaint kills more er any other disease This is dne { I ease being so insidious that it f hold on the system before it is >n Foley's Kidney Onre will prevc Tolopmcnt of fatal disease if tak rd Fanderbnrk Phaimaoy. al. _ HOW TO OPEN MON To open h people than Salmon properly, la i to the (lis- ?i<le, insert the can o <eis a good then stand the oan < recognized. ing the top tlrntly >ot the de- oan opener around t en in time, the entire top. The came out in one soli A C/?N OF HALran of Argo Red y the can on ita ipener at the neara. ?n end, and preadown, work the m. lie top, removing ' I Argo will then d piece. < JX . * ' .f 'jK. \ -j'ltidft''1* t I I